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Wii U Community Thread

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Darksiders 2
Pikmin 3
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Nintendoland (Yes im counting this :p)
Lego City Undercover

Add Cloudberry Kingdom, Mighty Switch Force HD, Bit Trip Runner 2 on the Wii U eshop, these games are what I'm looking or I find interesting.


From what I can remember the guys developing Aliens said that their game would look better on the Wii U, and the devs doing Darksiders said the Wii U version would be the definitive interms of game play but probably wouldn't look all that different.

Now that you say it, that sounds familiar. I vaguely recall the Vigil guys making a really big deal about the instant switching of gear/weapons via the touch screen.


I really want to support Aliens: CM on Wii U. That Gearbox dev sounds genuinely excited about the Wii U version, not just treating it as a lazy for-the-heck-of-it port. Hopefully it's actually good.


No expectations. I'm wondering if that would be the best way to deal with Nintendo. Don't pay attention to anything they say or what anyone reports. Then check back every 5 months and see what has been done? Or just check their website every few months and no other outlets? To much or a okay way for one to not be annoyed by their actions or lack of them?
Easiest thing would be to watch for actual announcements (i.e. Nintendo Directs these days) and ignore everything else. Kind of like keeping track of Apple, there's a constant rumor mill that goes year round but they only really announce stuff a few times a year. You can either follow rumors obsessively all the time or just ignore everything other than the occasional actual news.


On the subject of Internet, I just recently noticed that Wii U will support up to 802.11n wi-fi. If I'm not mistaken, didn't the Wii support b only? This would explain the generally low speeds experienced on SpeedTest.

Any techies have an answer to this? I'd like to know too as I always wondered if it was my connection or if the Wii just didn't have that strong of a modem in it.

If I keep my same internet will my connection speeds / ping be the same as they were on the Wii, or will the Wii-U have better internet connections?


Any techies have an answer to this? I'd like to know too as I always wondered if it was my connection or if the Wii just didn't have that strong of a modem in it.

If I keep my same internet will my connection speeds / ping be the same as they were on the Wii, or will the Wii-U have better internet connections?

The Wii used 802.11bg WiFi. The WiiU will support 802.11bgn. 802.11g supported speeds up to 54 Mbps, 802.11n supports speeds in excess of 100 Mbps. Your connection speeds will increase.


Any techies have an answer to this? I'd like to know too as I always wondered if it was my connection or if the Wii just didn't have that strong of a modem in it.

If I keep my same internet will my connection speeds / ping be the same as they were on the Wii, or will the Wii-U have better internet connections?

If you have a fast enough connection (more than 11mbit/s for b, and more than 54mbit/s for g), then you'll get an increase in speeds. This is, of course, assuming your router supports wireless n. Also, Wii used b/g.




I was just wondering. Everyone keeps speculating about the WiiU's processor ,and different PowerPC chips keep coming up. I haven't seen any info released from Nintendo or IBM that points to PowerPC. Both of their official press releases explicitly state Power processor. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the Power and PowerPC lines now distinct from one another. If that is the case why wouldn't their press releases state PowerPC if that is indeed what it is using.
I was just wondering. Everyone keeps speculating about the WiiU's processor ,and different PowerPC chips keep coming up. I haven't seen any info released from Nintendo or IBM that points to PowerPC. Both of their official press releases explicitly state Power processor. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the Power and PowerPC lines now distinct from one another. If that is the case why wouldn't their press releases state PowerPC if that is indeed what it is using.

It's more the case that the PowerPC line was always sort of separate. However, where IBM once had consumer desktop PPCs in make, there are no more. PPC processors were always modified Power processors. They were all pulled into the Power ISA but some processors still contain the PPC moniker including the PPC A2.
Didn't they say the Wii U version wouldn't be different at all?

Vigil is on record as saying it will not be graphically different. The difference will come with the controller interface.

2. Do WE think that Nintendo would have benefited from highlighting Darksiders II and Aliens: Colonial Marines more than they did at the press conference, or are those games not quite big enough to focus on?

ShockingAlberto said Sega pulled it "at the last minute" or something along those lines.

I was just wondering. Everyone keeps speculating about the WiiU's processor ,and different PowerPC chips keep coming up. I haven't seen any info released from Nintendo or IBM that points to PowerPC. Both of their official press releases explicitly state Power processor. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the Power and PowerPC lines now distinct from one another. If that is the case why wouldn't their press releases state PowerPC if that is indeed what it is using.

PowerPC comes from the target specs. As for how IBM names their processor lines, Power is the general name. PowerPC and POWER (all caps) are the two lines under Power. So when IBM says Power (not in all caps) it could be either of the two.


