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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Membero Americo
Wolves Evolve said:
Goddamnit. I forget how bad each E3 is and then someone mentions a dark moment.

We expect so much. But it will be casual heaven again.

C'mon, now. E3 isn't bad. Sure, there's some bad (and sometimes downright embarrassing) announcement here and there, but the good often outweighs the bad.


AceBandage said:
Even if they got the engine to run on a single 580 (currently running on THREE), that would still be to much power draw for a console.
They'll have to neuter the engine for consoles either way.

I keep saying in my mind: If Nintendo can get the Cafe to get ports of games developed on the PS4720, it will already be in a better position than Wii with third parties. However, it doesn't seem that their next system can play the Samaritan demo based on the rumored specs, right? I would imagine that Sony's next system (if they stick with their PS3/NGP strategy) could run it, especially if they truly wait till 2014 or 10-year plan. Microsoft is the wild card this time around. Anyway, securing the Unreal Engine 4 will be vital, considering how much developers seem to love it. But if what AceBandage is saying about it being scaled back on PS4720 anyway is true, there's a chance Ninty's console will be okay.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Someone said it earlier, but the Wii's problem was an 'everything' problem. As you said, it was because the hardware did not fundamentally support the middleware that third parties were using, and the effort required to get games up and running on the Wii was too time intensive.

Which is ironic, as Nintendo were persuing cheaper development, so I know a lot of people were arguing that "Wii development is cheaper so why dont we get ports!", when it was never that simple.

End of the day, when you've got middleware like UE3 used in every game and it's dog, not being able to run the engine significantly hurts the chance of ports. As long as the Wii 2 can push this engine without trouble, which it will be able to, then everything will be fine and dandy.

As a side note, this is why I hope that Nintendo put some power under the hood, at least if they expect to have any hope of pulling in the core market. Having a 360/PS3 level system is all well and good for ports now, but could really come back to bite them when new platforms roll out.
Just to give a something a little different to talk about, there's been a lot of talk about graphics, but does anyone think we might see more emphasis on physics processing? The only real knowledge I have on the subject is Nvidia buying Ageia awhile back and eventually making PhysX SDKs for console developers.


Pyrokai said:
Did Kirby's Epic Yarn sell well even WITH Kirby? It would have been sent to die without him. Truly sad :(

In case anyone's wondering, the game sold just over 1 million (though that might be to retailers) according to Nintendo's own numbers.

As to the current conversation, I'd be shocked if the next PS and Xbox consoles couldn't run the Samaritan demo... in 540p or some shit. Let's be honest, most gamers can't tell the difference (or don't care) between upscaled 1080p and native 1080p, so developers will continue to keep resolutions lower than they should be even on next-gen consoles, just like they'll keep putting out 30 fps games in order to push more polys. The only thing that gives me hope is that the technically most impressive game of this generation (FFXIII imo; I know there are haters, but damn, does that game look purty) runs at 720p native on the PS3.
Well, physics is mostly still handled by the GPU. It's also a huge resource hog, regardless of how powerful a system you have.
The Euphoria system was pretty amazing when it was revealed, but no game has really put it (or any physics engine) to good use this generation.


Amir0x said:
I definitely think a modern Star Tropics would be a brilliant game for Retro to make. It's got a western vibe as is, and it's like an odd Earthbound/Zelda blend of action adventure. I know with their experience with Metroid, they could make a Stream Star Tropics into something insanely incredible.

However, I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo even hint at interest in bringing back this franchise. I believe this really is empty hoping on our parts :(
Yeah, it's probably empty hoping. I'm curious what you guys picture a modern Star Tropics would be like, though. My minimal knowledge of the originals is that it's overhead, grid-based, real-time adventure where you hop around caves and bop enemies with weapons like yo-yos, then in the overworld the camera pans out farther and you can talk with NPCs in locations scattered across the island(s). So what would, say, a fully 3D Star Tropics on Stream be like? Someone help me out here. It's easier to appreciate the IP's prospects if I know how its world and charm could be modernized into something more playable by today's standards and with today's horsepower. I mean, would this look like Zelda? Uncharted? Some mix of the two?
Neiteio said:
Yeah, it's probably empty hoping. I'm curious what you guys picture a modern Star Tropics would be like, though. My minimal knowledge of the originals is that it's overhead, grid-based, real-time adventure where you hop around caves and bop enemies with weapons like yo-yos, then in the overworld the camera pans out farther and you can talk with NPCs in locations scattered across the island(s). So what would, say, a fully 3D Star Tropics on Stream be like? Someone help me out here. It's easier to appreciate the IP's prospects if I know how its world and charm could be modernized into something more playable by today's standards and with today's horsepower. I mean, would this look like Zelda? Uncharted? Some mix of the two?

