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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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TekkenMaster said:
I hope Nintendo retcons Other M out of existence.
Why should they? It makes perfect sense in canon. Prime, however, doesn't. If you ignore Prime, Other M makes a whole lot more sense all of a sudden.


Amir0x said:
Even if you thought all his games were the greatest ever, not a one of them fits any aspect of what makes Metroid great. Of course, my "point" is just that your idea is god awful and worthy of scorn and also the deletion of you from the internet. I won't do it, but it deserves it. As I said, I am merciful. ;)

Never. Besides, these are gaming opinions - even though I shit on ones I disagree with it, even the worst gaming opinions are not elevated beyond the importance of, say, me taking a good shit.

It is the opinion that killed my cat, not the person. I can only express the horror at seeing it in written form in the only way that is appropriate. Being that it's the worst idea ever written by a living man, I think my response was rather muted.

You sound really ridiculous here. I agree with you as far as Kojima making a Metroid game would be... less than ideal, but statements like "Being that it's the worst idea ever written by a living man, I think my response was rather muted" makes you sound like a huge sperglord.



Zane said:
You sound really ridiculous here. I agree with you as far as Kojima making a Metroid game would be... less than ideal, but statements like "Being that it's the worst idea ever written by a living man, I think my response was rather muted" makes you sound like a huge sperglord.


I cannot pussyfoot around the truth. The truth is, it is the worst idea ever written by a living man. It it worse than Mein Kampf, and I say that being jewish.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Amir0x said:
I cannot pussyfoot around the truth. The truth is, it is the worst idea ever written by a living man. It it worse than Mein Kampf, and I say that being jewish.

LOL, even worse that Silicon Knights doing a Mario game?
Amir0x said:
I cannot pussyfoot around the truth. The truth is, it is the worst idea ever written by a living man. It it worse than Mein Kampf, and I say that being jewish.

if true art is offensive, the Kojima-troid will be the greatest thing every witnessed by mankind


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
kojima has also never had a game with unskippable cutscenes.

other m couldn't even do us the courtesy


mysteriousmage09 said:
I want a HD 2D Metroid game. The fps stuff is cool and all but I would love to see at least 1 Metroid game go back to its roots.

this is one of the best ideas

let's keep it back on the right track!


Nintendo should reboot Captain N as a videogame series (maybe RPG?), as their version of Kingdom Hearts that isn't Smash Bros., assuming Sakurai doesn't want to make more of them.


let's just get Star Tropics HD yo

the rest brand new hardcore IPs with Mario/Zelda development and marketing budgets.

For me, the Metroid brand hasn't really lived up to the 2D legacy yet, though each game was interesting. I would be willing to see anybody try it, in any format.


I really think Metroid Prime 1 lived up to the expectations, in a entirely new way of course. In particular, I thought the area design of the game is still some of the best of any title ever made. I also think it features some spectacular polish - the way Samus nods her head slightly downward when she jumps is one of the most brilliant additions to FPS platforming period. It singularly made first person platforming functional. The HUD/visor is such an incredible gameplay invention that i wish more games utilized it. And of course, the scanning to explore the world/discover more about the story is the single best way to tell a story in a game since Half-Life/Half-Life 2's "always on" story. More than that, it made it fun.

But really I think it was beyond amazing and the series has never disappointed.

Big One

Worst thing Nintendo could do? I would say give any of their franchises to a low end Western developer. Imagine Ninja Theory doing Zelda. And by "give" I mean literally have no involvement unlike what they did with Metroid Prime.


Metroid Prime was the shit.

Big One said:
Worst thing Nintendo could do? I would say give any of their franchises to a low end Western developer. Imagine Ninja Theory doing Zelda

i'll find you for that quote. already got your PSN info.


mysteriousmage09 said:
I want a HD 2D Metroid game. The fps stuff is cool and all but I would love to see at least 1 Metroid game go back to its roots.
I would take this in a heartbeat.

Oh, and I love Kojima, but he has no business with Metroid. The timeline is already fucked up enough, no need to make it more convoluted.
Big One said:
Worst thing Nintendo could do? I would say give any of their franchises to a low end Western developer. Imagine Ninja Theory doing Zelda

give Zelda to Retro. it wouldn't be the worst you could. but I rather see them do something more fresh


Out of all the Nintendo franchises, Metroid, Zelda, and F-zero are the three that I'm most excited to see with true next-gen graphics.

I don't agree with others that Mario can't benefit, but I don't think it will benefit quite as much. Galaxy looked fucking amazing on the wii. I'm sure there is plenty of room for improvement, but I'm not sure exactly how it will play out. There were some nice looking cartoony games on the other consoles, such as ratchet and clank, so I guess mario would probably be in a similar ballpark.


I know people will take out their cocks and pee on me for this, but giving Zelda to someone competent like Bethesda could equal amazing on an entirely different scale.


Always did enjoy the Metroid Prime games myself, especially when pointer controls were introduced to all three with Trilogy.

The fucking pointer, Nintendo. Don't get rid of it.