PowerPC comes from the target specs. As for how IBM names their processor lines, Power is the general name. PowerPC and POWER (all caps) are the two lines under Power. So when IBM says Power (not in all caps) it could be either of the two.

Thanks bg, that makes sense now.


Easiest thing would be to watch for actual announcements (i.e. Nintendo Directs these days) and ignore everything else. Kind of like keeping track of Apple, there's a constant rumor mill that goes year round but they only really announce stuff a few times a year. You can either follow rumors obsessively all the time or just ignore everything other than the occasional actual news.

That does seem like the better way to go. All the rumor speculation an be a bit much at times.


So can we safely assume that most-all virtual console games can be played exclusively on the tablet? Honestly that is one of my top wants as far as features go for the system.


Thanks! :)

EDIT: Havnt heard of Rabbids Land before now. What are the odds, same style (?) as Nintendoland, and also sharing "Land" in the name.

And i also wonder when we will hear more about japanese support. The console is out in maybe 4-5 months and we know of like three 3rd party titles, where one is a port (Dragon Quest X).

It seems Japanese support wont be announced until Sept at the Fall Conf.

It seems like WiiU may come to NA first since Japan is getting stuff announced much latter. I could see WiiU in NA in Oct and Europe Nov and Japan Dec.
So can we safely assume that most-all virtual console games can be played exclusively on the tablet? Honestly that is one of my top wants as far as features go for the system.

Did I miss when this was addressed by Nintendo? Otherwise, there's no technical reason why this shouldn't be possible -- I mean, the GamePad is basically just a different monitor port -- but that doesn't actually mean it's something implemented. For all we know, Nintendo might decide to go into "It's Nintendo" mode here. ;)


Did I miss when this was addressed by Nintendo? Otherwise, there's no technical reason why this shouldn't be possible -- I mean, the GamePad is basically just a different monitor port -- but that doesn't actually mean it's something implemented. For all we know, Nintendo might decide to go into "It's Nintendo" mode here. ;)

My thoughts exactly. I don't believe this has been addressed, but no VC game will need multiple screens. Unless there's something I'm not aware of technically, there is no reason for it to not be possible. Its just too good for Nintendo to pass up in my opinion.


Did I miss when this was addressed by Nintendo? Otherwise, there's no technical reason why this shouldn't be possible -- I mean, the GamePad is basically just a different monitor port -- but that doesn't actually mean it's something implemented. For all we know, Nintendo might decide to go into "It's Nintendo" mode here. ;)

Yeah, I am just gonna assume that you can play VC games on the DRC. Something so obviously useful would be insane not include.


VC games have to be playable on the pad, they'll look much better on it anyway. Rather than being stretched out on a HD screen.
VC games have to be playable on the pad, they'll look much better on it anyway. Rather than being stretched out on a HD screen.

They could pixel-double and put it in borders (it'll be 960 lines. or about 89% of a 1080p TV's height), and it won't be mangled in any way aside from being larger. I mean, it'll have to have borders if it's on the GamePad screen anyway, because it's a different aspect ratio.
VC games have to be playable on the pad, they'll look much better on it anyway. Rather than being stretched out on a HD screen.

I can't see the feature not being there. If what Vigil said way back when about it taking "two lines of code and five minutes" to run a game on the GP, then there's no reason it won't happen.


They could pixel-double and put it in borders (it'll be 960 lines. or about 89% of a 1080p TV's height), and it won't be mangled in any way aside from being larger. I mean, it'll have to have borders if it's on the GamePad screen anyway, because it's a different aspect ratio.

How does pixel-doubling work for N64 and Gamecube games? Those are the ones I'd be concerned about most on a 1080p screen.



Newbie here...just got my account activated today. I just want to first say that I am happy, proud, and honored to be able to be an active part of the NeoGAF community. Second of all, as a hardcore Nintendo fan I've been like most others and have lurked the WUST threads for some time now (even got to see all of the drama with IdeaMan and people hating on him). I'm super stoked about Wii U and am looking forward to being able to discuss it with fellow Nintendo diehards :)


You guys weren't talking about anything important were you?

Oh, who am I kidding? This is the WiiU thread. Of course you weren't.



You guys weren't talking about anything important were you?

Oh, who am I kidding? This is the WiiU thread. Of course you weren't.

