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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Kojima making Metroid, and Bethesda making Zelda. Whats wrong with you people?

Best one is Bethesda being competent, is that after months of patches or years of fan mods?


Okay, if people aren't all behind Retro having a go at Zelda, then give them Tingle (hey it's still the Zelda universe) ;-)

But more seriously, why can't the Zelda universe have a spin off series, so that it's not held up to the same standard as the mainline Zelda games. Maybe you could play as a Goron or some other race... I mean Link can't be the only one to have all the fun, right? *shrug*
Zeliard said:
Bit pedantic, no? He simply means that Kojima would bring something different to the table that doesn't necessarily comform totally to the series, which is probably true.

Whether or not that's a good thing is another matter entirely.

Bit pedantic, maybe.

But it still doesn't make sense, since Kojima practically never offered such an experience with his games.

There is nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking in the core gameplay of Kojima latest games. His games are famous for other aspects.

It is true that we have never seen Kojima working on other games other than his creations.
brochiller said:
I don't know why people always bring up Zelda as a franchise they would like to see done by a different studio. I love the Nintendo Zeldas and they have yet to make a Zelda game I haven't liked. Giving it to another studio would be taking a major risk, and I want a Zelda game to retain that same Zelda feeling, which may be lost if developed by another company.

Minish Cap was awesome and done by Capcom. If they can find another developer who can deliver that well I am fine with it.

The Zelda formula could use a mix up anyways.
UltimaPooh said:
Minish Cap was awesome and done by Capcom. If they can find another developer who can deliver that well I am fine with it.

The Zelda formula could use a mix up anyways.

I agree that the series could use some fresh ideas and maybe a different take, but I would like to see what Nintendo can do by taking it in a different direction in house before they let a 3rd party develop a console version. I'd like to see a Zelda where Aonuma is given full control without oversight from Miyamoto to see how it turns out. Nintendo is going to have to learn to operate without Miyamoto's oversight sooner or later.


brochiller said:
I agree that the series could use some fresh ideas and maybe a different take, but I would like to see what Nintendo can do by taking it in a different direction in house before they let a 3rd party develop a console version. I'd like to see a Zelda where Aonuma is given full control without oversight from Miyamoto to see how it turns out. Nintendo is going to have to learn to operate without Miyamoto's oversight sooner or later.

I'd actually like EAD Tokyo to be in full control. And I want Link to be able to jump.


Magicpaint said:
This post is 100% on point.

I really want to see what Retro could do with a Metroid Prime 4 in HD. It's quite something when Metroid Prime, a 2002 game, still looks damn good even now. But yeah, I equally want a HD 2D Metroid too (or even just a 3DS one), that's like Super or Zero Mission, zomg, that'd be hawt.

I just love the flow of Metroid Prime. Yes, we lost some of her iconic speed and agility in the process - even though the game still moves fairly fast and with the morphball you can go mach 10, yo - but we also gained so much good, so many novel and interesting gameplay mechanics and such an incredible reinvention of a classic franchise that it has set the standard for similar reboots across the gaming universe. Hell, it was Resident Evil 4 before Resident Evil 4 was Resident Evil 4.


the argument about Bethesda's notorious bug problems is a valid one. that being said, i still think its debatable whether or not they could pull off a Zelda. i am not for it being done without Miyamoto's oversight, however.

regardless, i don't think giving well known Nintendo franchises to western developers would end in disaster. look at the gamble Konami took with Castlevania. sure, the game has problems here and there, but overall, the reboot was a gamble that paid off with a fantastic game.

Dead Man said:
What the hell happened in here? Madness on all fronts.

just lack of relevant info. things will stabilize closer to E3.

or go complete shithouse.


dabbled in the jelly
Pretty Sure Mario 64 was the first to reinvent itself successfully and not MP. M64 redefined what a Mario game was and what a 3D platformer should always be.


