yeah, i don't get the "it's just a spec script" comments. the base is already poisoned.
I don't understand why you would even buy a spec script for Mulan that brings in a white male lead with yellow fever, an incredibly creepy age gap in the romance, and gives the female title character's most empowering moments to the fucking white guy. What kernel of wisdom or snippet of plot could possibly redeem that decision? Disney team saw the spec, by Lauren Hynek and Elizabeth Martin, as a jumping-off point for a more nuanced and elaborate adaptation, combining the legendary Chinese ballad and the 1998 animated film.
Nobody knows what a spec script is, apparently, or they just accepted the original source's framing of the story without doing any critical thinking.
For anyone in doubt:
A) spec scripts are not commissioned by studios. They're written independently of any project and then sold.
B) Spec scripts, like any script, will go through many revisions before filming. Sometimes studios purchase them because there are only a few elements of the story they want, and then they are reworked into a completely different project.
This is exactly what the mob needs to understand. This spec script is not necessarily a foundation. They could have and very likely bought the script to borrow key sequences they liked and combine them with an internal effort.
It's fine to make Disney aware you don't want a white male lead, but to assume they are using one or ever considered using one with the information we have is nothing other than massive ignorance.
I'm just shocked that any screenwriter would write a script in that vein in 2016 with a straight face after the very vocal and harsh criticism such approaches have received in recent years.
Disney, you can't be this stupid...
If they greenlight it with these core elements still in place, then they have seriously fucked up.
They would motion capture Andrew Garfield.
This is exactly what the mob needs to understand. This spec script is not necessarily a foundation. They could have and very likely bought the script to borrow key sequences they liked and combine them with an internal effort.
It's fine to make Disney aware you don't want a white male lead, but to assume they are using one or ever considered using one with the information we have is nothing other than massive ignorance.
Wait a minute, he also posted this 5 min ago:
"This is the original spec script. They've since hired new writers. The version that makes it to screen could be different. #MakeMulanRight"
So, nothing to see here?
Nobody knows what a spec script is, apparently, or they just accepted the original source's framing of the story without doing any critical thinking.
For anyone in doubt:
A) spec scripts are not commissioned by studios. They're written independently of any project and then sold.
B) Spec scripts, like any script, will go through many revisions before filming. Sometimes studios purchase them because there are only a few elements of the story they want, and then they are reworked into a completely different project.
LOL People know what a spec script is. You're automatically assuming the problematic part of the white male lead is going to get written out. The Angry Asian Man blog isn't, and is making sure it's public just in case Disney is tone deaf.
Well we already know that Disney has had two new writers rewriting the spec script since 2015, as per the announcement they made. We also know Disney has been doing pretty well on this front recently, with the casting of Mowgli in The Jungle Book, and the cast of Moana (and that they made a point of mentioning a global search for a Chinese actress to play Mulan in the announcement, signaling that this is the most important role to cast). So it seems shortsighted and premature to indict them and the film outright based on the spec they bought, when it's entirely possible they are already making the right changes themselves. Presumably they are, based on recent history.
There's nothing salvageable from this spec script, at all.
Is it out there to read?
It's fascinating to me that despite being written by seemingly two women that the film still ended up going for a male lead?
I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised after having heard about some of the things women go through on Gottfrieds podcast from Amy Heckerling and a number of others but it's still interesting to see situations like this.
Absolutely dreading if Disney tries their hand at a live action Pocahontas
Except Disney has a recent history of being extraordinarily good on this front, from Moana to Star Wars to Agents of SHIELD to Luke Cage. So he has zero actual basis for worrying about this, unless of course, worrying about it will get him publicity. (Also, note the name of the blog, dude's ornery in general and likes to rant, facts be occasionally damned)
We are the missing the true choice from that poll:
This is the script Disney said they bought and are now rewriting with a new pair of writers, right? Or am I thinking of a different Disney film?
If I'm right, it sounds like there's certainly room for a lot of rewriting and for this change to happen. Unless the original Mulan legend had a white merchant playing a valuable role (in the 5th century...), I'm all for this kind of criticism because I want to see this amazing woman save the day like I did back in 1998. If criticism like this is what guarantees the film ends up being what I think most people would hope for, then I absolutely welcome the pressure. Better now than later when it's too late to change.
You mean Asians should give Disney the benefit of the doubt despite Doctor Strange, Daredevil season 2, and Iron Fist?
LmaoMake a (white) man out of you
I would really love to see a costume test of Nick Cage dressed in Chinese armor, maybe with black Nick Cage hair.
He is a little Chinese so that would be a small step-up.Keanu Reeves