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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Why would Nintendo bother releasing a console that's just barely more powerful than an Xbox 360? The 360 will already be 7 years old when the Stream is released...
Exuro said:
What's almost as interesting as the rumours themselves right now are the topics not being addressed by the speculation. For example, how much RAM does Project Cafe have? With the 3DS packing 512MB, we would expect more: at least 1GB. And what about onboard storage: iOS-style flash RAM, SD card support or onboard HDD? Assuming an optical drive, is it DVD or Blu-ray based? Can movies be streamed across to the controllers too?

When did this happen?
I think that's coming in the next system update.


Time Traveler
thehillissilent said:
You do realize that PC games don't usually play off the disc like most consoles games and that the data is uncompressed onto the harddrive when installed? Also, there are other various factors regarding video/sound quality such as graphics hardware that factor into.
Yes I realize that.
Yes I know.

Still, there will be no Blu Ray on the console; Nintendo has ALWAYS prioritized cost and data access speed (loading times) over disc/cartridge space.

Also, the cheapest HDD now is probably the 160 GB one (the smaller ones are not being produced massively, so they are actually more expensive), that's the minimum the Cafe will have, enough to install a lot of games.

People fail to realize it, but Nintendo is not on the business of high end graphics or ultra high quality video. They are on the gaming business, and they only care about selling a lot of them. Nintendo will never make a COD, GTA or GT killer, it's not their thing, it's not their market.
CoffeeJanitor said:

You're really cool dude. Really cool.
Sorry if i offended anyone.

The wii just didn't do it for me. Thats all i was trying to say.

OFrom The Dust said:
except no one was talking about that stuff. we were talking about controlling Pikmin with a pointer vs a gamepad.

Well i didn't have a problem playing pikmin with the GC controller. I would just prefer an actual gamepad for the cafe.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Wait... reading the first post more carefully all Nintendo has confirmed is that its coming in 2012... and it will be demonstrated at E3? (Plus the "Project Cafe" codename from dev. site) That's it? All the rest of the info are rumors?


PokéKong said:
There's no way in my mind they would put out a system with a '2' or 'HD' in the name, making it a sequel diminishes the significance of the console and the console before it, and HD has far too many specific things associated with it and is becoming a meaningless buzz word, they wouldn't want to be so attached to it.
We're more likely to get "Super Wii" or some completely new made up nonsense word. Since it's "Project Cafe", perhaps something fancy and french sounding.
Gahiggidy said:
Wait... reading the first post more carefully all Nintendo has confirmed is that its coming in 2012... and it will be demonstrated at E3? (Plus the "Project Cafe" codename from dev. site) That's it? All the rest of the info are rumors?


Screen on the controller? Why?

At least when the Wii's motion controller was announced you could kind of see the potential for new types of gameplay, but with this you automatically think of GC-GBA connectivity with touch. I hope the console's main feature has yet to be announced.


Boney said:
Do you go shower after taking a dump?

i don't touch other things without washing my hands after visiting the bathroom.

the other dude just said he plays his psp, takes a dump, wipes his ass, continues playing, gets off, washes his hand, then goes. why bother washing your hands if your hands really are that clean? after all, they're clean enough to touch the psp, right?

i hope all of you flush with the lid down, and clean your toilet floors with bleach otherwise you got fecal/urine/toilet water contaminants over your consoles :D

i know many people don't flush with the lid down. here is why you should do it.


sorry for going so off-topic.


Mr. Pointy said:
How possible is it for Nintendo to go for a modified HD-DVD disc format? The biggest problem with going for modified Bluray is that someone will probably find a way to hack a Bluray burner and make copies and images, as it happened with the Wii Optical Disc despite its safeguards. With HD-DVD, that would be near impossible, since no one makes burners or discs for that format any more. Also, discs would be 30GB, maybe 45-51GB if they go triple layer - Final Fantasy XIII and MGS4 are the only two not-Sony games that fill a dual-layer Bluray IIRC.

It would defeat the purpose, since nobody uses it costs increase and nobody burned bluray ps3 games and we see what has happened anyway


Neiteio said:
June 2012 doesn't make much sense for a hardware launch. If you were Nintendo, wouldn't you rather wait until July so that E3 can be a huge impulse buy hype train for the hardcore?

