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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Super Member
[Nintex] said:
I've got an idea too:
Advance Wars: Wuhu Island
- Nuke Wuhu Island from orbit

Wuhu Island was in Pilotwings 64 and called Holiday Island, and as we all know even if you had an infinite supply of missles, you would not be able to knock down that ferris wheel.


radioheadrule83 said:
I'm going to get in on the game ideas game:

New Super Mario World

It could be 2D or even 3D. Every player has their own screen, so they can be at different areas of the map without the TV having to zoom out like crazy. Imagine one player going down a pipe into the underworld to hit a POW block or exclamation switch that transforms the terrain above... maybe one player takes a vine up to the clouds... enemies bopped on the head could fall down to Earth... it'd be the Mario equivalent of Four Swords Adventures.

Star Road (<<< my truly nonsense fantasy wet-dream game)

Star road would bring pervasive Nintendo worlds and different gameplay styles online in one place. Worlds could be added as Downloadable Content...

Mario mode:
  • a free-roaming Mushroom Kingdom sandbox or lobby.
  • Imagine engaging in competitive platforming... stars and coins could be limited in each game session, renewed only on a certain frequency. These could be rewarded by Game Coins (as found on 3DS)... this would keep people coming online to compete with each other for them every hour / day / week / month.
  • You'd be able to pick players up and throw them like in NSMB, or hurt them and take their power ups.
  • Imagine arriving at a Mario GP course where you could seamlessly jump into a kart and go around the track.
  • Imagine areas of the map that are only accessible with a Kuribo shoe, picking up a flight power-up, or by hitching a ride on a Yoshi, or a bullet bill. These items could be finite, forcing players to compete for these too.

Wuhu island mode:
  • another free roamer, but with all of the activities of the Wii Sports, Sports Resort and Pilotwings games thrown into one game, with even more activities.
  • Imagine a game like Warhawk, but instead of flag capturing and fast aerial dogfights, its Miis running about everywhere...
  • It could act as a lobby for Tennis tournaments, or cycling competitions up to the top of the Maku volcano. Winners could be given Game Coins.
  • Every now and then a lobby objective /activity could change or be announced, forcing a mad rush of Miis to try and find planes, rocket belts, gliders, boats or jetskis, or to simply race on foot to a certain location.
  • Imagine a "Wanted" poster appearing on everyone's screen showing a Mii who they have to find. Basically make one player hunted in a game of hide and seek online.
  • Or how about an island treasure hunt, with every player given a metal detector and a shovel that works just as it did in A Link to the Past?
  • Again, all the goals in this world could be renewed on a certain frequency, rewarding Game Coins for those who do well, encouraging players to come back again and again.

Man I really hope next gen Mario plays exactly the way you explained it. Would be freaking awesome!

Having a free roaming Wuhu Island experience is kinda what I thought Nintendo would do on the Wii.. Something like "Mii World" with light MMORPG elements.. Maybe they'll go that way with Cafe, seeing as they are seemingly going for a social gaming approach with this system.

I really hope they don't do something like Wii Sports 3 now with Wuhu island as a lobby and online play!!! Because that'd just be damn lazy..


Limbaugh Parrot
This was on Engadget earlier, some guy made a portable GC,



Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAYgAbiixLQ

Yeah, it's handmade, the back is ugly/uncomfortable looking, it has a fan because its doing all the processing itself (and not the console), and the screen is much smaller than 6", but this shows that the control layout + screen is definitely workable.

I would play something like this for hours (or until the battery ran out).
So, at this point our semi-reliable rumor list is:

R700 based GPU
25 Gig Discs
8 Gig Flash
3-Core PowerPC processor
Traditional layout controller with a 6" screen.
Compatible with Wiimote


Hard Drive/SD Card compatibility
Specifics on CPU/GPU
RAM (type and capacity)
Motion Control (new variation?)

Confirmed Things:

Partnering with an outside company for online. (source)
Spending more time fostering 3rd party relationships.

