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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Retro said:
after you, in like three sentences or less, convince me why anyone needs more from a Nintendo console than "just" games.
I am an absolute cheerleader (take that how you will) for Nintendo, even I try not to say things that short sighted.
i guess i'm the only one not really interested in a new console =/ new input schemes are great and all but who will implement them well? Any hope the online will be less friend codes and more like PSN/Xbox live? I just don't think nintendo will deliver. Will get a 3DS lite tho.... not impressed by 3D
Retro said:
after you, in like three sentences or less, convince me why anyone needs more from a Nintendo console than "just" games.
I honestly don't need anything but nintendo games from a nintendo system. The rest are just bonuses for me lol

Then again, I don't buy many games and I've owned all three home console systems, so I guess that isn't saying much.

Edit: Read that wrong. "Just" games? Yeah, I'm fine with that. Don't really care about anything else unless it ties into gameplay honestly.


JazzmanZ said:
I'm pretty damn sure Retro is finished with the Metroid series as far as I know.
Jesus in Hell, give the series to Kojima. I will sell everything I own and buy 20,000 copies.
Utako said:
Jesus in Hell, give the series to Kojima. I will sell everything I own and buy 20,000 copies.
You probably just bought a million ignore chants from gaf all around with that comment. I won't ignore you though, and would love to see what he did with the series...outside of the story. I've always loved the level of detail in MGS, so it would translate to the Metroid mindset pretty smoothly.

I'm sure I would hate it due to voice acting, but at least it would be of a nice quality. Team Ninja can go to hell, and thats even before Itagaki left.


Utako said:
Jesus in Hell, give the series to Kojima. I will sell everything I own and buy 20,000 copies.


Someone delete this post from the internet. Nay, delete it from LIFE! Cause a paradox in the space time continuum in order to completely destroy the timeline where this sentence was uttered. If there is even a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of someone listening to this and it even be subconsciously inserted into their mind resulting in this occurring I will create a blackhole on this planet and destroy it. That is the precise moment when mankind becomes unsalvageable.


Amir0x said:

Someone delete this post from the internet. Nay, delete it from LIFE! Cause a paradox in the space time continuum in order to completely destroy the timeline where this sentence was uttered. If there is even a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of someone listening to this and it even be subconsciously inserted into their mind resulting in this occurring I will create a blackhole on this planet and destroy it.
Shut up man


Utako said:
Shut up man

I'm sorry your idea is one of such monumental stupidity that the mere utterance would be enough to get you banned from every forum on Earth (even a Hideo Kojima fanboy forum). Were it not for my sagely, almost prolific mercy you would be eliminated from neoGAF and the internet.


Amir0x said:
I'm sorry your idea is one of such monumental stupidity that the mere utterance would be enough to get you banned from every forum on Earth (even a Hideo Kojima fanboy forum). Were it not for my sagely, almost prolific mercy you would be eliminated from neoGAF and the internet.
MGS is the favorite game series of many a fine human, Snatcher is a true classic, and ZOE2 has also earned some renown.

What the fuck is your point?
Amir0x said:
I'm sorry your idea is one of such monumental stupidity that the mere utterance would be enough to get you banned from every forum on Earth (even a Hideo Kojima fanboy forum). Were it not for my sagely, almost prolific mercy you would be eliminated from neoGAF and the internet.
Or it's just his opinion. I disagree with him as well, but Christ sake Amir0x he didn't kill your cat.


JazzmanZ said:
I'm pretty damn sure Retro is finished with the Metroid series as far as I know.

Never say never. Even if this is true, nintendo changes their mind about shit all the time.

Also, if Retro doesn't do it, who will? We need another first person metroid game. The series is too awesome that way to not continue making games in that style.

One side-point: I'm pretty sure the original director left retro a little while back, along with some other key figures from that time. Also, the original game was much better than both sequels, and every game since the original was basically straight downhill. There are many possible reasons for this, but it could be because the first game had more direct involvement from nintendo, including the fact that miyamoto basically redesigned the whole game mid-stream, and it could also be partly because the first game clearly uses Super Metroid as a template, which was obviously a wise choice.

