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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Amir0x said:
It's an excuse to be creatively bankrupt and lazy and reuse assets while simultaneously ensuring their legion of zombie-like fans pick it up for no reason other than the satisfying security blanket-esque knowledge that they're finally home again so they can pan the camera and look up Princess Peach's skirt.

What I'm saying is I think that what you're saying keys in so much on the visuals side, and not so much on the gameplay side. Even with these franchises they are able to do a lot of creative things through gameplay -- things that the risk-averse Nintendo might not try if they couldn't have their franchises back them up. Sure, the franchise often suggests certain gameplay quirks (the fireballs like you mentioned) but I don't think you can say that, mechanically, they are used inappropriately.

With all of that in mind, I think that part of the issue is that Nintendo, as far as I've read/seen, often doesn't come up with a franchise concept and then come up with the gameplay to fit, but rather they have a ton of prototypes that they keep working on and then when one of them is deemed fun enough, they drop a franchise on top of it. I think that's why my tolerance for it is higher -- the gameplay experiences are generally quite varied, even if the "skin" isn't.

But lastly, all of that said, I do agree that I would like to see them branch out with a couple new core games. They obviously didn't drop the Mushroom Kingdom on Steel Diver or anything, so I'd imagine that they, like many publishers, are going to look at the launch of the new platforms as the time to test new franchises. Recall that Nintendo did launch a ton of new IP stuff this gen, it was just all under the Wii ____ line. If they're truly aiming back at the core market, they won't be able to do that this time.


Good points being raised all-around in here. :)

Really, the big mystery is whether Nintendo's courtship of the casuals is over -- and with it, the avoidance of character/plot-driven games like Pikmin, Chibi-Robo, etc, and the prevalance of titles like Wii ___ that resulted.

If the rumors about a dual-analog, many-buttoned, touchscreen-equipped controller are true, then perhaps the next franchise Miyamoto spearheads will, in fact, be something the GAF crowd would enjoy... I'm personally hoping for something with brand-new characters.

Wouldn't it be nice for Smash Bros. 4 to have some legimitately new faces? Nintendo needs to invent them first. I think of SSB as a "State of the Union Address" for Nintendo's franchises, and since Olimar joined the ranks in Brawl, there are precious few new Nintendo characters they could add. Here's hoping that changes.
Hiro said:
That you want someone to be banned could be considered impolite. You're acting like a demagogue, but then that's rather fitting with your avatar so what else was I expecting.
Just warning him away from dangerous behaviors.


xvszero said:
There are 3 new "Excite" games on Wii, not sure I'd call that hardly. Actually it surprised me, considering the franchise doesn't sell very well.

Excite Truck and Excite Bots...

oh wait they also had that WiiWare game, right? Well, certainly this gen is a departure in that regard. If they start doing that every gen it'd probably eventually grow tiring as well. But I just didn't like these Excite games anyway (which is surprising since I love arcade racers) so I forgot about how many came for Wii lol
Amir0x said:
You mean three games that are never coming to America and two others that are comically low budget, received next to no marketing and are also reported to be of awful low quality? Also, Last Story is not developed by Nintendo.

News Flash: People are not retarded. They know when you're not trying. Nintendo is not trying on Wii..

Uhh, way to jump the gun?
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Of course, Amirox violated that as bad/worse than he did.
I won't disagree. Although, I think over the last few months this has become a kinder gentler GAF. I swear if this were 5 years ago, bish and dragona would have banned half the thread by now - myself included.


Amir0x said:
It's an excuse to be creatively bankrupt and lazy and reuse assets while simultaneously ensuring their legion of zombie-like fans pick it up for no reason other than the satisfying security blanket-esque knowledge that they're finally home again so they can pan the camera and look up Princess Peach's skirt.

I must agree with you here, but I can't stop myself remembering the number of people that were actually bitching about the Nintendo characters being replaced by Mii's when Wii Party was announced.

Nintendo' characters are really popular and people like to play with them, plain and simple.


Professional Schmuck
I think what Amir0x hasn't quite realized is that Nintendo hasn't created an original series based around original characters set in an original world for what, almost a decade now? They've stopped making new characters.

