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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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joshwaan said:
- 3rd Parties were involved with the development of the console, with requests for what specifications they’d like to see. As of now (which could change) the system runs of a custom built IBM triple-core CPU and has 2gb RAM. The graphics chip is a custom built Radeon R700 chip.

I Hope this part is a least true, fucking kick ass if the console had 2GB ram :)

Who wouldn't but don't get your hopes up clearly this is all a fake, and history isn't exactly on your side on this point, actually it kind of baffles me why all the hardware creators are so tight fisted with the amount of ram they put in there console especially when its so cheap.
I think 768 RAM is much more realistic. Its 'more' than the other consoles by enough to be used, but not so much as to cost them a single cent more than necessary.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
ace3skoot said:
Who wouldn't but don't get your hopes up clearly this is all a fake, and history isn't exactly on your side on this point, actually it kind of baffles me why all the hardware creators are so tight fisted with the amount of ram they put in there console especially when its so cheap.

DDR is cheap, sure. Other types of RAM? Not so much.
ace3skoot said:
such utter bullshit, you know its a fake when someone basically takes a checklist of all the problems people have with nintendo consoles and address each one individually, also of like 7 AAA 3rd party games that haven't even been announced. and adding what appear the only solid(ish) details we really have to add some kind of legitimate framework for it.

this is piss poor basically

Yeah I wouldn't put too much stock in that list.
Wolves Evolve said:
I think 768 RAM is much more realistic. Its 'more' than the other consoles by enough to be used, but not so much as to cost them a single cent more than necessary.
768 no, not even Nintendo is that f*cking cheap. 1 GB maybe -hell just look at the cheap cards that come with 1GB GDDR3-, but 2 GB would be decent. Remember the supposed strategy is paltform parity to at least secure game ports.


Limbaugh Parrot
this E3 conference had better be 3 hours long to cover all this

I pity whoever schedules their conference after Nintendo (Sony?)


manueldelalas said:
I have another rumor pulled out of my ass.

Pokemon MMORPG will be developed and maintained by Blizzard. You heard it here first.

also if you pre-order and steam you get a free Ponyta!


VisanidethDM said:

Great post and you're right what Nintendo are actually attempting to do with this machine if the rumours are to believed is almost insane 'power' has never been a modern Nintendo console main aim. For them to return to cater to the audience who basically abandoned them.. Then to take in the factor of a company who have never made online the heart of their console attempting to offer that to gamers locked into XBL and PSN.

It's mindblowing.
Nintendo has always been a little more restrained with their hardware, but I don't remember them ever making shortsighted decisions when it came to RAM. They've never used much of it, but it's never been a glaring problem. I expect something between 1GB and 2GB.

Their history makes me worry more about their GPU, their choice in optical media and their approach to online infrastructure.
Cosmonaut X said:
I think the thing that confuses people is the (relative) sophistication of the shaders in use in several 3DS games. The system can't push anywhere near the polygons, physics, number of effects etc. of a full-on PS360 title, but it can apparently do PS2-level geometry with a bundle of PS360-ish shader effects so it's relatively easy to make a game that has the surface "look" of a PS360 title without the detail and everything else going on under the surface.
This is what always throws me for a loop when I see good 3DS games. Beyond the Labyrinth really resonates with me on the aesthetic level. If it becomes more promising it may be one of the games that gets me to pick up a 3DS right away.


JohnTinker said:
this E3 conference had better be 3 hours long to cover all this

I pity whoever schedules their conference after Nintendo (Sony?)

Knowing from past conferences, they don't show off everything they brought to E3 on their press conference.

The vast majority of 3DS games were not shown at their E3 press conference, in fact, only one was shown. Brawl wasn't shown in their press conference either.
Refreshment.01 said:
768 no, not even Nintendo is that f*cking cheap. 1 GB maybe -hell just look at the cheap cards that come with 1GB GDDR3-, but 2 GB would be decent. Remember the supposed strategy is paltform parity to at least secure game ports.

From the current generation. 768 is where they will go. The other consoles won't even go much higher in a couple of years. I really think people are expecting waaaay too much from the specs.


ecosse_011172 said:
More rumours.....

To be shown at E3:

- Pikmin 3 (playable, launch title)
- Pokemon RPG (video, launch or near launch title)
- Super Mario Bros title (playable)
- Star Fox (playable)
- Smash Bros 4 (playable)
- Mario Kart (video)
- Zelda (tech demo)
- Metroid (tech demo)
- New IP (video)

Rockstar Games:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (video)
- Grand Theft Auto “New Title” (video)

- Rayman Legends (playable)
- Red Steel 3 (playable)
- New IP (video)

- Final Fantasy XV

- Resident Evil (video)
- Megaman (video)
- Monster Hunter (video)

- NBA ’13 (video)
- NFL ’13 (video)
- NHL ’13 (video)

- Modern Warfare 3 (video)

- Metal Gear title (video)
- Winning Eleven (video)

- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (playable)
- Soul Calibur 5 (video)
- Pacman Rebirth (video)

Don't know where to begin with that list.. i think i'll just laugh. It reads like a fanboy wish-list rather than a sane and tangible thing.

