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Wii U Community Thread

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people might get nintendoland if there's a b2g1f sale like the vita got after it bombed.

pikmin 3, nsmbu, rayman legends

assassin's creed 3, zombi u, nintendo land


It seems Japanese support wont be announced until Sept at the Fall Conf.

It seems like WiiU may come to NA first since Japan is getting stuff announced much latter. I could see WiiU in NA in Oct and Europe Nov and Japan Dec.
I'd be surprised if Japan gets the WiiU last. I'm guessing a worldwide launch like the Wii, with maybe ~2 weeks difference tops between the territories.

But yeah, regarding japanese 3rd party support, it is still early, so i see no reason to not take the "wait and see" approach at this point in time.

Glass Joe

The Wii U will have internal software just like the 3DS. Patents seem to link that it will have some apps and some simple family games like chess, checkers, go, that can be played on the console or on the tablet (also shown on the demo video).

But Nintendo Land is a different beast. Where Wii Sports had no marketable IP and was rather lower budget. AR Games and Face Raiders were even lower on the totem poll. Nintendo Land is a real marketable product unlike the above. It would be smarter for Nitendo to sell the system for $249.99 without the game, and count on the high software tie ratio, than Nintendo selling it for $299.99 with the game. Forum analysts were also swearing that Pilotwings Resort would be a pack-in with the 3DS system all just because Nintendo packed in Wii Sports once upon a time.

Game & Wario isn't being released in the same time frame, and the Wario franchise has proven it does mediocre steady numbers. But the real genius would be including demos on the system. That actually works the idea of previewing a product, and selling it.

It could also be a matter of "fixing the books," in a way. Say for a completely hypothetical example, the Wii U is looking to be sold for $250, as the base unit with no game. But let's also say that Nintendo discovers that it actually costs them $275 to manufacture. If they take a $25 hit per console, the stock holders would be livid.

But Nintendo Land, which they could potentially sell for $50-$60, is something they could write off as some sort of R&D cost. It would then be something they could stick in for a buck or two. Then suddenly there's an on paper, profitable console out of the gate for $299. Kind of a forced 1:1 tie-in to make the health of the system look better. Consumers do equate a "free" game as added value, even if they don't realize they're technically paying for it. So depending on how the #'s look, Nintendo might do something like that.
I feel the same
I'm totally fine paying for the game if it's included with the console
so far it looks fun and well done. Giving it a try wouldn't do any harm just like I did with Wii Sports
But I just can't see myself paying for it as a retail game. It is just not my cup of tea

Same, except I know I wouldn't pay for it if it was a stand alone game.

Now that I think of it I would maybe pay for it if it is sold at a low price. I'm not sure though how much would I pay.


I think Nintendo Land is worth more as a pack-in to get people familiarized with franchises they may never have played. That will mean additional potential sales of the mainline games as they are released.

Nintendo would be stupid to not include it with the system.

Glass Joe

I agree that Nintendoland should be a pack in. It's going to get mixed reviews for sure, just like Wii Sports did. However, Wii Sports was a sensation that moved hardware to casuals because it was fun and explained the console's features to people. Nintendoland could have a similar effect, though I don't feel it will be as explosively popular regardless.

pikmin 3 was done in like, 2010.

Even if every launch window game was done in time, they still need to spread out releases though. Otherwise people will complain about a drought like Vita. They won't buy a couple month old game sitting on a shelf they haven't tried because it's no longer seen as "new."

Also if people can buy Pikmin 3, Nintendoland, and NSMB U all at the same time, we'll run into a situation that Nintendo tried to avoid with 3DS: Everyone buys Nintendo games and ignores 3rd parties. Pikmin would make a nice holiday core title, with Wii Fit U also being a good X-mas casual game. That gives room for Zombi U to get noticed at launch, and hopefully also Assassin's Creed 3.

But actually a lot of the success Assassin's Creed 3 has or does not have will be if the U launches by the time it's out. Even if there's just a two week delay, a lot of potential buyers will have a PS3 or 360 won't wait. We're still not sure the U port will actually be superior or different.

It's the same thing but worse for Batman, Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden 3, etc. Some of those titles will be less than $40 on competing consoles if they're not already, compared to what I'm sure will be a standard $60 tag for new U software.
And now you brought it to a new forum page :p

(I reckon some of you guys have the forum configured for 100 posts, but jumping page on the 50th post makes yours the first on a new page for me, and unlogged people)

I'm kinda hoping nobody bites.