Amir0x said:
I just love the flow of Metroid Prime. Yes, we lost some of her iconic speed and agility in the process - even though the game still moves fairly fast and with the morphball you can go mach 10, yo - but we also gained so much good, so many novel and interesting gameplay mechanics and such an incredible reinvention of a classic franchise that it has set the standard for similar reboots across the gaming universe. Hell, it was Resident Evil 4 before Resident Evil 4 was Resident Evil 4.

I agree with you totally.

I just hope that whatever Retro gets tasked with its something that is going to really benefit with the transitition to an HD console and let those Artists really shine.


Someone make the "third parties doing Nintendo franchises" question into its own thread. I like it!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd love to have a Zelda spin-off starring Sheik. Such a cool character, and it could be set in another time period altogether (so a different Sheik, then; a descendant of Zelda, so as to not be shackled to OoT's story). It would allow us to enjoy the Zelda world from a new perspective, with completely different gameplay, much like how the various Mario spinoffs have fleshed out Mario's world while offering new experiences.

Make it a mix of Bayonetta/DMC-style combat, Metal Gear Solid stealth, Prince of Persia acrobatics and Mirror's Edge parkour... Give it a hand-drawn aesthetic like Prince of Persia 2008... And have Hideki Kamiya direct it and Platinum Games develop it. If they could get Katsuya Terada to do art direction, that would be the ultimate wet dream. :)

Won't happen, but Dream Teams are fun.


god your endless speculating reminds me of DrGAKMAN, Neiteio. Insane, rambling and generally driven by the type of blind fervor that makes everybody just a little uncomfortable >_<


Amir0x said:
god your endless speculating reminds me of DrGAKMAN, Neiteio. Insane, rambling and generally driven by the type of blind fervor that makes everybody just a little uncomfortable >_<
It's not speculation; I don't think such a game is in the works, obviously. Just throwing out ideas I think would be fun, like the other third-party suggestions, only this time I suggested a spin-off rather than a franchise. Chillax.


Speevy said:
Watch me buy this one on the promise of another Pikmin and they release one...for the 3DS.
Or maybe they'll pull a fast one and release a Pikmin for both, like Prime and Fusion back in the day.

Or neither, which is probably safest to expect since you can't possibly be disappointed! :)


From The Dust said:
current rumors lean towards the Cafe
Are there any actual rumors toward this end? It's easy to speculate it's probable, given we've never seen anything on it. Miyamoto said "It's a Wii title" at last E3, but if Cafe kits were finalized by then, one can picture them shifting it to the new platform in the service of having something substantial playable at Cafe's unveiling. And of course, HD, and the prospect of possibly using the touchscreen for RTS-style hot keys, lends itself well. But all this being said, have there actually been any supposed "leaks" from people in the know?
Some Nintendo franchises should be divided to third parties.
Like Star Fox to Treasure.
F-Zero to Monster.
Pikmin to Blizzard
So is it set in stone that each controller will have a screen? Seems a little pricey to do that. And must be a complete bitch on battery and if you break it you are screwed.


I've said this before in a different thread.

Let it be said again, Retro needs to take the experience they learned from the Prime Games and DKCR and make a 2D Metroid akin to Super Metroid and I want it within a year of Cafe Launch.

Edit~ To Apana post below mine,

I think I would quit gaming.


Darknessbear said:
So is it set in stone that each controller will have a screen? Seems a little pricey to do that. And must be a complete bitch on battery and if you break it you are screwed.

Nothing is set in stone, but it seems pretty likely. I dont think battery will be too much of an issue, because of the added size they should be able to stick pretty large battery in there.


Star Fox to Treasure... Good fit. The pacing would be vastly different than their usual fare, of course, but it's still right up their alley.

I'd like to see Mr. Game & Watch get his own series for WiiWare or 3DSWare. A 2D platformer parody of everything retro Nintendo, with of course plenty of references to his own games (Oil Panic, Octopus, etc).

