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Who's gonna get monster hunter?


"-- No damage indication, no hit points and no sign a monster is close to dead (We fought some dinos last night that just never went down, yet we didn't "feel" outmatched. Eventually just left them alone :shrug: "

eh, I can see the complaint but I still like the fact that it doesn't really say. It goes along with the whole 'out in the wilderness' theme where amateur hunters (us) wouldn't really know what we're up against, where a more experienced hunter would know what to expect.

I agree with the clunky combat thing, but its really no worse than PSO. The trick is to find the dino, turn towards it, hit L1, and then attack. I probably press the L1 button more than the attack button when i'm fighting, just to make sure i'm always pointed at the target.

I'm defintely up for some more gaming tonight, there hasn't been a game since animal crossing where when i'm done all I can think about is getting back on and catching those damn fish :p
Ive been going through the offline quests too. Id recommend everyone go through at least the 1* quests offline it makes a pretty good tutorial.

I must admit the game seems flawed in many ways but somehow I keep coming back for more. The combat is tricky but if you use combos it seems to work alot better. Just pushing up 4 times is like a 4 hit combo. I also discovered camera control with the d pad works pretty well.
It makes find the enemies alot easier then snapping with L1.
Since some are going through the offline mission. Exactly how do you beat the Urgent Mission in Level 3 (the one about killing the Velocidrone)?
I havent gotten that far yet offline.

"-- No damage indication, no hit points and no sign a monster is close to dead (We fought some dinos last night that just never went down, yet we didn't "feel" outmatched. Eventually just left them alone :shrug: "

I think he's talking about those Wyverns in the sand. We kept hitting them but didn't seem to do any good. I think you need to find out there weakness and probably trap them somehow.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
seismologist said:
I havent gotten that far yet offline.

"-- No damage indication, no hit points and no sign a monster is close to dead (We fought some dinos last night that just never went down, yet we didn't "feel" outmatched. Eventually just left them alone :shrug: "

I think he's talking about those Wyverns in the sand. We kept hitting them but didn't seem to do any good. I think you need to find out there weakness and probably trap them somehow.

Some of the advice first given to you in the game is that traps and bombs and such are more important to taking out monsters than just going at them head on. :)

BTW, is it me, or are the features from the upcoming Monster Hunter G in Japan already in the U.S. version?
Ah, screw it...

I'm getting this game. The prospect of running around, killing dinosaurs and dragons, then outfitting my characters with their carcasses is just too... damn... tempting. It wouldn't be the first time I've gone solo on a game intended for multi-player. I played PSO entirely offline; I can do the same with Monster Hunter.

I'm gonna go look for it this afternoon.


Vark said:
I agree with the clunky combat thing, but its really no worse than PSO. The trick is to find the dino, turn towards it, hit L1, and then attack. I probably press the L1 button more than the attack button when i'm fighting, just to make sure i'm always pointed at the target.

My point was, I don't ever feel like we're engaged with the monster. It's not that we can't hit it, I just feel like we're always running in circles trying to have a fight. A game where pressing the L1/camera button happens more in combat than swinging your sword leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

seismologist said:
I think he's talking about those Wyverns in the sand. We kept hitting them but didn't seem to do any good. I think you need to find out there weakness and probably trap them somehow.

Actually, I was specifically talking about these yellow bird-like monsters Vark and I were fighting in the Swamp. We finally just gave up. We're all experiencing the same things together. It just appears that you guys are drawn back to it while I can only think about not going through the irritation again. I love the concept, but I can't stand the implementation.


The giant T-Rex femur I'm carrying around hasn't seemed to help much, but it surely was a bright spot getting it made last night :)


Mistaken iRobbery!
Nos_G said:
LOL damn, that quest took damned too long and my stamina was dangerously low.
I was STARVING! So I had to leave the quest with you two guys. I'll be on later tonight again. Nice to see a good group of GA'ers playing...


Game is a bit of a let down for me. I was hoping it would be more the PSO but its more like a hunting game. I don't like how the dead vanish after a few mins. In a game all about collecting resources so you can make armor/weapons why do my kills disappear after less then a min? The combat is wonky at best, makes me yearn for the 3 hit combos of PSO.


I just read this in the Gamespot review:

gamespot said:
...but the whole system feels a little too automated. Once you start in on a combo, it takes a while to make it stop. This is problematic because the game has no real lock-on system, and if the monster you're trying to slay moves after you start your attack--which happens often--you'll find yourself combo-attacking thin air. The movement in general feels pretty clunky, too, as you need to come to a complete stop in order to eat something or sheath your weapon, and your character does a weird little half step every time you stop, which creates unnecessary pauses whenever you want to change direction.