That's why I at least deleted the link. They'll have to do a little "extra work" to find it. :)

Sorry....still a rookie :(

No need to apologize. If you didn't post it someone more than likely would have though things were looking good. WiiUDaily is the site that brought us such hits as Wii U will have "768mb of eDRAM". I saw their specs C&P'd in a thread on another board. We wouldn't be hearing the same complaints we have if the console had been shaping up like that. Plus they have the GPU at 50W alone.


That's why I at least deleted the link. They'll have to do a little "extra work" to find it. :)

No need to apologize. If you didn't post it someone more than likely would have though things were looking good. WiiUDaily is the site that brought us such hits as Wii U will have "768mb of eDRAM". I saw their specs C&P'd in a thread on another board. We wouldn't be hearing the same complaints we have if the console had been shaping up like that. Plus they have the GPU at 50W alone.
Ok thanks. Haha, that "768mb eDRAM" rumor was a classic. I wonder how big the GPU die would have to be?


In a related note to my earlier post about Nintendo announcing launch details for Wii on September 14, 2006, I looked up the 1UP Show for that week. A couple of interesting things:

1. The gaming press was pretty meh on Wii leading up to launch - and the crew as a whole is not sold - much like Iwata's comments at the shareholders things
2. This event is where Wii Sports Bowling and Boxing made their debut
3. I was reminded that the E3 Twilight Princess demo had different controls than shipped in the final game
4. The video is pretty lo-fi, but makes me really miss 1UP in its heyday. I love GB Quick Looks and GameTrailers, but nothing stands up to the varied group at Ziff Davis and the preview and review coverage that 1UP Show carried each week.

Ok thanks. Haha, that "768mb eDRAM" rumor was a classic. I wonder how big the GPU die would have to be?

They said it was on the CPU. Though according to the density of IBM's eDRAM, it would have added only ~45mm^2 to the CPU.

People wouldn't know how to act if the CPU had 96MB of eDRAM.


They said it was on the CPU. Though according to the density of IBM's eDRAM, it would have added only ~45mm^2 to the CPU.

People wouldn't know how to act if the CPU had 96MB of eDRAM.

Really? 768MB of eDRAM would only be 45mm^2? I figured it would be about the size of a small tea saucer. Learn something new everyday.


Even if every launch window game was done in time, they still need to spread out releases though. Otherwise people will complain about a drought like Vita. They won't buy a couple month old game sitting on a shelf they haven't tried because it's no longer seen as "new."

Also if people can buy Pikmin 3, Nintendoland, and NSMB U all at the same time, we'll run into a situation that Nintendo tried to avoid with 3DS: Everyone buys Nintendo games and ignores 3rd parties. Pikmin would make a nice holiday core title, with Wii Fit U also being a good X-mas casual game. That gives room for Zombi U to get noticed at launch, and hopefully also Assassin's Creed 3.

But actually a lot of the success Assassin's Creed 3 has or does not have will be if the U launches by the time it's out. Even if there's just a two week delay, a lot of potential buyers will have a PS3 or 360 won't wait. We're still not sure the U port will actually be superior or different.

It's the same thing but worse for Batman, Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden 3, etc. Some of those titles will be less than $40 on competing consoles if they're not already, compared to what I'm sure will be a standard $60 tag for new U software.

I don't think Pikmin 3 will make this holiday season really..
Really? 768MB of eDRAM would only be 45mm^2? I figured it would be about the size of a small tea saucer. Learn something new everyday.

That was the other problem with that rumor. It said 768mb, not 768MB.

bg is saying 768Mbit, hence 96MBytes.

edit: judging by the Power 7 die, 96MB should be 185mm^2 @ 45nm (just the cells, ignoring transistors for interfacing/interconnects etc).

http://www.realworldtech.com/iedm-2010/3/ 1Mbit = 0.24mm^2

I got my math wrong. An old B3D post that I always refer to had the density at 2.1mm^2 per MB and I divided for some reason instead of multiplying

So based on that it would be 201.6mm^2


I don't think Pikmin 3 will make this holiday season really..

