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Who let butbutbuthurt fanboys to become coward mods here hiding behind "Mod Team"?

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Gold Member
Hey Tyler it's Sublimit, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there changing the OP. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be an All Gamers Holding Hands and Dancing Community | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.
This is really sad 😞

Sad as in pathetic you needed to carry on the personal attacks.

Sad as in I actually really liked your posts Nush and thought you were better than this.

Hoping this is some sort of joke I haven’t got, but if not please grow the fuck up.

Ahh you got me good! I’m a dick 😂
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Dr. Claus

This is really sad 😞

Sad as in pathetic you needed to carry on the personal attacks.

Sad as in I actually really liked your posts Nush and thought you were better than this.

Hoping this is some sort of joke I haven’t got, but if not please grow the fuck up.

Guys. It’s a copy pasta meme from a famous GAF account suicide post.


It is a copy pasta meme


The Pleasure

Gold Member
Hey Tyler it's Sublimit, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there changing the OP. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be an All Gamers Holding Hands and Dancing Community | OT thread by the end of the year (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.


That OP edit, lol. It really was just a drive-by post and you could have avoided a permaban and moved on with your day.
don't make snide, personal comments when you ban or warn someone. Just tell them specifically why they were warned or banned.
basically my point. specially when they arent being crude or harsh.

I don't think it is, a link to a related unlocked thread on same forum should be ok…..

…That emoji must have been very powerful.
Little did you know the emoji is banned in three countries.


Gold Member
If someone acts like a petulant child, they should be treated as one. Treating them with respect and kiddie gloves is coddling. Let the mods rightfully call out the manchilds.

You're setting up a straw man. You aren't grasping the distinction between 1) not personally insulting someone and 2) coddling them. Does a police officer "coddle" a criminal when he refrains from calling the criminal a "stupid idiot" yet arrests and books him into jail? Is that coddling? Does a judge "coddle" a defendant when he refrains from ridiculing him, yet sentences him to 10 years in prison?

You see the distinction I'm making? You can enforce rules and boundaries very authoritatively and strongly, yet still refrain from personally insulting the person you're doing it with. In fact, that's the most effective way to do it. Personally insulting someone is an ego indulgence at the price of efficacy.

I am articulating a tried and tested principle of management, leadership, parenting, counseling, and law enforcement. Anyone in those professions (all of which have to do with managing others' behavior) will agree with what I'm saying. If you personally insult someone, you only make them defensive and reduce the probability that they will modify their behavior.
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Kagey K


What the hell is going on in here?

Did I miss something?

"Borrowing a friends account" to post more crap is a ban-able offense. Fucking let it go yo.
why risk your friends account being banned?

shit like this is probably why you got permabanned,
its like my 12 year old child giving excuses and excuses while Im trying to hand down a punishment.
Just wont let it go and unwilling to shut the fuck up.
It’s an old meme/copypasta from the ban review thread.

A member was banned and came back the next day on an alt and posted this.
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Gold Member
that's how the console war always starts , I own this or I own that and there bash it to hell. same as I aint racist but............

if people don't have anything good to say about something then why say it? just leave it and move on to things you like

Wow. That is an epicly awful analogy. Stating a fact about a console (even if it happens to be negative) is nothing like making an, "I'm not racist, but..." comment. The former can be wrong depending on the intent. The latter is always wrong. I already said the OP went too far with his post. I only stated that the overall thesis of his post is not without merit.


you have big balls to write the truth.

it is good that you got at least - ''bubububut noone'' whining from them, others getting childish and so immature for mods - ''wahaahaha'' respond.
it is clear as day that forum became xboxera 2.

just pray that Banjo64 will not come here, because where he goes, bans follows everywhere.
Did anyone get a "waaah waaah Playstation wah" warning or the mods only write that for Xbox?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Some one make me a MOD. I’m a grizzled old man that is up to suppressing the masses around here.
It used to be worse. I just think people who want to be mods like power and abuse it.
Nah, they just have to deal with the same stupid crap constantly. Mods start out well mannered and wanting to do their very best but then the masses take their toll over time and most mods become pretty similar in terms of action taken or attitude long term. Moderation ebbs and flows through slack times and they have to tighten the ship again. Rinse, repeat, rinse....

