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Why are Apple computers so expensive/overpriced?


One of the green rats
They aren’t. Sure you can build a cheap pos something with a better processor and gpu but everything else in that rig will be shit in comparison and 4 times larger. If it’s not then it will be the same price.

plus windows is a shitty ass os.
Ms have made great strides with development tools ( visual studio code is ace!, Linux in windows) and net-core though.
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David B

An Idiot
Because Apple has done a great job marketing themselves as an elitist lifestyle company. As opposed to a tech company.

When you got people buying $40 adapters and $1000 L-shaped metal monitor stands, you know you got lemmings hooked in.
I think some people have lost there thought process. Oh its got these features and does that, omg! Oh wait, wait, oh this pc is 400 cheaper and can do all that and much more and even has better specs and more SSD space! If people actually would think.


Gold Member
Because Apple is not a tech company, it's a fashion company targeting pretentious hipsters and idiots that want to show off their expensive piece of plastic. It's the reason why Apple has such a gargantuan marketing budget, like all fashion companies its reputation isn't organic at all and was manufactured through billions upon billions of spending in marketing bullshit and brainwashing. I bet at least 95% of Apple users have no idea what they're buying spec-wise, they know the bullshit marketing terms at best, how big the hdd is and that's it.

It's never been a power thing no matter which Apple supporters claim otherwise. If Apple gear was so powerful and good value for the dollar, you'd have every business using them for corporate computers, laptops and servers. And Apple (along with other ERP companies) would be churning out Apple OS based business programs and server farms. You dont see it because they cant handle it.

Even a basic program every big business uses (SAP) is incompatible with Apple OS unless you do that Windows virtual environment. Googling it, they finally made some native apps for Apple just recently.

I 100% agree with the "no idea on specs" part. Well, maybe not 100% but probably like 98%. All my sis in laws, and nieces and nephews (since they are old enough) all crave Apple gear but have no idea of specs, dont care about price (not that the kids would know any better but the adults should), and even funnier is that they've never even used Macs before but they all got this internal appetite to buy a Macbook when they've never even used one or owned one ever.

All the stuff you hear about Apple PCs being good (graphic design stuff) the dont even do anyway. They use computers for email, the net, YT, kids play Roblox or watch NF etc.... Yet despite these low level programs used, they think they need a Mac.
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Gold Member
I think some people have lost there thought process. Oh its got these features and does that, omg! Oh wait, wait, oh this pc is 400 cheaper and can do all that and much more and even has better specs and more SSD space! If people actually would think.
That's because most people in life go with their eyes, and are too lazy to dig into details. And computers are a spec heavy product. You can tell people dont think because the whole issue with adapters and dongles should be something a buyer would notice on day one checking out specs to see if their existing cables work. But when they dont check, thats why people complained about it after they already bought it. You'd think something important like ports on an electrical gadget (like checking what ports you get on a TV) would be easy to spot right away. But it shows some people just dive in and hope for the best.

If there's one thing Apple is great at is aesthetics with supporting TV ads which show the products up close. Not too often you'll see them talk hardcore stats.

With computers, youd think the typical person would go for power and programs for their dollar (based on their budget) because that is what counts. It's not like choosing which painting to buy which is pure aesthetics.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I have a MacBook Pro from 2016 which is still running in mint shape. My dad has a MacBook Pro from 2015 and they changed his battery and repaired the chasis for free. They treat you well imho.

All of the windows laptops around the house never lasted more than 3yrs, and started breaking after 2yrs.
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David B

An Idiot
That's because most people in life go with their eyes, and are too lazy to dig into details. And computers are a spec heavy product. You can tell people dont think because the whole issue with adapters and dongles should be something a buyer would notice on day one checking out specs to see if their existing cables work. But when they dont check, thats why people complained about it after they already bought it. You'd think something important like ports on an electrical gadget (like checking what ports you get on a TV) would be easy to spot right away. But it shows some people just dive in and hope for the best.

