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Who's gonna get monster hunter?


And even i am moderately surprised
The Sentinel is great for defence, but crap for attack. It's use comes from the fact that it absorbs lots of damage and , as mentioned, is more likely to floor a dragon.

I love the massively upgraded katana... slices through most things with no problems :)
+ electric damage really helps vs. Gantotorous (Fish Dragon - FECKING big (until you see the fort/black dragon)


And even i am moderately surprised
"3. How much do you guys play? Cause I'd love to try and catch up and play with some of you guys."

this is the genius of monster hunter.

You don't HAVE to catch up.

If you can play with people and just avoid getting killed, you can learn the skills and get equipment pretty quickly.


Defensor said:
I think my armor gives me immunity to stun because whenever the Dragon would do his stun flash, everyone of you was seeing stars while I was still conscious.

Just look under equipment. Any special set bonuses are listed under "skills".


Grats on the rathian kill, Tenchir.



What the hell is this sword?



SaitoH said:

What the hell is this sword?


That looks like a RedWing.
Bone Blade > Bone Blade+ > Agito > Agito+ > Dragon Agito > RedWing

If we doing the Rathian in the desert quest, I think I will play as a gunner since 3 blademasters is a bit too crowded(even worse when two of us is a GS user)


Mistaken iRobbery!
Oh good then Tenchir. One of us can use the Rapidcaster(can use pierce bullets) while the other can use the Shotgun Blood(can't use pierce). Both of us can be healers too!


Defensor said:
Oh good then Tenchir. One of us can use the Rapidcaster(can use pierce bullets) while the other can use the Shotgun Blood(can't use pierce). Both of us can be healers too!

I don't have enough ores to make the rapidcaster. I wasted all my machillite/iron ores making the Shotgun blood and the gunner gears. I just tried out some quest with my gunner and I can understand why you are always running low on bullets. I did the vespoid mission using only Normal S2 bullets and ran out, had to resort to the Normal S1.... at least I manage to get a monster fluid. Any knows who drop the Blos Fang?

Can't believe I made Pierce S1/S2 and not have the guns to shoot it with >_<.

Edit: Is there a first person mode for gunners?


Found this on a forum.

Rook room:

Meat + meat = health +10
Grain + grain = stamina+25
Meat + veg = health+10
Meat + fish = attack+3
Meat + grain = health+20
Veg + oil = defense+5
Fish + grain = stamina+25
Grain + oil = defense+10
Grain + milk = health+10 & stamina+25
grain + liquor = health+10

Bishop room:

Meat + meat = health+20
Fish + fish= stamina+25
Veg + veg = health+10
Meat + veg = attack+3
Meat + fish = stamina+25
Meat + liquor = attack+5
Veg + fish= stamina+25
Veg + grain = health+10
Veg + milk = defense+5
Fish + grain = stamina+25
Fish + milk = health+30
Fish + liquor = health+10 & attack+3
Grain + oil = defense+10
Meat + liquor= stamina+25 & defense+5

Queen room:

Meat + meat = health+30
Fish + fish = stamina+50
Veg + veg = health+10 & stamina+25
Oil + oil = attack+3
Meat + veg = attack+3
Meat + fish = health+10 & defense+5
Meat + oil = attack+3
Meat + milk = health+40
Veg + fish = health+10
Veg + grain = stamina+50
Veg + liquor = health+40
Fish + grain = stamina+25 & defense+5
Fish + oil = defense+5
Grain + oil = stamina+50
Grain + oil = stamina+50
Grain + milk = attack+3 & defense+5
Meat + liquor = health+20

King Room:

Meat + meat = health=30
Fish + fish = health+10 & stamina+25
Veg + veg = stamina+25
Grain + grain = defense+5
Meat + veg = attack+3
Meat + fish = health+30 & stamina+25
Meat + grain = attack+5
Meat + oil = stamina+50
Meat + milk = stamina+25 & defense+5
Meat + liquor = health+50 & attack+5
Veg + fish = defense+10
Veg + grain = stamina+25
Fish + grain = stamina+50
Fish + oil = stamina+50 & defense+10
Grain + oil = health+50 & stamina+25
Meat + liquor = health+50 & stamina+50

The [Meat + grain = health+20] or [Grain + milk = health+10 & stamina+25] should help with figthing the wyvern.


