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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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I don't think we'll get much out of leaked booth pictures this time.
Nintendo learned that they need to spend a couple extra bucks on black sheets, instead of thin white ones.


Outtrigger888 said:
The wii had more quality "nintendo" games the the GCN.

GCN had Mario Sunshine, wind waker, SSBM, and pikmin. That was about it, nintendo has served us more games than usual this gen.

Although you missed quite a lot of good GCN games from Nintendo (there are far more than just those 4), I'm inclined to agree that Nintendo's first party offerings on Wii have been outstanding this gen. I know Amir0x is going to come crush my feelings with this statement, but I truly liked Nintendo's 1st party stuff better this gen than last gen. Top of their game. And no, I'm not including Wii Sports or Wii Fit in my thought process (even though I also like them a lot, especially WSR). But I don't want to get into list wars. Just wanted to say how much I liked their Wii games :)


Pyrokai said:
Although you missed quite a lot of good GCN games from Nintendo (there are far more than just those 4), I'm inclined to agree that Nintendo's first party offerings on Wii have been outstanding this gen. I know Amir0x is going to come crush my feelings with this statement, but I truly liked Nintendo's 1st party stuff better this gen than last gen. Top of their game. And no, I'm not including Wii Sports or Wii Fit in my thought process (even though I also like them a lot, especially WSR). But I don't want to get into list wars. Just wanted to say how much I liked their Wii games :)

If you think Wii has been an outstanding gen, then it has been an outstanding gen. Nobody can crush your perspective. It is just as valid as any other opinion, no matter how vehemently I'd disagree with it. :p

They gave me Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, and for that something good came from this gen. And of course I am positive Skyward Sword will be fantastic.
All this Demon Souls talk makes me think what Nintendo could do if they teamed up with From Software. The most brutal Legend Of Zelda game of all time probably.

Actually, I had an idea of what would happen if Koji Igarashi and his Castlevania team did a 2D Zelda II-style LoZ game for the 3DS. I'd play it.


I also firmly believe Nintendo's Wii output has been significantly better than the their GC days. If that wasnt true, maybe i would've bought a GC back then, instead of playing my cousin's.

Plus, it has alot of high quality 2D platformers. <33333

Mr. Pointy said:
All this Demon Souls talk makes me think what Nintendo could do if they teamed up with From Software. The most brutal Legend Of Zelda game of all time probably.

Actually, I had an idea of what would happen if Koji Igarashi and his Castlevania team did a 2D Zelda II-style LoZ game for the 3DS. I'd play it.

Jesus, keep these teams the fuck away from Zelda.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Amir0x said:
It's not an argument for the upper tier of game design. I was not advocating the quality of the battle. I was using the most extreme example I could think of how everything in Demon's Souls eventually just comes down to patience. I certainly thought the pot shotting was tedious, and I did it for the souls and to avoid even the slight risk of being flamed throughout 1-2. I could have easily dodged it, being similarly patient in my movements along the level, but I felt the better way to do this was merely to take it out up there and get its souls. It's a lot of souls.

The reason it always take so long for me is because I fight it the second I get to 1-2, which is a really weak moment to take him out, so my hits were doing like no damage to the beast. If I waited a little while through the game you could take it out in less than five minutes.

The essential point is merely that patience allows you to avoid all risk. If you're willing to apply your patience in even the most tedious of moments, you'll be able to apply it during most any moment in the game. Dodging that one flame dude's attacks by dodging behind pillars instead of fighting him out in the open, for example. A patient man is not afraid to do a little hiding, a rushed man will just expose himself.

I wasn't arguing against Demon's Souls focus on patience, just that this is a poor example of the significant role patience plays in the game, as while it is indeed likely the most extreme example of patient gameplay rewarding the player in some respect, it is also the most shallow, and fundamentally disjointed from the numerous other gameplay components that make up Demon's Souls. It is the equivalent of grinding your character against weak, useless enemies for hours upon hours in an RPG, just so you are ahead of the curve in strength and power for later battles. An option, and reward of patience, but not necessarily a noteworthy one.