And this is generous:

Original Characters Appearing on a console:
1985 - Mario
1986 - Donkey Kong
1986 - Kid Icarus
1986 - Metroid
1987 - Punch-Out!! (Little Mac)
1987 - Legend of Zelda
1989 - Mother
1989 - StarTropics
1990 - F-Zero
1991 - Fire Emblem
1992 - Kirby
1993 - StarFox
1994 - Wario
1995 -
1996 - Killer Instinct
1997 -
1998 - Pokemon
1999 -
2000 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Pikmin
2002 - Eternal Darkness
2003 -
2004 -
2005 -
2006 -
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 -


Professional Schmuck
Big One said:
Why does Eternal Darkness or Startropics count when something like Xenoblade or The Last Story doesn't?

That's a fine point. And makes my point stronger. Nintendo isn't in the creating-awesome-worlds business any more.


Professional Schmuck
The M.O.B said:
Half-complete list is half-complete.

By all means, list out the new characters and worlds created by nintendo, appearing on a nintendo console since 1995. I think we're going to be disappointed.


PantherLotus said:
I think what Amir0x hasn't quite realized is that Nintendo hasn't created an original series based around original characters set in an original world for what, almost a decade now? They've stopped making new characters.

And this is generous:

Original Characters Appearing on a console:
1985 - Mario
1986 - Donkey Kong
1986 - Kid Icarus
1986 - Metroid
1987 - Punch-Out!! (Little Mac)
1987 - Legend of Zelda
1989 - Mother
1989 - StarTropics
1990 - F-Zero
1991 - Fire Emblem
1992 - Kirby
1993 - StarFox
1994 - Wario
1995 -
1996 - Killer Instinct
1997 -
1998 - Pokemon
1999 -
2000 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Pikmin
2002 - Eternal Darkness
2003 -
2004 -
2005 -
2006 -
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 -
That list doesn't seem to make any sense. I mean, what's the qualifier? According to your list, you accept oneshots and 2nd/ 3rd party games, so where's Disaster, Another Code (which is actually a "series" spanning four games), Endless Ocean (two games), Xenoblade, Reginleiv, Captain Rainbow, Last Story, Pandora's Tower and whatever titles I forgot? Those are all Nintendo games, some of them even developed inhouse, and they're all character based.

Big One

Actually Startropics is a Nintendo developed game, I'm just questioning why those two one-shot games counted and something like Xenoblade doesn't count. Same with Killer Instinct too, which is a Rare property.

As for new Nintendo IPs, I remember a while back making a list of these for every Nintendo IP released in the last ten years. Might be outdated cause I haven't touched it in a while:

Pikmin series
Eternal Darkness
Battalion Wars series

Golden Sun series
bit Generations
Magical Vacation series
Starfy series
Rhythm Heaven series
Warioware series
Tomato Adventure
Millennium Family

Wii series
Takt of Magic
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Endless Ocean series
Captain Rainbow
Zangeki no Reginleiv
The Last Story
Pandora's Tower

Nintendogs series
Trace Memory series
Elite Beat Agents/Oundan series
Soma Bringer
Chosoju Mecha MG
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Super Fossil Diggers
Hotel Dusk/Last Window series

New Nintendo IPs and characters definitely still exist just nothing as iconic as Mario or Link aside from maybe the Miis.
How come Xenoblade and The Last Story don't count? Nintendo gave pointers for both games. I don't remember with Xenoblade besides the fact Nintendo allowed Monolith to continue working on the game without being barred by a time constraint they had, but with TLS they changed the focus of the game so it's not like they were hands off.

With Xenoblade especially, Monolith is owned by Nintendo so how does that not count towards your list? Why are EAD games the only ones counted?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Pikmin was glorious, and something only Nintendo could really come up with and deliver. That was at a time they were trying to differentiate themselves solely through software though.

With the Wii the system itself was the differentiator, so original IP's took a back seat and things like Wii Sports became the face for that new experience. You didn't need something as richly developed as Pikmin, because it was the experience and the players themselves that were the important bit.

What we see out of them with Wii 2 will depend on what the angle of the system is. If the idea is to reinvent conventional games then you will see some completely new things to highlight what is now possible. If however it's the experience that is the selling point of the system again, then original IP's will take a back-seat again. Or you'll get half-hearted efforts like Steel Diver.

Based on the rumours so far it could go either way.


Professional Schmuck
You wanna include Nintendogs when Amir0x was clearly talking about narrative adventures with original characters in inspired worlds? That's cool, but you can count me out.

