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Whoever wins....we lose.

Really forgot how dumb the characters look in Star Ocean 3.

Shit dude, have you ever seen anime before?

As for Sudeki, if it were Japanese it would just be average. But since it's Western, it's a rather blatent pathetic wannabe attempt. If I wanted a Japanese RPG, I'd play a real one.
m0dus said:
It would suit you well to get something straight--your opinion does not equal fact. and Nitewolf, You think Sudeki looks hideous? Then, my friend, you haven't seen ugly

The ingame modeling is pretty bad, the actual artwork isn't on the other hand. While the art might not be original or anything, it's not bad at all. It's just that Climax did a very mediocre job of replicating the concept art into the game.

Look at the art for the characters on the right hand site:


Especially the redhead guy. Now look at how they modeled his face ingame:


The actual world design of Sudeki is some of the best seen this generation though.


i dont get the complaints about SO3's characters either...they look fine. and i watched some videos of the game, it really looks beautiful. i have been waiting a long time to play this game.


Unconfirmed Member
SO3's main characters have Generic Anime Style (tm). Sudeki's main characters have Generic Anime Style (tm) that's been thrown into a blender with fecal matter.

Or, to put it another way, SO3's character designs are dull and generic, while Sudeki's character designs are aesthetically putrid.

As Cartoon Network once put it:
"In a battle no one can win, WHO WILL WIN?!"

Anyway, SO3 is decidedly better looking than Sudeki in general, and at least I don't cringe/burst out laughing while looking at its characters.


It would suit you well to get something straight--your opinion does not equal fact.
I expect that if people are going to reply to me in such a cheeky tone, they'd have a decent point to make.

You said: "I'm convinced at this point that had this come from a japanese dev and still looked like this, people would likely be indifferent."

I pointed out how my preference has nothing to do with origin. I'm not going to litter my posts with "in my opinion" or "I feel that" because anyone with half a fucking brain could figure that out for themselves.


SO3`s character design looks fairly generic at first but it settles well in coparison to many series. I didn`t enjoy the designs first but it settled as I played through the game. It`s generic but it`s not flagrantly generic (i.e. Sudeki or in a JP game`s case, ToS).

The game art is horrific for SO3 though. Someone should`ve hired the artist from one of the several Star Ocean mangas to do the work because they do work that`s leap years ahead of the person they hired for the game.

Oh and the only character design I didn`t really like was Roger.
I'm looking forward to Sudeki. And will probably buy it along with Star Ocean 3 this summer. But anyone who says the in-game artwork is good is delusionary.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>SO3's main characters have Generic Anime Style (tm). Sudeki's main characters have Generic Anime Style (tm) that's been thrown into a blender with fecal matter.<<<

Bzzzzt! Sudeki = generic anime style. SO3 = generic anime style + severe birth defects.
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