The many other boss fights, required and optional, are much better examples of some of the extreme degrees of patience players can apply. As you will be well aware, outside of maybe only one or two fights, all of the bosses can be beaten with little health loss and on the first try, on the condition the player applies patience and tactics to their manner of play, and does not rush in wildly.

Demon's Soul, as you have said, is a game about patience, not trial and error, and continously rewards patient gameplay. However, as said, I dont consider the dragon bridge battle a good example of this.


EatChildren said:
I wasn't arguing against Demon's Souls focus on patience, just that this is a poor example of the significant role patience plays in the game, as while it is indeed likely the most extreme example of patient gameplay rewarding the player in some respect, it is also the most shallow, and fundamentally disjointed from the numerous other gameplay components that make up Demon's Souls. It is the equivalent of grinding your character against weak, useless enemies for hours upon hours in an RPG, just so you are ahead of the curve in strength and power for later battles. An option, and reward of patience, but not necessarily a noteworthy one.

The many other boss fights, required and optional, are much better examples of some of the extreme degrees of patience players can apply. As you will be well aware, outside of maybe only one or two fights, all of the bosses can be beaten with little health loss and on the first try, on the condition the player applies patience and tactics to their manner of play, and does not rush in wildly.

Demon's Soul, as you have said, is a game about patience, not trial and error, and continously rewards patient gameplay. However, as said, I dont consider the dragon bridge battle a good example of this.

yes but those enemies don't take particularly long, so it didn't illustrate my point well enough about the extreme lengths I'm willing to go to exercise my patience to avoid any risk of death. The whole point of using the dragon example was the extremeness of it, not the quality of the encounter or even the necessity of killing it for souls. Just that if I can take out a risk, I will, and the game allows you to even in a scenario as time consuming as this.

Since you seem to agree here about the whole point of this exercise (demon soul's is about patience, not trial-and-error), though, I'm not sure it's worth hitting this volleyball back and forth for another round :p


Mr. Pointy said:
3D Dot Game Heroes > the DS Zeldas.

Never played the DS Zeldas but 3D Dot Game Heroes has one thing going for it. Nostalgia...and thats it. Once you peel the old top-down 8-bit look, there's nothing there.

I bought it, wanted to love it, sold it this week.


Mr. Pointy said:
Actually, I had an idea of what would happen if Koji Igarashi and his Castlevania team did a 2D Zelda II-style LoZ game for the 3DS. I'd play it.
oh god the horror

make it stop!!
Amir0x said:
Trial-and-error game design = laziest, shittiest game design on Earth

FULLY FULLY FULLY agree with this! I guess when I was younger I didn't mind it as much, but I had a lot more free time for gaming back then. At this point in my life I don't have as much free time as I would like for gaming. My patients for things like trial and error gaming is just gone at this point. When I have to re-do one level 10 times not because of my skills but because of shit you can not see coming killing you, it kills any interest I have in the game. At least if you're going to do Trial and Error gaming, give me a lot of check points. Don't make the level 20 minutes long with 1 checkpoint at the 8 minute area.

In regards to what Retro could do next, I'd love to see them take on some more older IPs. I would love to see Retro make a modern Star Tropics. That is a series that desperately needs a new game. If not that, then let them make a REAL StarFox 64 sequel.


As long as we're talking about Demon's Souls, Castlevania, and dream pairings of developers and franchises, here's my idea:

Have From software make the next Castlevania game (or at least have whoever develops it rip off DS). I hated LoS because I can't stand the God of War template; but I'd love for the Demon's Souls formula to become a template that gets applied to the CV series. I won't bother pointing out the obvious similarities between the post-Rondo CV games and Demon's Souls, but you really just have to add in platforming and you've got what I'd consider the perfect 3D CV game.


Shin Johnpv said:
FULLY FULLY FULLY agree with this! I guess when I was younger I didn't mind it as much, but I had a lot more free time for gaming back then. At this point in my life I don't have as much free time as I would like for gaming. My patients for things like trial and error gaming is just gone at this point. When I have to re-do one level 10 times not because of my skills but because of shit you can not see coming killing you, it kills any interest I have in the game. At least if you're going to do Trial and Error gaming, give me a lot of check points. Don't make the level 20 minutes long with 1 checkpoint at the 8 minute area.