If there's one thing Apple is great at is aesthetics with supporting TV ads which show the products up close. Not too often you'll see them talk hardcore stats.

With computers, youd think the typical person would go for power and programs for their dollar (based on their budget) because that is what counts. It's not like choosing which painting to buy which is pure aesthetics.
That's the second big thing, no usb a inputs. So adapter after adapter. PC no add ons needed. Apple pay more, get less, and need adapters. PC pay less, get more, all inputs actually work with my stuff.


Gold Member
That's the second big thing, no usb a inputs. So adapter after adapter. PC no add ons needed. Apple pay more, get less, and need adapters. PC pay less, get more, all inputs actually work with my stuff.
But with Apple, you get to impress people!!!

When you open your Macbook on a table to check your credit card balance showing you are in debt $1000 from buying it, you can purposely angle it so everyone in the room can see the silver Apple logo. As everyone goes oooohhh and ahhhhh in excitement, it should make you feel better they are impressed at the computer you are typing on.

If you get a Lenovo or Dell, people wont do that.
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Gold Member
It´s a psychological tribal thing which apple has managed to exploit, most people doesn´t really need an apple product but it´s cool to be in the "club", not necessarily an elitist thing, read some of the answers here, they are the ones making the smart choice just because they can think of other product of lower quality or less features, nothing but tremendoulsy biased thinking.
And it's easiest to exploit young people, since they dont know any better and are at that age where they like to show off. That's why Apple products are rarely shown marketing to older people even though even old people need gadgets too. When people get old they get more pragmatic and value conscious, so Apple gear wont connect so much.

They noticed if they did a 180 in specs (from anti-Intel to Intel lover) and marketing changing from rebel hippy vs average joe big blue to conformity of the masses with U2 (the most mainstream band in the world to promote iPod) and TV ads about everyone being a teacher and doctor all using iPhone, they'd make shit loads more money. Which they did.

I dont think I have ever seen a company change image as much as Apple in 20 years.
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K' Dash

You can tell who can't afford Apple Products are in this thread so easily.

you mean the dude that has every other post, lol?

there was no laptop a year ago that offered the same value as the M1 MacBook Air, you could make a case that it still is the best bang for the buck right now, even though the M2 is the better laptop... just pricier.

Having everything on the same ecosystem, one that works as seamlessly as Apple's is just really convenient for me as a developer.
you mean the dude that has every other post, lol?

there was no laptop a year ago that offered the same value as the M1 MacBook Air, you could make a case that it still is the best bang for the buck right now, even though the M2 is the better laptop... just pricier.

Having everything on the same ecosystem, one that works as seamlessly as Apple's is just really convenient for me as a developer.

Yep. Works wonderfully for my job as well. Being able to go from my phone to my laptop to my tablet is just so damn nice.


I have a late 2015 iMac and it still works like brand new. I wish I could say the same for all the Windows PC’s I’ve owned, but sadly they don’t hold a candle.


Sheeple think PCs glued together to prevent what would otherwise be a simple repair is better.

I work as a sysadmin in higher ed. The only places Macs are "better" are in art fields where there are interfaces or apps that were developed first or only for macs. There's D&P lighting apps, music apps and some film apps that either only exist on mac, or don't have a comparable alternative that beats them out. For administrative jobs on the rest of campus, for teaching remotely, and for practically every other job (and gaming of course) PCs just outperform Macs and for half the cost.

Apple marketing early on was ahead of the curve when it came to replacing boring beige with shiny aluminum and it turned into a status symbol. There's also people that think spending more automatically means better.

David B

An Idiot
I posted a poll on Mac vs PC. New post in off topic. Vote for which you like more. If you vote for the one you didn't mean to press you have availability to change your vote.


Gold Member
Sheeple think PCs glued together to prevent what would otherwise be a simple repair is better.