It would be a bit like a mix of Uncharted and Zelda, but in a more modern/fantasy setting and a deeper combat system than either.


AzureJericho said:
At this point, I don't even have to say anything, do I? ;)

The thing about ST that's really interesting versus "random scrambling through Nintendo's backlog for something to make new again" is that it has so many different pieces unto itself that when refocused could lead to any number of interesting different directions, as opposed to just a straight "do it like it used to be" revival. For example:

- Should it be more like a Saturday morning cartoon version of Uncharted with liberal Nintendo-isms? The original games already set a good framework for this with the "chapter" set up and progression, and the separation between action -- dealing with deep cave trekking, mysterious area investigations or treasure hunting -- and interactions with the cast and personalities present on the island "overworlds". There's also the extraneous things like the characters, Mike being described just as a regular high school kid, his Uncle a pretty famous archaeologist, and the alien kids & princess that could pretty much act as his ambassadors on different worlds (should there be an increased emphasis on venturing through more alien worlds on top of the earthly ones). Surprisingly enough, even though this is the one I support most (mainly because it fills a gap that other Nintendo franchises don't in making a "Indiana Jones"-like title), it's just as open to different interpretations as anything else. Look at how many people say it could be a more modern Zelda for example.
Personally, I don't agree with this one because I feel as though it'd only help to make this series lose any shot it once had at a distinct personality or gameplay identity because of the inevitable comparisons to the mainline Zeldas. Let Zelda be Zelda in gameplay and design and let StarTropics have a chance to become something different, something that it can only be when it's unhindered by expectations or designs prominent in another series.

- As mentioned before, the series already possessed a strong western audience slant and even though the elements were crude, there was enough there to make a basis for a future entry with a more serious (re: the universe could be built up and taken more seriously, not a cry for "herp derp moar matoor") effort towards creating a universal but western influenced series. While I certainly would love it if the series would retain certain humors and charms that 1990 Nintendo toyed with (dressing in drag to infiltrate an island full of warrior women, blocking psychic suggestions... with bananas lodged in his ears) you can see that a lot of elements that were put into the series (especially the second game) were there just because they seemed funny/were forced gags as opposed to something thought out and used with the hopes of making something that was just genuinely funny (the entire time travel shtick in the second game, Cleopatra wanting a pizza, Merlin being your psychic advisor through time, etc.) Imagine what kind of potential it would have if it was given a new life and people who understood both game design and western culture could have a go with the franchise?

- Adding on to the previous, Nintendo has goddamed Retro, a studio praised highly for superb world design, art direction talents, and a really positive attitude towards working on Nintendo IPs and making them into something new entirely. Couple that with the idea that they are entirely American, and you have the potential to give them a series that could seem almost natural coming from them depending on how wild you allow them to get in the design of things. It'd be a great way to show off Retro's ability to make different varied franchises viable, a good way to show that Nintendo's library isn't limited to just Marios, Zelda, Metroids and the like, and a good way to start up an audience for adventure games without taxing EAD3 for "moar Zelda plz" given how long it has taken them to get their direction and show something for Skyward Sword throughout this generation.


Fuck, I went too far off topic with this. :lol
No, this was amazing, Azure. I posted too soon earlier; hadn't seen this gem of a post. Good ideas all around. :)


bgassassin said:
Just to give a something a little different to talk about, there's been a lot of talk about graphics, but does anyone think we might see more emphasis on physics processing? The only real knowledge I have on the subject is Nvidia buying Ageia awhile back and eventually making PhysX SDKs for console developers.

