That aside unless there's exclusive titles I'm not sure if we can expect a lot, given that most companies are probably preparing for 720/PS4. There probably are not too many projects for current gen consoles left (except for maybe the unwanted and rumored FF XIII-2), are there ?
Everyone get your salt shakers out....
3.4GHz on an out of order CPU? Lol.....fake
$299 Launch with Game Pad
- No wiimote
- No Pack-In-Game
Nintendo Land and NSMBU retail launch games. Both will sell bucketloads. Maybe Nintendo sneaks one more first-party game (Sing?).
Serious question, why would that spec be fake? Are most OOO CPUs clocked lower?
are those your guesses or you know something about it?
I'm asking because I've read you knew about a lot of Wii U stuff before.
Anyway... I know there's like 200 million Wiimotes out there
but I don't see how Nintendo is expecting the wiimote (let alone the nunckuk) to be supported by third parties if they don't include it in the box.
Please explain! Is that a game?
Yeah, it's coming to the Wii U (as well as others).
The developers of Sadness is making this.
In other words it is not a real game and will never be released.
Well, Nibris the original developers of Sadness merged with Blooper Team which are the devs of Medium.
Honestly feel that we will be lucky if 3rd parties actually even support the Wiimote next gen.
I think you're right
before E3 it was like... well, they don't have any choice. The system only supports one gamepad and there's not other option to play multiplayer than wiimotes. But now
the system supports two gamepads AND Nintendo introduced the Wii U Classic Controller Pro which to be honest is a 360 controller clone that all developers love.
RIP Wiimote![]()
$299 Launch with Game Pad
- No wiimote
- No Pack-In-Game
Nintendo Land and NSMBU retail launch games. Both will sell bucketloads. Maybe Nintendo sneaks one more first-party game (Sing?).
Serious question, why would that spec be fake? Are most OOO CPUs clocked lower?
I'm hoping against hope that we get more heads-up time this time around; learning details during August's Nintendo Direct would be fantastic.. and improbable.Always interested to see your input.
I just looked up that the original Wii price and launch was finalized on September 14, 2006 p which was a Thursday. Not that that they will do the same this year.
*sigh* back to DA shooters then
$299 Launch with Game Pad
- No wiimote
- No Pack-In-Game
Nintendo Land and NSMBU retail launch games. Both will sell bucketloads. Maybe Nintendo sneaks one more first-party game (Sing?).
3.4GHz Out-of-order cpus have existed in the consumer market since at least early 2004.
(granted, those particular cpus would be a terrible fit here, but the discussion is about whether this sort of thing is possible in general in a consumer market)
Mainly fake because of what BG said with Nintendo being concerned for heat output. Nintendo wants the GPU to do the bulk of the work, so Nintendo was aiming for a low CPU clock. That's why it's fake. I guess I worded it wrong. If Nintendo put in a 3.4GHz tri-core OoO CPU in the Wii U, then there wouldn't be any complaints about the CPU inside the U.
If it doesn't have a Wii Remote in the box, I'll eat my hat
Ignoring me won't make me go away.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Oh... Monkey envy?
[quote="Sheroking, post: 39597565"]Did somebody say new users?
I come bearing figs and tequila.[/QUOTE]
Monkeys! Monkeys everywhere!
Yeah, it's coming to the Wii U (as well as others).
:O So beauti...
The developers of Sadness is making this.
If it doesn't have a Wii Remote in the box, I'll eat my hat
Everyone get your salt shakers out....
3.4GHz on an out of order CPU? Lol.....fake
3 GB memory for dev kits, 1.5 GB of memory for retail consoles
Still, this site is about as legit as a tabloid paper.
Extra RAM is usually for debugging purposes only with some exceptions (ex:3DS, Xbox 360).This is what stood out to me. If this rumor is remotely true, is this a typical thing for hardware developers to do? I'd understand if Nintendo were still deciding how much RAM they wanted to include in Wii U; however, I can foresee issues if software devs utilized more RAM than what will be in the actual console.
Since I'm finally able to post.. I just wanted to add to the discussion, maybe a little off topic. But, I don't know if someone else feel's the same about NintendoLand and Nintendo's E3 anymore? I'm actually starting to think that NintendoLand will be a good game (if packed in) at launch, and will make WiiU fly off the shelves this holiday. A month ago I would not be able to say this but I think everything will be alright. On the meantime, I'm having a great time with my 3DS (Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D bundle edition).
I am really looking forward to discuss the Wii U launch with all of you.
Nintendo Land should be a pack-in game. Yes, I know they can sell it as a standalone game, and I'm not spelling doom; but I'm highlighting that first off, the public perception of the $300 value for the platform includes the game, second, Wii Sports wasn't supposed to be included at first either (the console was originally going to cost $199) but pressure from retailers for a higher pricepoint made Nintendo make that "offering".
And it proved to be a stroke of genius. Since then, they tried to include software with their platforms, 3DS had the Mii RPG, the AR games and Face Raiders. If they want to sell this experience they ought to include that one.