I work as a sysadmin in higher ed. The only places Macs are "better" are in art fields where there are interfaces or apps that were developed first or only for macs. There's D&P lighting apps, music apps and some film apps that either only exist on mac, or don't have a comparable alternative that beats them out. For administrative jobs on the rest of campus, for teaching remotely, and for practically every other job (and gaming of course) PCs just outperform Macs and for half the cost.

Apple marketing early on was ahead of the curve when it came to replacing boring beige with shiny aluminum and it turned into a status symbol. There's also people that think spending more automatically means better.
They actually tried it first with rainbow coloured iMacs. But those didn't fly as they were too corny. But they hit it out of the park with the stainless steel look which has stuck since then.


They aren’t. Sure you can build a cheap pos something with a better processor and gpu but everything else in that rig will be shit in comparison and 4 times larger. If it’s not then it will be the same price.

plus windows is a shitty ass os.
Ms have made great strides with development tools ( visual studio code is ace!, Linux in windows) and net-core though.

Actual OS seldom matters anymore. As you noted between WSL2 and native Hyper-v, windows is good for basically any development. You can also run OSX in a VM if you really have a need to use OSX.


Because people will pay for it.
Why do $1000+ phones not have microSD slots, headphone jacks, removable batteries or even a charger/headphones in the box? Because people will still pay for them.
The rules are set by the common denominator majority, who just like simple stuff that works and makes them look cool/fit in.


Depends, the macs are great for professional media production. and it's easy to streamline a whole department. better value for hardware can be found elsewhere, but then would need a bigger and better IT department to manage it.

As for iPhones, yes they are overrated and overpriced vanity items.


But with Apple, you get to impress people!!!

When you open your Macbook on a table to check your credit card balance showing you are in debt $1000 from buying it, you can purposely angle it so everyone in the room can see the silver Apple logo. As everyone goes oooohhh and ahhhhh in excitement, it should make you feel better they are impressed at the computer you are typing on.

If you get a Lenovo or Dell, people wont do that.

Agreed. I spit on people who own a Lenovo or a Dell.
I'm disappointed by the amount of ignorance in this thread. A significant portion of folks who use Apple computers don't have to buy them, they are provided by their work, so the price doesn't matter. If you work in software development targeting a Linux environment, almost no one uses Windows. The majority of AWS EC2 instances deployed are running Linux, using apps developed on Macs (a non-trivial portion of the internet that serves content to you).

Anecdotally, I also spent quite a bit of money on a Dell XPS 15 (with OLED) hoping to get a similar experience, and it was a complete waste of money. Wifi drivers barely worked, excessive battery drain in sleep mode, tons of random problems. Windows I guess just insists on updating itself all the time, and breaks things pretty frequently. I was not impressed and gave that laptop away. I know this is just one laptop, but I've never had an experience like that with any of the Macbooks I've owned over the last ~10 years or so.

I guess my only point is that the majority of people that I know that use Apple hardware do so for work, and the cost is not even close to a consideration. I paid $1800 for my XPS 15, and all of my Macbook Pros have been around $2000-3000 in cost, and the utility provided is not even comparable.

"Why are Apple computers so expensive/overpriced?" They probably aren't targeted at you. Do you create media content? Develop software? Make >$200k a year? If not, buy something else..
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The people saying they're overpriced; you're idiots.

The M1's are absolutely amazing - easily the best machine I've ever used. Things I didn't expect - beautiful screen, amazing good sound, one of the best keyboards, the BEST trackpad (and it's not even close), and that's before you talk about performance. When you factor the crazy good battery life, no heat and how this thing makes no noise, seriously it just blows your mind. I've only got it to spin its fans once and that was during a blender export.

The truth - if you do anything other than hard core gaming, get a Mac. If you can't afford one, so be it, but that's not on the devices, they are genuinely really damn good. And actually, I've installed parallels and tried gaming in Windows, shockingly it's actually quite good. But obviously nothing compared to a Windows machine with 3080 etc. Would love to see native Apple silicon games running.