Rumor has it that the Wii will have a GPU as powerful as the 360, and a separate GPU that handles ONLY PHYSICS.

The Wii is going to be a beast.
AceBandage said:
Well, physics is mostly still handled by the GPU. It's also a huge resource hog, regardless of how powerful a system you have.
The Euphoria system was pretty amazing when it was revealed, but no game has really put it (or any physics engine) to good use this generation.

So would you say that will probably continue into the next gen?

oatmeal said:
Rumor has it that the Wii will have a GPU as powerful as the 360, and a separate GPU that handles ONLY PHYSICS.

The Wii is going to be a beast.

oatmeal said:
Rumor has it that the Wii will have a GPU as powerful as the 360, and a separate GPU that handles ONLY PHYSICS.

The Wii is going to be a beast.

Source? / Not sure if serious / Which Wii are we talking about here?


I've never played StarTropics. I always thought it looked kind of 'meh'.

Azure, you just sold me on giving it a real try.
Retro said:
I've never played StarTropics. I always thought it looked kind of 'meh'.

Azure, you just sold me on giving it a real try.

I always wanted to play it because it looked fun to me. Growing up in a small town made accessing games tough.


1-D_FTW said:
Are you in the US?

They're at it again in the multi-part season ender. Part 1 was pretty epic.

I've already watched the first part of the Season 2 finale, and the opening scene with Annie... my god... it's like the writers can see my dreams. I have to watch it through alternate means. I feel so guilty, but I'm buying it on Bluray as soon as I possibly can!

oatmeal said:
Rumor has it that the Wii will have a GPU as powerful as the 360, and a separate GPU that handles ONLY PHYSICS.

The Wii is going to be a beast.
First I've heard. It's also a dumb idea because of the power consumption, physical space, and cooling.
BGBW said:
The Wii that we can buy now. The orange port is going to be unlocked!

Ah, okay, we're bringing back the old Wii rumors. That's what I suspected. lol Classic.

What's great is that the level-headed ones on the IGN boards were all arguing, "GUYS there is NO WAY it will be as powerful as 360 with that form factor. Not gonna happen!" Where the less level-headed were suggesting, "Nintendo might have discovered some new way to get more horsepower out of existing tech/better processing with less heat/etc." Man, I'm glad I'm not on IGN anymore.

Beth Cyra

Got to say I'm surprised people still bring up Star Tropics.

I just don't think I've ever seen Nintendo even show the slightest interest in it.

Also, I don't believe Nintendo will ever develope a "Mature" FPS title with the type of marketing it would need to become a huge seller.

I still think they would try to do it second party style and then it would be with a company who's game probably just isn't good enough compared to CoD, Halo, or BF.


bgassassin said:
Just to give a something a little different to talk about, there's been a lot of talk about graphics, but does anyone think we might see more emphasis on physics processing? The only real knowledge I have on the subject is Nvidia buying Ageia awhile back and eventually making PhysX SDKs for console developers.
Physx is extremely hardware intensive, even something like a 4870 would struggle with a lot of physx. You'll need to wait for Sony/MS next systems if you want to see physx on consoles.
bgassassin said:
So would you say that will probably continue into the next gen?


Likely. Outside of games built around it, physics can mostly be replaced by trigger events, particularly in shooters.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
TruePrime said:
Also, I don't believe Nintendo will ever develope a "Mature" FPS title with the type of marketing it would need to become a huge seller.

I still think they would try to do it second party style and then it would be with a company who's game probably just isn't good enough compared to CoD, Halo, or BF.

No one is being argumentative about the Mario Kart team. Zelda team. Mario Galaxy team making a "western" fps. The idea is rather ridiculous to even conceptualize. Would SONY ask Fumito Ueda to make Killzone?

Nintendo can exercise its internal resources in US/UK. Or Nintendo can project hunt throughout a couple of unpublished projects and find something promising. There are several avenues for Nintendo to produce a new first-party intellectual property.

