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Who's gonna get monster hunter?


Great idea, but have you seen the lobster helm? It's the coolest helm in the game!

Yes, I have an odd sense of aesthetics.



Yeah, literally looks like I have a lobster head plunked on top of my head.

This one!


I might have to get the whole set.


After mindlessly killing lotsa cats this weekend (far too many in fact), I'm hoping this quest has a bit more substance.

Decided to go with different armour on a whim:

Nice armor... Diablos/Rathalos mix, right? I'm not even close to putting together something like that.

BTW, what's this GMR event all about? The strategy guide says creating that sword requires: Chrome Voucher x5, Machalite Ore x5, Iron Ore x35, and Unknown Skull x1. Didn't Capcom do a similar thing with one of the JPN gaming magazines too?


Just beat Lao-shan and got my rank 13. The fight isn't overly hard, but quite something to see. Also beat Monobolos offline.



I found a clearer explaination on killing Lao-Shan.

Ok well everybody has a way to do it. So here's what I've got. I'll try to answer your questions, but it'll be out of order.

The more guns the better. Load up on your strongest shots, and bring the things to make more. Stick with Clust or Crag. I like going heavy on the crags, mostly because you don't have to spend as much timing making ammo. You can keep a steady volley of shots. I took just Clust lv 2, along with Claws and Bone Husk for more. I went through about 50 shots. Doing a full crag lv 1 + 2, and bomb berries/Burst Arrowana that will give you 38 shots. Then just fall back on clust, or pierce. You want to aim for his back. Not the face.

In total you should have or be able to make up to 6 bombs. You can place 2 at a time. Plant them at the rocks where he enters the zones. Wait til his head is right over them before you fire. You only want to do this for the first 3 zones.

At the start you'll want to have one person clear 6. The Ioprey will stop coming. Either have a sword user or a gunner with pellets do it. The rest should fire away while Lao is in 1. They should be able to clear 6 in time to plant bombs before Lao enters the next zone.

You want to fire the cannons at 5 once you can see a good amount of him. The ballistas only hit him when he rears up. It's easier to go to 6 while he's attack the wall. If you have a sword user down at the bottom, he should signal when it's clear.

This should be done last, at around 5mins left. When he rams the gate with his side. You only get one shot.

Other then that.
His horn does fall off. His back gets blasted off on two sides. He does fall down. You can jump on his back by leaping off the bridges, you can carve him 3 times while on his back. You'll want to have up to combo book 3 or 4. Waffles taste good with syrup. You might not need that much stuff, but you'll have a better chance of killing him not just driving him off.

When we killed Lao Shan, we had 2 gunners and 2 blademasters with the Red Dragonsword.

Everyone brought 13 large bombs and we each placed 2 at the beginning of each area, right where his head was going. Then, the other gunner and myself would shoot normal shots at his stomach/legs until he got past the bridges/towers. Then we started shooting pierce/crag/clusters at the soft spots in his back, the blademasters cutting his face all the while.

When he finally got to the last area, we were all waiting with cannon shots. as soon as we saw his shoulders, we started firing the cannons, and i think the blademasters fired twice while the other gunner and myself fired 3 times.

Then, while the blademasters were on the ground setting up bombs, hitting his face and feet, we were shooting him until he stood up, when we'd fire balista shots at him. When we were out of balista shots, the other gunner dropped down and continued to fire pierce/crag/clusters at the dragon's back. When he got close, I hit the dragonator button and dropped down to set my bombs and fire the rest of my shots. When I ran out of shots, I ran up to his foot and poked him, which happened to be right when the blademasters and other gunner killed him.

Of course, I took credit since I did all the work.

We killed him with about 1 minute left on the clock. It was a long and expensive fight, and I wouldn't really recommend trying to kill him pre-17. All we got were more Lao-Shan claws/shells/etc. You don't get anything special for killing him, except for the bragging rights. And I doubt many people will believe you.

As for info on GMR events, since I can't post scane I will just post the descriptions:

Required Material for GMR.

Chrome Voucher (Event Quest item): 5
Machalite Ore: 5
Iron Ore: 35
Unknown Skull: 1

Attack Power + Sharpness

Attack: 816
Sharpness: (see image)

This weapon cannot be upgraded.

Cost: 499z

This weapon is pretty great for people below HR13.


I want to hit HR13 before Defensor reach his urgent quest(Lao-Shan) today, so I can get better guns(Kut Ku Cannon is available after HR13 right?) I still need 3500 pts to go. I will probably be on early today.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Well, I finally beat the Monster Hunter offline missions yesterday.... so i guess its all online missions to get to lvl 12(only like 6000 exp points to go!).