Great game tonight, we finish the second Rathian mission(i seriously didn't think we can do it) and the Basario quest. We are basically finished with our 2 Star missions and now just need to reach Hunter Rank 9. I got a nice new Rathian Mail, so I am thinking we should kill Rathian like 12 more times to complete my set.


i played one more quest after we were done tonight, and i was able to rank up to 8
but what's interesting is that an urgent quest opened up, and it was to slay the rathalos

so i guess we got something good on tap for tomorrow, but bc saturday is my watching college football day, i don't think i'll be able to spend much time beforehand gathering materials for the quest

i still think we should attempt it, and even if we lose we can do some kut ku runs or even gyp. runs so we all can get some hunter points

and if you decide to show up, seismologist, maybe we could help you catch up with the three of us
sorry guys. I've been busy plus I was watching the debate last night.
I dont know if I can keep up with you guys. I keep dying because it takes alot longer to upgrade my armor with the path that Im on.


seismologist said:
sorry guys. I've been busy plus I was watching the debate last night.
I dont know if I can keep up with you guys. I keep dying because it takes alot longer to upgrade my armor with the path that Im on.

Not as long as the path I am going to take..... A FULL SET OF RATHIAN!!!! And I am pretty much stuck with Golem Blade until we can start fighting Moboblos or Diablos, so I pretty much am upgrading my Katana and Dual Daggers.... going to need lots of ores.

Seriously, in terms of armors and weapons, there really isn't any significant difference.


Gunstar77 said:
Well I am getting ready to sign on, I need to catch up to you guys.

Going to log in in a bit(20 minutes) since I am behind Rolio and Defensor in terms of HR ranks. You should join us Gunstar at 9:00 PST.


wth server are you guys on?? i went to sincere blue and there's no one on.

I'm experienced(seeing as I beta tested and was one of the first to get the gypceros armor in the beta) but my HR rank is only 5 because I always get grouped with noobs or stupid people so i play offline most of the time. I have a Great Serpentblade, poison great axe, and a golem blade. My armor is cephalos helm, greaves, and chest armor, and kut ku tasset and bracers. I want to go on some Rathalos/Rathian runs with you guys so just let me know whats up and I'll be there.


Ceros said:
wth server are you guys on?? i went to sincere blue and there's no one on.

I'm experienced(seeing as I beta tested and was one of the first to get the gypceros armor in the beta) but my HR rank is only 5 because I always get grouped with noobs or stupid people so i play offline most of the time. I have a Great Serpentblade, poison great axe, and a golem blade. My armor is cephalos helm, greaves, and chest armor, and kut ku tasset and bracers. I want to go on some Rathalos/Rathian runs with you guys so just let me know whats up and I'll be there.

Blue Land
Area P
Usually the first town.

Time we usually play is 9:00 PST. Some of us logs on in the afternoon.
To Monster Hunter's credit it got my brother to stop playing FFXI even with the expansion having just come out. Of course this means I haven't had a chance to use my PS2 in a week...


tenchir said:
Blue Land
Area P
Usually the first town.

Time we usually play is 9:00 PST. Some of us logs on in the afternoon.

Guess that's why I never see you guys on either. I usually go on from 9 - 12-ish atlantic time.

Met Brandonn for a few minutes, but we had a full group AND I forgot to add him to my friends list.


47 hours.

Found information on armor sets.

Rathalos : Large attack Bonus, Provoke, -10 Dragon resistance
Rathian : Health +20, Provoke
Gypceros : Wide Range Antidote
Ioprey : Poison Nullified
Geneprey : Paralisis Nullified
Velociprey : Knock out negated
Yian Kut-Ku : Attack Bonus (Small)
Khezu : Quick Injury Healing
Cephalos : Heat resistance
Vespoid : Sleep Nullified
Battle : Blademaster: 25% sharpness restoration. Gunner: +1 reload spead
Bone : Provoke, Prevent Steal, Famine Half
Hornet : Poison Nullified
Plesoth : Famine Half

Mixed Armor sets:

Rathian cap, arms, and legs. Rathalos waist and torso: Fire+25 Water-10 Lighting-10


Sorry I couldn't make it tonight. I had to take my dad to the hospital today to get his head check because he can't seem to remember any phone number(even ours). Everything checked out fine, but I just don't feel like playing today.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
tenchir said:
Sorry I couldn't make it tonight. I had to take my dad to the hospital today to get his head check because he can't seem to remember any phone number(even ours). Everything checked out fine, but I just don't feel like playing today.