Can Nintendo ruin the marketing of the title? Absolutely. But times have changed. There are a lot of games that became successful without good marketing. As long as the consumer base is there. Which is Nintendo's biggest hurdle.

We will see what Satoru Iwata has been working on.

Beth Cyra

Shikamaru Ninja said:
No one is being argumentative about the Mario Kart team. Zelda team. Mario Galaxy team making a "western" fps. The idea is rather ridiculous to even conceptualize. Would SONY ask Fumito Ueda to make Killzone?

Nintendo can exercise its internal resources in US/UK. Or Nintendo can project hunt throughout a couple of unpublished projects and find something promising. There are several avenues for Nintendo to produce a new first-party intellectual property.

We will see what Satoru Iwata has been working on.

I didn't say otherwise.

I just don't think Nintendo will do it with the other teams either.

I just don't think we will see anything above a Prime 3 level marketing budget for a Mature FPS from Nintendo be it from US or Euro.

Iwata has said some awesome things, in fact I probably believe he will act on them more then alot of people. I just don't believe we will ever see the a game like people are suggesting needs to be made from a Nintendo owned studio regardless of what country they are located in.

Also, just saying a Killzone by Ueda would at least be better then Killzone's godawful story mode.


All the Star Tropics speculation excites me so much. And AceBandage is absolutely right, media should start bugging Miyamoto with questions about Star Tropics. At the end of the day, we got Kid Ikarus Uprising, thanks to incessant questions about the possibilities of a sequel.
I've been thinking about Four Swords recently. If the rumors about the Cafe are true, the platform is just perfect for the game. Back in the day the game's success was limited by the necessity of having a set of 4 GBAs and Nintendo's lack of focus in the marketing department. Now everyone will have an appropriate controller by default and Nintendo's marketing strategies are extremely successful. Plus the game is extremely simple at its core, players use only a few buttons and a D-pad. I truly believe Nintendo can elevate the series to almost NSMB levels.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
TruePrime said:
I didn't say otherwise.

I just don't think Nintendo will do it with the other teams either.

I just don't think we will see anything above a Prime 3 level marketing budget for a Mature FPS from Nintendo be it from US or Euro.

Iwata has said some awesome things, in fact I probably believe he will act on them more then alot of people. I just don't believe we will ever see the a game like people are suggesting needs to be made from a Nintendo owned studio regardless of what country they are located in.

Marketing a game isn't as important as marketing the platform with certain demographs. If Nintendo can truly conceive a hardware platform that is balanced, and has a competent shop / user interface. Than that marketing alone can do wonders for games.

Think about how many XBOX 360 games were successful just because of the concept of demos and internal marketing on XBOX Live. Once you get a core group of gamers playing something. The word will spread. That is how Goldeneye. Halo. Call of Duty all became successful.

There are a lot of chess pieces involved here. Can't wait for Geist 2 and Eternal Darkness 2 for Stream launch!!

Beth Cyra

Shikamaru Ninja said:
Marketing a game isn't as important as marketing the platform with certain demographs. If Nintendo can truly conceive a hardware platform that is balanced, and has a competent shop / user interface. Than that marketing alone can do wonders for games.

Think about how many XBOX 360 games were successful just because of the concept of demos and internal marketing on XBOX Live. Once you get a core group of gamers playing something. The word will spread. That is how Goldeneye. Halo. Call of Duty all became successful.

There are a lot of chess pieces involved here. Can't wait for Geist 2 and Eternal Darkness 2 for Stream launch!!
Haha fair enough.

I was just arguing about those who specifically said Nintendo need to have a well marketed game from a big name developer with in Nintendo.

Though these other directions could do it.

