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Why are there so many women with tattoos?


Have been lucky enough to fuck the latter.


I would say it’s just another symptom of all the excess and lack of real adversity we have in western society. We fill our lives with meaningless things to fill a void. We’re all guilty of it in our own ways. You cannot reasonably compare the long history of tribal tattoos, which have deep cultural meaning and represent status, to some chick getting a tattoo of a margarita cause it’s her favorite drink. There’s probably some correlation with the resurgence of astrology in modern society too. Blech…
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But “ it looks cool “ is very subjective. I think a lot of tattoos doesn’t look cool and just points out some deep mental issues. 🤷‍♂️
of course it is. i have tattoos that i think look cool. if you think they are disgusting then i couldn't give a fuck. they are on my skin so my "problem". i don't get tattoos to impress or satisfy others.
I have a few tattoos and like them on women, depending on the location. I think this new Instagram trend of hand and face tattoos on young girls is quite concerning though.


For Native peoples that believe in their own mythologies, sure, they express their beliefs via tattoos and have done so for a very, very long time. For all the history of modern western men it has always been a gang & prison culture thing.

Cultures matter in the context of tattoos, ALL native-style tattoos have religious connotations, which are completely out-of-context for the type we are discussing.
WTF are you getting any of this? And why?

I know literally hundreds of people with tattoos, and not a single one of them has ever been in a gang or in a prison. I have ink, and want more ink, and have never been in a gang or to prison. I've never been influenced by anyone else to put...get this...a permanent mark on my body. You're implying that millions of people permanently alter their bodies because of a trend or because of some external influence, when tattoos are supposed to represent something meaningful to the wearer. Even if it's just that brief moment in time, it usually comes from something that individual believes, likes, or found visibly striking.

I got a bull with the stars of the Taurus constellation in it. It's my zodiac sign. I'd mapped the constellation on my dorm room ceiling in glow-in-the-dark stickers, along with Orion and some of the other more prominent ones. I'd thought about the tattoo for years before I got it. I've been thinking of the additional ones for years as well, because it's something I want to show. I'm going to get the Heat logo on one calf and the Gators log on the other. I want to get my wife's zodiac on my right pec. There are some other small bits and bobs I'd like to do as well. I've wanted a sleeve for decades, but didn't do it because of the employment concerns. Now I can actually do it.

Before I left the states, I tried to get an appointment with this lady, to do a sleeve: https://www.instagram.com/meganjeanmorris


This is fucking art, bro. You can't look at this amazing artwork, and come away thinking of gangs, "thugs" and whatever other weird stuff you've been attributing to this wonderful hobby.


Gold Member

I don't like girls wearing tattoos,

I feel they take away that feminism that makes girls attractive.

but that is my opinion
There are two types of tattoos on women

A nice flowing sleeve which is absolutely hot and flows with the shape of a woman....

or those ugly random spaced out blotches of tattoos that so many women seem to like to get and looks like deformed birthmarks all over

Anyway i live in Japan.....tattoos are nonexistent ...as is my chance of meeting a hot rockabilly chick with a nice sleeve tattoo =(
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One of the green rats
of course it is. i have tattoos that i think look cool. if you think they are disgusting then i couldn't give a fuck. they are on my skin so my "problem". i don't get tattoos to impress or satisfy others.

You did not get a completely visible image on your body for others to make some sort of judgement about you ? ... you didnt do that after you just said you think it looks cool?



We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
You did not get a completely visible image on your body for others to make some sort of judgement about you ? ... you didnt do that after you just said you think it looks cool?

"I think it looks cool" is not the same thing as "I think other people will think it looks cool"

This should really not have to be explained to an adult
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I think towards the end off the Myspace days, it became quite popular to get tattooed or pierced and it's just a lot more widely accepted now than before.

As someone who hates needles and is very indecisive, I never got any tattoos or followed that trend.

I don't think there is much more too it than that really.

I do think the increase in people getting face tattoos is more concerning though, as they usually look absolutely awful.


One of the green rats
"I think it looks cool" is not the same thing as "I think other people will think it looks cool"

This should really not have to be explained to an adult

So its for some sort of self esteem issues? please help me understand how a tatoo is just for yourself and nothing else when you hardly ever see them? just knowing you have it does wghhat for you.......????

juat a note... i have tatoos.. but i played in aband when i was younger and they were easily for that "IMAGE" i was trying to portray.
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Nothing looks good when you get older lol.

Personally, I don't like tattoos, full stop. Men, women, whatever. They're tacky. I'll make an exception for full back Yakuza koi fish tattoos, but you gotta live the life.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
So its for some sort of self esteem issues? please help me understand how a tatoo is just for yourself and nothing else when you hardly ever see them? just knowing you have it does wghhat for you.......????

juat a note... i have tatoos.. but i played in aband when i was younger and they were eaisly for that "IMAGE" i was trying to portray.