Hope everything is ok.

Hey Ace, what happen to you. Anyway I got a new weapon, the Poision Axe. I like it but it cost 39,990 to upgrade again. I guess I need to start earning some money.
Argh... I am so f*cking stuck. :(

This weekend I finished the 4-star offline missions, and got up to the "Attack of the Rathalos" quest... and that's as far as I went. I just cannot solo a Rathalos; every time, I end up running out of supplies. The bastard took hits from, like, 6 or 7 large barrel explosions while trapped or sleeping, plus shots from my "Gospel" katana, and simply would not go down. It doesn't help matters that he's constantly moving to areas where fighting him sucks, like Area 10 (stupid cat things!) and Area 9 (stupid narrow passage!). I've got to rethink my strategy, or I'm done. In the meantime, I've started a new character.

Anyway... o_O

Good news! Thanks to my Poison Axe, I've got a full set of Hornet armor! It looks totally badass, and makes you immune to poison damage!


Bad news... Hornet armor totally blows. Its base defense is high, but it's incredibly weak against fire and water; that's makes it a severe handicap against the Rathalos, and many other wyverns in the game. I've taken to wearing Kut-Ku armor instead.

BTW, if you're offline and want to make a lot of money, get yourself a poisonous weapon and do the "Attack of the Giant Bugs" quest over and over again. Once an insect's poisonsed, don't attack it again; let the poison run its course, and it'll leave a corpse every time. The trick is to let your weapon's sharpness degrade to its lowest point; the more dull your weapon is, the more hits it takes to kill an enemy, the more chances you have to inflict poison and have a body to harvest from.

Each time, I've been able to get about 10-15 Vespoid Wings, 6-8 Vespoid Shells, 5-7 Hornetaur Shells, and a whopping 25-30 Hornetaur Wings, all of which can be sold for some nice dough. But the real treat here is Monster Fluid; on each run, I usually end up with about 10 of them... which get you 5000z when sold!

Oh, and the strategy guide is DEAD WRONG about the "Bring Me Eggs" quest. Trying to take 3 eggs through Area 2 is an exercise in frustration (trust me on this), as the Genprey there will always reappear. It's much easier to take the eggs around through the "long" way, 8-7-10-4-3-1. Drop an egg, then clear the Genprey out of Areas 7 and 3, as well as the pair of Apceros that block your path in Area 4. You'll still have to dodge Genprey in Areas 10 and 1 (the ones in Area 4 usually don't notice you), but it's over a much shorter distance and therefore much easier.
Wow 5000 for monster fluid? What else is it used for? I might have to sell mine.

btw Spike do you have any tips on trading meium bones to the elder for Mach ore? I go to him with like 5 med. bones and he never seems to take them.
Offline, Monster Fluid = 500z apiece when sold. I've still got about 50 in my inventory, even after selling a bunch of them to generate cash. ...I did that quest a LOT when making my Hornet armor set. I think the stuff's only good for making certain weapon/armor types.

Trading Med Monster Bone for Machalite Ore only works with the Swamp Elder, make sure you've got the right one. Also, go see him at the start of the mission, and don't bring anything else with you that he might want to trade for. For some reason when I was doing it, he'd only make the trade 3 times before shooing me away.


So I decided that where you carve makes no difference. I finally got a Kut-ku beak last night and I was carving up his tail area.


Wish I had good advice for Rathalos ... that's where I'm stuck offline too. Much easier to fight big dragons online simply because you aren't the only focus of their attacks. A buddy of mine beat him offline though ... bastard!

tenchir said:
47 hours.

Found information on armor sets.

Rathalos : Large attack Bonus, Provoke, -10 Dragon resistance
Rathian : Health +20, Provoke
Gypceros : Wide Range Antidote
Ioprey : Poison Nullified
Geneprey : Paralisis Nullified
Velociprey : Knock out negated
Yian Kut-Ku : Attack Bonus (Small)
Khezu : Quick Injury Healing
Cephalos : Heat resistance
Vespoid : Sleep Nullified
Battle : Blademaster: 25% sharpness restoration. Gunner: +1 reload spead
Bone : Provoke, Prevent Steal, Famine Half
Hornet : Poison Nullified
Plesoth : Famine Half

Mixed Armor sets:

Rathian cap, arms, and legs. Rathalos waist and torso: Fire+25 Water-10 Lighting-10
This is what I was wearing until I got my Hornet and Kut-Ku armor sets:

Hunter Helm
Battle Mail
Battle Vambraces
Hunter Tasset
Battle Greaves

Gives a +10 bonus to Health and Defense, but only works on male characters. It's in the strategy guide, along with 100+ other combinations.