I couldn't agree more. This is what I meant last night by clunky controls. Remember when I asked you to try to crouch at the end of a run or walk Vark? It doesn't register your button presses when it's in these pre-scripted animation routines. From what I've seen so far (I know we just started, but the game engine isn't changing), I agree with everything in this review expect for the graphics.


It's interesting that when games attempt to convey a sense of weight to character movement - Otogi, Mark Of Kri, the first Gungrave, and MH off the top of my head - it's read as a failing on the game's part, rather than a deliberate decision.

Not that there's anything wrong with not liking that deliberate decision, of course, but calling it 'weird' seems, well, weird.

Edit: not directed at you, Trav, just a random observation. Although I am a sucker for all the above titles.


And even i am moderately surprised
perhaps i'm just getting what i'm not "meant" to get.

The whole point of not been able to just eat your food, or snap around instantly is part of the hunt, right?

The game is a massive exercise in online coordination. The gunners are the healers in the main, you have two big tanks, and a fast small blades man who (preferably) will have the "attract" effect armour to lure the chicken dragon (no idea what the us name is).

Is everyone using traps by the way? They are pretty helpful. As are the light bombs.

Anyone stuck in the sand (the most annoying part of the game by far, especially the boss in the sand) - you can get the monsters out of the sand by hitting them with a down-to-upwards swing, but the easiest way is to pack a load of explosives and some sound bombs.
I actually like this game. You guys should definitely check it out if your willing to put the time in to learn it.

I fell asleep 2 nights in a row with the game on. That says alot.
I saw that coming. I've been playing it nonstop though.

The learning curve is pretty steep but there's a lot of stuff you can do . The more I play I'm starting to see that it's not supposed to be like PSO or FFXI, but it's it's own game. It's a hunting sim. There's nothing else quite like it. Though in some ways it reminds me of Cubivore or Adventure for the Atari 2600.


I played offline again this morning, and I've decided there are too many other good games hitting right now for me to try to convince myself to like Monster Hunter. If anyone wants to buy it or trade for something else new, send me an email or private message.
yeah there's a lot of good games hitting right now. It takes time to get into, I have a feeling thats why Gamespot reviewer blew it off.

There will probably be alot of FAQ reading involved.
As a hunters, we need to share tricks of the trade. :)
Definitely not for everyone.

Grey Fox

Even with all the bad reviews I'm probably still going to get it.It's just I want a online game that isn't a fps for once,or costs money.Also since WoW and GW are still a ways off,I think this will be more than adequate to hold me off till then.


And even i am moderately surprised
"As a hunters, we need to share tricks of the trade."

in the Valley map (not sure of american name) always search the two rocks on your left in Area 2.

This quite often has Yankuku scales (chicken dragon) which can be used to get mega cash, or to use for armour

If you have a full set of a certain type of armour, you get bonuses.
A full set of Yankuku armour is +20 bonus to health and some dragons will then be attracted to you (ie: you take all the hate)

It's quite funny fighting Yankuku when you are wearing armour made from it's body parts and the Large Blade made from Ranposes! lol.
Thanks for the tips. I'm struggling with all the items you get it can be overwhelming. I'm just storing a bunch of stuff in the chest and I'll figure out what to do with it later.
I'm gonna work on getting the Veloceprey armor since they're easy to kill


And even i am moderately surprised
I assume Velocoprey are the blue coloured dinos?
if so , you can make a very handy , it maintenance heavy big sword by getting the skin and lots of bones and teeth....

690+ damage in it's re-enforced form, and it helps take down the chicken dragon.

I'd :

get the Ranpos blade (above)
kill chicken dragon until you have a full set of armour
kill chicken dragon, get cash for the stamina and health "bags" (not surewhat the us equivalent is)
start thinking about killing the red / green dragons
learn where you can mine for metals and ores
get a large metal blade and try and get a samurai sword
.... then you are on your way....


I'm definitely in for the long haul with this game. Spent a bunch of time online by myself yesterday just getting money and enough rank points to push me up to the next level :p

sucks though that i'm basically balancing, this, FFXI, I started up PSO offline with a friend doing the split screen thing, Battlefront, and I picked up Dawn of War. *sigh* they're all different games and I like them all equally.. but damn.


