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Who's gonna get monster hunter?


I'm considering it. Battlefront is such a trainwreck as far as latency and stability go, so I'm probably going to wind up Ebaying it. Probably pick this up, not sure, ho-hum.
I really want to grab this game, but I have to get my router working on my college network first. :(

As far as the item system goes, are there a lot of different grades of items? What about hard-to-find elite items? The one thing that keeps me going back to Diablo II after all these years is my insatiable urge to collect cool items.


I'll be picking it up, along with an iType, in an hour or so -- I'll definitely be down for a game tonight.


Anyone used one yet?


well not really...yet
Well, I made my character and everything, though I think ill restart it. I probably need a keyboard, heh


Ok, got everything set up. It makes you start off in single player mode, but if you just save, exit, and choose continue, you can get online. I was going to go straight online without doing any offline quests, but it looks like they online and offline quests are different. I may do a few offline before logging on again tonight (leaving here in half an hour anyway).

Be wary of what you use for your account name when you create it with Capcom because it will become your in game name. So anyway, my in game name is Trav, even though I'm playing as this cute little chippy.

I'm going to shoot for being on around 10:00 tonight. Those of you who get on before that try to come up with a place to meet up.

World choices are:
- Brave World
- Sincere World

Inside that there are three lands: Red, Green, and Blue

Inside that there are three towns again: Red (Allsburg), Green (Bordertown), and Blue (Outpost)

Obviously most people are on the first choice of each: Brave World/Red Land/Allsburg.

edit: Haven't used the iType...I'm using the wireless keyboard from my computer.


And even i am moderately surprised
hmmm.... if i get the US version, i could replay this all over again with you guys!


Last one to get the dragon buster sword is a raging homo.... ;)


Blah, I almost broke down and bought it to wash recent sour gaming events out of my system, and gamestop is sold out. If it's something I'm interested in, they're always sold out, so aggrivating.


well not really...yet
Alex said:
Blah, I almost broke down and bought it to wash recent sour gaming events out of my system, and gamestop is sold out. If it's something I'm interested in, they're always sold out, so aggrivating.
My Gamestop didnt even get it in! I had to go to :shudder: EB
brandonnn said:
I'll be picking it up, along with an iType, in an hour or so -- I'll definitely be down for a game tonight.


Anyone used one yet?

it looks like youd have to put the controller down to do any real typing. In which case you might as well just use a keyboard.


seismologist said:
it looks like youd have to put the controller down to do any real typing. In which case you might as well just use a keyboard.

After a year of doing the keyboard-on-knees / keyboard-falling-off-of-thighs balancing act through PSO, anything will be a welcome alternative.

I'm actually sort of partial to that Logitech with the sticks and buttons on the sides of the fullsize keyboard, but given that DC's already tipped us off to the fact that typing's going to be an afterthought during gameplay, I figured $20 wasn't too much to experiment with.

I'll be finding out for sure in another half hour or so.


Don't know. Your account creation went through ok I assume? You should try to edit your account instead of logging into the game to see if you can get on that way (then press "play now" from that Monster Hunter web page).

We need a list of names and a place to meet so we can get rolling.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Okay I got it working now. So which World are we going to meet up at?

Brave World
Sincere World

And also which land(Red, Green, Blue)? My tag for this game and Outbreak is:


I'm up for a game/quest right now(its about 7:45pm Pacific here). So just name the place to meet up. I will be awake until 2:00am Pacific.


Post impressions when you get a grip on things. Also, don't get sick of it within a day or two. :(


I'm not thrilled with combat early on. Mind you, this is single player with a sword and shield. We'll see if group tactics make up the difference. The camera is the same as PSO, it'll do. The 5 beginning offline quests are definitely worth doing as they are some sort of a tutorial. I got through those, but I'm tired. Online tomorrow.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I'm seriously considering picking up the game. Does anyone know if there are any decent safeguards in place against cheating on Monster Hunter? I'm worried about the game going the route of PSO with rediculously glammed-out players running around who obviously haven't earned their stuff.

If there's a way to strictly play with friends then I'll definitely grab it. :)


And even i am moderately surprised
combat is hard and clumsy at first...
but once you start "getting it", it becomes second nature and you'll find near unlimited combos available with the big sword....