In regards to what Retro could do next, I'd love to see them take on some more older IPs. I would love to see Retro make a modern Star Tropics. That is a series that desperately needs a new game. If not that, then let them make a REAL StarFox 64 sequel.

I definitely think a modern Star Tropics would be a brilliant game for Retro to make. It's got a western vibe as is, and it's like an odd Earthbound/Zelda blend of action adventure. I know with their experience with Metroid, they could make a Stream Star Tropics into something insanely incredible.

However, I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo even hint at interest in bringing back this franchise. I believe this really is empty hoping on our parts :(
Amir0x said:
I definitely think a modern Star Tropics would be a brilliant game for Retro to make. It's got a western vibe as is, and it's like an odd Earthbound/Zelda blend of action adventure. I know with their experience with Metroid, they could make a Stream Star Tropics into something insanely incredible.

However, I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo even hint at interest in bringing back this franchise. I believe this really is empty hoping on our parts :(

Well, they did put ST on the VC, so they aren't denying it exists, at the very least.
I mean, before Brawl, who the hell thought we'd ever hear about Kid Icarus again? And now he has a brand new game coming out.


AceBandage said:
Well, they did put ST on the VC, so they aren't denying it exists, at the very least.
I mean, before Brawl, who the hell thought we'd ever hear about Kid Icarus again? And now he has a brand new game coming out.

Didn't the Kid Icarus rumours start well before Brawl? There's been real rumours about Kid Icarus for ages, I haven't even heard even an ear tickle over Star Tropics...
Pyrokai said:
Although you missed quite a lot of good GCN games from Nintendo (there are far more than just those 4), I'm inclined to agree that Nintendo's first party offerings on Wii have been outstanding this gen. I know Amir0x is going to come crush my feelings with this statement, but I truly liked Nintendo's 1st party stuff better this gen than last gen. Top of their game. And no, I'm not including Wii Sports or Wii Fit in my thought process (even though I also like them a lot, especially WSR). But I don't want to get into list wars. Just wanted to say how much I liked their Wii games :)

I agree with you if it makes you feel any better. I've really enjoyed what Nintendo's put out this generation. I really do not understand the people who say they've abandoned the core gamer either. SMG1/2 and NSMBW VS Sunshin, MP1/2/3 with Pointer controls, and Other M (fuck the haters this game plays great) vs just MP1/2. Warioland Shake it vs Wario World. Though we did get a lot more Zelda love last gen with Wind Waker, 4 Swords, and TP vs just TP and SS. I could keep going but you get my point. I think the Wii has been a great platform for "core" Nintendo games, and I really don't get how any one could say they've abandoned that market, unless they just shoved their head in the sand and went lalalalalala I don't see anything.


Amir0x said:
Galaxy 1 maybe, but I don't think Galaxy 2 is out of line with the rest of the series difficulty whatsoever. The other Mario games seem exactly as easy as Galaxy 2.

I personally think these games are more like gentle difficulty curve, not really difficult but with enough resistance to give you that cradling satisfaction from conquering the game anyhow. As long as you reach that point, the amazing gameplay and mechanics should do the rest. I definitely think Galaxy 1 and 2 were in that window, with Galaxy 2 obviously being the most perfectly executed.

No doubt man. F-Zero GX is a god tier title. Every other racing game cowers in its presence. Hell, most other games period run away at its insane quality.

It had a sick track count. An unbelievable number of vehicles all with legitimate ups and downs to using them, all of them being completely viable on all difficulties if you're good enough. It had a hilariously unique single player story mode. It had incredible polish and shine - the character bios and their associated character bio music was phenomenal. It has insane, tempo-racing music that remains among the best racing music in the industry, right there with Ridge Racer and Wipeout. It singularly has the greatest track design of any racing game. We're talking tracks so finely designed that if you play a track a hundred times you will likely still be finding ways to shave a hundredth of a second off your time with just a slight alteration to your rhythm, boost strategy or vehicle trajectory.

I cannot praise F-Zero GX enough. It is the ultimate refinement of the arcade racing game.