I think if you guys are honest with yourselves for a damn second, take out everything that has mario, miis, pokemon, and zelda in it, we haven't really seen any original adventures in freaking forever. Whatever though, I'm not trying to upset you, and when I see fucking Nintendogs, Giftpia, Cubivore, Endless Ocean...I see people not being honest.

That's cool.


Does Nintendo really need new IP to be strong? Little things like Mii or Nintendogs have done well for them. It would be great to have a new IP from them and all, but do they need an Uncharted level IP on the next system?
Amir0x said:
I'm sorry your idea is one of such monumental stupidity that the mere utterance would be enough to get you banned from every forum on Earth (even a Hideo Kojima fanboy forum). Were it not for my sagely, almost prolific mercy you would be eliminated from neoGAF and the internet.

They gave the series to much worse people. And if there's something Kojima can get right, is action heroines.

I don't resent the idea tbh, but I'd rather see Kojima work on his stuff.


Professional Schmuck
NateDrake said:
Does Nintendo really need new IP to be strong? Little things like Mii or Nintendogs have done well for them.

Of course not -- and that has all of nothing to do with the entire conversation.

Big One

PantherLotus said:
You wanna include Nintendogs when Amir0x was clearly talking about narrative adventures with original characters in inspired worlds? That's cool, but you can count me out.

I think if you guys are honest with yourselves for a damn second, take out everything that has mario, miis, pokemon, and zelda in it, we haven't really seen any original adventures in freaking forever. Whatever though, I'm not trying to upset you, and when I see fucking Nintendogs, Giftpia, Cubivore, Endless Ocean...I see people not being honest.

That's cool.
Not really sure how Killer Instinct is a narrative adventure but Cubivore and Endless Ocean isn't...but whatever


Professional Schmuck
Big One said:
Not really sure how Killer Instinct is a narrative adventure but Cubivore and Endless Ocean isn't...but whatever

you're totally right. let's cross it off the list. what was 2nd party, i'll cross it off the list too.
PantherLotus said:
You wanna include Nintendogs when Amir0x was clearly talking about narrative adventures with original characters in inspired worlds? That's cool, but you can count me out.

I think if you guys are honest with yourselves for a damn second, take out everything that has mario, miis, pokemon, and zelda in it, we haven't really seen any original adventures in freaking forever. Whatever though, I'm not trying to upset you, and when I see fucking Nintendogs, Giftpia, Cubivore, Endless Ocean...I see people not being honest.

That's cool.

Oh please. You're making up your own rules. Disaster, Another Code, Xenoblade, Reginleiv, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower at the very least fit into the "narrative adventures with original characters in inspired worlds" category. It doesn't matter if they're second party games or not (Xenoblade is first party, same with Disaster), Nintendo own all those IPs and had a hand with them coming into fruition.

Nintendogs, Giftpia, Cubivore, and Endless Ocean are just extra.


Bel Marduk said:
How come Xenoblade and The Last Story don't count? Nintendo gave pointers for both games. I don't remember with Xenoblade besides the fact Nintendo allowed Monolith to continue working on the game without being barred by a time constraint they had, but with TLS they changed the focus of the game so it's not like they were hands off.

With Xenoblade especially, Monolith is owned by Nintendo so how does that not count towards your list? Why are EAD games the only ones counted?
That's the thing. Quite a few people accept Retro or Intelligent Systems as "Nintendo", but they don't yet seem to understand that Monolith has the exact same status as those two. Also, many consider Ratchet & Clank a Sony game, but seemingly don't consider something like Sin & Punishment a Nintendo game for some reason.


Professional Schmuck
Original Characters Created by Nintendo Appearing on a Nintendo console the first time:
1985 - Mario
1986 - Donkey Kong
1986 - Kid Icarus
1986 - Metroid
1987 - Punch-Out!! (Little Mac)
1987 - Legend of Zelda
1989 - Mother
1990 - F-Zero
1991 - Fire Emblem
1992 - Kirby
1993 - StarFox
1994 - Wario
1995 -
1996 -
1997 -
1998 - Pokemon
1999 -
2000 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Pikmin
2002 -
2003 -
2004 -
2005 -
2006 -
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 -

Great tips guys. Looks like they're worse off than I thought.