A lot of punk spoiled kids getting off school in June, parents usually like to shower them with gifts.

On another note, I guess its safe to say we probably won't hear anything else tonight about the console?


Please help me with my bad english
Exuro said:
What's almost as interesting as the rumours themselves right now are the topics not being addressed by the speculation. For example, how much RAM does Project Cafe have? With the 3DS packing 512MB, we would expect more: at least 1GB. And what about onboard storage: iOS-style flash RAM, SD card support or onboard HDD? Assuming an optical drive, is it DVD or Blu-ray based? Can movies be streamed across to the controllers too?

When did this happen?
I think it's a typo. They probably meant the 360.
Gahiggidy said:
Wait... reading the first post more carefully all Nintendo has confirmed is that its coming in 2012... and it will be demonstrated at E3? (Plus the "Project Cafe" codename from dev. site) That's it? All the rest of the info are rumors?
Pretty much. It will also be playable at E3 according to them.

Those are the only confirmed pieces.


If anything i've seen the casual crowd calling the wii a "nintendo" over a "wii". The system name doesnt matter. It doesnt have to include wii in the name.
-viper- said:

i don't touch other things without washing my hands after visiting the bathroom.

the other dude just said he plays his psp, takes a dump, wipes his ass, continues playing, gets off, washes his hand, then goes. why bother washing your hands if your hands really are that clean? after all, they're clean enough to touch the psp, right?

i hope all of you flush with the lid down, and clean your toilet floors with bleach otherwise you got fecal/urine/toilet water contaminants over your consoles :D

i know many people don't flush with the lid down. here is why you should do it.


sorry for going so off-topic.
I just started doing this lately. makes sense.

Though I still play my portables on the john
wsippel said:
It does. Digital Foundry is as useless as ever.
They are even suggesting that the GPU may be weaker than Xenos in some applications. Really, Eurogamer, really?

Eurogamer said:
There's also talk of an AMD GPU from the R700 family, which unfortunately tells us very little about what we can expect from Cafe's graphics. However, it does fit in with Nintendo's modus operandi in utilising cheap, existing hardware, most likely with console-specific refinements.

In terms of available power, R700 scales up from anything from a low-power Radeon HD 4350 with 80 streaming processing units all the way to the HD 4890 that utilises 10 times as many. Optimistic speculation zeroes in on the HD 4770 as the most likely candidate for inclusion in Cafe, but our sources suggest that the overall profile of the GPU is much closer to the Xbox 360 - and we've even heard that in some applications it may even operate at a deficit compared to Xenos.

While this may come as a disappointment to many, it's important to remember that Nintendo has achieved incredible success in recent years through a combination of factors: new concepts that appeal to a mainstream audience, a price point that's "right" straight from launch, per-unit profitability from day one and not getting involved in spec wars with rival manufacturers. Wii - and perhaps Project Cafe - aren't consoles with 10-year lifecycles in the way that Xbox 360 and PS3 need to be in order to recoup their costs.

Over and above that, we need to understand that Nintendo's primary focus isn't the core gamer audience. Let's assume for the moment that the Cafe GPU is indeed 50 per cent faster than the Xenos chip in the 360 and identical in every other way, perhaps with an eDRAM boost. In a typical third-party game, what would that 50 per cent actually translate into? Would a mainstream audience be impressed with a higher frame-rate, less aggressive LODs, higher texture detail or even 1080p resolution? If you can't achieve a true generational leap in graphical fidelity that would be noticeable and immediately appealing to a mainstream audience, targeting a new controller concept makes a lot more sense.

That leads us on quite nicely to the business perspective. There's a set unit cost Nintendo needs to stick to and what is obvious is that the inclusion of just one joypad/tablet-style hybrid controller is going to take a significant slice of the available budget, cutting down the available cash for the CPU and graphics tech.


bridegur said:
It'll be interesting to see what games they have to show for it, as I doubt a new Mario is ready to be announced.

If I had to guess, Pikmin 3 will be a launch, aswell as some sort of Mario Party.


thehillissilent said:
They are even suggesting that the GPU is weaker than Xenos. Really, Eurogamer, really?
You know Nintendo messing up their system by throwing away GPU power to render on multiple screens so only a 360 level of power remains is possible. AMD messing up their R700 with a sledgehammer is highly unlikely.