Keep flip flopping on this game, just spent a few hrs killing the Big Raptor guy (3 star Mission) and I like this game once again. Just need 1 more claw to upgrade my sword to a Vile Serpent Blade or something like that.
This game has alot more depth than expected. I didn't know the weapons change forms when you upgrade. I just did the Velocidrone quest with Rolio is was awesome. We were kicking ass :p

He's got some funky mutated velociprey sword and I've got the big "unresponsive" sword. That things owns when you start comboing in the middle of a pack of dinos and the blood starts spraying in all directions :D


And even i am moderately surprised
that's the one i usually use.... except i have the upgraded one

when it hits things, it gives them a large electric shock :)

The dragon buster is better for killing dragons, but useless against regular enemies, so we usually don't bother


I was thinking of upgrading my bone sword to either an agito (need piscine jaw though), or a serpentblade (have the materials). They have the same stats, though it says something about the agito being upgraded 3 times. Which is better, or does it matter?

Here are a couple pics I took of my character so far:



Ps. Really enjoying the game.

...I killed an entire weekend on this game. Now I'm scrambling to write a paper for my 5:30pm class with no prep-time. But I don't really care, because even offline this game rocks. I'm about halfway through the 3-star quests right now, and I'm loving every moment. Of course, I haven't tried to take down a wyvern by myself or anything, yet...

How are you guys earning money, btw? I've got a sh*tload of skins, bones, and fangs in my inventory, and I know all about the Special Mushrooms (and that nice old man in the forest), but I'm still coming up short on money for upgrades. Usually what I end up doing is going on a 1-star fishing trip to fill my coffers. Is there anything faster?
I've been selling all my fangs since I thought they were only used for ammo and I'm not a gunner.
Also I've been doing DCharlie trick from above and picking up the Yankuku scales in area 2. There's usually 2 of them there and it sells for 250 a piece.
That's been pretty good for steady income.

I'm having more trouble getting weapons material like earth stones. I finally upgraded my sword to the Katana and I've got full Velociprey armor (my guy looks wicked cool). Still can't take down the Yankuku even with 3 people. I'm only HR4 though.
Trav said:
I just feel like we're always running in circles trying to have a fight. A game where pressing the L1/camera button happens more in combat than swinging your sword leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Incase Trav didn't give up yet. The key to combat is usuing the dpad to track the enemies with the camera. Especially when you're usuing a Great sword. Start your combo and if the enemy moves you dont need to push L1, just follow them with the d-pad camera and direct your combo in towards the new location, and repositioning your guy if necessary. I never push L1 during combat unless I'm trying to flee. :)


Nope, I've given up. Glad you guys are enjoying it though. I have to review Shadow Hearts and Growlanser over the next couple of weeks, so I couldn't play even if I wanted to.


I've finally been able to beat the egg gathering quest (much joy and stress relief here), then everything clicked into place. I was discovering a ton of item combinations and was able to get the equipment necessary to up and slay the Piscines. The best though was a hard fought battle between the chicken dragon. My sword may have been severly underpowered (bouncing off the hide regularly), but the traps and bombs and poisoned meat managed to weaken him enough to succumb to my mighty jump slash just as he was about to fly away. Wish I could've saved that reward screenshot; it was the greatest accomplishment of the day.


Cool, I got the same complete bone armor set, but with the feathery helmet.


The MH t-shirts linked from that pensil site look great -- there's one with that size chart silhouetted on the back, with all of the item icons on the front.




(also rad)


And even i am moderately surprised
"Say, DCharlie... have you fought that REALLY big dragon? The one that's only online?"

oh yes

that's an interesting one as the thing is absolutely huge

i got the "meat" t shirt at TGS - it's fantastic


Managed to get a full upgrade. I have 3 Kut-ku armour pieces, high steel leggings, battle helm and my prized Dragon Agito sword (625 dmg!!). I'm excited because my next sword upgrade gives me two choices and one gives it a fire effect. Flame sack hard to find?





Yeah, the choice of underwear is rather disturbing. From the back it almost looks like a thong. I'm very glad to be wearing something that covers properly.

SaitoH said:
Managed to get a full upgrade. I have 3 Kut-ku armour pieces, high steel leggings, battle helm and my prized Dragon Agito sword (625 dmg!!). I'm excited because my next sword upgrade gives me two choices and one gives it a fire effect. Flame sack hard to find?




What rank are you?


adelgary said:
Name of the item! And what level do I have to be to be able to get it?

I think it's velociprey tasset ... can't remember off hand.

What rank are you?

Stuck at rank 4 at the moment. Not quite sure what I have to do to get rank 5, though I've been concentrating on getting new equipment.

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