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Wii U Community Thread

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This happened quite a while ago, but i never saw a potential reason for it going through his posts. I actually liked his contributions to the WUST threads

2 days ago quite a while ago :p Aye, he was a bit of a trouble maker I thought, but fair play to him, he tipped his hat to the latest ZombiU build.

Sooooooo, how would a totally bias Xbox fanboy's view of the WiiU sound? Maybe one who writes for an Xbox magazine? Well, it might sounds something like this.

Wii U: It’s Not A Threat To 360

COMMENT by David Lynch
Nintendo’s Wii U is taking a new approach, but so is the 360′s SmartGlass. Can the Wii U compete with the Xbox 360 when Microsoft’s console is so flexible?

How Nintendo’s new console may not live up to its own hype
Another E3 has come and gone without so much as a whisper of the number 720 and at first glace, it did look as though Microsoft could have kindly offered Nintendo a head-start in the next-gen race.

But the more we learn about Wii U, the more it seems like the Xbox 360 will have little to fear from the inventive new hardware. For starters, questions hang over the power of the console itself.

Now suspected to have only slightly more technical muscle than the 360, promises of 1080p, 60FPS gaming were shot down when it came to light that all first-party launch titles would only run at 720p.

Granted, that’s no better than the majority of 360 titles (only a handful boast a native 1080p resolution, after all), but it’s a pretty clear indication that Wii U won’t be the powerhouse many expected.

If Wii U really is the best way to play games like Assassin’s Creed III, you’d think Nintendo would make with the hyperbole and tell us so directly.

Then there’s the controller. Keeping costs down is key, hence why the main controller is basically a Fisher Price iPad with no multi-touch functionality and a measly three to five hour battery life.

This seriously harms the platform’s core gimmick, as too does Microsoft’s announcement of SmartGlass – a clever new connectivity method that will let 360 gamers enjoy similar experiences to those that Wii U will offer and often without even having to invest in any new hardware.

Add in the fact that many of its launch window titles will be ports of games we all played months ago (re-releasing Mass Effect 3 and Arkham City is hardly going to win over the hardcore) and it’s clear that this isn’t something that’s going to take the market by storm overnight.

In fact, by the time it hits its stride and starts to deliver on its additional power – assuming that ever happens – there’s a very real chance that Microsoft will already be talking up the next Xbox. And you just /know/ that’s going to be a leap rather than a step in terms of pure power.

The Nintendo Graveyard
How the Japanese firm’s previous consoles met their ends

Arrived late in a Mega Drive-dominated market, then tragically murdered by PlayStation amid the 3D Revolution.

Ailed by expensive cartridge media and storage limitations and never really recovered from the loss of Nintendo’s beloved Final Fantasy franchise.

Crippled by proprietary tiny discs in place of DVDs and a lack of publisher support. Will be fondly remembered as ‘the only console that ever had a handle’, though.

Drowned in shovelware and choked by dust, Wii saw far too few core titles and quickly became your mum’s gaming console.



Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Sooooooo, how would a totally bias Xbox fanboy's view of the WiiU sound? Maybe one who writes for an Xbox magazine? Well, it might sounds something like this.

Well, I always suspected we were getting total amateurs here on gaf. But hey, you get what you pay for.


2 days ago quite a while ago :p Aye, he was a bit of a trouble maker I thought, but fair play to him, he tipped his hat to the latest ZombiU build.

Sooooooo, how would a totally bias Xbox fanboy's view of the WiiU sound? Maybe one who writes for an Xbox magazine? Well, it might sounds something like this.


Gotta say that my favorite bash on the Wii U is the lack of multitouch. I don't understand where the benefit lies.
2 days ago quite a while ago :p Aye, he was a bit of a trouble maker I thought, but fair play to him, he tipped his hat to the latest ZombiU build.

Sooooooo, how would a totally bias Xbox fanboy's view of the WiiU sound? Maybe one who writes for an Xbox magazine? Well, it might sounds something like this.


To be honest i'm not surprised a person could feel that way.


2 days ago quite a while ago :p Aye, he was a bit of a trouble maker I thought, but fair play to him, he tipped his hat to the latest ZombiU build.