F-Zero X is more of a pure racer than GX was and if we are talking about track design don't forget GX reuses a number of tracks from X. There's also a lot of stuff in the middle of the tracks in GX that stops me from replaying the game all time, when they didn't need to.
There's no getting away that GX courses vary and you have to change that speed/accelerator for every course unlike X.
A modern remake of X would kill GX anyday!


Shin Johnpv said:
I agree with you if it makes you feel any better. I've really enjoyed what Nintendo's put out this generation. I really do not understand the people who say they've abandoned the core gamer either. SMG1/2 and NSMBW VS Sunshin, MP1/2/3 with Pointer controls, and Other M (fuck the haters this game plays great) vs just MP1/2. Warioland Shake it vs Wario World. Though we did get a lot more Zelda love last gen with Wind Waker, 4 Swords, and TP vs just TP and SS. I could keep going but you get my point. I think the Wii has been a great platform for "core" Nintendo games, and I really don't get how any one could say they've abandoned that market, unless they just shoved their head in the sand and went lalalalalala I don't see anything.

It's a little disingenuous to act like Metroid Prime Trilogy is a an outstanding Wii core effort from Nintendo. If that's the low bar they have to hit, porting over Gamecube games with a different control scheme, no wonder some people are pleased. :p

dwu8991 said:
F-Zero X is more of a pure racer than GX was and if we are talking about track design don't forget GX reuses a number of tracks from X. There's also a lot of stuff in the middle of the tracks in GX that stops me from replaying the game all time, when they didn't need to.
There's no getting away that GX courses vary and you have to change that speed/accelerator for every course unlike X.
A modern remake of X would kill GX anyday!

To me I can't play X with the graphics it has. It's too ugly. I also think the boost/damage system has been refined to its ultimate level in GX and that the difficulty curve and amount of sheer content dwarfs X and therefore it is the preferable package to me.

They're both pure racers, though, I'm not sure what your calculation is in determining which is more of a pure racer. ;)

Only thing that is really missing is a track editor.


Am I the only person who wants to see Retro make their own new ip? They have proven that they got the talent so why doesn't Nintendo allow them some freedom to make whatever they want? Retro is one of the best devs in the world and I just feel Nintendo aren't giving them free reign over what they can do.
Amir0x said:
I definitely think a modern Star Tropics would be a brilliant game for Retro to make. It's got a western vibe as is, and it's like an odd Earthbound/Zelda blend of action adventure. I know with their experience with Metroid, they could make a Stream Star Tropics into something insanely incredible.

However, I don't think I've ever seen Nintendo even hint at interest in bringing back this franchise. I believe this really is empty hoping on our parts :(

Yeah its pretty much just empty hoping and wishing, but I will never give up the fight. Star Tropics 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games from the NES days, been wanting a sequel to it each generation.

I second AceBandage, maybe if we get every single reporter to ask about a new Star Tropics for Cafe it'll make it happen........that's possible.........right?
Shin Johnpv said:
Fixed for you. I'll also second keeping Igarashi and his team the fuck away from Zelda.
You say that now, but like every other Igavania game, you'll probably play and beat it just to unlock Sheik mode.


Detox said:
Am I the only person who wants to see Retro make their own new ip? They have proven that they got the talent so why doesn't Nintendo allow them some freedom to make whatever they want? Retro is one of the best devs in the world and I just feel Nintendo aren't giving them free reign over what they can do.

Nope. That is the #1 thing I want Retro to do. It's just the way Nintendo operates, seemingly forcing a Nintendo character into any bold new idea they have (see Kirby Epic Yarn), I don't think they'd let Retro do it yet.


Hate to bring this up, but remember Raven Blade? It was terrible and had to be canned. Obviously Retro has grown a hell of a lot over the years, but I wouldn't get my hopes up for any new IP from Retro unless Nintendo is heavily involved in the design.
I don't think Retro has pitched a new IP concept to Nintendo since before Prime.