Common Sense:

Should support all HD resolutions
HDMI support and component/composite

Slept through the flop.


JohnTinker said:
This was on Engadget earlier, some guy made a portable GC,



Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAYgAbiixLQ

Yeah, it's handmade, the back is ugly/uncomfortable looking, it has a fan because its doing all the processing itself (and not the console), and the screen is much smaller than 6", but this shows that the control layout + screen is definitely workable.

I would play something like this for hours (or until the battery ran out).


JohnTinker said:
This was on Engadget earlier, some guy made a portable GC,



Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAYgAbiixLQ

Yeah, it's handmade, the back is ugly/uncomfortable looking, it has a fan because its doing all the processing itself (and not the console), and the screen is much smaller than 6", but this shows that the control layout + screen is definitely workable.

I would play something like this for hours (or until the battery ran out).

It looks pretty awesome from the front. I wouldn't imagine the actual controller being that thick either. I still have a hard time believing that the screen will be 6", but Nintendo can pull it off, so I'm not going to be surprised with what they show us at E3.
JohnTinker said:
and the screen is much smaller than 6"

I think it's 5", not bad, and there's room for a wider screen if you could get rid of the frame.

A lot of custom handhelds use psOne 5.4" 4:3 screens, which are about equal in height to a 6.2 inch widescreen but an inch narrower, gives you a good idea of what it could look like.

Photos of the Fusion here including psp comparison:


StickSoldier said:
I wouldn't imagine the actual controller being that thick either.

Well it won't have a Gamecube inside it ;) But I'd prefer it if it was that thick at the ends to give some nice handles, then curving away to the centre.
JohnTinker said:
This was on Engadget earlier, some guy made a portable GC,

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAYgAbiixLQ

Yeah, it's handmade, the back is ugly/uncomfortable looking, it has a fan because its doing all the processing itself (and not the console), and the screen is much smaller than 6", but this shows that the control layout + screen is definitely workable.

I would play something like this for hours (or until the battery ran out).

I expected to see a huge bulging mess of wires and heatsinks but the back looks awesome, it's finished nicely, fan vent in the center where your fingers PROBABLY won't get roasted off, it looks really good!


Limbaugh Parrot
The Cafe controller probably won't be so thick in the center and will undoubtedly have better button & trigger placement, but that looks really nice as it is now.

Wish he would buy a tripod and play Metroid Prime

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
You have to remember that Nintendo moves people around to develop games they see potential in more quickly. For example much of the Wii Fit team were from the Twilight Princess dev team.

From my understanding. Each of the 7 EAD groups is basically a producer and a planning team. The programmers, musicians, graphic designers all come from a big pool. The programming teams used by the EAD groups for example:

EAD Technology program Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Kart, Pikmin
SRD Co., Ltd program New Super Mario Bros., Animal Crossing.
Zelda uses both programming teams together. Although Skyward Swords now has EAD Technology taking over the lead programming.

Then you have EAD Sound Team and the graphic design production staff of EAD also being dispensed throughout projects.

EAD Tokyo tends to work a little bit outside of that model because of the geographical distance.


Holiday 2013: Next Generation Mario Kart

Don’t count out a Luigi’s Mansion sequel. Konno has hinted at a 3D Luigi’s Mansion. And Miyamoto leaked that EAD was experimenting with a new ghost game.

EAD #5 will probably stick to the more casual titles. I doubt we'll see anything fun here.

EAD Group No.5 for all intent and purpose. Is the F-Zero X team! Let’s see what happens!

EAD Tokyo #1

2013: Next Generation Super Mario

EAD Tokyo #2

Holiday 2011: Super Mario 3DS

The Mario Galaxy engine I think is staying exclusively with Yoshiaki Koizumi ( Tokyo Group No.2). Takao Shimizu (Tokyo Group No.1) was the director of Star Fox 64… Thus I would have to assume they are involved in the Star Fox 3DS port. At least as co-developers.

