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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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AceBandage said:
I have to wonder if NST will ever make a full console game again, actually.
After HAMMER was canceled/casualized, it seems like all they do is make little download handheld games.
1080° Avalanche, Ridge Racer DS, Metroid Prime Hunters, the awful-looking Hammer -- there are some good reasons why Nintendo just uses them for dirty work.
AceBandage said:
Rhythm Heaven

That's pretty much it, baring any E3 announcements.
+ Pandora's Tower + Earth Seeker + Sky Knight Rodea. It's just a question whether they'll be playable in English, or at least be import-friendly enough to play them in Japanese.


Also, for those doubting that Project Cafe will be BWC with Wii games, don't doubt and don't fret and don't worry. It WILL be BWC with Wii games. And here's why: Dragon Quest X.
needlejuice said:
So do you think that DQ X will be like TLoZ TP? Released at the same time as the new console?
Yes, and I think Cafe is getting its own HD remastered version at launch. I mean, why so much mystery to reveal Dragon Quest X?
Sammy Samusu said:
I have to confess that I enjoyed my time with Soul Calibur Legends. :3
Yeah, it was a decent enough game I supposed. I couldn't play it for more than 10 minutes since it was a bit too repetitious for me , but the motion controls worked surprisingly well. Never understood where the criticisms in that regard came from since it worked completely fine for me, even during multi directional combos.

Unless the criticisms were complete bullshit and only there because someone didn't like the game.
Sammy Samusu said:
Yes, and I think Cafe is getting its own HD remastered version at launch. I mean, why so much mystery to reveal Dragon Quest X?
Because Horii revealed DQIX too early and the fan backlash against the changed game style forced him to have to change it back.
ShockingAlberto said:
Because Horii revealed DQIX too early and the fan backlash against the changed game style forced him to have to change it back.

This still pisses me off.
DQ9 was so much better looking in its original concept.


AceBandage said:
DQX will release on the Wii and only the Wii.
It has been stated several times that this is the case.

I understand that, I wasn't stating otherwise. I was saying that Project Cafe WILL be backward compatible with Wii games and will be able to play Dragon Quest X as a result.


Oh dear god, what have you people been up to while I was asleep. Bethesda Zelda? You do know that wars have been started for lesser insults, yes?

Well, seems like a good time to jump on the "It would be the Console of Forever if..." bandwagon and make my own list of dream titles, announcements and collaborations. Just hitting the big ones that spring to mind...

Nintendo and Capcom pair for "New Legend of Zelda", a top down adventure in the vein of the original game; an enormous world to explore. The game would feature multiplayer support similar to Four Swords (both split-screen and online) and have lots of exclusive Multiplayer-only dungeons hidden throughout the world for friends to solve together. This is treated as an entirely new franchise and does not represent a rebooting or replacement of the series.

New Strider and Power Stone games.

A remake of the first 6 Castlevania games (1-4, Rondo and Bloodlines) with gorgeous hand-drawn sprites and orchestrated soundtrack.

Policenauts 1.5, a remake of the original with expanded content, utilizing the touchscreen.

A compilation of the definitive versions of Metal Gear Solid 1-3 and Metal Gear Solid 4.

New Super Mario World, a NSMB-like reboot of the World series, with Cape Feathers, Yoshi... the whole shebang. Implement a two player mode where a second player can play a Yoshi's Island-version of Yoshi.

A similar 'texture' themed sequel to Kirby's Epic Yarn, using something like gelatin as a theme.

Super Smash Brothers Beatdown
(with even more third party guest apperances)

A new 2-D Metroid set after the events of Metroid Fusion.

Sega announces that the PC 'exclusivity' of Phantasy Star Online 2 was only announced because they weren't allowed to reveal the Wii2 initially.

A New Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Final Fantasy Tactics 2.

Pixel and Nicalis announce Cave Story 2.
Anything by Vanillaware.
Anything from Treasure, preferably a platformer.
Bungie's new franchise.

Probably more later.... mwhahaha.


AceBandage said:
This still pisses me off.
DQ9 was so much better looking in its original concept.

The action RPG part or the overworld? Not sure how the former is much better and I doubt the latter was taken out due to backlash rather than technical limitations.
KarmaCow said:
The action RPG part or the overworld? Not sure how the former is much better and I doubt the latter was taken out due to backlash rather than technical limitations.