... but i can GUARANTEE some of you are going to be uberpissed when big sword users send you flying into the air.... ;)

Coordination! it's the name of the game... (well, actually, it's Monster Hunter, but still....)


My suggestion for meetup area is Sincere Blue P, but that's just because I think it's got a nice ring to it. It seems tucked away enough that we'd be pretty sure we'd be hooking up with trustworthy people.

Orrr feel free to trash the idea completely and I'll follow where others lead.

Got through completing my first quest. I really like the battle system. The analog style seems to have more of a flow like PSO than RTH with it was mainly your slamming the analog stick into different directions. The big plus it has over PSO is that there's more than a 3 hit combo. The downside is that from what I can tell there's no lock on system so at time you've got to line yourself up with your enemy before attacking or else you're going to get smacked, especially if you take one of the big swings by a dino.

The music is awesome (cooking music!). The outside fighting seems to be more atmospheric though with just mainly wind blowing. The atmosphere in the game is great, especially the first time you run up to one of the dinos and start fighting. It reminds me of the first time you got to see the dragon boss in PSO.

This looks like it could be the game everyone was expecting CoN to be, the one that eats up your time like PSO.


Official info:

World: Sincere
Land: Blue
Area: P
Town: Shouldn't matter, people from all three towns will be visible.

Known players:
- Trav
- Defensor
- Lyte Edge
- brandonn
- seismologist
- Khiqshi
- SolidSnakex
- Vark
- Nos_G

Let's password our quests with: gaf

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Supposed to be getting it today, but I don't know how much time I'll have since it is also Katamari Damacy day as well.
I played some offline and online yesterday. So far I like it. In some ways the production values arent as polished as PSO or FFXI. Like the menus and stuff in towns look pretty bland. It definitely has more of an RPG feel than PSO. There's alot of different people to talk to in town and different stores to visit. I've seen 2 different towns so far. (1 online, 1 offline).

Once you get out into the wilderness it's actually pretty cool. The graphics are awesome. Fighting works well too. It's like PSO but different. It feels more like your on one big map. You really have to watch the map because you'll get separated from your party. Plus you can see icons for the real big monsters on the map. The flying ones swoop around to different places so you gotta watch out for them.

Each quest is timed so you need to get your act together and plan things out in a hurry. Another nice touch is when you die you start over from the beginning of the map but the total reward for the whole party goes down so it's in your best interest to keep everyone alive.

My name is seismologist.
My name is Khiqshi.
Edit: My name is also MisterZimbu. I'll probably play with that one more often. Same character though :).

There seem to be various references to classes in this game (for instance, aren't some weapons listed as Blademaster only, etc?). How do you choose a class?

Also, the game seems VERY hard single player. When you start the second tier of quests it becomes absurd. I get to area 2 and get mauled by about 40 Velos. Any tips?
Trav said:
Let's make Sincere Blue official. Is "P" the name of the town?

World: Sincere
Area: Blue
Town: P

Known players:
- Trav
- Defensor
- LyteEdge
- brandonn

Let's password our quests with: gaf

Count me in, I was just on but there didn't seem like there was anyone in the section you mentioned. I did the quest on my own since you get alot of money for doing that.

"There seem to be various references to classes in this game (for instance, aren't some weapons listed as Blademaster only, etc?). How do you choose a class?"

You gain classes online by earning points when you beat a quest (after you register at the guild).

If anyones up for a game right now let me know.


Solid, what's your name online? I can't play until after work, probably 7:00est at the earliest. At least we know where to go to look for people now, and we can build up our friends list.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
All these positive post make me want to go get the game. I might have to break down and get, plus I loved PSO.


Unless I was doing something wrong, it doesn't appear that you can search for people across all 'worlds' and 'lands' when you first connect, which is a shame. It appeared that once you have someone added to your friends list it'll let you know where they are and help you try and connect over there automatically, but I'll have to actually find and friend someone first to tell.

I saw someone called Katamari in one of the towns last night, which was cute.
I think you can be in anyones party, its just that if someone else is higher than you they'll have to choose a quest that's on your level instead of theirs.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Don't know if it matters or not, but my name in the game is "Lyte Edge"....so there's a space inbetween both words.