If Nintendo listened to what people thought of Pikmin 3, of it's visuals and maybe online, it might not launch until 2013. That is Nintendo wants it to sell really well and for there to be no reason for it not to sell. It looks nice but really for a new game that is suppose to be on a system that is better then the PS3/360 it should look better. It being a launch game doesn't cut it. This game has been in development to long for that excuse to be used.

I do hope it's delayed to address the online issue. Even if it's just leaderboards and mayber online co-op of some kind it would go a long way. Fans of the series might feel it doesn't matter but they certainly do not want to sell it only to fans of the series. Lack of these options could easily cause a person already on the fence not to buy it. Nintendo needs for all it's flagship launch titles to do very well. Or to appear to have done really well. This game needs to have an online component to it.
If Nintendo listened to what people thought of Pikmin 3, of it's visuals and maybe online, it might not launch until 2013. That is Nintendo wants it to sell really well and for there to be no reason for it not to sell. It looks nice but really for a new game that is suppose to be on a system that is better then the PS3/360 it should look better. It being a launch game doesn't cut it. This game has been in development to long for that excuse to be used.

I do hope it's delayed to address the online issue. Even if it's just leaderboards and mayber online co-op of some kind it would go a long way. Fans of the series might feel it doesn't matter but they certainly do not want to sell it only to fans of the series. Lack of these options could easily cause a person already on the fence not to buy it. Nintendo needs for all it's flagship launch titles to do very well. Or to appear to have done really well. This game needs to have an online component to it.

I'm not getting my hopes up about the online aspect. I just hope they do something about those ground textures. Everything else looks so good that those textures stick out like a sore thumb.
So it's nice to finally join the party....

After talking to bg in another forum, I think I'm finally getting a much clearer expectation of what to expect from the Wii U GPU (still speculation of course):

-Wii U GPU is based on the R700 architecture since development on GPU started in 2009
-We should expect performance (not necessarily exactly the same features) very close to a Radeon HD 4850 with 1GB GDDR5
-Nintendo has taken measures to ensure that the heavily customized GPU will be low in power consumption, possibly as low as 35watts.
-Wii U's GPU may have possibly influenced AMD in the design of the Radeon E6760 (Nintendo's deal with Green Hills) since that embedded GPU holds many similar modern features (GPGPU capabilities, Compute Shaders, Open CL & Multi-display support) that have been added to Wii U's GPU over time of development but was released in 2011.

The HD 4850 was a really good GPU at the time, so putting 2012 features in it would pretty much make it a decent GPU by today's standards. Not bad Nintendo.....Wii U = modern day Gamecube? Nintendo created magic in a box with that system in 2001, it seems like they might be doing something similar with the Wii U.


I know I'm a little late to the party on the price discussion, but personally I would pay an extra $50 for some sort of "core" edition with a solid sized Nintendo branded external hard drive included. I don't currently have one and I seem to love to throw my money at Nintendo. I would easily do $350 for such a bundle, or $379.99 for said bundle with a game included (other than NintendoLand).
I know I'm a little late to the party on the price discussion, but personally I would pay an extra $50 for some sort of "core" edition with a solid sized Nintendo branded external hard drive included. I don't currently have one and I seem to love to throw my money at Nintendo. I would easily do $350 for such a bundle, or $379.99 for said bundle with a game included (other than NintendoLand).

If they "included" some external hard drive with the system as a different bundle, I'd rather buy my own external drive separate because you'd probably get a much better hard drive with more space and more options to pick from by shopping around on Newegg.....
So it's nice to finally join the party....

After talking to bg in another forum, I think I'm finally getting a much clearer expectation of what to expect from the Wii U GPU (still speculation of course):

-Wii U GPU is based on the R700 architecture since development on GPU started in 2009
-We should expect performance (not necessarily exactly the same features) very close to a Radeon HD 4850 with 1GB GDDR5
-Nintendo has taken measures to ensure that the heavily customized GPU will be low in power consumption, possibly as low as 35watts.
-Wii U's GPU may have possibly influenced AMD in the design of the Radeon E6760 (Nintendo's deal with Green Hills) since that embedded GPU holds many similar modern features (GPGPU capabilities, Compute Shaders, Open CL & Multi-display support) that have been added to Wii U's GPU over time of development but was released in 2011.