Big One

PantherLotus said:
you're totally right. let's cross it off the list. what was 2nd party, i'll cross it off the list too.
Well if you want to go that way let's cross off Mother, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem too since none of those are directly made by Nintendo.
Doc Holliday said:
Metroid is all about gameplay, Kojima not so much. Horrible idea! Now if you say you want Yoji Shinkawa to be the art director and Kojima the Cinematic Director or Producer then we can talk :D

I have to disagree about this statement.

MGS and MGS2 were about the gameplay. They were groundbreaking games. In fact, at the time we didn't really discuss story when trailers came out, but the light effects and the time it took for a guard to fall asleep when hit in the leg compared to the head and so on.

He fell out of the loop a bit because he always pushed gameplay forward through ingenuous ideas, and gaming evolved really fast in terms of physics and 3D worlds that you can do more or less anything you want, but if tomorrow we find out he's been taking his sweet time to go and think of something revolutionary again, I wouldn't flinch.

Lately he's been judged from MGS4 alone, and yes, MGS4 was a stale game, but the guy has genius in him.


PantherLotus said:
Original Characters Created by Nintendo Appearing on a Nintendo console the first time:
1985 - Mario
1986 - Donkey Kong
1986 - Kid Icarus
1986 - Metroid
1987 - Punch-Out!! (Little Mac)
1987 - Legend of Zelda
1989 - Mother
1990 - F-Zero
1991 - Fire Emblem
1992 - Kirby
1993 - StarFox
1994 - Wario
1995 -
1996 -
1997 -
1998 - Pokemon
1999 -
2000 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Pikmin
2002 -
2003 -
2004 -
2005 -
2006 -
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 -

Great tips guys. Looks like they're worse off than I thought.

To be fair: compared to ?

We need new IPs in general, not just by Nintendo.

I dont disagree though.


Big One said:
Well if you want to go that way let's cross off Mother, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem too since none of those are directly made by Nintendo.
Don't forget Wario. He's part of the Mario IP after all. I say cross Kid Icarus as well. It's not a big IP and the sequel isn't even done by Nintendo.

The funny thing is that, using the exact same rules, Microsoft's and Sony's lists would come up pretty much completely empty. Well, Sony has God of War I guess...


What's with all of this "Nintendo does not create new IPs" bullshit? Rhythm Heaven? Elite Beat Agents? Their adventure games with CiNG? And now Xenoblade and this new Pandora's Tower stuff? With more on the way?

People, the problem is not that Nintendo doesn't have new IPs. The problem is that Nintendo doesn't know how to market the more obscure ones. I didn't see that many ads on EBA, Hotel Dusk and Rhythm Heaven compared to the other more mainstream stuff like Kirby and Mario. And then sometimes they mismarket it (Sin & Punishment commercial was just...not up to snuff with other commercials). They need to pump out a separate division just for this. The only reason Sony gets ahead of its new IP awareness is massive amounts of marketing, while Nintnedo has by churned out tons of new IPs and lets ask one out of every 5 adult if they know about Hotel Dusk.


Professional Schmuck
We're not talking IPs, guys.

Big One said:
Well if you want to go that way let's cross off Mother, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem too since none of those are directly made by Nintendo.

I think you're finally getting my original point, so I'll reset it for everyone. Amri0x was saying something like this:

Amir0x said:
Excite doesn't really have any iconic characters and worlds and they hardly ever make those games so it's hardly as offensive as playing yet another Mario title and knowing there's going to be Toadstools and turtle shells and fucking Mushroom Kingdom and blah blah blah.

It's an excuse to be creatively bankrupt and lazy and reuse assets while simultaneously ensuring their legion of zombie-like fans pick it up for no reason other than the satisfying security blanket-esque knowledge that they're finally home again so they can pan the camera and look up Princess Peach's skirt.

Again, though, the problem isn't that they make sequels or that they neverendingly whore their franchises. Well, more accurately, that isn't the sole problem. I mean yes attaching to these franchises means certain tone, certain level of aesthetic leeway, certain expectations - it restricts what you can do. It impacts aspects of the game like music and visuals and even type of gameplay quirks (hey do you know that Mario is gonna shoot fire in Tennis!? How novel!). It's all oppressively limiting.

With genuinely new, hardcore IPs - with the same effort and money as a Zelda and Mario game - they can strike out and use that astounding talent we all know they have when they're on their best behavior and make something truly new and groundbreaking without the restraints of lesser men. It's not hard, it's not an unreasonable expectation. Nintendo is wildly successful and their competitors do just that all the time. They don't exist in a vacuum so Nintendo better learn to compete at some point.