Specially since otherwise Game & Wario will be competing for the same userbase too.
I hope you like hats. Why should it have one? You can play perfectly without one. It's necessary for multiplayer, but they didn't give you two remotes with the wii.
There are over 200 million wii remotes sold worldwide. I'm sure people upgrading to Wii U won't need it. If new gamers who skipped the Wii want one, they can pay $40 for it.Because Nintendo's really pushing two big things about the Wii-U: the GamePad and asynchronous gameplay. That second part is impossible without a Wii Remote, and if a Wii Remote is not packaged with the system, third-party developers won't use it in their games.
And no you can't play perfectly without one, it's not just for multiplayer - Nintendo's idea is that just as many games will require Wii Remote as will require Gamepad. They aren't throwing away the audience they gained with the Wii at all, motion detection is still just as important to Nintendo.
There are over 200 million wii remotes sold worldwide. I'm sure people upgrading to Wii U won't need it. If new gamers who skipped the Wii want one, they can pay $40 for it.
This is true, but unfortunately third-party publishers don't think that way. They'll see no Wii-Remote packed with the system, and thus won't support it, as an optional peripheral.
And is your 200 million number Motion+ remotes?
The Wii U will have internal software just like the 3DS. Patents seem to link that it will have some apps and some simple family games like chess, checkers, go, that can be played on the console or on the tablet (also shown on the demo video).
Just like any large corporation, readers should also not gauge the potential of a product based on a niche and volatile emotional collection of responses from web forums. You can read 10 posts back to back about how someone "is tired of mini-games" or "how Nintendo Land should be a free pack in", all because they are upset that F-Zero GX3 or Metroid Dread Prime weren't announced with beautifully gorgeous trailers.
But the truth is Nintendo Land might be one of the best ideas Nintendo has ever had. The game is essentially fusing the gameplay of Mario Party and Wii Play. Also adding the cosmetic and nostalgic appeal of a Smash Bros game in to one giant party game. It is about as commercially sound as any new product Nintendo could have come up with. It is a guaranteed retail success. Thus, ultimately if the scenario of it being a "pack-in" happened (which is foolish), you are going to be paying $50.00 extra for the hardware. That game will not be free mate. Heck, Wii Sports wasn't free. You paid the $50.00 for it.
picture courtesy of NM and their twitter link in the article
I hope you like hats. Why should it have one? You can play perfectly without one. It's necessary for multiplayer, but they didn't give you two remotes with the wii.
I find it too little.The Wii U will have internal software just like the 3DS. Patents seem to link that it will have some apps and some simple family games like chess, checkers, go, that can be played on the console or on the tablet (also shown on the demo video).
I disagree. Nintendo Land is fine as a pack-in game, but if it isn't then I (and most people) will be a little more critical about it. First off, it *should* have online (and since we've heard nothing of it I'm betting on the no); second what's the real lenght of the games? I've played various Luigi's Ghost Mansion takes, and the level was always the same, there wasn't a self-generated level of sorts, or some mutations to it; I also though that if it didn't have online it should have computer AI (best case scenario both), but I didn't see options for it. Animal Crossing also seemed to be always the same level, as did Zelda; and Takamaru's Ninja Castle was technically done better on Game & wario (the whole aim and shoot mechanics).But Nintendo Land is a different beast. Where Wii Sports had no marketable IP and was rather lower budget. AR Games and Face Raiders were even lower on the totem poll. Nintendo Land is a real marketable product unlike the above. It would be smarter for Nitendo to sell the system for $249.99 without the game, and count on the high software tie ratio, than Nintendo selling it for $299.99 with the game. Forum analysts were also swearing that Pilotwings Resort would be a pack-in with the 3DS system all just because Nintendo packed in Wii Sports once upon a time.
Didn't know it was delayed, but kinda figured it would be. The reason is obvious: because it competes with Nintendo Land.Game & Wario isn't being released in the same time frame, and the Wario franchise has proven it does mediocre steady numbers. But the real genius would be including demos on the system. That actually works the idea of previewing a product, and selling it.
That would generate confusion; Nintendo is all about one SKU for all; all they'll change is the color.I think they should release 2 skus. One with the Wii remote and Nunchuck, and one with the Classic Controller Pro. Both would include the WiiU pad and console and a pack in game.
Everyone get your salt shakers out....
3.4GHz on an out of order CPU? Lol.....fake
And now you brought it to a new forum pageI was hoping this wouldn't have been linked here. Now it's going to get unnecessary hits.
Sorry....still a rookieI was hoping this wouldn't have been linked here. Now it's going to get unnecessary hits.
I totally agree with you. I think I need Nintendo to FORCE me to buy NintendoLand by being a pack-in game. I don't care if I need to pay for it. I know I will enjoy it. The thing is I am not sure if I'll pay for it if sold separately instead of getting another retail game.
I totally agree with you. I think I need Nintendo to FORCE me to buy NintendoLand by being a pack-in game. I don't care if I need to pay for it. I know I will enjoy it. The thing is I am not sure if I'll pay for it if sold separately instead of getting another retail game.