The HD 4850 was a really good GPU at the time, so putting 2012 features in it would pretty much make it a decent GPU by today's standards. Not bad Nintendo.....Wii U = modern day Gamecube? Nintendo created magic in a box with that system in 2001, it seems like they might be doing something similar with the Wii U.

For some reason I get the same feeling. Though I really can't explain it, since I'm pretty tech-illiterate. But even someone like me could tell that there's something "magical" about their consoles, especially the gamecube, just by looking at the games.

Also, welcome, fellow Junior! At this rate, the WUST will be back to its former glory in no time!


If they "included" some external hard drive with the system as a different bundle, I'd rather buy my own external drive separate because you'd probably get a much better hard drive with more space and more options to pick from by shopping around on Newegg.....

Yes but with the amount of money I throw at the company, I might as well just join my bank account with them. I'm a reckless supporter. I can't help it.


Nintendo's 2001 magic console didn't sell very well in comparison to its competition, though. :/

I don't think there's any comparing to previous generations. Each new cycle brings new ideas, challenges, technology, and audiences. That said, I'm glad Nintendo is trying to strike a balance between the drying up casual crowd and the always hungry "hardcore" crowd. [Loyal Nintendo fans will always buy their consoles, lol.]
For some reason I get the same feeling. Though I really can't explain it, since I'm pretty tech-illiterate. But even someone like me could tell that there's something "magical" about their consoles, especially the gamecube, just by looking at the games.

Also, welcome, fellow Junior! At this rate, the WUST will be back to its former glory in no time!


Well what made the old speculation threads so cool is that 1: They were on the main page. 2: It was all about the people posting in those threads that made it so good.....most of them have gotten ran over by the hype train since then.

It's all good though :p


.....most of them have gotten ran over by the hype train since then.

That's what we're here for! :p Although I had that knot in my gut immediately after Ninty's conference, there's no way I'd have blown up on GAF. I can tell there's absolutely no screwing around on this forum.


That's what we're here for! :p Although I had that knot in my gut immediately after Ninty's conference, there's no way I'd have blown up on GAF. I can tell there's absolutely no screwing around on this forum.

Yea I've been lurking this forum since the Mario 128 demo days on project Dolphin so I know for sure this is not the place to lose your cool.

Anyway back on topic I'm wondering if Nintendo plans to spread it's launch titles out so that the holiday season will be covered. For example, they may have a game like Pikmin 3 come out in the December time frame or a game like Project P-100 in like early 2013.
That's what we're here for! :p Although I had that knot in my gut immediately after Ninty's conference, there's no way I'd have blown up on GAF. I can tell there's absolutely no screwing around on this forum.

lol no doubt....don't want to end up like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGkGiiUydD0

Yeah, I was scratching my head at the E3 conference too but I knew something was up when they didn't show certain games that we knew were in development before E3 even started.

Although I was really against buying PS2-Wii ports back in 2007, I think I'll bite on a few with Wii U. It's a little different though since some of these "ports" are from brand new games like Darksiders II and ASCIII. I'll keep far away from Batman though.....such a waste if you ask me.


Lol, three days. That's impressive.

I'm sure Ninty won't dump their bigger releases all at the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Pikmin 3 is held for a month or two.
*sigh of relief*

Feels so good to finally be able to post.
I've been lurking the forum since WUST III, so I'm definitely excited to finally be able to join the conversation.


A little late for the NintendoLand discussion, but since a lot of the games are multiplayer, I could see them bundling it with a pro controller or something, making it even more desirable. Though I would prefer it to be pack in, and might not get it (right away) if it's not.
Wow first post, hello everyone! I am so excited to be part of neogaf, for years this website has been my favorite place for rumors,leaks,announcements. I can't believe i had to wait this long but it was worth it! OT: I am still excited about the Wii u, even though Nintendo had a pretty lackluster presentation.
Wow first post, hello everyone! I am so excited to be part of neogaf, for years this website has been my favorite place for rumors,leaks,announcements. I can't believe i had to wait this long but it was worth it! OT: I am still excited about the Wii u, even though Nintendo had a pretty lackluster presentation.


I think we are pretty much past the E3 disappointment, especially after that Nintendo Direct about a week ago. Nintendo has a lot they could show or talk about, but they want to do it their way and not when the gaming press wants it. Cheers to them for having the balls to do that despite the huge expectations to the opposite.

