It's probably not one person but a group of idiots who feel that people actually enjoy those sections. You remember them, absolutely sleep-inducing parts such as the diving section in Uncharted 4 or the one where you're in the house and have to fetch dinner for Elena after Drake exposes his midlife crisis.
I decided to give Spider-Man 2 another shot. I figured maybe it gets better later on. In comes the part where I have to meet up with MJ at Peter's house. I'm forced into doing house chores like picking up trash I need to throw away while they reminisce about stuff I don't care about. It goes on and on and on. Next, I have to go upstairs and find some hidey-hole behind a frame on Peter's wall. This excruciating section finally ends after a bit more vapid dialogue. Fine, I'm ready to play as Spider-Man again. Nope. Enter Harry and he has me bike with him to their old school to find a USB thumb drive. I'm forced into a terrible "stealth" section where all I do is avoid some stupid security guard. It once again drags on and I have to repeat the exercise several times. Is it done? Nope. I gotta shoot hoops with Harry in the gymnasium.
Got fed up, turned that shit off. I probably spent 30 minutes between cutscenes, picking up trash, and listening to characters rambling.
Why do they keep doing this? It's not just Spider-Man either. In God of War Ragnarok, you're often forced into long walking sections and the first two hours of the game move at a glacial pace. The Atreus sections in Asgard, the dreaded Ironwood, and more. Why am I in Asgard and listening to Odin going on about his daily routine? Am I not playing God of War? In TLOU Part I, same shit at the start of the game. You walk with Tess and almost nothing happens for the first hour. You just go from place to place listening to boring shit. Just put this in a cutscene I can skip. It's like someone realized gamers hate long cutscenes, so what's their solution? Make them interactive! Except it's the same thing but worse because you cannot just skip them. You have to relive them every time. You push the stick to walk at a snail's pace. Instead of Drake just opening the fridge himself to get the food, you have to do it and actually look at what's inside and pick this up yourself. Why interrupt me shooting and fighting to do that?
They really need to stop this.
On the plus side, I finished Astro Bot which has none of that nonsense and is a million times better.