Perhaps Project Sora and HAL will collaborate for a new Super Smash Bros for 2014?

I think Project-Sora is not going to develop the next Smash Bros. Smash Bros. Brawl required a massive team spanning about 4-5 companies collaborating together. I also think Sakurai is done with the franchise for a while. Maybe Nd Cube or Monoloth Soft?


What if it plays all the 3DS games?

One thing the 3DS is different from the DS is that it greatly separate the relationship between the two screens. On DS you often find games that link two screens together, but the different between the two screens on the 3DS (only one is touch, only one is 3D) totally segregated the relationship between the two screens.

Now if the Wii 2 can play 3DS games, the TV display the stuffs of the 3DS's top screen, and the controller display the stuffs of the 3DS's bottom screen.
seady said:
What if it plays all the 3DS games?

One thing the 3DS is different from the DS is that it greatly separate the relationship between the two screens. On DS you often find games that link two screens together, but the different between the two screens on the 3DS (only one is touch, only one is 3D) totally segregated the relationship between the two screens.

Now if the Wii 2 can play 3DS games, the TV display the stuffs of the 3DS's top screen, and the controller display the stuffs of the 3DS's bottom screen.

then you lose the 3D. so what's the point?


From The Dust said:
then you lose the 3D. so what's the point?

That's why Nintendo require 3DS games to be playable without 3D. Of course, if your TV can display 3D, then it will be the same as the 3D slider on.
what developers want

Wii 2: What Developers Want [Exclusive]
Posted May 3, 2011 by James Brightman

Wii 2 or ‘Project Café’ or whatever it's ultimately called will be unveiled for the first time next month at Nintendo's E3 press conference. Rumors about the machine's capabilities continue to fly, but IndustryGamers wanted to hear from developers about what they most would like to see in a new Nintendo console.

The general consensus from the few people we chatted with was that developers would love to see Nintendo really enhance its online and digital offerings. Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has acknowledged that Wii's online presence was a bit lacking, so hopefully Nintendo has online top of mind for Wii 2.

Steve Couture, Frima Games, CEO

"Without a doubt, my first request would be for an improved digital marketplace more along the lines of XBLA and PSN. We'd love to be able to offer downloadable titles for Nintendo fans in a more user and publisher friendly environment. Two additional possibilities that we'd love to look at would be a camera for augmented reality and stereoscopic 3D."

Ole Teglbjaerg, Press Play, Director

"I think our wishes are pretty basic. We'd love more processing power, which is essential, and a better GPU as well. Aside from that I think the key to success would be to improve the whole shop system."

Dave Castelnuovo, Bolt Creative

"My biggest wish would be for Nintendo to open up development to everyone just like on iOS. It’s obvious that it will never happen but I might as well wish big. At the very least, they could make it easier for indie developers to make games on the new device and have a better, more thought out digital store."

"As far as hardware goes, It would be nice if you didn’t need a separate dev kit to make games for it - that you have the ability to develop right on the retail version of the device."

"From the consumer perspective, I’m sure Nintendo will put lots of interesting bells and whistles on the device. The iPad-like controller sure sounds interesting (although a little expensive if I need to buy 4 controllers for multiplayer)."

Denis Dyack, Silicon Knights, President

I’m always excited about a new console from Nintendo because I know they’re going to innovate somehow and do something creative. They never fail to do that. On top of that, their games are always fantastic and I just can’t wait to play their games so it comes hand in hand. So those are the things that I’m - I know it’s not anything specific on a tech basis, but those [tech] things excite me far less than some of the innovations and some of the games that Nintendo’s going to make. So that’s what I look for from Nintendo - something new and fresh, something of very high quality. That’s what gets me excited.

Graphics Horse said:
I think it's 5", not bad, and there's room for a wider screen if you could get rid of the frame.

A lot of custom handhelds use psOne 5.4" 4:3 screens, which are about equal in height to a 6.2 inch widescreen but an inch narrower, gives you a good idea of what it could look like.