I would, however, concede the Intel versions can go fuck themselves.
I'm disappointed by the amount of ignorance in this thread. A significant portion of folks who use Apple computers don't have to buy them, they are provided by their work, so the price doesn't matter. If you work in software development targeting a Linux environment, almost no one uses Windows. The majority of AWS EC2 instances deployed are running Linux, using apps developed on Macs.

Anecdotally, I also spent quite a bit of money on a Dell XPS 15 (with OLED) hoping to get a similar experience, and it was a complete waste of money. Wifi drivers barely worked, excessive battery drain in sleep mode, tons of random problems. Windows I guess just insists on updating itself all the time, and breaks things pretty frequently. I was not impressed and gave that laptop away. I know this is just one laptop, but I've never had an experience like that with any of the Macbooks I've owned over the last ~10 years or so.

I guess my only point is that the majority of people that I know that use Apple hardware do so for work, and the cost is not even close to a consideration. I paid $1800 for my XPS 15, and all of my Macbook Pros have been around $2000-3000 in cost, and the utility provided is not even comparable.

"Why are Apple computers so expensive/overpriced?" They probably aren't targeted at you. Do you create media content? Develop software? Make >$200k a year? If not, buy something else..

I had the exact same experience with an oled Dell. Complete waste of money. Bit of course Apple laptops are the ones overpriced. Also I paid the same you'd pay for the equivalent Mac on discount, not worth it.


Gold Member
I grew up on Apple. My schools used them growing up (not a PC in sight). And my dad always bought Apple for the family computer. I continue to buy them into adulthood. I use parallels 18 with windows 11 for some light pc gaming. It does the job. i just played through Silent Hill 4 from GOG. It was 4k/60
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I'm disappointed by the amount of ignorance in this thread. A significant portion of folks who use Apple computers don't have to buy them, they are provided by their work, so the price doesn't matter. If you work in software development targeting a Linux environment, almost no one uses Windows. The majority of AWS EC2 instances deployed are running Linux, using apps developed on Macs (a non-trivial portion of the internet that serves content to you).

Anecdotally, I also spent quite a bit of money on a Dell XPS 15 (with OLED) hoping to get a similar experience, and it was a complete waste of money. Wifi drivers barely worked, excessive battery drain in sleep mode, tons of random problems. Windows I guess just insists on updating itself all the time, and breaks things pretty frequently. I was not impressed and gave that laptop away. I know this is just one laptop, but I've never had an experience like that with any of the Macbooks I've owned over the last ~10 years or so.

I guess my only point is that the majority of people that I know that use Apple hardware do so for work, and the cost is not even close to a consideration. I paid $1800 for my XPS 15, and all of my Macbook Pros have been around $2000-3000 in cost, and the utility provided is not even comparable.

"Why are Apple computers so expensive/overpriced?" They probably aren't targeted at you. Do you create media content? Develop software? Make >$200k a year? If not, buy something else..

Anecdotally, I only have one client who has a legacy team that insists on Macs. The trend is windows desktops for management purposes with development done in AWS. A Mac doesn't help if your target is Linux because OSX is not Linux. There isn't binary compatibility between the two. That's why you will see developers using Apple laptops using VMware or deploying to a networked build environment.

Big tech is split. Engineers at Google are issued Linux laptops running a customized distribution. Facebook issues apple computers and a VM in the datacenter for your work. Amazon has a mix of windows and Linux with its own draconian device management tool. Employees at all three can get macs or windows machines if they are working on applications targeting either platform.

I agree with you though. Many people either receive their Macs from work or through heavily subsidized progreams through school. I wouldn't bet on it being the majority though. In Asia everybody wants Mac for the same reason they want an iPhone; it's a show of status. You either have an apple charger or a "Samsung charger". Anything else isn't cool.