The drop in drop out coop action RPG.


Thinking how well 2D plateformers did on Wii, I personaly bet on Donkey Kong Country Returns sequel or New Super Mario Bros.
Considering those games are multiplayers collectathons with many hidden places, this can work pretty well with the Café controller. This is just the basic idea of Four Swords Adventures; Game designers can provide many more ideas in it in 2012.

Also, I expect Smash Bros. Even if Sakurai do not want to make only Smash Bros games, this doesn't mean Nintendo will not do a Smash bros game for each of their hardwares. First, Sakurai have done Kid Icarus Uprising, it's not like he is only doing Smash Bros. Second, they could find an another way to work, for example Sakurai can be only a producer, just like Miyamoto with Zelda years ago. It's fine to me.


abstract alien said:
Yeah, it was a decent enough game I supposed. I couldn't play it for more than 10 minutes since it was a bit too repetitious for me , but the motion controls worked surprisingly well. Never understood where the criticisms in that regard came from since it worked completely fine for me, even during multi directional combos.

Unless the criticisms were complete bullshit and only there because someone didn't like the game.

I feel this way about a lot of Wii games that consistently have been complained bout in reviews which then becomes the hardcore consensus, I think a lot of people and games journalist must not have set there Wii up properly, its really the only thing that make sense to me bah a lot of the early fps games were pretty poor but that was by design not the Wii-mote fault.

yeah my problem with SCL were nothing to do with controls really
Jackano said:
Thinking how well 2D plateformers did on Wii, I personaly bet on Donkey Kong Country Returns sequel or New Super Mario Bros.
Considering those games are multiplayers collectathons with many hidden places, this can work pretty well with the Café controller. This is just the basic idea of Four Swords Adventures; Game designers can provide many more ideas in it in 2012.

Also, I expect Smash Bros. Even if Sakurai do not want to make only Smash Bros games, this doesn't mean Nintendo will not do a Smash bros game for each of their hardwares. First, Sakurai have done Kid Icarus Uprising, it's not like he is only doing Smash Bros. Second, they could find an another way to work, for example Sakurai can be only a producer, just like Miyamoto with Zelda years ago. It's fine to me.

Sakurai said he wanted to work on an HD system. I kinda expect a new IP from Sora for the Cafe


Jackano said:
Also, I expect Smash Bros. Even if Sakurai do not want to make only Smash Bros games, this doesn't mean Nintendo will not do a Smash bros game for each of their hardwares. First, Sakurai have done Kid Icarus Uprising, it's not like he is only doing Smash Bros. Second, they could find an another way to work, for example Sakurai can be only a producer, just like Miyamoto with Zelda years ago. It's fine to me.

I hope he stays away from the game to be honest.

Iwata Asks said:
Well, I had considered what I would do if you turned me down and decided that I would need to take the existing Smash Bros. title, Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo GameCube, and try to make it Wi-Fi capable while preserving as much balanced game play as possible in the event you didn’t want to get involved.

Would've been a much better game.
My Wii 2 game idea:

Kirby and the Paper Tiger

Pitch : Kirby + Drawn to Life + Origami

Look :


Stop-motion paper animation world with Origami Kirby.

Gameplay :

Use the Controller Screen to "fold" coloured paper into simple shapes, and then flick them upwards to the television, where Kirby can use the things you just made. Objects include Boat, Ladder, Shield, Trumpet, Rope, Scuba Gear, Car, Plane and Starship.

Each level ends with a fight against one of the Paper Tiger's minions. Every level has secrets available to players who have accessed each of the 64 Origami patterns.

Multiplayer: The Folding Fields :

In a very cut-down LPB manner, draw levels and areas to send to your Nintendo Network friends and challenge them to finish in a time, awarding them Play Coins for success.


AceBandage said:
This still pisses me off.
DQ9 was so much better looking in its original concept.
I'm not exactly complaining because I feel that DQ IX very slightly edges out VIII as the best DQ, but I agree with this. It sounded way cooler when it was first unveiled.

@Wolves: Paper Mario, you fool!


sfried said:
Oh God, here we go. So you want us to weed Mario out, along with Pikmin, simply because they aren't "mature" and don't look or play at all like Uncharted.