Doing a Diablos run right now. What are the odds of killing diablos 6 times and getting no blos fangs, then getting 3 fangs straight the last two times?

I don't want to make Siegmund anymore since I found out that Divine Slasher has some awesome skill. Going to need like 20 fangs to make it.

Edit: What are blos jaw for?


After reaching HR13 and getting 4* missions, the only difference I see is that all the monsters had like twice the HP and hit twice as hard. I had trouble soloing Kut Ku..... but I manage to defeat it. Mach ores are a lot easier to mined, and I am starting to get dragonite ores, anyone know where I can get union ores? I know firestone can be gotten in volcano level, but I don't see any volcano missions in 4*.

After getting dragonite ore, I see the option to create Bone Katana, Yian Kut Ku Cannon, Grenade Launcher, Dual Tomahawks..... I can create all of them except for grenade launcher(need union ore), which should I go for? I am thinking I should get better guns, but I don't know which one to get.


Will anyone be on today? I haven't played in awhile because I was playing GB but the event pissed me off. Still HR 6 or 7...


Full Dragon armour, and Double dragon ultimas at rank 12. Not only that, but he a health bar the stretched almost halfway across the screen and was going on about how "pimp" he was. How he could handle the boss by himself and such.

When accused of cheating -because of the abnormal health bar- he had the gall to claim it was because of mega nutrients. Mega nutrients?! Yes, they do improve your health by 20 points, but your health caps at 150.

If you are going to cheat at least do it within reason. C'mon, Dragon armour requires you fight the final boss MULTIPLE times and each piece of armour is 198k. Not to mention that you can't fight the final boss at rank 12. Sheesh, in a game that's all about getting equipment, you have to wonder why people bother. I mean, once you have the uber gear why continue playing? besides, this isn't PSO, where you can play 2000 hours and only get 1 real rare. You can actually earn everything you want if you put in a little time (little being relative to PSO).

Thank god you can't trade equipment, so these hacked items don't spread everywhere, and also thank god there aren't any malicious cheats ... yet.

Thus ends my mini-rant.


Ps. Cheaters suck. =D
I finally beat the Rathalos solo offline this weekend. Thank god for Flash Bombs, they're a big help; toss one in his face to stun him, then run in and plant some bombs, rinse, repeat. However, I fail to understand why Capcom only allowed you to carry x5 at any time, when all of the other bombs allow you to carry x10.

So after opening up the 5-star quests I played through a few of them (Basarios = super-easy, but booooring) and decided to give "Slay the Rathian" a try... what sadistic F*CK at Capcom came up with this bullsh*t? Killing a wyvern is hard enough, but now I've got to do it in a swamp infested with Bullfangos, Genprey, and Ioprey? And to top it off, the Rathian sleeps in Area 5, which respawns infinite Genprey and Ioprey? I damn near broke my controller in disgust.

Since then, I've been killing Yian Kut-Ku to fill my coffers and earn Med Monster Bones. O_O

Actually, that brings up an aspect of this game I've got a problem with. This is something that in my mind has gone from a "hunh, that's weird" nuisance in the early game, to a "sh*t f*cking hell c*cksucker" torment in the latter half...

Why don't these wild animals behave like wild animals? o_O

Why is it that when a giant, fire-breathing, carnivorous wyvern enters their territory, a herd of Bullfango will completely ignore this enormous predator to attack the tiny hunter instead? Why don't they, oh, I don't know, RUN FROM THE DRAGON THAT COULD SWALLOW THEM WHOLE?!? The same thing applies to those damn black/white cats... they're obviously intelligent enough to build a civilization, so why don't they run at the first sign of danger, instead of trying to steal from you or blow you up with bombs?

Worst of all are the raptors. You'd think that when a bigger predator invades their turf, they'd either run off or try to drive it away somehow, attacking it with their superior numbers. But no - they're stupid video game dinosaurs, so they're going to kill the little hunter instead. And the same thing applies to the wyverns; what in god's name would cause a Rathalos to tolerate a raptor's presence IN ITS OWN NEST?!? Those things eat eggs and hatchlings too, you know. That's like hiring a child molester to babysit your kids.

Capcom had better do something about this if there's a Monster Hunter sequel; I'm getting sick of my character getting gang- FUTA by every wild animal in creation.

Okay, I need some advice peoples. Since I've heard that Hammers aren't very effective against wyverns (true?), I've decided that my 2nd character (and any character I make from now on) should have at least 1 Great Sword - just in case. Problem is, I don't know which GS I should pursue.

