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Who's gonna get monster hunter?


force push the doodoo rock
If youre getting monster hunter this week post in this thread! Your interest determines my purchase!

Ranger X

You mind if i just rent it? lol

I've reached my personal "do not buy more than 2 new games a month" already with Pikmin2 and Sly2

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'm definitely getting the game; PSO-style action for free online? Definitely count me in! I do wish that the game supported voice chat though.

Spike Spiegel said:
Wait, I have a question for the importers. Is this game worth it for single-player? Cuz if not, then nevermind.

DCharlie would know. :)


In some ways I am glad it only supports keyboard. I must admit playing PSO with voice chat kind of sucked. I find it totally destroys the atmosphere of the game. Listening to people talk about how loaded they are or cursing you out gets old.
I want to get it but I already have Fable and Phantom Brave backlogged among other older RPGs... and Nocturne comes out too... and Paper Mario...


And even i am moderately surprised
"Wait, I have a question for the importers. Is this game worth it for single-player? Cuz if not, then nevermind."

no, i'd say it's not. Online is where it's at.

The communication system in the game (text input) is , to put it mildly, utter shite.
This is actually A GOOD THING.
it forces you to coordinate before you go into battle, who will set traps, who will heal, how you'll let people know you want healing, who will set bombs, who will try and get into which weak spots etc....

I'm done with the JPN version and i'm begging for a follow up or, more likely, an expansion disk (in the monster hunter guides (all of them) they all show monsters that aren't in the game - i suspect that this will be included in a "File 2" style way).

Awesome game if you ask me, PS2's best this year still IMO (Famitsu user poll seemed to agree too).


Agreed, it's a great game. And I would argue one of the best-looking PS2 games, ever. I hope it doesn't get lost in the shuffle this fall--if you like PSO, definitely try this game. (Be patient with the combat, it gets better.)

Single player, though, the game is an absolute waste, do not bother.

The communication sucking detracts from it a lot though, imo. I hope Capcom gets their shit together for the U.S. Outbreak file 2 and MH follow-up and adds voice chat to both.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
And here's the IGN Review:

Closing Comments
Monster Hunter is an odd beast all its own with a mission-based structure that can provide comfort with its strict regulations if you don't mind the lack of an open world. It's almost like playing Everquest, but with only small areas around the town open for exploration and combat. If the idea of pursuing a variety of quests, some of them multiple times, then this provides a good amount of variety and character growth to make it interesting. Otherwise, the overall structure of the game feels like it's been awkwardly put in place for a single purpose and trying to go in different directions creates problems that it's unable to handle. It's interesting, and a bit frustrating, to see a game with such a unique devotion to a single type of play.
-- Ed Lewis

7.0 Presentation
An old-timey setting with some Mayan typefaces is an odd approach, but it works

8.0 Graphics
The framerate holds solid and there is no lag to deal with which makes the game hold up nicely.

8.0 Sound
Environmental sound effects echo around and when you hear the dragon roar, you know you best be scurrying!

7.0 Gameplay
A disappointing single-player experience gets bolstered by the far superior online experience.

6.0 Lasting Appeal
The quests and the almost excessive attention to detail gets old unless you find a good group to travel with.

7.2 Overall


wipeout364 said:
In some ways I am glad it only supports keyboard. I must admit playing PSO with voice chat kind of sucked. I find it totally destroys the atmosphere of the game. Listening to people talk about how loaded they are or cursing you out gets old.

that makes me feel a little bit better about no voice chat in mh, but i still wonder if i would have liked it anyway
but since tflo is cancelled and i don't want to try pso on xbox live (worried about cheaters and lamers) i guess i'll never know

i did like voice chat in syphon filter: omega strain online tho, and that is a co-op game, so can those with pso or online rpg w/ voice chat exp.(if there are any) give some thoughts on the subject..

btw i have the game paid off and will be playing online as either Rolio or Rolio64
DCharlie said:
"Wait, I have a question for the importers. Is this game worth it for single-player? Cuz if not, then nevermind."

no, i'd say it's not. Online is where it's at.
Thanks, I'll save my money (or spend it on X-Men Legends instead, either works). And maybe further down the road, if I see Monster Hunter for $20 or less, I'll give it a go just to see what it was like.