The fact that it has both Red Dead Redemption 2 and a new Grand Theft Auto tells me it's utter bullshit.

At best i'm expecting 1 maybe 2 big Nintendo games and the rest will be filled out with ports of whatever else is out at that time.
RPGCrazied said:
Lets hope this system gets more jRPG love than the Wii got.
I'm sure that if any console gets the love it'll be the Cafe. I can't see anyone besides Square producing JRPG on the next Sony and MS consoles if the price of development continues to skyrocket.
Wolves Evolve said:
From the current generation. 768 is where they will go. The other consoles won't even go much higher in a couple of years. I really think people are expecting waaaay too much from the specs.
I feel kind of bad for Sony and MS folks who are expecting a minimum of 3GB of RAM. Anything past 2 GB for 1080P gameplay seems like it'd be wasted money that could be better used to beef up another component.


That list has to be fake?

Final Fantasy 15? Really? Also, Skyward Sword isn't even out yet, that would be a little odd showing off Zelda. I know its just a tech demo, but whatever. Metroid though... please let them show that!
SolarPowered said:
I'm sure that if any console gets the love it'll be the Cafe. I can't see anyone besides Square producing JRPG on the next Sony and MS consoles if the price of development continues to skyrocket.

I feel kind of bad for Sony and MS folks who are expecting a minimum of 3GB of RAM. Anything past 2 GB for 1080P gameplay seems like it'd be wasted money that could be better used to beef up another component.
lol mobile phones will be kicking 3GB of RAM by 2013-14. You think a home console won't have that at the minimum?


oatmeal said:
Found this site, has a big list of Revolution/Wii controller mockups.

Kind of fun to look back.

I'm trying to find one for the Gamecube, now...


And DS mockups:


Ha! Good times. Loved seeing this one, 'cause it is so bad ass. Can't get to the bigger version, however.

Wolves Evolve said:
I think 768 RAM is much more realistic. Its 'more' than the other consoles by enough to be used, but not so much as to cost them a single cent more than necessary.

A single lot of 1024 is probably cheaper at this stage than a 512 and 256 chip.
Chuck Norris said:
lol mobile phones will be kicking 3GB of RAM by 2013-14. You think a home console won't have that at the minimum?

3GB of piss-poor RAM, perhaps. The kind Nintendo are likely to be using would be significantly faster, and more expensive.


TunaLover said:
You can run them in 16:9 on Wii, the system enlarge the native 4:3.
Or you mean transform the native 4:3?

Yeah, even with my Wii on 16:9, some games still have the black bars on the side of the screen. I hate that! I don't have a SDTV anymore. Another reason this new console is interesting to me, finally HD!
Wolves Evolve said:
From the current generation. 768 is where they will go. The other consoles won't even go much higher in a couple of years. I really think people are expecting waaaay too much from the specs.
I think its the other way around Wolves. In the early days of the rumor, a good portion of people were stimating for performance close to PS3/360, which didn't made any sense. 768 MB for system RAM is an odd number. Remember the console will need to sustain itself 4 years after launch. 768 MB of RAM is way too low to confortably down port from PC or the more advanced systems from the competition. Turning effects off, limiting draw/detail distances, filtering complexity is a quick process. Cutting stuff to fit a RAM limit is tedious for devs.

Also you are not taking into account the chip densities fabs are outputting now, by the time the console ships it might not make any sense density wise to go for 768 setup.


RPGCrazied said:
Yeah, even with my Wii on 16:9, some games still have the black bars on the side of the screen. I hate that! I don't have a SDTV anymore. Another reason this new console is interesting to me, finally HD!

Maybe its your TV, I can aply 16:9 to any game, try chaging the format through your TV settings.

As changing the native format to 16:9, I don't think its possible without harm the image fidelity, I'm not sure, someone that use Dolphin could tell us =P

EDIT: I'm using components too, mine is a Panasonic Viera, 720p too =3


TunaLover said:
Maybe its your TV, I can aply 16:9 to any game, try chaging the format through you TV settings.

I did. :p I have a Samsung 720P TV. My screen fit is greyed out when I use the Wii, only zoom, which just zooms whats in the black bars. I'm using component cables though?