I just loved the Flatland concept in SSB and how he controlled there. Would be great to scurry through sidescrolling levels as Mr. GAW, especially if they kept the "old-timey" feel many GAW games had; they always reminded me of black-and-white cartoons from the silent movie era.

I guess WayForward would be a good fit in this dream scenario.
Neiteio said:
Are there any actual rumors toward this end? It's easy to speculate it's probable, given we've never seen anything on it. Miyamoto said "It's a Wii title" at last E3, but if Cafe kits were finalized by then, one can picture them shifting it to the new platform in the service of having something substantial playable at Cafe's unveiling. And of course, HD, and the prospect of possibly using the touchscreen for RTS-style hot keys, lends itself well. But all this being said, have there actually been any supposed "leaks" from people in the know?

I want to say Game Informer. it was one of the more prominate sites. it's in the old Cafe thread


Semi-OT, but as much as I love Metroid Prime, something that's always bothered me about Metroid in general is the name "Space Pirates." I know if you want to get technical you can call them Zebesians -- or this even the case? Maybe they're a variety of species banded together like nomads? -- but "Space Pirates" as a term is just so hokey. And "hokey" is fine when the game doesn't take itself seriously, but Metroid very much does, what with all the attention to detail in ever facility, technology, etc. It doesn't help that the Space Pirate designs change from game to game to game, meaning they never take on a single iconic appearance like, say, a Koopa Troopa. Hard to get attached to something I couldn't draw on paper if asked to draw THE definitive Space Pirate.

[/Metroid fan rant]
Neiteio said:
Semi-OT, but as much as I love Metroid Prime, something that's always bothered me about Metroid in general is the name "Space Pirates." I know if you want to get technical you can call them Zebesians -- or this even the case? Maybe they're a variety of species banded together like nomads? -- but "Space Pirates" as a term is just so hokey. And "hokey" is fine when the game doesn't take itself seriously, but Metroid very much does, what with all the attention to detail in ever facility, technology, etc. It doesn't help that the Space Pirate designs change from game to game to game, meaning they never take on a single iconic appearance like, say, a Koopa Troopa. Hard to get attached to something I couldn't draw on paper if asked to draw THE definitive Space Pirate.

[/Metroid fan rant]
Think about them as different races... just like humans.


Fernando Rocker said:
Think about them as different races... just like humans.
No, I know, I just mean calling them "Space Pirates" collectively seems a little goofy. I mean, don't their computers in MP1 even refer to a Space Pirate High Command? They sound like they have this intricately structured chain of command and all these technological departments, yet even they refer to themselves as what amounts to low-life degenerates... in space! That's like if you had thieves who pilot subs underwater, and they called themselves Sea Thieves, and had a High Council of Sea Thieves, and a President of Sea Thieves, and a Secretary of Sea Thieves, etc, etc. They might as well call themselves Bad Guys.

Also, the closest we'll get to my dream Sheik spin-off:


The ideal would be more cel-shaded ala PoP 2008. I wonder if there was ever any truth to the rumor that at one time Retro Studios was working on a Sheik spin-off. If Nintendo -ever- toyed with the idea, I'd like to see them take the ball and run with it.
Or maybe my desire, subconciously, is to see the Zelda formula changed up?


I don't think there's any need to get even more cell shaded than that example. The hint of cell shading brings so much character to that picture while still maintaining a somewhat realistic nod. It's perfect, IMO.
Neiteio said:
No, I know, I just mean calling them "Space Pirates" collectively seems a little goofy. I mean, don't their computers in MP1 even refer to a Space Pirate High Command? They sound like they have this intricately structured chain of command and all these technological departments, yet even they refer to themselves as what amounts to low-life degenerates... in space! That's like if you had thieves who pilot subs underwater, and they called themselves Sea Thieves, and had a High Council of Sea Thieves, and a President of Sea Thieves, and a Secretary of Sea Thieves, etc, etc. They might as well call themselves Bad Guys.