Not to mention that selling that for $350 is crazy so I'm with IGN on this one if they're right about the price.


thehillissilent said:
They are even suggesting that the GPU may be weaker than Xenos in some applications. Really, Eurogamer, really?

Well R700 covers a huge range of chips so I suppose it's technically possible, but yeah very unlikely, he's just being unnecessarily pecessimistic.

Dash Kappei said:
You guys are crazy if you really think Nintendo is going to price spare controllers at more than $50 a pop.

Well if they really do have a 6-inch screen then they may have to if they want to maintain a healthy profit margin (which they will, since accessories have been console makers' bread and butter since forever).
The Eurogamer article is pretty useless. As usual, it's just a summation of information lifted from other sources (read: GAF) coupled with their own conjecture which is rife with errors.


Please help me with my bad english
daakusedo said:
I will maybe have the chance to play four swords adventure now.
On virtual console at launch.
LOL. If I was Nintendo, I'll make a brand new Four Swords and charge you $50 for it.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
neptunes said:
Screen on the controller? Why?

At least when the Wii's motion controller was announced you could kind of see the potential for new types of gameplay, but with this you automatically think of GC-GBA connectivity with touch. I hope the console's main feature has yet to be announced.
I agree. Its got to be something else and IGN et al are jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information. Otherwise, why not just make the 3DS/DSi an optional control method? This idea is over 6 years old.
considering Nintendo had to double the power to get the 3D, they will have to have a good chunk of power to render 4 screens at once. so I would say 360 equivilant at the very least


Dash Kappei said:
You guys are crazy if you really think Nintendo is going to price spare controllers at more than $50 a pop.
Wiimote = $40
Nunchuk = $20
Classic Controller = $20

$40 + $20 = $60

Either way it's $60. I would not be surprised to see a controller for more than $50. Just look at the PS3 controllers.....


From The Dust said:
considering Nintendo had to double the power to get the 3D, they will have to have a good chunk of power to render 4 screens at once. so I would say 360 equivilant at the very least

If it is only equivilant to or roughly around the power of the 360, then that completely shatters my hope of Epic's 'Samaritan' being on Project Cafe. ='[
Nintendo has already removed themselves from cockfighting.

They only need enough power to "do the job". The whole e-peen of my game is better than yours is not their concern.

They need enough power to run UE3 basically to keep up with PS3/360 games.

*** They don't care if internet fans are wishing for "100 gigabytes of ram" in a box. That's not a good business decision, that's a fanboy wetdream decision.

Every penny beyond "do the job" levels of power is a waste of a penny.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Can we have a third thread where only members registered before 2006 are allowed to post?


Please help me with my bad english
Gahiggidy said:
I agree. Its got to be something else and IGN et al are jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information. Otherwise, why not just make the 3DS/DSi an optional control method? This idea is over 6 years old.
IGN is pretty much spot on so far with their info:

According to multiple reports today, Nintendo will reveal a new console at E3 this coming June.

Game Informer first reported the details, saying the console is capable of running games at "HD resolutions." Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and that Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market. Another source said it is capable of 1080p resolutions.

Nintendo is reportedly showing the console to publishers to garner interest for a late 2012 launch.

Additional sources tell IGN that Nintendo will release a pre-announcement this month with a full reveal expected at E3 and that the console will be backwards compatible with current Wii software.

A report from CVG states the new Nintendo console will use an all-new controller - not an updated Wii controller - with sources saying it will have a built-in screen. Additional sources informed IGN the screen has touch capability.
thehillissilent said:
They are even suggesting that the GPU may be weaker than Xenos in some applications. Really, Eurogamer, really?
The craziest thing about that rumor is not really that Nintendo wouldn't go weaker/cheaper (we all know that they would if they could) but that somehow the GPU is weaker than the Xenos but yet capable of feeding a 800 X 500 image to four screens at once and at a $350 to $400 price point. That doesn't sound likely at all.


UntoldDreams said:
Nintendo has already removed themselves from cockfighting.

They only need enough power to "do the job". The whole e-peen of my game is better than yours is not their concern.

They need enough power to run UE3 basically to keep up with PS3/360 games.

*** They don't care if internet fans are wishing for "100 gigabytes of ram" in a box. That's not a good business decision, that's a fanboy wetdream decision.