Yup, only on GAF people. On a thread that is suppose to be primarily about the Cafe, not other companies.

And to answer your question, Last Story, Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, Regenliv, Disaster, and arguably Hotel Dusk had realistic characters.
It's not about looking, it's about acting.


Neo Member
TekkenMaster said:
But Nintendo hasn't put nearly the budget of a Mario/Zelda/Metroid into one of these new ideas. That's the point I'm making.

Nintendo doesn't put the budget of Mario/Zelda/Metroid into anything except Mario/Zelda/Metroid because their biggest teams are pretty much constantly stuck on those titles. That might be part of some people's argument here, but really... if they weren't constantly working on these franchises, people would freak out, because at the end of the day these three (and maybe Smash/Kart) are the main ones people are buying Nintendo consoles for.
You're going to see more experimentation from other publishers because they don't have such clearcut bread and butter.

Although I kind of suspect that Metroid may see another break, it has been seeing diminishing returns. And I don't think we will see another DKCR right away, which frees up Retro Studios to do... ? It'll be interesting to see what their next project is. I'll bet it is another Nintendo IP, but who knows, could be something new.
xvszero said:
Nintendo doesn't put the budget of Mario/Zelda/Metroid into anything except Mario/Zelda/Metroid because their biggest teams are pretty much constantly stuck on those titles. That might be part of some people's argument here, but really... if they weren't constantly working on these franchises, people would freak out, because at the end of the day these three (and maybe Smash/Kart) are the main ones people are buying Nintendo consoles for.
You're going to see more experimentation from other publishers because they don't have such clearcut bread and butter.

Although I kind of suspect that Metroid may see another break, it has been seeing diminishing returns. And I don't think we will see another DKCR right away, which frees up Retro Studios to do... ? It'll be interesting to see what their next project is. I'll bet it is another Nintendo IP, but who knows, could be something new.
Agreed with everything you're saying but I'd replace Metroid with Pokemon. I think Metroid is a great series but it seems to me that Nintendo(in particular NOA) tries to make Metroid into a bigger deal than it is. They always seem to have much higher hopes and ambitions with Metroid than what happens. Metroid Prime 2, 3 and M:OM all had big marketing campaigns with Reggie or someone expressing high hopes on it's performance sales wise and I believe each time it ended up being under expectations.
Lord_Byron28 said:
Agreed with everything you're saying but I'd replace Metroid with Pokemon. I think Metroid is a great series but it seems to me that Nintendo(in particular NOA) tries to make Metroid into a bigger deal than it is. They always seem to have much higher hopes and ambitions with Metroid than what happens. Metroid Prime 2, 3 and M:OM all had big marketing campaigns with Reggie or someone expressing high hopes on it's performance sales wise and I believe each time it ended up being under expectations.
The Prime trilogy a done over a million units. I'm not surprised NOA thinks highly of it as it does better here than any other territory.
I still think they just need to do a Space Federation spin off and try and make it into their own Halo type game.
Just to get the Metroid franchise more exposure.


Wolves Evolve said:
My Wii 2 game idea:

Kirby and the Paper Tiger

Pitch : Kirby + Drawn to Life + Origami

Look :


Stop-motion paper animation world with Origami Kirby.

Gameplay :

Use the Controller Screen to "fold" coloured paper into simple shapes, and then flick them upwards to the television, where Kirby can use the things you just made. Objects include Boat, Ladder, Shield, Trumpet, Rope, Scuba Gear, Car, Plane and Starship.

Each level ends with a fight against one of the Paper Tiger's minions. Every level has secrets available to players who have accessed each of the 64 Origami patterns.

Multiplayer: The Folding Fields :

In a very cut-down LPB manner, draw levels and areas to send to your Nintendo Network friends and challenge them to finish in a time, awarding them Play Coins for success.
Not a bad idea, honestly.


AceBandage said:
I still think they just need to do a Space Federation spin off and try and make it into their own Halo type game.
Just to get the Metroid franchise more exposure.
Hunters with better single player? I'd be down for that. Hunters' multiplayer was actually really fun and felt like having Quake in your pocket. I'd love to see a sequel on the Cafe with improved multiplayer infrastructure and a real campaign.
I just want a new, original core IP with the same budget and level of polish as the console Mario and Zelda entries. Whether it's developed by EAD or not is of secondary importance.


