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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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TruePrime said:
The thing is, a true online serivce like Steam or Xbox Live needs constant updates. I don't really see Valve working on Nintendo's platform for the next five years keeping their online service up and going.
Why not? If Nintendo give them a contract then that's some constant revenue for Valve for as long as Café remains relevant. After a couple of years Nintendo might have even grown enough internally that they can handle such things as updates themselves. I think Nintendo are capable of doing it eventually, but going from thinking that online isn't important to an online service that's competitive with XBL in the space of a few years? I think they're looking for a kick start, and that they'll gradually take control of the system back when they've hired some more network engineers.

Nintendo will probably end up using some system we've never heard of by some company we've never heard of, because, as Ace said, Nintendo would be unlikely to accept anything that relinquishes control from them.

Steam games on my Café screen pad, though? Hell yeah!

Oh, and they both want biometric feedback! Also, for the millionth time, St(r)eam.



Graphics Horse said:
Hmm, interesting.

Their Wi Fi Connection logo is still on the Animal Crossing Wii reprint, assuming those boxarts were genuine. It's also on the front of the new Wii box which shows the Mario Kart box, heh.
Maybe they don't want the Nintendo WiFi logo affiliated with those certain games? Black Ops and Conduit 2 do have voice chat vs strangers, so maybe they dont want the "easy.free.safe" NWFC logo on the box. Black Ops also doesn't have the usual 'Nintendo' way of registering friends, you actually have a request > confirm system like XBL. Must be just the games that go against Nintendos way of doing online.
AceBandage said:
Really, the one thing that doesn't make this seem possible:

Nintendo wouldn't have 100% control over it.

They can implement the Steamworks online APIs while keeping the network separate from Steam.. Though they'd have to pay for that sort of implementation presumably.
Nintendo is going to resurrect RANDnet. I say that to pose the suggestion that Nintendo and Valve could create a joint company to handle online gaming. That way the burden isn't on Valve to maintain it and Nintendo could have appropriate control over it.


Pancakes R Us said:
Haha. Nintendo said this with the GC and the Wii. It's a given they'll say it for the next few machines ;)
You must be late to the party on this one. It's not just Nintendo saying it, it's pretty much every source that has speculated on the system. It's also evident in how they treated the 3DS launch, and how they presented at E3 last year.

Not sure if it's been brought recently but here's an old press release about one of Nintendo's screen suppliers licencing some fancy pressure sensitive touch screen tech. The licence is limited to screens 6.5inches or smaller. It may have nothing to do with Nintendo whatsoever, but who knows! Apparenlty Nissha provided the touch screens for the DS, as well as the hardware for that weird Nintendo DS guide system for museums.

In fact, this page might be worth looking at for some weird possibilities.

Disguises said:
Maybe they don't want the Nintendo WiFi logo affiliated with those certain games? Black Ops and Conduit 2 do have voice chat vs strangers, so maybe they dont want the "easy.free.safe" NWFC logo on the box. Black Ops also doesn't have the usual 'Nintendo' way of registering friends, you actually have a request > confirm system like XBL. Must be just the games that go against Nintendos way of doing online.

Yeah you could be right, would certainly explain it being patched out of Black Ops. My mind will never recover from seeing a pixel art penis in Mario Kart DS though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
BMF said:
So, at this point our semi-reliable rumor list is:

R700 based GPU
25 Gig Discs
8 Gig Flash
3-Core PowerPC processor
Traditional layout controller with a 6" screen.


Hard Drive/SD Card compatibility
Specifics on CPU/GPU
Motion Control (new or compatible with old?)
RAM (type and capacity)

Confirmed Things:

Partnering with outside company for online.
Spending more time fostering 3rd party relationships.

Common Sense:

Should support all HD resolutions
HDMI support and component/composite

Fighting the good fight to try and keep this thread on topic for a new page.

I'd add Wii and Wii controller BC among the reliable rumor section.


Man God said:
I'd add Wii and Wii controller BC among the reliable rumor section.
Yeah, a few places had said it and Totilo was quite clear about Wiimote compatibility. I don't think he mentioned b/c with games, but other sources have said that it will be fully backwards compatible with Wii software. I really hope that means Gamecube software as well. But then there's an issue with memory card ports - less so controller ports because the Café controller would probably do a good enough job. I'd really like to see Gamecube ports on the console, though.

Stephen Totilo said:
You're asking if Wii Remotes will work with the new console? Yes. I and others have already reported that.


Disguises said:
Maybe they don't want the Nintendo WiFi logo affiliated with those certain games? Black Ops and Conduit 2 do have voice chat vs strangers, so maybe they dont want the "easy.free.safe" NWFC logo on the box. Black Ops also doesn't have the usual 'Nintendo' way of registering friends, you actually have a request > confirm system like XBL. Must be just the games that go against Nintendos way of doing online.
Black Ops and Conduit 2 aren't using Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection, they are using their own online structure. Therefore they don't feature the logo on the cover. Pretty simple, really.


wrowa said:
Black Ops and Conduit 2 aren't using Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection, they are using their own online structure. Therefore they don't feature the logo on the cover. Pretty simple, really.
Fair enough! Guess that Black Ops must have originally been using it (hence the removed Nintendo WiFi Connection menu) but they switched it out for a different structure closer to release then.

E3 is so close. These next 4 weeks are going to go by so slowly :(
(Dammit, thought it was 3 weeks left, not 4 :()


I'm sure Steamworks will go on Cafe in cases where a Portal 2 ends up on the system for a Valve developed game; I'm equally sure Steamworks won't be the foundation for Cafe. It'll be some other company Nintendo partners with imo.