Metal seems to work better than bone, so that helps to narrow down my options to just a few. The Eager Cleaver's out, because it's a serious resource hog. Same thing goes for the Tactical Blade; trying to earn that many Rathalos/Rathian Claws would be a real pain in the ass. So that leaves me with just two options: the Lacerator Blade+ and the Sentinel. Here's how they stack up against each other:

Lacerator Blade+
Atk 720, Def +2
+ Higher attack power
+ Better sharpness
- More resource-intensive
- Requires slaying of multiple Rathalos/Rathian

Atk 672, Def +5
+ Less resource-intensive
+ Faster development path
- Lower attack power
- Worse sharpness

So... any thoughts? I could go either way.


Okay, I played a GMR event and got a Chrome Voucher. Basically, the event is identical to "Runaway Diablos" with the exception that if anyone in your group die once, then game over. You also get 600 HR points, so its a quick way to boost your HR ranking(hint hint, Gunstar and Defensor).

I will be on tonight. Probably an hour early.

You should go with the lacerator+ that eventually goes to Tactical blade.


Spike, I have Siegmund and it rocks. Of course it was pretty much useless until the final version. Honestly, I'd recommend Eager Cleaver if you were online. Coal runs make Machalite reasonable to get, but since you aren't online I'd go with Lacerator +.

Ps. Make dung bombs. I'm not sure if they are effective against Rathian, but if they are, you can drive her out of the crappy zones aka Bullfango spots. Or you could wait till she simply leaves that spot.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Just picked this up today with the toys r us deal. Do you guys have regular games or anything?


Mistaken iRobbery!
sefskillz said:
Just picked this up today with the toys r us deal. Do you guys have regular games or anything?
I haven't been playing in the last couple of days, damn schoolwork, but there is usually 1-3 people playing on weekdays. On the weekends is mostly when we all get together.

Now that I am done with offiline missions, and that I have my titan launcher still, I'm almost done gathering materials for my dual swords: prototype saucers. Refresh my memory again to where I can get goldtickets? I have 1 for somereason in my inventory and I don't remember how I got it :(

Since I wanted to take a break from being a gunner in the group to using a sword; why not start off with the dual blades....


I finished the luck gear that compose of:

Velociprey Mask(need velociprey head from 4* velocidrome quest)
Moss Breastplate(need mosswine hide from 4* Party Time quest)
Bone Coat(easy to make)

Skills: Knockout Negated, Luck Booster

I tried it out on the 4* Panning the Goldfish mission and I have to say it really works!!!

I went to 11 in the swamp and the first thing i mine is Union ore, followed by Ruststone, followed by Union ore again!!! Then I went to 7(the upmost mine?) and mined there, I mined another ruststone, but I can only hold one of them at a time.

I just tried it out on one mission and this is what I got from mining:

2 Union Ore
4 Earth Crystal
3 Iron Ore
5 Machilite
3 Dragonite
2 Ruststone(can only carry one at a time).

Anyway, I polished the stone and got demonlock, a RARE5 bowgun.

does lvl1/2/3 for NormalS, CragS, ClustS; Lvl1 for PierceS and PelletS; lvl2 for RecS, Poision S, StunS, SleepS; DemonS, ArmorS, TranqS, PaintS.

Edit: done the panning mission 3 times and got 3 ruststone in my chest now.

As for tickets, the silver tickets can be gotten from that inn guy after you stay at the Rook/Bishop a certain amount of time. Golden tickets are given when you stay at the Queens/Kings room a certain amount of time.

edit 2: Doh!!! I should have saved when I got demonlock because I thought I could get it again, ugh. Now all I am getting is crap weapons from rust stone no matter which combincation I tried.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
tenchir said:
I finished the luck gear that compose of:

Velociprey Mask(need velociprey head from 4* velocidrome quest)
Moss Breastplate(need mosswine hide from 4* Party Time quest)
Bone Coat(easy to make)

Skills: Knockout Negated, Luck Booster

I tried it out on the 4* Panning the Goldfish mission and I have to say it really works!!!

I went to 11 in the swamp and the first thing i mine is Union ore, followed by Ruststone, followed by Union ore again!!! The I went to 7(the upmost mine?) and mined there, I mined another ruststone, but I can only hold one of them at a time.

I just tried it out on one mission and this is what I got from mining:

2 Union Ore
4 Earth Crystal
3 Iron Ore
5 Machilite
3 Dragonite
2 Ruststone(can only carry one at a time).

Anyway, I polished the stone and got demonlock, a RARE5 bowgun.

does lvl1/2/3 for NormalS, CragS, ClustS; Lvl1 for PierceS and PelletS; lvl2 for RecS, Poision S, StunS, SleepS; DemonS, ArmorS, TranqS, PaintS.