Is there even a buddy list though?


Sorry Lyte Edge, I thought you couldn't use a space in your user name. And yes, there's a friends list accessible once you get to the town selection screen.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Gunstar77 said:
All these positive post make me want to go get the game. I might have to break down and get, plus I loved PSO.
If Wario buys this, then you have to Gunstar :p

Anyway will you guys be on:
Sincere Blue official

World: Sincere
Area: Blue
Town: P

Known players:
- Trav
- Defensor
- LyteEdge
- brandonn

Let's password our quests with: gaf

I know I'm jumping in late online but today was the first day of class for the new quarter and I'm stuck at work :(


Defensor said:
Anyway will you guys be on Sincere Blue P

I'm gonna do some offline quests for the first bit of tonight, as the WoW installer torrent is extremely hazardous to my bandwidth, but I'll be shutting it down for a bit and hanging on the Blue P later for sure.

Hope to see somebody there.


I just hopped on and didn't see anyone there yet. I'm going to grill out some dinner and watch a couple of shows with the little lady, then I'll jump back on tonight.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Trav said:
I just hopped on and didn't see anyone there yet. I'm going to grill out some dinner and watch a couple of shows with the little lady, then I'll jump back on tonight.

I'm still doing offline quests right now. I don't want to commit to playing tonight; feeling pretty tired right now and might fall asleep while online. :)


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Defensor said:
If Wario buys this, then you have to Gunstar :p

Well, I am not waiting for Wario, I am going out tomorrow and picking it up. I decided to get this instead of Star Wars: Battlefront because there is only one other game like Monster Hunters (PSO) but there is tons of games like Star Wars: Battlefront and with Halo 2 coming out in a little over a month why bother with Star Wars Battlefront. So, as long as I can find the game tomorrow, I will see some of you Friday night and during the weekend. My name will be Gunstar77.


Early impressions (almost all from online last night):


- Weapon creation/upgrading (I made a Bone Club last night and upgraded it to Great Bone Club over 600dmg)
- Farming for materials, both environment based and creature carved
- We saw a hint of where some real subtle strategy is needed (using Sonic Bombs to pull sand monsters out of the ground, and Vark and I figuring out how to catch Goldfish)
- Playing online with guys from here
- Fantastic graphics, environments are beautiful, monsters have superb designs and character models


- Bad first impression of combat
-- It's very hard to see (control over camera is limited, trees/bushes obscure your view, map and text box take up screen real estate - can be turned off but you need them)
-- No damage indication, no hit points and no sign a monster is close to dead (We fought some dinos last night that just never went down, yet we didn't "feel" outmatched. Eventually just left them alone :shrug: )
-- Those same quick-footed dinos were very hard to hit, along with boars, bugs, cats, etc. (maybe something comes available soon that keeps them rooted instead of jumping and dashing all over the place?)
-- Feels sloppy because of poor hit detection (how big is my bounding box?? geez) and no collision detection (you can walk, and more importantly, combo right through monsters making it tough to realign for the next attack)
-- No lock on ability becomes painfully noticeable because of the two bullets above

- Monster's bodies decay quickly, meaning you can't loot them for bones, meat, scales, etc. if you are still busy fighting off a pack of them
- Quests have time limits, so you may not have time to fart around collecting stuff off the ground, and no way to go out in the world without a quest
- Learning curve is steep, the game doesn't tell you much about anything (see Playing online with friends for help with this)
- GUI presentation is horrid, windows, text boxes, etc.


- The number of consumable items is overwhelming in the beginning of the game (do you sell them, keep them for use in your limited 20-slot inventory, or keep them at your house in case you can use them in combinations?)



seismologist said:
Nos-G how'd you like those mushrooms?

LOL damn, that quest took damned too long and my stamina was dangerously low.

Did you finish the quest by yourself? When I left there was about 20 minutes left into it.
no i didn't finish the quest I just gave up. We need to be better prepared next time (bring cooking items and shit) I have a feeling the game will get alot better once we level up.


Yeah definitely... I guess 560 zenni for that bbq spit isn't so much when you are STARVING!!!

I thought that mushroom hunt would be at the plateau type level... not the friggin' jungle...

I'm going to try and get tricked out offline today and see how it goes.
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