Since we're talking about online, I was wondering. What company other than gamespy(please no for the love of god),onlive, or steam could nintendo team up with?

Beth Cyra

grkazan12 said:
Since we're talking about online, I was wondering. What company other than gamespy(please no for the love of god),onlive, or steam could nintendo team up with?
Are you asking about companies inside the industry or just in general?
grkazan12 said:
Since we're talking about online, I was wondering. What company other than gamespy(please no for the love of god),onlive, or steam could nintendo team up with?

Like I said before, it could be one of hundreds. They don't have to have a vested interest in the gaming industry at the moment. They just have to be able to build and run a network to Nintendo's standards.


Yeah, everyone is reading way too much into their partnering with another company. They just need infrastructure. They don't need Valve. It's not going to happen.

I will eat my hand if it happens, but I'm confident I won't have to sacrifice a hand to cannibalism.
Pyrokai said:
Yeah, everyone is reading way too much into their partnering with another company. They just need infrastructure. They don't need Valve. It's not going to happen.

I will eat my hand if it happens, but I'm confident I won't have to sacrifice a hand to cannibalism.

A little Sriracha Sauce and you're good to go.


Like I said before, I suspect someone like EA to be the partner. Since they've worked with the Wii's online service or around it anyhow, and they've had kits for what nearly 2 years or so?
Penguin said:
Like I said before, I suspect someone like EA to be the partner. Since they've worked with the Wii's online service or around it anyhow, and they've had kits for what nearly 2 years or so?

Oh please no.
EA's system is just as bad... If not worse...


Membero Americo
Penguin said:
Like I said before, I suspect someone like EA to be the partner. Since they've worked with the Wii's online service or around it anyhow, and they've had kits for what nearly 2 years or so?

You want us to die, don't you!
MYE said:
4 painfull weeks!

Oh god i hope i dont have a fucking meeting during nintendo's conference like last year.

Oh, God... good point.

I remember last year... I was on a business travel at the Sony DADC plant in Terre Haute for a month, and the Nintendo conference started just when I was in a meeting.

But not this year... I'm going to skip work that day.
Fernando Rocker said:
Oh, God... good point.

I remember last year... I was on a business travel at the Sony DADC plant in Terre Haute for a month, and the Nintendo conference started just when I was in a meeting.

But not this year... I'm going to skip work that day.

Same here.
I've never requested a day off of work for video games, but I decided to make this year an exception.
Regardless of what happens, this is going to be magic. Gonna get a HomeRun Inn pizza and some cherry soda (my first soda in 4 years).

An EA partnership for online might make sense. They have their own online service, they are considering pushing for a subscription model, they would have an added revenue stream based solely on people using the system for, say, Netflix without having to actually buy games.
ShockingAlberto said:

An EA partnership for online might make sense. They have their own online service, they are considering pushing for a subscription model, they would have an added revenue stream based solely on people using the system for, say, Netflix without having to actually buy games.

Except that Nintendo keeps on pushing the "We offer all these services for free." Unless they go far beyond XBL, they aren't going to start charging for the service.
AceBandage said:
Except that Nintendo keeps on pushing the "We offer all these services for free." Unless they go far beyond XBL, they aren't going to start charging for the service.
No one ever intends to until they do.

I'll bet a ham that Sony starts the PS4 off with mandatory charges for online play, if they don't start that this generation somehow. They've been just as insistent that all this stuff should be free (until it's not).
From The Dust said:
disappointment is a natural part of the hype train. you can't change status quo
True. I'm kind of a buzzkill cause I try not to get hyped so sorry if it looks like I'm trying to shoot down the hype train sometimes
Really what's going to be crucial is

A) Launching with online games. How the 3DS only had one major online game at launch is honestly beyond me. Madden didn't even have multiplayer! DS took until Mario Kart, Wii took until...shit, can't remember. BWii?

B) Launching with the CafeWare store. Nintendo has made this mistake twice now. DSi launched with DSiWare, but you can argue it was several years late and it should have been in (at latest) the DS Lite. WiiWare took years and it was basically only Nintendo's Terrible Virtual Console Show for the longest time. 3DSWare may be out this month, possibly, but they're so coy despite the fact that it's at least two months late that one wonders if there aren't problems behind the scenes.


Penguin said:
Like I said before, I suspect someone like EA to be the partner. Since they've worked with the Wii's online service or around it anyhow, and they've had kits for what nearly 2 years or so?

That would easily turn me off to the system forever.

I think they'll partner with some Japanese tech company that no one's ever heard of.
ShockingAlberto said:
Really what's going to be crucial is

A) Launching with online games. How the 3DS only had one major online game at launch is honestly beyond me. Madden didn't even have multiplayer! DS took until Mario Kart, Wii took until...shit, can't remember. BWii?

B) Launching with the CafeWare store. Nintendo has made this mistake twice now. DSi launched with DSiWare, but you can argue it was several years late and it should have been in (at latest) the DS Lite. WiiWare took years and it was basically only Nintendo's Terrible Virtual Console Show for the longest time. 3DSWare may be out this month, possibly, but they're so coy despite the fact that it's at least two months late that one wonders if there aren't problems behind the scenes.

I also don't understand how third parties failed so fantastically with the 3DS's online. Maybe Capcom is just magic.
Also, I think that the eShop will be ready for the Cafe's launch, since it'll just be a larger version of what will be ready on the 3DS. I'm also expecting cross system downloads for some games.
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