I ain't saying they can't or for sure won't do it. I just have a hard time seeing it happen. That and I guess it's just my enternal hope we will NoA reach out to other dev houses at least a little bit like NoJ did even if it was just a little like with Tecmo, Mistwalker and the some of the other B level stuff they got and the shooter route seems like it could be a good starting place for them to reach out to talented but smaller dev houses.
Realistic but optimistic system specs/details:

-Relatively high-end R700 GPU family member-something that the PS4 and 360 Sequel can't totally blow away in a couple years' time.
-IBM PowerPC family Tri-core CPU
-Traditional "GameCube/Classic Controller" combination with ~6.2" touchscreen embedded in the middle.
-Controller has easily replaceable rechargeable batteries somewhere between the 360 and the DS product line (not quite "pop-off" and protruding, but at least easy to get at as needed, unlike PS3 controller batteries). Controller does not need special equipment to charge (i.e., a "Play n' Charge" cable). Ideally, controller will use either Nintendo-made Li-Ion packs or optional chambers that can use commercial rechargeable NiCd or NiMH batteries.
-Name something other than Stream, or at least something that can't have a urine joke easily made of it. (I appreciate the importance of the name, but coming immediately after "Wii," I see where everyone's coming from with that.)
-Disc format is a proprietary variant of Blu-ray Disc (25GB) with the possibility of expanding to multiple layers (50GB+). Consumers will be given the option to pay for a digital download app enabling playback of Blu-ray Disc movies on their units.

...I have more I think, I just can't think of them right now.
Lupin the Wolf said:
Realistic but optimistic system specs/details:

-Relatively high-end R700 GPU family member-something that the PS4 and 360 Sequel can't totally blow away in a couple years' time.

Well that would be nice. I think the RV740 would be a good choice if it's upgraded with embedded memory and tweaked for a closed-box console architecture.

Azure J

At this point in time, I feel fairly confident in the system packing a 4770 - 4870 on a smaller process (more so the former). In any event, ShockingAlberto had a great post on why even if things don't fall on the uber side of the scale, it shouldn't be as ghastly* on Stream/Cafe as it was on Wii.

*Strictly in terms of ease of development/sharing of toolsets.


Lupin the Wolf said:
-Traditional "GameCube/Classic Controller" combination with ~6.2" touchscreen embedded in the middle.

Agree with all points, although I wouldn't be surprised if it had rechargeable batteries packed in (pleasantly).

I haven't seen anyone talk about other tech that would need to be in the controller to play a game with the tv off, specifically if we think speakers or a headphone jack would be included.


Membero Americo
Lupin the Wolf said:
-Disc format is a proprietary variant of Blu-ray Disc (25GB) with the possibility of expanding to multiple layers (50GB+). Consumers will be given the option to pay for a digital download app enabling playback of Blu-ray Disc movies on their units.

I approve of this and hope it happens.


Woffls said:
Honestly, I'd rather see a paintball game than a shooter from Nintendo. There's lots of ways that paint could enhance the gameplay and be used in general, and having one resource could be really interesting. It's the sort of thing Nintendo are more likely to do.

Community has made paintball super cool again.

For the people who watch it, at least. :D :D :D

lol @ Community making paintball cool. No mediocre comedy show can make paintball any cooler than it already is!

I've got got a 2011 Alien Independence marker in my arsenal with a team I regularly tag with who would jump on such a game in a heart beat. i've been born ready. Are you ready, Woffls? Can you handle a gun with 60psi LPR, so silent that you'll be marked before you even know I'm there? Can you handle a gun with a 0.875 high efficiency front chamber providing 2,000 shots from a 68/45 at 285 fps? Oh yeaaahh...any painball gun that releases would be serious business mang. We'd be ready to take TEAM NESS into the forest to stalk our prey the second Nintendo dropped SUPER PAINTBALL ALL-STARS into the market.

Prepare thyself, heathen!
TruePrime said:
I just don't think Nintendo will do it with the other teams either.

considering they have been doing this lately, I wouldn't say they won't. FPS? it could go either way. core IP? I can bet money on that


AceBandage said:
I think a Mic built in could be likely. Dunno about speakers.

Would seem necessary if the system can be played with only the screen on the controller. The speakers don't have to be top of the line, but at least better than the ones in the wiimote.


Amir0x said:
lol @ Community making paintball cool. No mediocre comedy show can make paintball any cooler than it already is!

I didn't really understand the rest, but 60psi sounds painful and I'm now fairly sure whose team I'd want to be on in Super Paintball All-Stars.