Hey. We (they) were sort of talking about Internet capabilities and VC resolutions. And, dang, more fellow juniors. I guess we have some holes to fill. I might voluntarily take SNESfreak's duty of making short and sweet quips in anti-Nintendo threads. :D

In all seriousness, the ability to use Off-TV Play for VC games would be one heck of a selling point. I fear that this functionality might not be implemented right away (a la several features for the 3DS), but who knows. I can only imagine playing full N64 (GCN?) games in bed....
Hey. We (they) were sort of talking about Internet capabilities and VC resolutions. And, dang, more fellow juniors. I guess we have some holes to fill. I might voluntarily take SNESfreak's duty of making short and sweet quips in anti-Nintendo threads. :D

In all seriousness, the ability to use Off-TV Play for VC games would be one heck of a selling point. I fear that this functionality might not be implemented right away (a la several features for the 3DS), but who knows. I can only imagine playing full N64 (GCN?) games in bed....
The easiest way to win is to not be bothered by it. I mean... as much as I love Nintendo... it's only videogames.

Let those that get a creepy pleasure out of trying to stir shit get their kicks. If they become too much of a hassle they'll be disposed of.

As will I if my eclectic humor lands me in the banned-bin.


Actually I was just about to bring up the system seller that everyone is forgetting about... Wii U Panorama View

All I remember about Panorama View is that they showed it along with Wii Fit U and that balls-fake family on Nintendo's E3 site after their conference. Hoping that there would be a megaton announcement slipped in, watching those demos made me sick and vow never to purchase either of them. (....Even if Wii Fit U actually looks fun and Panorama View will probably be built-in software. Hush.)


I really hope not. The last thing we need is more developers going under. But you're probably right, we'll see them roll out the excuses soon enough.

P.S. You can make a drinking game out of anything if you are dedicated enough... lol

This sort of attitude really ticks me off. How can anyone be so ignorant to say developers make excuses to not publish on the wii, despite profitability. If a developer is under the impression that there is a profit to be made, they will attempt to make it, because that is the nature of any company. Such posters are the ones that give nintendo fans a bad name. Crazy.



All I remember about Panorama View is that they showed it along with Wii Fit U and that balls-fake family on Nintendo's E3 site after their conference. Hoping that there would be a megaton announcement slipped in, watching those demos made me sick and vow never to purchase either of them. (....Even if Wii Fit U actually looks fun and Panorama View will probably be built-in software. Hush.)

Most likely. I can't see anybody paying for that. But hey, Nintendo did try to get people to pay for Wii Music. I'll probably be deleting it though if it is. No need to waste memory on something I'll never use.


This sort of attitude really ticks me off. How can anyone be so ignorant to say developers make excuses to not publish on the wii, despite profitability. If a developer is under the impression that there is a profit to be made, they will attempt to make it, because that is the nature of any company. Such posters are the ones that give nintendo fans a bad name. Crazy.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. A lot of developers went out of business this gen, because they chose not to support the wii. Despite the high install base and lower development costs.


Neo Member
Hey all,

I'll make this quick because I know there's been a massive influx of new members. I'm Poopaloop, if you follow the site you Go to for Nintendo news you might know me from the podcast images. I've been following you all since the Speculation Threads and genuinely admired your enthusiasm for Nintendo while still being level-headed, so...hope to gush endlessly about the Big N with you in the future!

Regarding the bloated development costs of last generation, now that the Wii U is also in HD, is anyone concerned MORE smaller business will be closing their doors in the coming few years, or do you feel the increase in popularity for downloadable titles and the decent installbase for the 3DS will keep them afloat? I'd be sad to see that we finally got the Nintendo HD console we all hoped for and it ended up with us losing a lot of smaller third parties because there was no lower cost console to develop for any more.


Where they confirmed for launch/launch window?

Yes (~window)! I also never see Trine 2 Director's Cut on those game lists that get posted up here.

So can we safely assume that most-all virtual console games can be played exclusively on the tablet? Honestly that is one of my top wants as far as features go for the system.

do not, I repeat, do not safely assume anything unless 100% confirmed :D

Also Sarah Jones makes Alcatraz delicious.

she was the only reason to keep watching that sad mess of a show.


PowerPC comes from the target specs. As for how IBM names their processor lines, Power is the general name. PowerPC and POWER (all caps) are the two lines under Power. So when IBM says Power (not in all caps) it could be either of the two.
There's also PowerEN, PowerXCell and Blue Gene/X. Five lines, all Power.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Again, isn't the likely issue with texture pop-in to do with streaming issues, given that - apparently - devs only got access to the optical drive shortly before E3 and had to ship demos on disc, when up until then they had been working with - I would assume - simulated read times etc. on dev kits?
Precisely this concern was the reason there was a discussion in this very thread about nintendo not being nice to 3rd parties when mandating demos to be on optical-media right before E3.
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