Yeah, they're too complex and well-oiled an organization for that title. It'd be like if the Romulans called themselves Space Adversaries.
AceBandage said:
Pikmin to Blizzard

I was thinking the same thing.

apana said:
Final Fantasy: The Legend of Zelda.

Developed by Square Enix.

You'll thank me later.

In other words we won't be able to tell the difference between Link and Zelda while at the same time Link's outfit will have lots of zippers and belts.

Neiteio said:
The ideal would be more cel-shaded ala PoP 2008. I wonder if there was ever any truth to the rumor that at one time Retro Studios was working on a Sheik spin-off. If Nintendo -ever- toyed with the idea, I'd like to see them take the ball and run with it.
Or maybe my desire, subconciously, is to see the Zelda formula changed up?

I know what you want.



M74 said:
I don't think there's any need to get even more cell shaded than that example. The hint of cell shading brings so much character to that picture while still maintaining a somewhat realistic nod. It's perfect, IMO.
The more I look at the Sheik art, the more I agree. It does have a lovely subtlety to it. :)

Really, I just want Zelda to get its own Luigi's Mansion. By that, I mean a spin-off that provides gameplay different from Zelda, while still being rooted firmly in the Zelda universe. This Sheik title, for instance, could feature familiar figures like Aquamentus or Pols Voice, but you'd be flipping off walls like a ninja, or running across rooftops, or stealth-killing with needles and chains. Different pace, different approach, different gameplay than Zelda -- but it's still exploring the Zelda world, expanding the brand.

shadyspace said:
Yeah, they're too complex and well-oiled an organization for that title. It'd be like if the Romulans called themselves Space Adversaries.
Exactly. I wish Retro would've came up with a REAL name for the Space Pirates collective, and simply relegated the term "space pirate" to slang used among Samus and the GF grunts.

bgassassin said:


Some more hardware speculation: Basically, I believe it all comes down to power consumption. Assuming IGN was right and the device is the size of a first generation Xbox360, it's probably also safe to assume that the system will have similar power consumption, so we should be looking at a power budget of around 150 - 200W. Probably closer to the low end, considering the problems Microsoft and Sony had with keeping their systems cool and quiet. Therefore, I guess we're looking at 80W tops for the GPU.

Manufactured at 40nm, the RV740 fits that budget. Considering the timing, I wouldn't completely rule out 28nm, though. According to IBM, using their 28nm HKMG Gate-First process reduces power consumption by 20% and increases performance by 40% compared to 45nm, so for the RV740, we'd be looking at maybe 65, 70W. Now, IGN says the GPU is highly customized, so we'll have to see whatever that means. But that's probably the ballpark.

One important thing to keep in mind regarding all next generation systems is that current top-of-line PC hardware most certainly already outperforms whatever Sony and Microsoft can bring to the table even by 2014. The reason for that is, once again, power consumption. Remember the Samaritan demo? The GPUs alone drew almost 1kW. A lot by PC standards, and completely insane by console standards. Those GPUs were manufactured at 40nm. By 2014, 20nm is expected. Extrapolating IBM's claims, even by 2014, we're still looking at ~500W to achieve that kind of performance, and that's just the graphics part. And I have a hard time picturing any manufacturer releasing watercooled consoles in a massive 19" aluminium case. GPUs didn't get significantly more efficient over the years, the performance increases visible on the PC side were for the most part achieved by increasing the TDP well beyond sane levels.

What all that means is that, at least theoretically, a system released in 2014 wouldn't necessarily be much faster than a system released in 2012 - assuming both use state of the art manufacturing processes and have a similar power consumption. So unless Nintendo once again designs a system that only has one tenth of the power consumption compared to it's competitors, but instead comes up with something that is roughly in line, there's basically no way in hell it'll be leapfrogged just two years later. Well, RAM could become an issue I guess - other than that, there shouldn't be any huge differences.
wsippel said:
What all that means is that, at least theoretically, a system released in 2014 wouldn't necessarily be much faster than a system released in 2012 - assuming both use state of the art manufacturing processes and have a similar power consumption. So unless Nintendo once again designs a system that only has one tenth of the power consumption compared to it's competitors, but instead comes up with something that is roughly in line, there's basically no way in hell it'll be leapfrogged just two years later. Well, RAM could become an issue I guess - other than that, there shouldn't be any huge differences.