The point is that Project Cafe exceed 7th generation consoles because it is the beginning of the 8th generation of consoles.
Hiro said:
If it is only equivilant to or roughly around the power of the 360, then that completely shatters my hope of Epic's 'Samaritan' being on Project Cafe. ='[

last I heard, Epic said with optimization, they should get the demo to work on one 590. that's still way too much for a 360/PS3/Cafe.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hiltz said:
Multiple sources tell IGN the console - dubbed Project Cafe - will be "significantly more powerful" than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and be backwards compatible with current Wii software. The console will also utilize a new, tablet-shaped controller. Sources say it will have a 6-inch touch screen display, dual analog sticks, and has the ability to stream content directly from the console.


That's what I'm talking about.
Saint Gregory said:
The craziest thing about that rumor is not really that Nintendo wouldn't go weaker/cheaper (we all know that they would if they could) but that somehow the GPU is weaker than the Xenos but yet capable of feeding a 800 X 500 image to four screens at once and at a $350 to $400 price point. That doesn't sound likely at all.

indeed things aren't adding up

bah words like "significant" and "a notch" mean nothing to me in visualizing the graphics :S.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
Backwards compatible that's a given, but what about our VC games? That must have been discussed before. Like will they let us do something similar to the DSi --> 3DS?
Pimpbaa said:
Why are people thinking streaming games to the controller is the only way this thing is gonna be used? IMO, it's gonna be like the DS by default and the ability to stream games and media is going to be an optional thing.
It's not that it's a mandatory thing--it's that it's such a major option that its presence greatly affects other possibilities, for better and worse. Is it worth trading away the split controller design? If playing on an 800x500ish screen is a big feature, will developers still leave things like 1080p on the backburner? If the screen is at a different aspect ratio than 16:9, which one will games be designed around? Can games really make good use of two screens together if it's also expected to play fine on just one of them? And on and on.
PantherLotus said:
I do like the idea of playing trauma center on this thing.
I don't. If we just want to play Trauma Center on a portable, DS/3DS do a fine job, and NGP could do it at a higher resolution than this controller. If we want to play it on a console I'd prefer not to lose the possibilities the Wii games introduced since they weren't stylus-bound, like having both A and B buttons potentially used for control rather than "touch" or "not touch", as well as any of the actual motion-based maneuvers.
JonCha said:
Also, isn't Nintendo going to be behind the curve again? When Sony and Micro bring out new consoles they are more than likely going to be a step up.
Being behind the curve wasn't a big problem for Wii until recently. If Wii had been a 2004-2009 system rather than a 2006-2011 system, we might not have seen such the late-life slowdown. Releasing before the other guys, they can try that out this time, and still have hardware that will be much more port-friendly than Wii's was simply due to not being rewarmed tech from their previous machine.
bananas said:
Nintendo has show time and time again it doesn't care about having the best, or even comparable technical specs in it's systems.

I say it has 512MB of RAM.
bananas said:
DS, Wii, 3DS.

Those are three different times. My statement stands.
Wii has more RAM than PS2/GCN/Xbox. 3DS has much more RAM than PSP. Café having no more RAM than X360/PS3 would not be the continuation of a trend.
Plinko said:
Thinking ahead to the Cafe's first holiday season:

Mario Galaxy release date: November 2007

Mario Galaxy 2 release date: May 2010

Difference of 18 months.
Sorry mate, but that's 30 months.
DragonKnight said:
No one is expecting a ps3 esque position. Tell me something. Is anyone here seriously okay will the prospect of buying a system that in two years time will receive minimal main stream third party support?
Third parties aren't completely stupid. If they find success in those first years, support will continue. If they find their bread is buttered better elsewhere, so they'll go. Either way, having a hardware head start puts Café in a better software-selling position compared to PS4/X720 than Wii has relative to X360/PS3.
farnham said:
you really want pikmin with GC controlls over the wii controlls

Neither was ideal. Pointer was a good change, but not being able to move the Pikmin with the C-stick while the aiming reticule was elsewhere was a bad change.
Kung Fu Grip said:
BD players are real cheap now.
From The Dust said:
DVD drives are even cheaper
Missing a multiplatform release due to lack of disc space: priceless.
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