The company still seems to have plenty of very talented people, but I don't think the real prime team is even there anymore for the most part, so maybe they aren't the right people to handle it. If it's not them, I'm not sure who it would be, but I know I want a fucking awesome, non-linear Metroid FPS for this new console.


Souldriver said:
Or it's just his opinion. I disagree with him as well, but Christ sake Amir0x he didn't kill your cat.

Suggesting a hack like Kojima to do a beloved franchise like Metroid makes a person worse than Hitler.


Pimpbaa said:
Suggesting a hack like Kojima to do a beloved franchise like Metroid makes a person worse than Hitler.

Last I heard, Kojima was fucking awesome. I've been out of the loop for a while, but MGS 3 was top notch: probably one of the top 3 to 5 games of that generation. I don't know about the qualtiy of the stuff he's done since then.

Still, obviously I don't think he would be the right choice for Metroid, but that doesn't make him a hack.
Utako said:
MGS is the favorite game series of many a fine human, Snatcher is a true classic, and ZOE2 has also earned some renown.

What the fuck is your point?
Do you realize that the people with the red names can ban you?
Well, junior's got some internet balls. I give him 6 net credits.

Utako said:
MGS is the favorite game series of many a fine human, Snatcher is a true classic, and ZOE2 has also earned some renown.

What the fuck is your point?
I agree with you on all accounts. If Team Ninja can get a stab at Metroid when they have never shown any sort of example of being able to handle one correctly, Kojima can certainly get my praises if it were to ever come up. I would rather Nintendo just did it themselves, but if they are going to reach outside of the company again, this sound like a MUCH better move than Team fucking Ninja or Namco.

Damn we are derailing hard...
I think Cafe should actually keep the wiimote speaker.


BMF said:
'shut up man' and 'what the fuck is your point' are more than enough reason most of the time.

The real reason could easily follow under this:

That you want someone to be banned could be considered impolite. You're acting like a demagogue, but then that's rather fitting with your avatar so what else was I expecting.


Zeliard said:
Haha I like this Utako dude. Rare to see someone taking it to Amir0x like that. :p Guy's sporting some big ass junior balls.

I don't, I think he must be overcompensating for something.


Zeliard said:
Haha I like this Utako dude. Rare to see someone taking it to Amir0x like that. :p Guy's sporting some big ass junior balls.
Would Ami really ban someone for disagreeing with him? I think he's a pretty good mod.
BMF said:
'shut up man' and 'what the fuck is your point' are more than enough reason most of the time.

The real reason could easily follow under this:
lol, by that metric Amir0x should be banned as well.
Be polite, please
In general when posting in threads, don't be a dick. Be respectful of other fellow members, and learn to argue against the points in a discussion without making it personal or insulting the other party. Present your points well and others will respect your opinion more. Using proper grammar and avoiding typos will also make it easier for others to understand your message.
Calling someones opinion "of such monumental stupidity that the mere utterance would be enough to get you banned from every forum on Earth" is not really respectful. But if you sifting through the TOS and take it by the letter, every gaf member should've been banned by now, haha. And Amir0x' post is tongue-in-cheek, so whatever. I just think calling out Utako because he's crossing a line is very one sided.


BMF said:
'shut up man' and 'what the fuck is your point' are more than enough reason most of the time.

The real reason could easily follow under this:
Haha, you didn't read his posts. Internet banter, yo


Now we're basically egging Amir0x on like he's Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, and Utako is about to start dancing.

Also, this is the sort of thing that happens when a topic is starving for some new information. :p


Will Eat Your Children
What's with all the bullshit backseat modding here? All this filler in between good info/discussion is why people don't like big threads

AceBandage said:
Expecting say... Mario, Zelda and F-Zero out on day one is just crazy. There's no reason for it at all.
Reason for who tho? Can't be consumers, would only be great for them

Nintendo, I can't see it as a bad business strategy. Early adopters are the people that know those games, they'll buy em for sure. I don't see a problem with the timing either, the Wii hasn't seen plenty from Nintendo's top tier. Maybe you could elaborate on why it's a bad idea to launch those games right away?