Edit: done the panning mission 3 times and got 3 ruststone in my chest now.

As for tickets, the silver tickets can be gotten from that inn guy after you stay at the Rook/Bishop a certain amount of time. Golden tickets are given when you stay at the Queens/Kings room a certain amount of time.

Doh!!! I should have saved when I got demonlock because I thought I could get it again, ugh. Now all I am getting is crap weapons from rust stone no matter which combincation I tried.

Damn it, I need to get to your level so I can start finding some cool stuff. Stupid job is killing my gaming time. :D


Spike Spiegel said:
What other "Luck Booster" armor sets are there? I wonder how well they work offline...

I know the luck booster gear I have work offline too. Got the fourth ruststone from the volcano in area 8. Still have no demon lock or rare5 weapons, there must be some way to get them besides keep mining for stones.


Finally got a demon lock. I got 5 ruststones and 4 of them are guntype while the 5th one is an axe type. Had to polished all of them to get the demonlock....
Checked the strategy guide... Moss Breastplate and Velociprey Mask = online, HR13 only. Can't make them offline, so no "Luck Booster" for me I guess. :(

Spent last night getting the parts I need to make a Cutlass+. All I need do now is collect enough materials to make the Mega Demondrugs.


Spike Spiegel said:
Checked the strategy guide... Moss Breastplate and Velociprey Mask = online, HR13 only. Can't make them offline, so no "Luck Booster" for me I guess. :(

Spent last night getting the parts I need to make a Cutlass+. All I need do now is collect enough materials to make the Mega Demondrugs.

I spend around 4-5 hours yesterday just collecting stuff to complete my pre-HR13 weapons and completing offline missions. I'm already done with cutlass+, ultimus gradios, plesioth watersword, cyclone, and siegmund. I am thinking of starting a lance and hammer weapon, anyone knows what's the best hammer/lance I can create for a HR13?

I just need to complete a couple of mission offline before I am completely done. I cleared all the 1-5 star quest, slayed monoblos, diablos(create a monoblos armor), and khezu(create a vespoid armor). All i need to do left is unlock gravios(create a cephalos armor) and do the slay two wyvern mission(rathian and rathalos I think).

Hey Defensor, what parts do you need for Titan Launcher? I could create maestrom, injector, and kut ku cannon, grenade launcher, but titan launcher doesn't show up.


Mistaken iRobbery!
tenchir said:
Hey Defensor, what parts do you need for Titan Launcher? I could create maestrom, injector, and kut ku cannon, grenade launcher, but titan launcher doesn't show up.
I dunno, I'll have to check my strat guide when I get back home tonight. I haven't played in a week too so tonight I'll login in some hours for Monster Hunter Online. Dual Blades!


Been thinking of picking up this game. How is the community going now that it's been out for a while? Any major cheats and cheaters in the game?

Also, is this just PvE, or is there some kind of PvP too?


I just spend the last couple of days collecting materials for my "Good Luck" gear:

Monoblos Helm
Hornet Mail +
Rathian Vambraces
High Metal Tasset +
Rathalos Greaves

Skill: Good Luck

The hardest material to get is Union Ore, Hornetaur Head/Bladefin, and Dragonite ores, but I manage to collect them all. Anyone know the difference between the skill "Good Luck" from this armor and the skill "Luck Booster" from:

Velociprey Mask
Moss Breastplate
Bone Coat

Skill: Knockout Negated, Luck Booster


I've got about a 10% success ratio against Rathalos so far. I've been keeping track. It'll take forever at this rate to earn enough parts for my Lac Blade+ and some Rathalos armor. Every time I fight him, it's like a war; a full inventory of Lg Bombs, Sm Bombs, Pitfall Traps, Flash Bombs, Potions, and Mega Potions used, and it still ends up coming down to the wire. And I still haven't tried beating the Rathian again...

On a more positive note, I fashioned a full set of Plesioth armor this weekend. Looks cool. :)


Almost no one shows up for night games anymore, so when do you other early guys play? And on what server/land/area usually? Give your name too.


GRR....I never play with any of you guys cause i have no idea when any of you are on. Anyone wanna play tomorrow? Throw me a damn bone here.
...I did it.

I don't know how it happened, or why it happened, or what god of luck smiled down upon me from the heavens and allowed it to happen in the first place. All I know is, I did it, and after doing it I couldn't help but stare blankly at the screen, slackjawed and unmoving.

I captured a Rathalos... on the first try.
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