Sooooooo, how would a totally bias Xbox fanboy's view of the WiiU sound? Maybe one who writes for an Xbox magazine? Well, it might sounds something like this.


Nothing surprising there. Reads like a summary of all the trolling/wiiU bashing we've heard on here for the last year.

But I'll take the bait:

Multitouch as we and anyone who thinks about it knows, is not necessary. You'll rarely be using just the touch screen, and therefore rarely will have two fingers free to mess around with multi-touch applications. If you do need to use multitouch for somthing, the buttons provide a multitude of combined-input methods to use in conjunction with the screen, which mimic any multi-touch needs there may be.

Smart-Glass is incomparable too. There will be very limited applications for is (as with Vita-PS3 crossplay) as developers will not invest in adding features which not every player will be able to use (some wont have devices which they can use smart-glass on etc.) Its our old friend "fragmented userbases".

Finally: i'm not sure how they've managed to make the SNES and N64 sound like failures, and have ingnored some of the greatest games ever made being on those systems. Classy.


Nothing surprising there. Reads like a summary of all the trolling/wiiU bashing we've heard on here for the last year.

But I'll take the bait:

Multitouch as we and anyone who thinks about it knows, is not necessary. You'll rarely be using just the touch screen, and therefore rarely will have two fingers free to mess around with multi-touch applications. If you do need to use multitouch for somthing, the buttons provide a multitude of combined-input methods to use in conjunction with the screen, which mimic any multi-touch needs there may be.
Smart-Glass is incomparable too. There will be very limited applications for is (as with Vita-PS3 crossplay) as developers will not invest in adding features which not every player will be able to use (some wont have devices which they can use smart-glass on etc.) Its our old friend "fragmented userbases".

Finally: i'm not sure how they've managed to make the SNES and N64 sound like failures, and have ingnored some of the greatest games ever made being on those systems. Classy.

Exactly. There is zooming in and out and...


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
That's not very nice, but If you have ANYTHING better to post, knock yourself out :)
I was referring to the professional who wrote the article. And how we don't get such guys here. Which is a shame.
I was referring to the professional who wrote the article. And how we don't get such guys here. Which is a shame.

Not sure I understand but sorry for the continued misunderstanding. Slow news day combined with EA no-show, or I wouldn't have bothered. Sometimes it's fun to read the Daily Sport to look at a few tits ;)
No worries, though you would be surprised how many adults (of all ages) watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.

The wife and I just watched the series, lol...

I was joking :).

Mostly :p.

Besides, I rarely watch television anymore and I am not even sure if that programme is available on the tv channels I have access to.

However, I do like animation and cartoons so if I ever have a chance to watch it I shall give it a go. How's that? :)


Unconfirmed Member
Nada from the IBM 2Q 2012 Earnings Announcement yesterday, as far as I can tell anyway. AMD has its Q2 2012 Earnings Conference Call today (at 5:00 p.m. ET), and while I expect nothing from that either I'll tune in. Ah well, there's always Nintendo's IR event on the 25th of July to look forward to.


Is anyone else NOT looking forward to the dual analog? I went from N64 > PC > Wii, so i've never really put in alot of gaming hours on dual analog. I really enjoyed the motion controls this generation.


Is anyone else NOT looking forward to the dual analog? I went from N64 > PC > Wii, so i've never really put in alot of gaming hours on dual analog. I really enjoyed the motion controls this generation.

Dual analog is terrible for FPSs. Just downright awful. (My opinion of course.) It likely was only ever developed because mouse/keyboard wasn't feasible for consoles, and motion controls were unavailable and/or not doable at the time.

The precision just isn't there with dual analog. And to most who will contradict me on this, and tell me I need to practice... that's partially true BUT the sticky reticle, aim assist, and curving bullets help you get with dual analog that is largely NOT present with mouse/keyboard and wiimote/nunchuck does NOT make you PRO... If you don't believe me, fire up Halo Reach, run a private match with everyone on the same team, and enable betrayals, then treat it like a free for all. Observe how much harder it is than usual to kill anything.

