hydrophilic attack
fucking idiots
You mean Asians should give Disney the benefit of the doubt despite Doctor Strange, Daredevil season 2, and Iron Fist?
so how is silence going to go down later this year?
I would really love to see a costume test of Nick Cage dressed in Chinese armor, maybe with black Nick Cage hair.
I would watch a Mulan movie starring Nicolas Cage
You mean Asians should give Disney the benefit of the doubt despite Doctor Strange, Daredevil season 2, and Iron Fist?
I saw spec script and cringed.
Yeah, it mentions the whole white savior thing but as noted Disney is actively rewriting it. Chances are they saw a gem in that script and kept it / added it to what they want Mulan to be in live action.
We should wait until casting is announced.
You mean Asians should give Disney the benefit of the doubt despite Doctor Strange, Daredevil season 2, and Iron Fist?
I agree that it was misleading to present this news as though it reflects a version of the script that Disney is actively using, it still says a lot that this was a script that was considered worthy to put on the market.
Besides, I don't see the harm in reemphasizing the point to Disney that inserting a white male lead in the story would be a horrible idea. If they are even slightly considering keeping that aspect, better to put pressure now than when the cast is announced and it would be too late.
Concerning the point of Asian actors vs. Asian American actors, I can see why there would be animosity. Looking at movies like Great Wall, you see that production companies in China are largely complicit with the inserting of white actors into Asian stories, since they feel it lends prestige. You see a lot of people on NeoGAF saying that it's alright to make Matt Damon the star because actual Chinese people are in favor of it, and thus the Asian Americans complaining about it are just whiners and/or just white people pretending to be Asian Americans. The fact is that Asian Americans do have a hard time getting good acting roles, and both due to what I mentioned and Hollywood often looking outside the US for Asian actors for various reasons. That said, without the proper context, his complaints can look very odd.
But what I find equally troubling is the fact that Disney plans to cast a 16-17 year old established Chinese actress as Mulan, and will not be casting an Asian American.
Let's be real. Casting a Chinese actress as Mulan is a ploy to appeal to a Chinese market, which honestly will not be as enthusiastic as our American audience to see our retelling of a tale they know best. The animated film made $120 million in the U.S. and Canada combined, and completely flopped in Chinese markets because her character was so different from what the Chinese recognized. If this live-action film tries to cater to both the Chinese and American markets without understanding the cultural implications of its creative choices, this film will fall short of both. If the film splits focus from Mulan to a white male lead and is more interested in targeting a Chinese market with its casting, it will estrange its immensely devoted American audience.
Conny baby..., hey we need a rideMeh...neither white male or asian female should be the lead hero. They should use this opportunity to give the lead role to the best Mulan character:
I saw spec script and cringed.
Yeah, it mentions the whole white savior thing but as noted Disney is actively rewriting it. Chances are they saw a gem in that script and kept it / added it to what they want Mulan to be in live action.
We should wait until casting is announced.
What do you mean? The entire story is dependent on the main characters being foreigners.
So they contrived a whole forced new point of view for the narrative to shoehorn in a white guy as the protagonist.
What the fuck Disney.
Doctor Strange I can understand, but the remaining two? huh?
We are the missing the true choice from that poll:
Moving forward with the spec would be as stupid as making a Bruce Lee biopic that focuses on Steve McKeen. Who'd do that?
I actually never understood the hate for this movie
Exactly, there's absolutely no way a Bruce Lee movie wouldn't have Bruce Lee as the main character. Gotta have faith in the writers, people.
Disney didn't write this. It was a spec script that they purchased from these writers. They're either merging it with an existing script they'd been working on or rewriting it. This is much ado about nothing, and people in here acting like it was the shooting script that had the white lead.
Wasn't Doctor strange less white washing and more oh god we can't be banned in China? Or did that end up being false?
You missed the sarcasm.
But then it'd be too late if Disney kept that part in. It's hilarious how people assume that just because the script is getting rewritten, the part of the White European Trader will be completely omitted.
Here's the twist your the one that likely missed itYou missed the sarcasm.
You missed the sarcasm.
I'm not really familiar with DD S2. But look at how Luke Cage dealt with the fairly racist portrayal in his original comic in the new netflix show. But yet in Iron Fist they decided to stay true to the racially insensitive cultural appropriation in Iron Fist. Especially when the Defenders already have both a white male and white female member.
Then for Colleen who is supposed to be fully Asian they cast an actress who is half white, which is extremely common in Hollywood because they feel the more white features of mixed Asians will sell better.
You mean Asians should give Disney the benefit of the doubt despite Doctor Strange, Daredevil season 2, and Iron Fist?
One of the Masters of Mystic Arts, tasked with protecting some of Kamar-Taj's most valuable relics and book.The actor described Wong as "more of a drill sergeant to Kamar-Taj", rather than "the tea-making manservant" to Strange as depicted in the comics.[24] The character was not included in the script initially, since in the comics he is "an Asian sidekick manservant." However, once Tilda Swinton was cast as the Ancient One, Derrickson decided to include the character again, "because, unlike the Ancient One, he could be completely subverted as a character and reworked into something that didnt fall into any of the stereotypes of the comics."
i'd have more respect for them if they made the bold move of casting an asian as the main character. the only way to diversify shit like this is to get an asian, as the lead, one day have it be a blockbuster which will then open up opportunities for many more.No, they like money. People keep raising this issue and then turn around and give them more money. Nothing will change.
You double missed the sarcasm I think
Mine was also sarcasm. Lol