The one thing that I do wish they did is instead of showing Batman, they could have shown a new game from a third party and gone more in-depth with that instead of showing a nearly year old game with texture streaming issues. An Aliens presentation or something like that would have been a lot better to not only generate some excitement but also not be so boring and predictable.

We already knew how Batman looked and for a port that was originally built with the Wii U NOT in mind, we knew the controls weren't going to be mind blowing. That right there was enough to be a bigger disappointment for me than that game with a Nintendo and a Land in it.....
So it's nice to finally join the party....

After talking to bg in another forum, I think I'm finally getting a much clearer expectation of what to expect from the Wii U GPU (still speculation of course):

-Wii U GPU is based on the R700 architecture since development on GPU started in 2009
-We should expect performance (not necessarily exactly the same features) very close to a Radeon HD 4850 with 1GB GDDR5
-Nintendo has taken measures to ensure that the heavily customized GPU will be low in power consumption, possibly as low as 35watts.
-Wii U's GPU may have possibly influenced AMD in the design of the Radeon E6760 (Nintendo's deal with Green Hills) since that embedded GPU holds many similar modern features (GPGPU capabilities, Compute Shaders, Open CL & Multi-display support) that have been added to Wii U's GPU over time of development but was released in 2011.

The HD 4850 was a really good GPU at the time, so putting 2012 features in it would pretty much make it a decent GPU by today's standards. Not bad Nintendo.....Wii U = modern day Gamecube? Nintendo created magic in a box with that system in 2001, it seems like they might be doing something similar with the Wii U.

Sounds like IGN. Though I wouldn't suggest honing in on the 4850.

768 millibits?



Neo Member
A little late for the NintendoLand discussion, but since a lot of the games are multiplayer, I could see them bundling it with a pro controller or something, making it even more desirable. Though I would prefer it to be pack in, and might not get it (right away) if it's not.

NintendoLand would have to be really impressive for me to buy it as a standalone game, although I could see bundling it with a pro controller could be somewhat enticing.

I know a lot of people are knocking Nintendo for just releasing another NSMB game, but I have actually never played any of the NSMB series (I know - shame on me!), so I figure I might finally give it a try on the Wii U. The only downside is that I will probably only have enough money to get one title at launch. So long story short, I probably won't get NintendoLand for quite a while unless it is a pack in. In agreement with you :)

Also, I am glad to finally be on these forums! I've been lurking for a while (reading several of the last WUST's leading up to E3.) and I hope I will be able to make valuable contributions to discussion here :)


So I seem to remember hearing about the GCN's performance being roughly doubled very near to launch. Just for the sake of curiosity, does anyone else remember this? I'm not (even close to) implying that it could happen again, I just keep thinking of this in relation to Iwata's statement that the developers are only utilizing half of the Wii U's potential.


Not for me I quit if there is no wiimote support.

How much do you guys feel you benefit from motion aiming in shooters? I feel more comfortable with dual analogue still, but I don't have any wiimote shooter experience outside of MP3, The Conduit, and Red Steel. Is it that noticeable?


The GameFAQs GoldenEye Wii community is convinced that Wiimote beats out CCP users every time. I can learn dual analog, but IR is just too nice. The issue with the Wiimote and Nunchuk, though, is that it doesn't quite have enough buttons for a game like Call of Duty. I had to map tactical grenades to twist Wiimote + plus button, which is pretty awkward.


How much do you guys feel you benefit from motion aiming in shooters? I feel more comfortable with dual analogue still, but I don't have any wiimote shooter experience outside of MP3, The Conduit, and Red Steel. Is it that noticeable?

Pointer controls > *

I don't play many shooters at all but the ones I played on Wii felt a lot better with pointer. I can't play well at all with dual analog.

I have never seen so many juniors in my life.

Welcome to NeoGAF everyone ^_^

I've only been posting a few days and I'm already up to almost 300 posts

I have an addiction already x_x

Also, what are the requirements to be upgraded to member? I think 300 posts is one and I've already accomplised it ._.
How much do you guys feel you benefit from motion aiming in shooters? I feel more comfortable with dual analogue still, but I don't have any wiimote shooter experience outside of MP3, The Conduit, and Red Steel. Is it that noticeable?
Speed, accuracy, reaction time, all get way better for me when I use pointers to the point I'll never go back to dual analogs for anything competitive. single player or COOP the game has to be fun to play.....
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