It's frustrating also because Nintendo, as a developer, is easily the most talented of the three. It's not even close. But because of their self-inflicted franchise whoring wound, they are always limiting their potential. They occasionally break out of the doldrums with something truly groundbreaking like Super Mario Galaxy (which, not coincidentally, was also aesthetically the most unique of all Mario games - not just GRASS, LAVA, ICE, but wildly original worlds with incredible variety and new enemies of all types and the pleasant little homages that made you smile instead of just feeling like they're being cloyingly old school again), but they have a way better chance when they make new things. Pikmin and Pikmin 2 as well as Chibi Robo, for example, remain some of the best Nintedno games ever made. That was only a gen ago. They have it in them.

The whole point of creating that list was to see where Nintendo actually did that in the past and where they stopped. It looks like they stopped when they put together the so-called Dream Team for Project Ultra.

My point is that frankly, they haven't met Amir0x's parameters set in his quote above that for a long, long time. Every indication we have is that they're out of that business. Yes, that's incredibly sad.
Nintendo has made no effort to launch a major new character-based franchise in over a decade.

To qualify, it would have to be something with a budget comparable to a Mario Galaxy or console Zelda, developed by one of the main EADs or Retro.


sfried said:
People, the problem is not that Nintendo doesn't have new IPs. The problem is that Nintendo doesn't know how to market the more obscure ones. I didn't see that many ads on EBA, Hotel Dusk and Rhythm Heaven compared to the other more mainstream stuff like Kirby and Mario.

I'm not saying it was a huge advertisement push but Rhythm Heaven was advertised a ton at least from my experience. This commercial would come up a lot.


PantherLotus said:
Original Characters Created by Nintendo Appearing on a Nintendo console the first time:
1985 - Mario
1986 - Donkey Kong
1986 - Kid Icarus
1986 - Metroid
1987 - Punch-Out!! (Little Mac)
1987 - Legend of Zelda
1989 - Mother
1990 - F-Zero
1991 - Fire Emblem
1992 - Kirby
1993 - StarFox
1994 - Wario
1995 -
1996 -
1997 -
1998 - Pokemon
1999 -
2000 - Animal Crossing, Sin & Punishment
2001 - Pikmin
2002 - Starfy franchise
2003 -
2004 -
2005 - Drill Dozer, Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk
2006 - Rhythm Tengoku, Elite Beat Agents
2007 -
2008 - Disaster: Day of Crisis
2009 -
2010 - FlingSmash, Xenoblade
2011 - The Last Story, Pandora's Tower

Somebody needs to thoroughly do their research.


Professional Schmuck
Why are you bringing up Sony and Microsoft? Nobody is asking them to come up with new franchises that match the awesomeness of Mario and Zelda, so bringing them up looks an awful lot like fanboy defensiveness. No need. Let's be honest with ourselves.

TekkenMaster said:
Nintendo has made no effort to launch a major new character-based franchise in over a decade.

To qualify, it would have to be something with a budget comparable to a Mario Galaxy or console Zelda, developed by one of the main EADs or Retro.

And that's if we're calling Pikmin a character-based franchise, which is generous. That makes it even further back ... 15 years?


TekkenMaster said:
Nintendo has made no effort to launch a major new character-based franchise in over a decade.
Bullshit I tell you. You simply have failed to recognize the ones that simply went under the radar.


Professional Schmuck
Slow down man, slow down. No reason to get so upset.

sfried said:
Somebody needs to thoroughly do their research.

Come on, sfried. I'm not being harsh or trolling or out of line or anything, and you added a few DS games to the list? It's clearly labeled:

Original Characters Created by Nintendo Appearing on a Nintendo console the first time:


The point is obvious and it stands, guys.


What? Have you played a Pikmin game? Olimar and Louie and the characters connected to them are fleshed out heavily through the phone calls and encyclopedia entries within the game. And the Pikmin themselves are definitely characters.
PantherLotus said:
Original Characters Created by Nintendo Appearing on a Nintendo console the first time:
1985 - Mario
1986 - Donkey Kong
1986 - Kid Icarus
1986 - Metroid
1987 - Punch-Out!! (Little Mac)
1987 - Legend of Zelda
1989 - Mother
1990 - F-Zero
1991 - Fire Emblem
1992 - Kirby
1993 - StarFox
1994 - Wario
1995 -
1996 -
1997 -
1998 - Pokemon
1999 -
2000 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Pikmin
2002 -
2003 -
2004 -
2005 -
2006 -
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 -

Great tips guys. Looks like they're worse off than I thought.

