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Whoever wins....we lose.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!



Really forgot how dumb the characters look in Star Ocean 3. (Nipponese or not...) IGN has a new preview up with movies and the voice acting seemingly takes inspiration from its prequel...for those that choose to remember. Go ahead and check em out.
SO3's main problem is that it's artstyle works better with sprites than polys. Sudeki though, that's just what happens when developers don't follow how the games concept art looks.
"IMO, this does not look bad. I'm convinced at this point that had this come from a japanese dev and still looked like this, people would likely be indifferent."

No, it just looks bad. The real art for those characters looks good though. That's the main problem with the characters, they didn't follow the concept art.

"It reminds me of Vision of Escaflowne (long faces)"

You just compared that to Escalfowne? :(
That Sudeki pic doesn't look bad at all...though, the concept art still looks more pleasing. I still find the Sudeki character design to be average...but not bad. Then again, I'm not a hardcore anime/manga fan.
Redbeard said:
The only ones who "lose" are those who let so-called bad art get in the way of them enjoying a game.

Yeah, pretty much. I didn't care too much for the overall character-art-design of Grandia I & II, and of FF VII, VIII, and X, and of several other Japanese RPGs, but that didn't stop me from enjoying them...well, FFVIII & X did suck...


heh, this thread is about the bad art that is spawned from the east and west

I'm going for SO3 because, out of both games, it's the only one I was going to buy anyway :b


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
seismologist said:



SO3 has good art, just bland ingame character models. The PS2 hardware is partly to blame for that.

Not to mentions it came out in Japan like two years ago...and I doubt Square-Enix would bother updating the graphics just for the sake of a Director's Cut edition.

pfft. There's no such *thing* as bad eastern art.
"The PS2 hardware is partly to blame for that."

Except it isn't the blame. Other RPG's have got the actual ingame models looking almost identical to their art counterpart. Just look at DQ8, SMT3, DDS ect.


well...now that I think about it...the Sudeki art is eatern as well...so i guess this is a bad eastern art thread

Tre' confuses me :b


m0dus said:
IMO, this does not look bad. I'm convinced at this point that had this come from a japanese dev and still looked like this, people would likely be indifferent. It reminds me of Vision of Escaflowne (long faces), only with shorter noses and smaller eyes. The characters have almost an elfin look to their aspect, which fits comfortably within the bounds of an RPG universe.

No... it has qualities akin to typical anime... which is ok. no objections there... but it also has qualities akin to bad art.

Poor character designs; the look and feel they give off is just shitty - slutty, but... colorful? I mean wtf is that?

Look at the guy... bright red hair, bright blue pants, bright gold trim... why they didn't just splash his armor with bright green and call him rainbow fucker I don't know.

And the females... just... slutty. Not only slutty, but unattractive slutty. Look at the catgirl... poor hairstyle, and absolutely atrocious weapons; they look like comic/joke weapons rather than something legitimately threatening. They're too big and too long. unbalanced, unwieldly.

the characters just expose flesh... because they can? They don't look good doing it... really...


I am getting SO3 for sure (I don't think the character designs are bad, just generic). Sudeki I was interested in but I will be playing cautious consmer with that one. As well I don't like the character designs, and I am certainly not a anime nut. But when I look at them I feel like they put an a bunch of anime in a blender with western fantasy stuff and got a combo that will likely satisfy neither interest group. That said if it is a good game I will play it.


I have nothing much to say over and beyond what others have already said, so I'll just do the dastardly thing and reiterate their points via quote, because they're so damn true.

m0dus said:
IMO, this does not look bad. I'm convinced at this point that had this come from a japanese dev and still looked like this, people would likely be indifferent. It reminds me of Vision of Escaflowne (long faces), only with shorter noses and smaller eyes. The characters have almost an elfin look to their aspect, which fits comfortably within the bounds of an RPG universe.

Redbeard said:
The only ones who "lose" are those who let so-called bad art get in the way of them enjoying a game.

Tre said:
OMFG, Western art sux. Go Japanese artists! WOO. Let's go Japan. The entire Midwest America supports you!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.