I am pretty pissed right now. After my second try at soloing Rathalos and beating him(with only 3-4 minutes left), somehow the quest didn't get save!!!! Rathalos isn't that hard, he doesn't have the instant kill move like Rathian, but he does hit harder and run away more often.

My strategy is just don't risk getting damage and just hit him once then quickly roll away. I only try to hit him twice after he charged or breath fire.
Anyone been using Hammers with any kind of regularity? I decided to give my 2nd character one as her first weapon, and it's... uh... different. Lots of power, but slow as hell and with little/no range at all. And while you can't block with it, the R1 button gives you access to some cool charge techniques. And you can run around with it, instead of moving slowly like with a Great Sword; that's something that surprised me.

So how about it? Any Hammer users out there?


Okay, if you guys haven't started on Rathalos last night, let's do him tonight..... twice!!! I need components from him to make my Rathalos GS.


Got rank 9 last night, no thanks to a rank 15 that decided to bail after we had two deaths fairly early on. pfft

I have a hammer, in fact I have a kut-ku beak just dying to be made into another one. Fun weapon actually. You can do a lot of different attacks from the spin. If you spin about 4 times then tap up you do the "to the moon" move, for example. So always make sure to finish your spin off.

Focusing more on GS and lances at the moment though.

Man, it's hard starting a new character from scratch in this game, after having spent so much time on my first one... I keep wanting to yell at the game, "hurry up and give me more sh*t so I can buy some real weapons and armor!" Wasting three GS swings on a lowly Velociprey really hurts.


I know what you mean. I made a female gunner toon, but gave up playing her because I hated starting all over again. Maybe after I stop playing for a while, I'll feel like fresh start with a new toon.
I'm going to give killing the Rathalos another shot tonight, during the debate; I'm going to try a different approach and see if that works. But if I should fail, well... 2nd character, here I come.


I tried making a female character also, but after putting so much time into the first one, doing it a second time is sooo daunting.


Get online now, market is selling:

Ivy 75z
Armor Seed 280z
Power Seed 220z
Godbugs 420z
Nitroshorroms 60z
Blue Mushroom 75z
Sm Bone Husk 30z
Castus Flower 100z
Ratha Scales 4900z
Rathi Scales 4900z
Monster Fluids 5000z
Wyvern Fang 60z
Wyvern Claw 180z

and a few more items, talk to the herb seller.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Well I finally raised enough money to upgrade my Poison Axe. ($40,000) Now I just need 2 Poison Sacs and I am set. So tomorrow night I need help getting them, after that I will help you guys get any items you need.


Well, if any of you want to do any wyvern runs I'm up for it. I really need to kill some Khezu, Plesioths, and Diablos, but I'm yearning for some Rathians....(no rathalos cause he's a pussy)

BTW here's my equip:
Full Hornet set
Full Cephalos set
Full Kut Ku set
75% of the Steel set

Vile Serpentblade,Golem(still need a damn Blos fang),Aqua Spear,Gradios,and the Poison Battleaxe(40k one).

I'm a beta tester and I have experience, so don't let my HR 7 fool you >:p.


Almost HR 12 and beat Rathalos offline. Even managed to do the dreaded powderstone quest. Need a couple scales to have my almost full set of rathalos armour ( I don't like the -10 to dragon bonus so I wear a lobster helm) =P

SaitoH said:
Almost HR 12 and beat Rathalos offline. Even managed to do the dreaded powderstone quest. Need a couple scales to have my almost full set of rathalos armour ( I don't like the -10 to dragon bonus so I wear a lobster helm) =P

I've been experimenting with using (Blade/Gun) Caps for head armor lately. It can give you the full set look, without the set bonus/handicap. And for a lot of Caps, while the defense is lower, the resistance is usually higher - sometimes even into positive territory. Have you thought about wearing a Rathalos Cap instead?
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