Looking at this list makes me think that we're ignoring a perk of the videogame environment: it's still basically in its first generation of developers.

I mean, Shiggy invented videogames and he's still making them. Look at that list: the first mascots and games they made were fresh, simple ideas, not tainted by marketing or fads or social engineered trends. Would the world today accept Mario as a mascot in the same way the 80s did? The videogame world isn't "virgin" anymore, launching new franchises without having a clear idea of where your audience stands is a challenge.

In the 80s, we were pre-teens and teens who asked permission to our parents to watch Rambo, who got their hands in secrecy on tame softcore porn magazines once a year and who were still more or less "kids" until we got to high school.
The world moves faster today, the Looney Tunes are turned into Batman, 13 years old start their days streaming some porn before going to school and you can see Hostel on the Disney channel.

I'm pranking (but am I?), but the world changed so much in 20 years and it's still the same people making games, and the "old guard" is probably too tired and confused about their everchanging audience to attempt something new, and the "new guard" is either creatively bankrupt or not trusted enough to push out new stuff.

The idea that "milking franchises" is done out of lazyness is shortsighted. Launching something new today is just a really big PITA. If tomorrow I got told that there's more people who's 20+ playing Mario and Kirby than teenagers doing so, and that the CoD fanbase is mostly made of 16- or 40+ old gamers, I wouldn't flinch. Gaming is in a weird spot, and giving how taking risks is hard for the industry, we're sticking to certain staples (the dudebro mantras etc), and at the same time, those staples are shaping the audience in return.


Nintendo has been making a lot of new IPs, but none of them have reached the success or popularity of Zelda/Metroid/Mario. You can blame Nintendo for not marketing those games well enough (and not cultivating a hardcore gamer scene on the Wii in general), but you can't say they didn't create any games.
PantherLotus said:
Why are you bringing up Sony and Microsoft? Nobody is asking them to come up with new franchises that match the awesomeness of Mario and Zelda, so bringing them up looks an awful lot like fanboy defensiveness. No need. Let's be honest with ourselves.

And that's if we're calling Pikmin a character-based franchise, which is generous. That makes it even further back ... 15 years?

Yep, I was being generous. I guess Pokemon was the last thing Nintendo created with truly iconic characters.


PantherLotus said:
Original Characters Created by Nintendo Appearing on a Nintendo console the first time:


The point is obvious and it stands, guys.
It does not stand. You missed out on some key tites. Whether or not they were developed internally is not the point. They own the characters and subsequently the IP.
Dascu said:
Nintendo has been making a lot of new IPs, but none of them have reached the success or popularity of Zelda/Metroid/Mario. You can blame Nintendo for not marketing those games well enough (and not cultivating a hardcore gamer scene on the Wii in general), but you can't say they didn't create any games.
And this is the point I'm trying to make: Whether or not they're a success is an entirely different issue, but don't you dare say they haven't been making anything new.


Professional Schmuck
PounchEnvy said:
What? Have you played a Pikmin game? Olimar and Louie and the characters connected to them are fleshed out heavily through the phone calls and encyclopedia entries within the game. And the Pikmin themselves are definitely characters.

Oh, ok. I guess it's not so generous to call that a character based franchise created more than a decade ago.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
PantherLotus said:
Slow down man, slow down. No reason to get so upset.

Come on, sfried. I'm not being harsh or trolling or out of line or anything, and you added a few DS games to the list? It's clearly labeled:

Original Characters Created by Nintendo Appearing on a Nintendo console the first time:


The point is obvious and it stands, guys.

I still have no idea why Xenoblade doesn't belong on the list.


PantherLotus said:
Oh, ok. I guess it's not so generous to call that a character based franchise created more than a decade ago.
That's right, son.
sfried said:
And this is the point I'm trying to make: Whether or not they're a success is an entirely different issue, but don't you dare say they haven't been making anything new.

But Nintendo hasn't put nearly the budget of a Mario/Zelda/Metroid into one of these new ideas. That's the point I'm making.
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