Photos of the Fusion here including psp comparison:


Well it won't have a Gamecube inside it ;) But I'd prefer it if it was that thick at the ends to give some nice handles, then curving away to the centre.

Haha for sure :p. But yeah, I'd like for the controller to be how you described. As long as it's comfortable, I won't mind it being on the bigger than normal.
People have been asking for Zelda, Metroid, and F-zero as launch titles, but I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Endless Ocean even once.

It seems like a prime candidate to show off what the cafe can do with polygons, shading resolution and IQ. It'd be a big hit with mainstream consumers of all ages and even the "hardcore" could appreciate the greatest diving simulator to date where they get to explore and catalog miles of coral reef, ancient ruins and hundreds of different species of aquatic life.

I'd buy it.
BMF said:
So, at this point our semi-reliable rumor list is:

R700 based GPU
25 Gig Discs
8 Gig Flash
3-Core PowerPC processor
Traditional layout controller with a 6" screen.
Compatible with Wiimote


Hard Drive/SD Card compatibility
Specifics on CPU/GPU
RAM (type and capacity)
Motion Control (new variation?)

Confirmed Things:

Partnering with an outside company for online.
Spending more time fostering 3rd party relationships.

Common Sense:

Should support all HD resolutions
HDMI support and component/composite

Halfway to oblivion.
Where and when was this confirmed?
Shikamaru Ninja said:
Don’t count out a Luigi’s Mansion sequel. Konno has hinted at a 3D Luigi’s Mansion. And Miyamoto leaked that EAD was experimenting with a new ghost game.

This would be all sorts of awesome. Luigi's Mansion was one of my favorite GC games.
SolarPowered said:
People have been asking for Zelda, Metroid, and F-zero as launch titles, but I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Endless Ocean even once.

Oh yeah, and the secret haptic touch screen could be a good fit there.


Log4Girlz said:
Can someone repost the rumored specs?

There's no point, as some info supposedly leaked (for example, the 900MHz clocked GPU) has been debunked as inaccurate: in this case, the 900MHz stuff was probably about the VRAM clock, as a 900MHz clocked R700 would involve massive ammounts of overcloking with the heat and consumption problems it involves.
beje said:
There's no point, as some info supposedly leaked (for example, the 900MHz clocked GPU) has been debunked as inaccurate: in this case, the 900MHz stuff was probably about the VRAM clock, as a 900MHz clocked R700 would involve massive ammounts of overcloking with the heat and consumption problems it involves.

where did the 900MHz rumor come from. this is the first time I heard it here
beje said:
There's no point, as some info supposedly leaked (for example, the 900MHz clocked GPU) has been debunked as inaccurate: in this case, the 900MHz stuff was probably about the VRAM clock, as a 900MHz clocked R700 would involve massive ammounts of overcloking with the heat and consumption problems it involves.

You need that kind of heat for a good coffee thought...


From The Dust said:
where did the 900MHz rumor come from. this is the first time I heard it here

I can't remember if it was from Kotaku or IGN, but the main point is that it doesn't make sense at all. We already discussed it in a spanish forums and reached the conclussion it had to be the VRAM clock (as stated in old spec sheets) because if it was indeed the GPU clock, it would mean they would be using an overclocked top-of-the-line R700 solution, which is completely unfeasible for a console, let alone a Nintendo product.

It also came with some assumptions that "it would be around 30% more powerful than a PS3 because you know, the PS3 GPU is clocked at 700MHz" so you can cleary say it came from an absolute computer illiterate that probably saw it in some fact sheets and didn't even have a fucking clue of what was he reading.


SolarPowered said:
People have been asking for Zelda, Metroid, and F-zero as launch titles, but I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Endless Ocean even once.

I'll be all over this when it inevitably happens, but I don't think it's launch material. I do think it's possible they use it as a tech demo at E3, though...
From The Dust said:
from Iwata himself at the financial meeting
Now I know the "where" aspect, but I have no idea "when".