Given iwata's comments during that investor call, I am expecting the online experience to be closely tied to social networks. Or similar to social networks.
antispin said:
Given iwata's comments during that investor call, I am expecting the online experience to be closely tied to social networks. Or similar to social networks.

I'd think so. I think anyone expecting a carbon-copy of the Live approach is going to be disappointed, but I could see them coming up with something compelling that comes at it from a different, more mass-market angle.


I can see; at least in Japan, places with Cafés installed in which people can try games with their controllers, events for new games, demos, or even pay-per play.


It's sad that this is the case, but I've definitely got some Nintendo fanboy in me. Not in the sense that I feel Nintendo games/consoles are undeniably better than the competition, but I know I'll get this damn console just to see Nintendo realize Zelda / Mario / F-Zero (fingers crossed) / Metroid etc... in HD. Can't help it.

I love the bull shit wish lists with all the crazy third party support, and I'm all for Nintendo actually getting great third party support, but that is not what will sell me on this console.


TunaLover said:
I can see; at least in Japan, places with Cafés installed in which people can try games with their controllers, events for new games, demos, or even pay-per play.
That would be awesome, but they'd have to make special consoles for that in order to handle multiple people playing different games. And saves being on the controller too probably.


A Facebook Oauth based system could definitely work. It also has the advantage of being an established system that most people use anyway and Nintendo would have to assume no responsibility for privacy and security. It would also be more tied to friends than random people since people may not want strangers to have access to their RL info. It's certainly a worthwhile idea. I don't really see it happening though.
Somnid said:
A Facebook Oauth based system could definitely work. It also has the advantage of being an established system that most people use anyway and Nintendo would have to assume no responsibility for privacy and security. It would also be more tied to friends than random people since people may not want strangers to have access to their RL info. It's certainly a worthwhile idea. I don't really see it happening though.

If they want to tie FB accounts to your profile that's fine, but if they literally used facebook accounts as your profile that would be pretty terrible. It would force anyone wanting to play online to sign up for FB if they didn't already have it (and I don't). I also like to compartmentalize my online persona from my real world persona.


VisanidethDM said:
If Nintendo implements cloud computing as the core of their online experience, I'll be thrilled, but I wonder if that's is kind of tech innovation that wins over the masses. Sony implemented cloud saves recently with little to no reaction.

I think what Nintendo is struggling with right now is: "CoD#... how do we make it work on the Cafè?".

Just look at the % split between X360 and PS3 SKUs. Why does the X360 version almost always sell more? A big part of the reason is the online community. That's the real headstart MS had (some could argue with the XBox), and it still matters today. And I'm not persuaded a free sevice is a smart idea.
It may be Marketing 01, but a cheap service that makes the core customer feel "safe" (cough PSN fiasco cough) and at the same time pushes him to validate the money is spent can move units. Once again, PSN didn't take over XBoxLIVE even if it was free. And if you want to persuade a new audience that the new service you're offering is special, and works, and you want to make sure they don't take it for granted but treat it as a core function (since they pay for it and want to make the most of it), then giving it away for free may not be the best choice.

XBoXLIVE Gold, when it all began, was marketed as an innovative extra, and it worked that way. It may sound counter intuitive, but it's very hard to "sell" something if you don't ask anything for it, and if Nintendo has to compete with MS for the online community (once again, on the same games), I think they have a better shot if they go for the route of offering a service that is BETTER than XBoxLIVE and cost the same, then offering a service that is the same and costs nothing.

Well, if you are a developer from a company that has an agreement with Nintendo, you should know about their online plans. Is it possible that they are planning on launching their console in 2012 and still not have any certainties regarding the online functionalities ? I seriously doubt it. Or maybe your company hasn't received any dev kit yet.

I can't discuss your post much since it is based on empirical evidence but I think that your feeling that "selling a product for the same price but that offers more value would be better than offering the same product for free" has a point. Nintendo wants to court the hardcore audiance that spends a lot of money. Those guys are the owners of the X360. They spend more on average than PS3/Wii users and are already used to pay for online services. Thus, they wouldn't mind paying the same for experiencing more. That could make them shift to the Wii 2.

The others, on the other hand, may fully appreciate a lighter service but for less, or maybe even for free (although it contradicts your assertion). Will Nintendo go the market segmentation route for their online services ?


ThoseDeafMutes said:
If they want to tie FB accounts to your profile that's fine, but if they literally used facebook accounts as your profile that would be pretty terrible. It would force anyone wanting to play online to sign up for FB if they didn't already have it (and I don't). I also like to compartmentalize my online persona from my real world persona.

The way I've seen it in a project is that in order to pair people as friends they need to be FB friends but of course Nintendo would need a separate account to manage the actual connections so you could play online but not have friends if you opted out.
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