Elden Member
Anecdotally, I only have one client who has a legacy team that insists on Macs. The trend is windows desktops for management purposes with development done in AWS. A Mac doesn't help if your target is Linux because OSX is not Linux. There isn't binary compatibility between the two. That's why you will see developers using Apple laptops using VMware or deploying to a networked build environment.

Big tech is split. Engineers at Google are issued Linux laptops running a customized distribution. Facebook issues apple computers and a VM in the datacenter for your work. Amazon has a mix of windows and Linux with its own draconian device management tool. Employees at all three can get macs or windows machines if they are working on applications targeting either platform.

I agree with you though. Many people either receive their Macs from work or through heavily subsidized progreams through school. I wouldn't bet on it being the majority though. In Asia everybody wants Mac for the same reason they want an iPhone; it's a show of status. You either have an apple charger or a "Samsung charger". Anything else isn't cool.
EVERY Marketing and Creative Services department I've worked at in big business runs off Macs. I've not seen a single fortune 1000 company that doesn't have a marketing/creative service department running off them, while the rest of the company runs off Windows for general work and some Linux for IT/Dev.


Gold Member
EVERY Marketing and Creative Services department I've worked at in big business runs off Macs. I've not seen a single fortune 1000 company that doesn't have a marketing/creative service department running off them, while the rest of the company runs off Windows for general work and some Linux for IT/Dev.
The creative/marketing people at my office use PCs. Not a mac in site ever at my office. At my former company it was the same. But the two before that had macs for their graphic design teams. I even dabbled using and old G3 and G4 20 years ago (POS systems which crashed all the time and had god awful one button mice, but I’ll assume macs are much better now. That Rainbow G3 is the worst computer I’ve ever used).

All are fortune 1000 companies. Without looking, I’m sure some of these companies are fortune 100.


EVERY Marketing and Creative Services department I've worked at in big business runs off Macs. I've not seen a single fortune 1000 company that doesn't have a marketing/creative service department running off them, while the rest of the company runs off Windows for general work and some Linux for IT/Dev.

I've hopefully audited more companies than you have worked at. The post I quoted was talking about Macs in development. Macs in other areas really depend on sector. Macs have a lower TCO at an individual level because their Unix architecture makes it harder for a user to fuck up their machine thus reducing support requests. That benefit is outweighed by the need for a separate management suite since AD and Intune compatibility is lacking. Particularly when BYOD comes into play since Macs have a root password which supercedes everything.

The reason for Macs being offered still usually boils down to being flash. The OS itself becomes negligible in a world of virtual desktops and office 365. Large companies will eat the difference if it also keeps employees happy.


Gold Member
I've hopefully audited more companies than you have worked at. The post I quoted was talking about Macs in development. Macs in other areas really depend on sector. Macs have a lower TCO at an individual level because their Unix architecture makes it harder for a user to fuck up their machine thus reducing support requests. That benefit is outweighed by the need for a separate management suite since AD and Intune compatibility is lacking. Particularly when BYOD comes into play since Macs have a root password which supercedes everything.

The reason for Macs being offered still usually boils down to being flash. The OS itself becomes negligible in a world of virtual desktops and office 365. Large companies will eat the difference if it also keeps employees happy.
Apple products get into corporate settings often due to employees hyping it up.

I’ll give you a perfect example. Back in the 2000s when everyone had Samsung flip phones, a blackberry or a Razr as their company phone, suddenly every sales person bugged IT for iPhone even though it wasn’t even out yet and going by first year it was a POS and couldn’t even text message yet. But the hype was there though nobody knew anything about it except you could swipe your finger. Nobody gave a shit about apps or corporate programs working on it or that typing on a small IPhone 1 screen is crap vs tactile feel of a blackberry keypad.
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Apple products get into corporate settings often due to employees hyping it up.