Because I like them? It's really that simple. Serious question, when you shop for clothes, do you look at every single item of clothing and think "I bet people would like the way I look in that" or do you buy them because YOU like them? And don't say it's entirely for comfort unless all you wear is tracksuit bottoms and hoodies.

I'm sure plenty of people get tattoos to look cool or stand out but that just doesn't apply to most. You should go in knowing that a lot of people will dislike them and you shouldn't care about it. That kinda defeats the entire goal of getting something you think makes you look cool.


I have nothing against them particularly. They're just like any other brainless consumer product honestly. Getting a tattoo is about as inspiring and creatively challenging as buying a Louis Vuitton bag or watching a Netflix movie. At the end of the day you're just consuming someone else's product, unless you're the one who designed it yourself from scratch or are the one applying the ink.
The reason I never got one was because I couldn't think of anything I'd ever want permanently on my body. I know people who've gotten them in remembrance of loved ones, but that doesn't resonate with me either.

If I got a tattoo, it'd be like adding a small anchor to myself. You can't move past a tattoo, and it doesn't evolve with you. As I've gotten older, I've accumulated scars, my hair has changed, my face has changed.......and I'm glad I didn't add an artificial sticker to it all.

Thankfully, my feelings aren't a universal truth. Our differences make life interesting.
Had I known that every idiot would be running around with tattoos, I would never have gotten them while in the army. There was a time where it was not acceptable to have tattoos on your face, hands, neck, etc. I see it all the time now. The US Army had strict regulations on tattoos and is planning to loosen them to attract "talent". May as well just recruit direnctly from the prisons.
I mean, with the atrocities that our military commits, you'd think that we already might be doing that.

Assuming that all the people in the military commit atrocities is the same thing as assuming people with tattoos should be recruited from prison.


Ofcourse it depends on how the woman/girl looks as well as choice, placement and quality of the tattoo.

But in 80% it's big turn off.

Even on pornhub,

"Hey, she looks nice "clicks" see a tattoo, next"

And this goes for guys as well when they are all sleeved up; they emit a certain humble brag vibe or such.. hard to put into words

Disclaimer: if a gorgeous girl has tats and is super into me.. I can let it slide
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Yup, explains why this generation's young people are the gayest generation yet. Literally & figuratively. Tattoos ain't expression, they're gang/prison culture artifacts that young people adopted to seem "cool". Since young people seem to think being a "thug" is cool.
animation 2d GIF by Jake


Gold Member
Ancient peoples used to practice tooth ablation too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tooth_ablation
Doesn't mean it's not dumb.
Yeah, I like how “ancient customs” is perfectly fine when modern people like to do it like with tats, but then in most other aspects it’s synonymous with superstition and stupidity. I’m pretty sure many people who’d be perfectly OK with a ”tribal“ tattoo would scoff at getting branded in any way with, say, the Cross of Christ, and they surely don’t pray their spirit animal before getting out for work in the morning.

This is fucking art, bro. You can't look at this amazing artwork, and come away thinking of gangs, "thugs" and whatever other weird stuff you've been attributing to this wonderful hobby.
Those artstyles I’d associate very easily with gangs, thugs, and people with self-image issues, my friend.
Also the Sistine Chapel is fucking art, doesn’t mean I think its right place is on a human body. “You don’t put stickers on Ferraris”, indeed.

you should get a plastic inplant that makes it look like a little man trying to get out when it presses against your sack. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

kind of like this
Holy shit, my sides :pie_roffles::pie_roffles::pie_roffles:

All I see is the waste of a good body 🤷‍♂️


Good tattoos are hot AF. What looks completely stupid is this trend of chicks/ gen Zs getting like random stick figure drawings all over with no real cohesiveness or thought given to them.

I’ve been putting a lot of thought into getting a tattoo representing my children somewhere but I haven’t come up with an idea good enough to pull the trigger on it.


Man, getting a tattoo seems to have been a good idea, if you want to keep extremely prejudiced people out of your life lol
If they see my tattoo and are dumb enough to think that I must be a gang member or mentally ill and that keeps them away from me then good, the tattoo is doing it's job of keeping the dumb dumbs away.

Blue Apple

Most women will probably end up regretting it. They don't wear the same style of clothes they used to wear years ago. They don't have the same hairstyles that they had years ago. They're not going to want to drive the same type of car forever or have their bedrooms painted the same color forever.

B..b...bbb but that owl drawn on her arm is going to be totally cool for the rest of her life!!! lol


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Women have always had tattoo's.
But you are right that is an increase in women with large/multiple tattoo's that can be a little too much and off putting unless you're into that stuff and can ruin an otherwise pretty girl.
Another problem is most of them ain't even good tattoos.
I mean for example my ex had butterfly chain tattoo going up her wrist kinda like this but smaller

But she had it covered up with a full sleeve demon clown face 🙄
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