I have mine preordered for tomorrow, but I was teetering on not picking it up until I saw some interest around here. Sounds like there will be a few of us, and despite the PS2 review (which didn't talk much about weapon creation, quest types, classes available, or at all about fighting), I can't stop thinking about all the positive posts I've read from DCCharlie over the past few months. I'll check in again with you guys tomorrow.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
It's DCharlie that got me interested in this game, and he's a great guy and his opinion can definitely be trusted, so I'm definitely going for it. :)

What's with the IGN score regarding the game play? It's as if the reviewer doesn't realize this game is MEANT to be played online. It's like saying "Unreal Tournament 2004 has a weak single player mode bolstered by a far superior online mode. 7.0" for the game play score. What gives? :p


So, we still on tap for this game today? I'll be picking it up around 5:00. I can play for an hour or two before my basketball game tonight and maybe after. Anyone want to meet up and learn the system together? I'll check irc too I guess. And where's BrandonF? I figured he'd be in on this for sure.
Does this game let you use your offline character online like in PSO? I don't want to build up my character offline if it's going to be useless online.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Trav said:
And where's BrandonF? I figured he'd be in on this for sure.

Yea, I am interested in the game, but I'd like to hear some more thoughts about it before jumping aboard. Just got Battlefront and X-Men also blindsided me recently catching interest.

I'll be reading up very closely on the impressions and stories you all start posting as I form a decision.


No, there is no time. Fill your library with impulse buys that you can't possible finish. It's like a club :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
B'z-chan said:
I think i'll rent this game. Do you go to cities and such like in a MMORPG ala FFXI or is it chapter style play?

It's more like Diablo or PSO...looks like just one town.

I picked up the game today; seems impressive so far. The game feels different than PSO, so don't expect the "dungeon crawler" playstyle; Monster Hunter's focus is on hunting down and killing various creatures, and getting meat and other items from them. I haven't really played anything like this before, so I'm looking forward to getting into this title. Load times are quick for the most part, and the visuals are very nice, too.

I'll most likely be playing tonight online after 9pm as "Lyte Edge," but I may not get a chance to play online until tomorrow.


I believe you take quests and work on your equipment in towns. I assume this is like the Spaceship from PSO, except there can be 8 people there instead of 4.

edit: heh, Brandon, your comment below reminds me so much of myself. It's going to be all I can do to not pick up Megaman Command Mission and Def Jam while I'm in the store today (and I'd probably get X-Men if it wasn't coming from Activision).

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm gonna take back Sly 2 and a bunch of old PC games to trade-in towards X-Men. If enough credit is leftover I may check this out as well...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Trav, it's just 1-4 players online, unless you mean 8 can occupy the town only?

Brandon F said:
I'm gonna take back Sly 2 and a bunch of old PC games to trade-in towards X-Men. If enough credit is leftover I may check this out as well...

I've played both X-Men Legends and Monster Hunter, and right now, MH is the one to get IMO. X-Men is just a Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance clone, but it feels even more linear with the stage design...almost like playing a BEU game.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Lyte Edge said:
X-Men is just a Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance clone, but it feels even more linear with the stage design...almost like playing a BEU game.

Yea, that's part of the reason I am so damned curious about it! It reminds me of a gussied up X-men 6p arcade cab, but with more thrilling combat abilities tossed around.

I saw a hilarious IGN vid preview with Rogue using TK to slam opponents through windows, and I laughed my ass off when 3 X-men walked through a door to enter the next room of a level, yet Colossus just decided to forgoe courtesy and punch straight through the wall!


Yeah, I've read that 8 people can occupy the town, kind of like an extended lobby, but then you take the quest with only 1-4. Sounds cool.
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