Great post, and certainly food for thought.

Your analysis suggests that for the moment, Nintendo are likely to aim not too far ahead of the current consoles, and there's not a lot the others can do in turn to counter the heat / power draw issue - so the entire next generation is likely to be a smaller jump (in these terms alone, I mean).

Given that overheating consoles has been a billion-dollar error, I don't think its smart to expect the Wii 2 to have the actual R700 for example. Even increased efficiency is not enough - nobody can afford to take billion dollar risks.

You can absolutely see Nintendo skimping on the RAM though, which will be annoying.


Neiteio said:
Really, I just want Zelda to get its own Luigi's Mansion. By that, I mean a spin-off that provides gameplay different from Zelda, while still being rooted firmly in the Zelda universe. This Sheik title, for instance, could feature familiar figures like Aquamentus or Pols Voice, but you'd be flipping off walls like a ninja, or running across rooftops, or stealth-killing with needles and chains. Different pace, different approach, different gameplay than Zelda -- but it's still exploring the Zelda world, expanding the brand.
It's Nintendo's Assassin's Creed. Nintendo, if you're listening, please make this happen.

Big One

How about this?

Star Fox - Treasure
Hotel Dusk prequel - Rockstar
Fire Emblem - Level 5
F-Zero - Sega (New Entertainment R&D Dept.)
Sonic - Nintendo (Tokyo Development Group)
wsippelOne important thing to keep in mind regarding all next generation systems is that current top-of-line PC hardware most certainly already outperforms whatever Sony and Microsoft can bring to the table even by 2014. [/QUOTE said:
While you are definitely right that a two year difference in technology really is not that much, I don't think that necessarily means that Nintendo's console won't be behind more than two years compared to Sony's and Microsoft's. If the past is anything to judge by, Nintendo will sell their system at a profit from the beginning, while MS/Sony will take the initial loss. This will result in a larger gap between the two consoles than there would be if the profit margin were the same for all 3.

Also, it looks as though Nintendo's controller solution will be more expensive than MS/Sony's, so that adds to the cost of what's in the box, restricting the amount of new technology they can put in the console itself.


Professional Schmuck
brochiller said:
I don't know why people always bring up Zelda as a franchise they would like to see done by a different studio. I love the Nintendo Zeldas and they have yet to make a Zelda game I haven't liked. Giving it to another studio would be taking a major risk, and I want a Zelda game to retain that same Zelda feeling, which may be lost if developed by another company.

You're probably right, but it's that same feeling that people have with any beloved franchise. Whether it's Batman, Superman, Spiderman, the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, or Metroid or Zelda, people will always wonder how those worlds might look through another artist's lens.

And just as it would be impossible to imagine a Mario game created by any studio other than Nintendo, it's a testament to Zelda's heroic myth making that speaks to all of us and makes us wonder what it would look and feel like from another perspective.


PantherLotus said:
You're probably right, but it's that same feeling that people have with any beloved franchise. Whether it's Batman, Superman, Spiderman, the Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, or Metroid or Zelda, people will always wonder how those worlds might look through another artist's lens.

And just as it would be impossible to imagine a Mario game created by any studio other than Nintendo, it's a testament to Zelda's heroic myth making that speaks to all of us and makes us wonder what it would look and feel like from another perspective.
All good points, but my gamer empathy tells me people are still stung by how Metroid Other M -- basically a case of Cherished Franchise handled by outsiders -- left the franchise in a bit of a funk.
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