Big One

From The Dust said:
give Zelda to Retro. it wouldn't be the worst you could. but I rather see them do something more fresh
Retro could make a good Zelda but I think the real problem is how much mixed reactions a Retro Zelda would get. With Metroid, there was only really one right way to do Metroid in first person...and Retro did it. With Zelda, for example, there's so many different reasons why people love these games, that you can't exactly cover all bases into a single game. There are people who love Zelda primarily for the puzzles, then there are people who hate the puzzles. There are also people who love Zelda for it's story, but then there are people who hate Zelda for the story. Then there's the fans who like Ocarina of Time the best, the fans who like the Legend of Zelda the best, and fans who like A Link to the Past the best; all do different things in their own way featuring the same characters. Basically there is nothing one could do with Zelda to please everybody.
mysteriousmage09 said:
I want a HD 2D Metroid game. The fps stuff is cool and all but I would love to see at least 1 Metroid game go back to its roots.
There was that Metroid SR388 project a HELLUVA long while back that seemed stuck in limbo for forever. Dunno what's happened since. Looked damn good, though. Also, I don't think I've ever witnessed so dense a grouping of mod posts in a tread before.
Amir0x said:
I really think Metroid Prime 1 lived up to the expectations, in a entirely new way of course. In particular, I thought the area design of the game is still some of the best of any title ever made. I also think it features some spectacular polish - the way Samus nods her head slightly downward when she jumps is one of the most brilliant additions to FPS platforming period. It singularly made first person platforming functional. The HUD/visor is such an incredible gameplay invention that i wish more games utilized it. And of course, the scanning to explore the world/discover more about the story is the single best way to tell a story in a game since Half-Life/Half-Life 2's "always on" story. More than that, it made it fun.

But really I think it was beyond amazing and the series has never disappointed.
This post is 100% on point.

I really want to see what Retro could do with a Metroid Prime 4 in HD. It's quite something when Metroid Prime, a 2002 game, still looks damn good even now. But yeah, I equally want a HD 2D Metroid too (or even just a 3DS one), that's like Super or Zero Mission, zomg, that'd be hawt.
Zeal said:
I know people will take out their cocks and pee on me for this, but giving Zelda to someone competent like Bethesda could equal amazing on an entirely different scale.


Don't even joke about it, son.

Bethesda being considered a good game developer is a sign of how far games culture has fallen this generation.


Krowley said:
Out of all the Nintendo franchises, Metroid, Star Fox, and F-zero are the three that I'm most excited to see with true next-gen graphics.

There we go, much much better!


Wolves Evolve said:
Bethesda being considered a good game developer is a sign of how far games culture has fallen this generation.

Disagree and agree at the same time. Bethesda is a fantastic developer, and they have been for a long time, but they're really more of a PC developer, and polish is not really their strong-suit. Their games are all about size and getting lost in a huge world with endless options. Zelda is also about exploration, but the action is simpler, and the experience is more cohesive. Any zelda game also has to be insanely polished, and I don't think Bethesda can do this.

It's similar to the idea of giving Kojima access to Metroid. It's just not a good fit.
Zeal said:
I know people will take out their cocks and pee on me for this, but giving Zelda to someone competent like Bethesda could equal amazing on an entirely different scale.

Well unless Nintendo are going to start allowing mods, that would be horrific(I've only played Oblivion, & I didn't see a single decent dungeon in it)


so you people are honestly trying to say the Elder Scrolls series is not incredible? because it is and always has been.


Zeal said:
so you people are honestly trying to say the Elder Scrolls series is not incredible? because it is and always has been.

Totally agree. Hopefully the new nintendo console will have the next one on it.


Zeal said:
I know people will take out their cocks and pee on me for this, but giving Zelda to someone competent like Bethesda could equal amazing on an entirely different scale.

What about Bethesda is competent?
Zeal said:
so you people are honestly trying to say the Elder Scrolls series is not incredible? because it is and always has been.

They're good, even great games. BUT, they are all deeply flawed in some way.

Daggerfalls horrid bugs. Morrowinds horrid combat. Oblivion's horrid leveling and generic everything.

And all of them are buggy and unpolished on release to boot.


Zeal said:
so you people are honestly trying to say the Elder Scrolls series is not incredible? because it is and always has been.
even if they are they got nothing to do with each other
Utako said:
Iconoclastic gameplay

Do you even know what iconoclastic means?

Even if you took the meaning in a more general way, leaving the religious acceptation aside, there is nothing in those games' gameplay that would warrant such a definition.


Zeal said:
I know people will take out their cocks and pee on me for this, but giving Zelda to someone competent like Bethesda could equal amazing on an entirely different scale.

Fall out 3 was a great game in its own right but I can't imagine them doing zelda right. Firstly there are the bugs which are so pervasive they sometimes ruin the game experience and Nintendo 1st party games are usually great about having no bugs/glitches. Then there are the rough, stilted animations that would really hurt a Zelda game where lively character movements are what sell most of the npcs. There's a level of polish to Nintendo games that Bethesda have not demonstrated in their games. Not trying to piss on your idea Bethesda is a good developer in its own right.
Elder Scrolls is a really nice game and does its job well, but as stated, it is not a polished gem so to speak. Technically, I mean. The game itself is good stuff, and I played the hell out of Oblivion.


metareferential said:
Do you even know what iconoclastic means?

Even if you took the meaning in a more general way, leaving the religious acceptation aside, there is nothing in those games' gameplay that would warrant such a definition.

Bit pedantic, no? He simply means that Kojima would bring something different to the table that doesn't necessarily comform totally to the series, which is probably true.

Whether or not that's a good thing is another matter entirely.
I don't know why people always bring up Zelda as a franchise they would like to see done by a different studio. I love the Nintendo Zeldas and they have yet to make a Zelda game I haven't liked. Giving it to another studio would be taking a major risk, and I want a Zelda game to retain that same Zelda feeling, which may be lost if developed by another company.
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