Anyway, I've wanted a Kojima-directed Metroid ever since EGM suggested it during the GCN era.

This was before MGS2, so Kojima only had good will at this point. He still has plenty of it with me. Played MGS4 several times through, and still discover clever little details soooo good.


Metroid at its best is all about minimalism, especially from a storytelling standpoint. Not sure how you think Kojima would be ideal for that franchise.


Technosteve said:
so in like three sentences or less, convince me that the Wii HD will be more then just a nintendo "games" only console.

convincing you is something kinda difficult to do with so little information out there outside of rumors and 'you can definitely trust me guys' type of information from places like ign and other big sites, but for starters, nintendo has tried improving relationships with third-parties in the past, usually going for the big complaints (disc size with the gamecube and userbase with the wii- the pattern fits if you go with 'increased power' for wii 2), however i think the biggest issues are what go on behind the scenes, things like royalties and minimum sales amount for wiiware games or minimum/maximum order amounts for retail games (i forgot how this worked), and the fact that they supposedly listened to third-parties with regards to how the 3ds was designed (not to mention giving third-parties the majority of the launch window) is a sign that maybe they're trying to fix the behind the scenes stuff too.

the other thing to consider is that nintendo remains very japan-focused in all their dealings with third parties, like when the gamecube's third party exclusives were initially the capcom 5, namco-developed nintendo franchise games (mario sports and star fox), a metal gear solid remake, and new things from sega like billy hatcher and the am2-developed f-zero gx/ax, and while nintendo has branched out and offered franchise games to smaller north american developers (next-level and monster, specifically), they still lack the support that came in the early days of the gamecube (or even the later days of the original xbox), but for the wii generation, that's probably due to power, considering developers banked hard on the ps3 continuing the megahuge success the ps2 had, and were forced to make most of their games multiplatform from the start (hello final fantasy xiii, devil may cry 4, and gta iv) to make up their budget.

i'm personally not convinced that nintendo will get exclusive support from companies next generation, but i do think with new consoles a few years off for the other companies, at the very least they'll get multiplatform games of current-gen titles- ones that, if rumors are true, look superior to current console games, and offer up a new line of revenue for third parties desperate to make money back on their investments, considering the greatly inflated development costs, but more than raw power, i think the next main sticking point will be nintendo's online system, and if that doesn't grab people in a way that makes them eager to download worthless dlc stuff (in addition to the worthwhile dlc stuff), and unless the system gains an insurmountable lead (in terms of hardware and software), then i'm sure third-parties will quickly go elsewhere to develop their games (like what happened to the 360) and keep giving their c-teams work for the least important console.
Zeal said:
*unzips pants*

*Stallone voice*


Amazing! LOL!



Amir0x said:
I'm sorry your idea is one of such monumental stupidity that the mere utterance would be enough to get you banned from every forum on Earth (even a Hideo Kojima fanboy forum). Were it not for my sagely, almost prolific mercy you would be eliminated from neoGAF and the internet.

What the hell is your problem? Damn, dude.
Teetris said:
What's with all the bullshit backseat modding here? All this filler in between good info/discussion is why people don't like big threads

Reason for who tho? Can't be consumers, would only be great for them

Nintendo, I can't see it as a bad business strategy. Early adopters are the people that know those games, they'll buy em for sure. I don't see a problem with the timing either, the Wii hasn't seen plenty from Nintendo's top tier. Maybe you could elaborate on why it's a bad idea to launch those games right away?
Financially, it might not be so good since they would seriously be competing with each other during a time when people are already spending money on the console itself. Maybe two of them, but I certainly wouldn't put Mario and Zelda out simultaneously. As a consumer, its a wet dream...but its not so hot as far as business.

I'm no multi-billion dollar business leader either, so my point is mute really.
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