Neo Member
Lord_Byron28 said:
Agreed with everything you're saying but I'd replace Metroid with Pokemon. I think Metroid is a great series but it seems to me that Nintendo(in particular NOA) tries to make Metroid into a bigger deal than it is. They always seem to have much higher hopes and ambitions with Metroid than what happens. Metroid Prime 2, 3 and M:OM all had big marketing campaigns with Reggie or someone expressing high hopes on it's performance sales wise and I believe each time it ended up being under expectations.

Hmm, well I meant for "core" Nintendo gamers on home consoles. Pokemon is mostly a handheld thing, other than side games.

From The Dust said:
The Prime trilogy a done over a million units. I'm not surprised NOA thinks highly of it as it does better here than any other territory.

Yeah but the similarly budgeted Nintendo games (Mario/Zelda/Smash?) all sell like 5-10+ million copies. Retro's DKCR has already far outsold any of the Prime games, and it may end up outselling all 3 combined. And Other M hasn't even broken 1 million. For a lot of developers these would still be successes, but based on the sales Nintendo can see with its big budget games, I can understand why Nintendo might look at Metroid as a bit of a disappointment.

Still, I hope they figure something out, because it's probably my favorite Nintendo franchise (although Other M was just kind of... good, not amazing.)
xvszero said:
Although I kind of suspect that Metroid may see another break, it has been seeing diminishing returns. And I don't think we will see another DKCR right away, which frees up Retro Studios to do... ? It'll be interesting to see what their next project is. I'll bet it is another Nintendo IP, but who knows, could be something new.
I think Metroid's probably taking a break on consoles, but Sakamoto's probably going to keep going with that OM engine on 3DS.

I'm also pretty sure we'll see DKCR2 sooner rather than later.


lunchwithyuzo said:
I think Metroid's probably taking a break on consoles, but Sakamoto's probably going to keep going with that OM engine on 3DS.
After Other M turned out to be a disaster both quality and sales-wise I don't expect Nintendo to greenlight another OM style Metroid in quite a long time.

I can't imagine Nintendo giving back the series to Retro either, especially not after DKCR single-handedly outsold all Prime games combined. So... yeah, I suspect the series to take a break :(
I dunno.
It's easy to say that Nintendo will just whore out DKCR now...
But you could have said the same thing about NSMB, yet we're getting a 3DS game that's more akin to Galaxy.
There WILL be a DKCR2, but I don't think that will be the next thing we see from Retro. If they even make it at all. Nintendo could just give the engine to another developer.


More Bad ideas:

Pokemon MMO
Bungie + Blizzard staff + Touchscreen = Myth IV

Star Road:
A Premium Online service. All standard Cafe games are free to play online, but some third parties may want to have have additional subscriptions (like PSO2, in theory). However, rather than paying these companies directly, there is a single, unified currency managed by Nintendo, called "Star Coins". You have two options; buy Star Coins via credit card or Coin Cards at retail outlets, or you subscribe to 'Star Road'.

Subscribers to Star Road are essentially on a Star Coins-per-week plan; your subscription gives you x amount of coins at the start of each week as long as you're paying for the service. You can then decide how you want to spend those coins; buying Virtual Console games, "CafeWare", micro-transaction content, DLC or to pay for subscription based games. This could also theoretically include a Netflix subscription paid with Nintendo's virtual currency.

For example, if you subscribe to Star Road for $5 a month, you get 10 coins a week (equivalent to buying a 40 Coins in the store at $5 a card) as long as you're a subscriber. If the exchange rates are the same, why bother with a subscription service?

A Star Road subscription also has a Game Rental service built in; you can download any Virtual Console or Cafeware game, one per week. If you keep the same game for multiple weeks, you enter a 'Rent to Own' program where, if you keep the game for a number of weeks equivalent to the price of the game, it's yours as if you bought it.

Another benefit is the Star Cafe, an exclusive multiplayer gaming section with a variety of subscriber only games, from board games to arcade classics. Some of these games could be like contests, which could theoretically give away prizes like a free rental plan for a month, extra Star Coins, avatar rewards, etc.