I’ll give you a perfect example. Back in the 2000s when everyone had Samsung flip phones, a blackberry or a Razr as their company phone, suddenly every sales person bugged IT for iPhone even though it wasn’t even out yet and going by first year it was a POS and couldn’t even text message yet. But the hype was there though nobody knew anything about it except you could swipe your finger. Nobody gave a shit about apps or corporate programs working on it or that typing on a small IPhone 1 screen is crap vs tactile feel of a blackberry keypad.

iPhone adoption ended up being a cost saver in the end. Blackberries required separate BlackBerry enterprise subscriptions that were expensive and required headcount to manage. I do miss physical keyboards though.


I think Imacs are still the best in price/value ratio, you have a less powerful hardware for a desktop PC, ok, but a better design, better materials, a good 5k screen, great speakers. In the end you have what you pay if you like a fancy item.

Macbooks however are a nonsense, I can buy a hi-end gaming notebook with the money for the entry level Macbook Pro 13
From a public standpoint, it's harder to prove that windows computers are a better bargain because of the massive amount of companies that develop windows laptops and PCs of various quality. For a person not doing research, a 2020s prebuilt windows PC or laptop can have the quality of a repurposed 2013 machine, a 2015 machine, a 2017 machine, etc. but will be marketed as new(and will come with garbage pre-installed applications).

Since only Apple releases apple laptops and computers, there's no general public confusion. A 2020s device will perform like a 2020s device without coming pre-installed with "dell portal" or "Lenovo center" or whatever other extremely unnecessary bloatware that pre built windows PCs come with.

It's such an easy thing to get but all of the windows computer brands still operate on a 2004 mentality, which is part of the reason why when I ask people why they bought a Mac, they talk about how their windows PC/laptop gave them nothing but headaches and how it was marketed to them was a lie. They're thinking of these things like gaming consoles and only Apple sees that and takes advantage of it. They make the process easy and that's all people want. It's a little sad that the rest of these windows PC companies don't get it and it's deserved that apple has closed the gap so fast in 20ish years.

If only google took their Chromebooks and Chrome OS as seriously as apple with their macs, then there might have been actual competition from a pricing standpoint. As of now, there's no reason for apple to sell for less. They're the only ones in town that do what they do and are winning for it.


Gold Member
True if your a traveler or in a business of travel.
I’m not, but I value battery life immensely.

With midrange Windows laptops 10 years ago, my PC had to be fully charged to last through my commute, and even then there were times when it wouldn’t even last that long. And the battery would degrade in a couple of years to the point of being completely useless.

It doesn’t matter that it’s rare to be away from a wall plug for very long. People can’t hail the death of wired earphones, controllers etc and then argue that laptop battery life is overrated. There’s been days I’ve been typing for 8-10 hours away from home and even if I could plug my Mac in, I was very happy not to have to. I am never again buying a laptop that has 3 hours’ battery life. Whatever is advertised as being portable must have the juice to last. It’s the reason the Game Boy trounced its competition 30 years ago. It’s baffling how so many products are still made that ignore this simple tenet.

David B

An Idiot
I’m not, but I value battery life immensely.

With midrange Windows laptops 10 years ago, my PC had to be fully charged to last through my commute, and even then there were times when it wouldn’t even last that long. And the battery would degrade in a couple of years to the point of being completely useless.

It doesn’t matter that it’s rare to be away from a wall plug for very long. People can’t hail the death of wired earphones, controllers etc and then argue that laptop battery life is overrated. There’s been days I’ve been typing for 8-10 hours away from home and even if I could plug my Mac in, I was very happy not to have to. I am never again buying a laptop that has 3 hours’ battery life. Whatever is advertised as being portable must have the juice to last. It’s the reason the Game Boy trounced its competition 30 years ago. It’s baffling how so many products are still made that ignore this simple tenet.
Yup the Sega thing was a joke. It had just 3 hours and required 4 D batteries. Sega was horrible with handheld.
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