I've checked this thread daily, but it must've been lost in all of this speculation. I figured that was just a rumor since I don't remember Iwata confirming anything except that they need to cooperate more closely with third parties.
SolarPowered said:
Now I know the "where" aspect, but I have no idea "when".

I've checked this thread daily, but it must've been lost in all of this speculation. I figured that was just a rumor since I don't remember Iwata confirming anything except that they need to cooperate more closely with third parties.

This was about.... a week ago? Week-and-a-half?


Really Really Exciting Member!
The idea of seeing a Nintendo game that looks "next-gen" makes the 1 month wait more annoying. After 10 years of "Gamecube level" graphics... well, let's just say it's about time.

I wish Nintendo would at least reveal a small game teaser before E3, that month is taking forever!


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Don’t count out a Luigi’s Mansion sequel. Konno has hinted at a 3D Luigi’s Mansion. And Miyamoto leaked that EAD was experimenting with a new ghost game.
Oh? Didn't hear about this one.

Shikamaru Ninja said:
I think Project-Sora is not going to develop the next Smash Bros. Smash Bros. Brawl required a massive team spanning about 4-5 companies collaborating together. I also think Sakurai is done with the franchise for a while. Maybe Nd Cube or Monoloth Soft?
Or Nintendo skips a generation with the franchise. Would be a good thing imo.
Bisnic said:
The idea of seeing a Nintendo game that looks "next-gen" makes the 1 month wait more annoying. After 10 years of "Gamecube level" graphics... well, let's just say it's about time.

I wish Nintendo would at least reveal a small game teaser before E3, that month is taking forever!

Just wait until they announce the launch date... the wait is going to be painful.


Bisnic said:
The idea of seeing a Nintendo game that looks "next-gen" makes the 1 month wait more annoying. After 10 years of "Gamecube level" graphics... well, let's just say it's about time.

I wish Nintendo would at least reveal a small game teaser before E3, that month is taking forever!

I just hope people don't mistakingly believe "next-gen" or "HD" will equal "realistic". That's not going to happen with Nintendo games. Nor should it. Just more detail, more color, larger in scope, etc is what I fully expect. Not vast amounts of blood, swearing, etc...


Really Really Exciting Member!
Effect said:
I just hope people don't mistakingly believe "next-gen" or "HD" will equal "realistic". That's not going to happen with Nintendo games. Nor should it. Just more detail, more color, larger in scope, etc is what I fully expect. Not vast amounts of blood, swearing, etc...

Don't get me wrong, i know games like Mario or Zelda won't become like some of those "mature" western games. When i say next-gen, it's really has more to do with high resolution, strong anti aliasing, better textures, bigger and prettier environnements, better animation, better AI and everything else that follows.


Sadist said:
Or Nintendo skips a generation with the franchise. Would be a good thing imo.

At this point, what do they have that sells better than Smash on consoles? There's basically only Mario Kart, New Super Mario Bros and some "Wii" series titles. I don't think Smash is a title likely to be put on hold for an entire generation, especially considering how the "Wii" series is almost guaranteed to not repeat their performance.
Effect said:
I just hope people don't mistakingly believe "next-gen" or "HD" will equal "realistic". That's not going to happen with Nintendo games. Nor should it. Just more detail, more color, larger in scope, etc is what I fully expect. Not vast amounts of blood, swearing, etc...
If they could only just make a game with the emotional power of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe?"......
So, at this point our semi-reliable rumor list is:

R700 based GPU
25 Gig Discs
8 Gig Flash
3-Core PowerPC processor
Traditional layout controller with a 6" screen.
Compatible with Wiimote


Hard Drive/SD Card compatibility
Specifics on CPU/GPU
RAM (type and capacity)
Motion Control (new variation?)

Confirmed Things:

Partnering with an outside company for online. (source)
Spending more time fostering 3rd party relationships.

Common Sense:

Should support all HD resolutions
HDMI support and component/composite

For all that is holy, switch over to 100 posts per page!
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