Generally those wanting to become mods just want to give something back. Some asshats want to become mods for nefarious reasons but they get whittled out pretty quick even if they become a mod for a bit by playing wolf in sheep's clothing.
Man, leave NeoGaf for a few days and of course the most exciting thing in a while happens.

Oh you guys, always getting into trouble.


Mods seem spot on these days.

Gaf used to be a gatekeeping nightmare. Surprised that someone who joined in 2009 felt the need to kamikaze himself.

And console wars...How is that still a thing? The current systems aren't even exciting enough to warrant consoles wars.

Let's just be nerds and laugh at dumb shit involving videogames.
Can we all agree that shitting on Amico and Tallarico is non-banable though.


The thing is, they aren’t being censored. It isn’t a bannable offense to think a game looks bad, or to think a particular platform has better titles releasing. The problem is the presentation and place.

If you go into a Metroid thread and say “this game looks like a crappy 3ds game”, you aren’t contributing anything. You come across as a child who can’t discuss. Meanwhile if you enter it and explain in an adult fashion something like “Man, I just am not feeling this art direction. It lacks the distinct Metroid feel that Super and Zero Mission had. Would have much preferred this to be pixel instead of 2.5D “ you will be fine. Both state the same opinion. The game isn’t to your tastes graphically or aesthetically. But one sounds like a child and the other like a competent adult.

Just like if you enter an Xbox thread and state that PlayStation is better, you aren’t there to have a discussion. Entering a general discussion thread like recent pick ups or some such and state “I really enjoy the PlayStation titles coming out recently” and you will be fine. Both get across thst you like PlayStation games, but one feels purposefully antagonistic while the other doesn’t.

But if they both amount to the same thing what's the problem? Not being able to use fancy grammer and decent sentence construction shouldn't be punished. Some people dont have the education of others. And I believe the sign up age requirement is only 13, so it could very well be a petulant kid posting. Your basically saying that someone with whom you may very well agree with, but didn't state it in a style and way that you like, should be punished. It doesn't make sense and is bordering on elitsim. Fuck the man, power to the people lol.

You see anything can be argued and I think people should be free to express there feelings and arguments with complete freedom. I myself love to argue lol as you can see. I once argued with someone at work about gammon for over 2 hours.
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people take this console shit real seriously huh

I hate these "there just plastic boxes" posts. To most of us on here gaming is our no.1 passion. And the subject of which we are most informed about. Add that to the time and monetary investment it's pretty reasonable for us to "care" and take this very seriously.

Plus how is this and many other posts in this thread not considered drive by posts?
Is it because they are targeting someone who is on the other side of the argument and already banned. Like on era where it seems acceptable to bully and berate someone if they are judged to be on the wrong side. Seems a dangerous contradiction to me.

Anyway I'm out. Before I get banned. Peace.
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Gold Member
This place has turned into an era clone but the mod team is somehow more transparent
Dude, ResetEra bans people for having any opinion at all that is not 100% the same as the mods or OPs.
There are no discussions there, only one large echo chamber. It's probably the most deviously toxic gaming space on the internet (devious because it pretends to be oh so nice and welcoming).
If you are not on the extrememost left end of the political horseshoe, registering there makes no sense unless you somehow manage to hide that.
Forget about being more centrist or God forgive even more conservative, because that makes you a nazi (to them).

Anything and everything you say will be interpreted in the most absurdly kindergarden-level possible. Just look at a few of the bans (that's not even all of them as I don't think there's an official list like there is here):

Here you get banned by not adhering to clear rules and by being a complete dick towards the mod team and that's it.
Which is honestly as it should be.
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RaZoR No1

Somehow I cannot stop giggling everytime I see the new title.
I dont get the console war mentality. I mean I know that you want to have the best console because you invested your own money into it, but why the fighting online?

Plus we all already know what gaming platform is the best:

Mobile phones

/s all but mobile phones.. "
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