The staff exodus was because they weren't doing anything, not because they had a grand vision for a new IP that Nintendo was saying no to.
Amir0x said:
It's a little disingenuous to act like Metroid Prime Trilogy is a an outstanding Wii core effort from Nintendo. If that's the low bar they have to hit, porting over Gamecube games with a different control scheme, no wonder some people are pleased. :p

I can understand where you're coming from. For me though MP1 is my favorite game of all time, giving it to me with Pointer controls only made it even better. I can see though, where if you're not as enamored with the game or pointer controls, that it would seem less like a less than worthwhile effort. I thought the overall package for MPT was definitely for the fans. As a full card carrying Prime lover, I appreciated it.


Shin Johnpv said:
I can understand where you're coming from. For me though MP1 is my favorite game of all time, giving it to me with Pointer controls only made it even better. I can see though, where if you're not as enamored with the game or pointer controls, that it would seem less like a less than worthwhile effort. I thought the overall package for MPT was definitely for the fans. As a full card carrying Prime lover, I appreciated it.

No I love Metroid Prime and own the trilogy pack. My point is that is not an example of a legitimate Wii effort from Nintendo. That is just Nintendo penny pinching consumers, an easy way to make a buck with minimal effort. That's an example of GCN-era Nintendo being great, not Wii-era Nintendo being great :p


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I also want to see Startropics made into an Uncharted/Zelda-style game for the Stream, but I think it's for naught. Nintendo didn't even mention the franchise in Smash Bros Brawl, did they?

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Before Nintendo makes new intellectual properties. Well. Let's say the fanboyic "new Retro mature ip". The consumer base has to be there. It is not there on the Wii. Maybe on the Stream/Cafe. Maybe. But Nintendo will have to build that userbase somehow. Strategically developing first-party games and receiving third party games that can build that specific demograph to support it.
Mr. Pointy said:
You say that now, but like every other Igavania game, you'll probably play and beat it just to unlock Sheik mode.

Listen I love the 2D Igavania games. If they release one for the 3DS I am so there. How ever, they are in no way shape or form equal to the 2D Zelda games. Nor do I think Iga has it in him to make a good 2D Zelda game.

Detox said:
Am I the only person who wants to see Retro make their own new ip? They have proven that they got the talent so why doesn't Nintendo allow them some freedom to make whatever they want? Retro is one of the best devs in the world and I just feel Nintendo aren't giving them free reign over what they can do.

I would totally love for Retro to make a new IP, I just don't think Nintendo is going to let that happen. Plus at this point ST was an NES title, making a sequel in this day and age is almost akin to making a new IP. So much of it would have to be re-created from scratch.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Before Nintendo makes new intellectual properties. Well. Let's say the fanboyic "new Retro mature ip". The consumer base has to be there. It is not there on the Wii. Maybe on the Stream/Cafe. Maybe. But Nintendo will have to build that userbase somehow. Strategically developing first-party games and receiving third party games that can build that specific demograph to support it.

Well the best way to make sure it is there is to lead the way with a launch window game with a major marketing budget which is thematically adult. Not necessarily "mature" in terms of BLOOD, TITS, GUTZ everywhere though. Not wait for it and hope it shows up!


As much as I'd like Retro to work on an original IP, I wouldn't have a problem if they were making a proper Starfox game.


AceBandage said:
I honestly can't remember when the Man Icarus rumors started.
Was it originally a GC game?

Factor 5 started it shortly after their Sony deal fell through...when was Lair released again?

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Amir0x said:
Well the best way to make sure it is there is to lead the way with a launch window game with a major marketing budget which is thematically adult. Not necessarily "mature" in terms of BLOOD, TITS, GUTZ everywhere though. Not wait for it and hope it shows up!

Absolutely. I think it is about immediately showing a balanced hardware and software library. There is still so much to reveal. But Iwata is very obsessed with the "XBOX" and "Call of Duty" success. Which quite frankly is a good thing.
Shiggy said:
Factor 5 started it shortly after their Sony deal fell through...when was Lair released again?

And SSBB was revealed in 2006. So yeah, Brawl started the whole Kid Icarus craze.

Shikamaru Ninja said:
Absolutely. I think it is about immediately showing a balanced hardware and software library. There is still so much to reveal. But Iwata is very obsessed with the "XBOX" and "Call of Duty" success. Which quite frankly is a good thing.