Paint and stealth is an odd combination. Sneak around, but every shot you take leaves a big mess of paint on the wall so people can see where you are and possibly track your movement. Paint on the walls could give away the line of sight that campers have, it could give away the type of gun they're using if they're colour coded. Nothing like actual paintball of course, but this is Nintendo we're talking about.

I only played paintball once, and nobody knew what they were doing so we all just sat there in the forest. I ended up ruining some nice shoes that day.


Woffls said:
I didn't really understand the rest, but 60psi sounds painful and I'm now fairly sure whose team I'd want to be on in Super Paintball All-Stars.

Paint and stealth is an odd combination. Sneak around, but every shot you take leaves a big mess of paint on the wall so people can see where you are and possibly track your movement. Paint on the walls could give away the line of sight that campers have, it could give away the type of gun they're using if they're colour coded. Nothing like actual paintball of course, but this is Nintendo we're talking about.

I only played paintball once, and nobody knew what they were doing so we all just sat there in the forest. I ended up ruining some nice shoes that day.

You'd be surprised how much stealth helps you out in high level paintball play. I play at least one serious round of painball a month with a group of 20 friends, and almost always it ends up being the team with the most silent weapons and ambushes that ends up winning. I mean usually when you just start playing you'll be running around fucking just firing wildly like a chicken without a head, but that won't work against us. We'd pick you off with paintball sniper fire or some shit.

In any event, I think a real paintball game that took the subject halfway seriously and not as an excuse to make the mechanics comically cheap and childish would be incredibly fun.

Also they should record over 3000 hilarious 'painball screams' from whenever someone gets a welt from being hit >:D


AceBandage said:
I think a Mic built in could be likely. Dunno about speakers.

This is a must, I feel like. I don't see Sony or MS not having this in their next console iterations. It would make online play a lot more fun if you can talk to the people you are playing against right out of the box, without linking up some sort of bluetooth device or having to invest extra money other than whatever you have on the controller.


In a time when stand alone Blu Ray movie players are available under 100 bucks, I hope Nintendo doesn't try to make us pay for blu ray move access. :( Nintendo makes phat profits off of each system sold, they can make sure it is enabled for everyone!


Amir0x said:
You'd be surprised how much stealth helps you out in high level paintball play. I play at least one serious round of painball a month with a group of 20 friends, and almost always it ends up being the team with the most silent weapons and ambushes that ends up winning. I mean usually when you just start playing you'll be running around fucking just firing wildly like a chicken without a head, but that won't work against us. We'd pick you off with paintball sniper fire or some shit.

In any event, I think a real paintball game that took the subject halfway seriously and not as an excuse to make the mechanics comically cheap and childish would be incredibly fun.
Does it get hardcore enough that you need to judge trajectory and wind speed with your shots, even at mid-range distances? I'm making guesses as to how it could be made into a game without compromising the authenticity, while still differentiating itself from just a normal shooter in 'paintball mode'. Aside from the bad ass bullet time effects and people squealing like girls when they get hit in the balls.

How the hell did this thread end up about paintball xD


Wash over me, Alison Brie avatars! I know you're out there waiting to quote some painfully forced exchange from Community as comedy gold!

Fear not, Alison Brie fans. She is in Mad Men and she washes away all her sins like "being a part of Community" every episode she participates in <3

I will paintball the shit out of you!

Woffls said:
Does it get hardcore enough that you need to judge trajectory and wind speed with your shots, even at mid-range distances? I'm making guesses as to how it could be made into a game without compromising the authenticity, while still differentiating itself from just a normal shooter in 'paintball mode'. Aside from the bad ass bullet time effects and people squealing like girls when they get hit in the balls.

How the hell did this thread end up about paintball xD

Well, I don't think my team gets that hardcore. Generally speaking, I've never been a round where I'm shooting from so far away or that it's so windy that I have to worry about wind speed. Trajectory, sure, you'll have to compensate and whatnot.

TEAM NESS could have PSI PAINTBALL attacks <:D


lol Community hate, different poster, same bullshit.
Hey, I have an awesome idea.
A Community Paintball game for Cafe/Stream/whatever the hell it'll be called!
The best show ever will be made into the best game ever.
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