Non-subscribers could also play Star Cafe games, but they wouldn't be able to enter for prizes and they might have fewer options on how they can play (for example, they couldn't make private game rooms, just join public ones).

In theory, parents could set the subscription up so their kids get a 'monthly allowance' to blow on new games and such, without ever having to go out and buy point cards or have their kids screwing with their credit cards. Kids can decide if they want to rent a game, buy it outright, or get new items for their characters. If they want to play a subscription based game, they can put some of their coin-per-month allowance towards that.

Basically, it's free like PSN, but you can pay for more extra features and get free Star Coins every week and a weekly VC/Cafeware rental while you're a subscriber. Of course, you can always just go out and buy Star Coins anytime you want, or set Star Road up to buy you additional coins each billing cycle.

In theory, some people might say "Why don't I get all of my coins at once?", but that's easily circumvented by just buying coins directly. The subscription is basically there to give lots of extra content and, hey, free coins to blow on stuff. And, again, nice for parents to give their kid an 'allowance'.

In theory, Nintendo also profits directly by having people buy subscriptions from them rather than cards from retailers. Maybe the cost of buying Star Coins isn't the exact same (maybe $5 only gets you 30 coins instead of 40 as you would get with a subscription). Obviously I'm just tossing this idea out there...

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
lunchwithyuzo said:
I think Metroid's probably taking a break on consoles, but Sakamoto's probably going to keep going with that OM engine on 3DS.

I'm also pretty sure we'll see DKCR2 sooner rather than later.

I think they will use their inhouse Wario Land 4 / Metroid Fusion / Metroid: Zero Mission engine. Just spruce it up with some 3D backdrops and the map underneath. Nothing revolutionary. But we get a good classic next-gen esque Metroid from the true Metroid team at Nintendo. For the 3DS of course.

For Cafe. Anything is possible at this point. But I don't expect Metroid soon over there.
wrowa said:
After Other M turned out to be a disaster both quality and sales-wise I don't expect Nintendo to greenlight another OM style Metroid in quite a long time.

I can't imagine Nintendo giving back the series to Retro either, especially not after DKCR single-handedly outsold all Prime games combined. So... yeah, I suspect the series to take a break :(
The heavy lifting is already done though; engine, assets, mechanics, etc. Even if its just a Metroid 2 remake or something, I think we'll see Sakamoto squeeze out a 3DS Metroid using what he learned with OM. This time without expensive CG and an outside composer probably (and thankfully).

Sakamoto's earned some wiggle room with Iwata thanks to hits like Warioware, Rhythm Heaven and Tomodachi Collection. If he wants to do another Metroid, Nintendo will probably just let him, albeit with a lower budget.
AceBandage said:
I dunno.
It's easy to say that Nintendo will just whore out DKCR now...
But you could have said the same thing about NSMB, yet we're getting a 3DS game that's more akin to Galaxy.
There WILL be a DKCR2, but I don't think that will be the next thing we see from Retro. If they even make it at all. Nintendo could just give the engine to another developer.
Retro evidently had a lot of ideas for DKCR that got cut due to time constraints. Reminds me of EAD Tokyo with Galaxy. ;)
lunchwithyuzo said:
Retro evidently had a lot of ideas for DKCR that got cut due to time constraints. Reminds me of EAD Tokyo with Galaxy. ;)

Like I said, there WILL be another DKCR2, but I don't think it's what we'll see next from them.
They've been hiring a lot of people lately for just a sequel to DKCR.


lunchwithyuzo said:
Retro evidently had a lot of ideas for DKCR that got cut due to time constraints. Reminds me of EAD Tokyo with Galaxy. ;)
Do we know what some of these ideas were, or did they just mention in passing that some concepts got lost in the rush?
AceBandage said:
Like I said, there WILL be another DKCR2, but I don't think it's what we'll see next from them.
They've been hiring a lot of people lately for just a sequel to DKCR.
Sure, they're probably bulking up and forming a second team. Again, like EAD Tokyo did after Galaxy 1.

I think DKCR2 is probably going to be next release from Retro, it'll probably be done by a smaller team since much of the work is already done, and I'm kind of leaning towards it being Wii's swan song (say holiday 2012).


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Dascu said:
I hope they keep funding and publishing Fatal Frame games. Or start up a new horror series with that team.
I hope they start, you know, bringing them to the West.
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