I can't wait for the day someone actually makes an in game environment that looks like this (including detail and amount of action).

Come on next-gen developers, I know you can do it.
I'm looking forward to SO3, but I will admit the character designs are weird. I have no real problem with anime designs and such... but these look like adults with baby faces applied to them. It's creepy.


I think the artwork for Sudeki is pretty good actually, they really tuned up the in game models from last year. If I had to complain about 2 little things, it'd be the science guys unnessacary mechanical arm and the generic armour on the protagonist.

The star ocean screen on the other hand is very bland generic anime artwork all around.
Sudeki comes from the same Anime inspired style of art of Battle Chasers. Unfortunately, I happen to hate the art and wannabe anime style of Battle Chasers. What most annoys me about Sudeki though is the way the lead female's cleavage seems to be the entire focus of the art now and, especially, all the advertisements.


Pachinko said:
I think the artwork for Sudeki is pretty good actually, they really tuned up the in game models from last year. If I had to complain about 2 little things, it'd be the science guys unnessacary mechanical arm and the generic armour on the protagonist.

The star ocean screen on the other hand is very bland generic anime artwork all around.

That's a sentiment I had when I first saw the art for both games when first released. People were dumping on the Sudeki art because it wasn't "Japanese" but were creaming themselves over SO3's featureless chicas with dinner-plate eyes. The SO3 art is a major step down from, say, SO Blue Sphere...





Diomedeskun said:
Sudeki comes from the same Anime inspired style of art of Battle Chasers. Unfortunately, I happen to hate the art and wannabe anime style of Battle Chasers. What most annoys me about Sudeki though is the way the lead female's cleavage seems to be the entire focus of the art now and, especially, all the advertisements.

How can it be anime "wannabe" art when anime itself has no definitive style?

And don't you dare tell me Japanese games don't have their fair share of fanservice as well (and the only time the art "focuses" on Ailish is in the ads, anyway, since they don't make a big deal about her breasts in the game judging from the demo.)


belgurdo said:
How can it be anime "wannabe" art when anime itself has no definitive style?

And don't you dare tell me Japanese games don't have their fair share of fanservice as well (and the only time the art "focuses" on Ailish is in the ads, anyway, since they don't make a big deal about her breasts in the game judging from the demo.)

You are quite wrong there. Anime in and of itself is a style of art. People go to art schools in Japan and China (and the US) to learn the style of art "anime".


Culex said:
You are quite wrong there. Anime in and of itself is a style of art. People go to art schools in Japan and China (and the US) to learn the style of art "anime".

And people do that here too, but that doesn't mean everyone that graduates from the Kubert school or whatever draws exactly like them...


m0dus said:
IMO, this does not look bad. I'm convinced at this point that had this come from a japanese dev and still looked like this, people would likely be indifferent.
Coming from someone who is NOT a fan of typical Japanese anime-influenced character design, Sudeki's is bad. And while it could be mistaken for Japanese art, certain characteristics are unique and quite ugly.
The only ones who "lose" are those who let so-called bad art get in the way of them enjoying a game.
Who? What? I don't know of anyone that couldn't still enjoy a game despite the art. It's simply that bad art makes a game less attractive and thus less enjoyable.

That said, SO3 is also pretty bad. Looks like they all suffer from FAS.


belgurdo said:
How can it be anime "wannabe" art when anime itself has no definitive style?
you have to be arguing this one just for the sake of argument.... because it's fucking obvious. the sudeki art wants to be anime art. that's the whole point, and it's probably even a bullet point on the back of the box.

there's something wrong with it. it's generic, and ugly. it has very little aesthetic value but instead tries too hard to look cool. i don't have an inherent problem with westerners trying to do anime art, i just think they're missing the point about any of the factors that make anime art great in this instance.

SO3's models initially didn't look that great to me but as i played the game they started to become more appealing. it helps that the animation and storytelling in the game is pretty good, which takes the edge off. FWIW i think that fayt and nel look pretty cool. also, contrary to what's been suggested, the voice acting is IMO pretty good. about on par with xenosaga, maybe a bit better.
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