It's hard to ignore a franchise that sells 10s of millions almost every year. They won't copy CoD, but they will try to emulate its success in their own way.
I think we'll see some surprises from E3 that none of us really expect.


AceBandage said:
I honestly can't remember when the Man Icarus rumors started.
Was it originally a GC game?

The most recent rumor I remember was for the wii and being developed by factor 5. Was supposed to be revealed during the 2008 E3. God, that was the most disappointing E3 conference ever.
NEO0MJ said:
The most recent rumor I remember was for the wii and being developed by factor 5. Was supposed to be revealed during the 2008 E3. God, that was the most disappointing E3 conference ever.

2008 was a very complacent Nintendo. The peak of the Wii's strength. Luckily, it didn't last too long and now they are having to fight for power again.
We're not going to see the same Nintendo we saw in 2006 on stage this year.
No Miyamoto entering to Miis playing the Zelda Theme. No Reggie playing Tennis.
Cafe is not "Playing is believing." It's "Gaming is believing."
I think Nintendo realizes they'll probably never make a FPS of sufficient quality of their own.

I can see them farming out for that sort of thing. Hopefully they get someone good and not, like, n-Space again.


Membero Americo
AceBandage said:
2008 was a very complacent Nintendo. The peak of the Wii's strength. Luckily, it didn't last too long and now they are having to fight for power again.
We're not going to see the same Nintendo we saw in 2006 on stage this year.

Nintendo has the potential to beat their 2010 conference. Unless there's a huge fuck up with the Cafe and it doesn't deliver, this is going to be Nintendo's Best E3 yet.


I want something at Nintendo's conference to make my eyes bug out because the graphics are like nothing I've ever seen before.


Amir0x said:
No I love Metroid Prime and own the trilogy pack. My point is that is not an example of a legitimate Wii effort from Nintendo. That is just Nintendo penny pinching consumers, an easy way to make a buck with minimal effort. That's an example of GCN-era Nintendo being great, not Wii-era Nintendo being great :p
How is it penny pinching? The trilogy includes Corruption, which makes it a great value. They basically rereleased a Wii game with extra content at no additional cost.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
ShockingAlberto said:
I think Nintendo realizes they'll probably never make a FPS of sufficient quality of their own.

I can see them farming out for that sort of thing. Hopefully they get someone good and not, like, n-Space again.

Nintendo doesn't have to publish a Call of Duty per say. But Iwata is recognizing how strong this Call of Duty demograph is. Nintendo. Biggest video game company has NOTHING to offer them at this point. That I think is one of Iwata's concerns. I think Nintendo absolutely has plans to produce a first-party game to that appeal, with a western developer. Iwata hinted at several western partnerships it seems. Some for the Stream networking? and some for first-party games?

It is all hot smoke since there are so many question marks. But I think Nintendo ideally is trying to make a system that covers all their bases. And not just one extremity of the market.
Utako said:
I want something at Nintendo's conference to make my eyes bug out because the graphics are like nothing I've ever seen before.
That...seems unlikely.

We're still at least a year out from any of these games being released and launch software always looks like shit. So at best we'd get CG approximations of second wave titles?
Utako said:
I want something at Nintendo's conference to make my eyes bug out because the graphics are like nothing I've ever seen before.

Well, unless you've never seen a PC game since 2005, then I doubt that is possible... on any console.

Shikamaru Ninja said:
Nintendo doesn't have to publish a Call of Duty per say. But Iwata is recognizing how strong this Call of Duty demograph is. Nintendo. Biggest video game company has NOTHING to offer them at this point. That I think is one of Iwata's concerns. I think Nintendo absolutely has plans to produce a first-party game to that appeal, with a western developer. Iwata hinted at several western partnerships it seems. Some for the Stream networking? and some for first-party games?

It is all hot smoke since there are so many question marks. But I think Nintendo ideally is trying to make a system that covers all their bases. And not just one extremity of the market.

That's how they're trying to position the 3DS, as well.
It's the system for the DS crowd and the PSP crowd.
Nintendo doesn't want to just go after the core crowd or the casual crowd. They want it all. And I think we'll see some great strides to try and eat into the XBox market at E3.
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