Wii remote/nunchuck control was very solid for FPSs on Wii, and I'm hoping that the developers of such games keep ALL control options open to players including motion controls.


Is anyone else NOT looking forward to the dual analog? I went from N64 > PC > Wii, so i've never really put in alot of gaming hours on dual analog. I really enjoyed the motion controls this generation.

That's the same path I took so ya, I'm really hoping the Wiimote/chuck option is available for most if not all Wii-U games. For some reason, the Wiimote/chuck setup just seemed to work so well for me. I loved having my two hands be separate, it was so comfortable and relaxing.


Looks like gaf was toast for awhile there. Now that it's back up... anybody have any news on EA's schindig yet (for the thousandth time)? Can't find jack squat anywhere, indicating the answer will probably be no...

It'll be interesting to see if there's anything else besides Madden and Fifa (which seem to be all but assured).
SNES was tragically murdered by Playstation? haha. That's rich.

And I really want to believe the FFXV rumor, but it seems too much like a fanboy's wet dream.
I was joking :).

Mostly :p.

Besides, I rarely watch television anymore and I am not even sure if that programme is available on the tv channels I have access to.

However, I do like animation and cartoons so if I ever have a chance to watch it I shall give it a go. How's that? :)

No offense taken, I felt the same way before my wife wanted to watch it. Turns out it's a great show. They stream avery episode free on nick.com

*On Topic

I've always prefered resistive touchscreens of capacitive multitouch... I think it's an acuracy thing for me. I'll take my 3DS touchscreen of my Galaxy Nexus any day.
Is anyone else NOT looking forward to the dual analog? I went from N64 > PC > Wii, so i've never really put in alot of gaming hours on dual analog. I really enjoyed the motion controls this generation.

Well Ive been from PS1 to PS3/360 like most of the gamers, so I'm definetly looking forward to the new controller.
anyone seen this?


One big ‘controversial’ topic right now is about the graphical capabilities of the system. It will have an AMD based GPU and an IBM PowerPC CPU, and for the first time ever for Nintendo the console will support 1080p. But is there greater power in this system than what is currently available in the PS3 and 360, using technology that is now going on 6 years old?
According to my source, whom I will keep anonymous, who has actually had play time with the Wii U, yes it is.

But the 2 titles that he has seen have been superb, he said, and they are both multiplatform games. The Wii U will boast a higher texture resolution that what we will see in these games compared to the PS3 and 360 versions, making it look much better.
But what are these games? Well, I don’t know as my source cannot tell me – but they are big 3rd party titles. One is a driving game, and the other is a FPS/3PS.

He also told me that Nintendo are aiming for a release date between October 21st and November 18th.

Major unannounced 3rd party games, October/November release date... we've heard all this already, I guess. Does anyone know if this site has a history of posting reliable info?


SNES was tragically murdered by Playstation? haha. That's rich.

And I really want to believe the FFXV rumor, but it seems too much like a fanboy's wet dream.

That's just amazing isn't it? So we don't have to compare consoles from the same generation now? Can we say the original Xbox was tragically murdered by the Wii?

Hmm, sounds kinda sketchy and obvious to me. And by posting it you're playing with fire here.

Quick! Someone create a thread!!! :p

I see what you did there.


That's just amazing isn't it? So we don't have to compare consoles from the same generation now? Can we say the original Xbox was tragically murdered by the Wii?

Quick! Someone create a thread!!! :p

I see what you did there.

I also know what you did...


anyone seen this?


Major unannounced 3rd party games, October/November release date... we've heard all this already, I guess. Does anyone know if this site has a history of posting reliable info?


Too vague. This website may have enough credibility for people like ClovingWestbrook to create a thread :lol

But there is nothing really special about this. It's pretty obvious that Wii U won't be a "full generational leap" and we can assume that there are several multiplatform titles being developed for it.



Too vague. This website may have enough credibility for people like ClovingWestbrook to create a thread :lol

But there is nothing really special about this. It's pretty obvious that Wii U won't be a "full generational leap" and we can assume that there are several multiplatform titles being developed for it.

To be fair, he said at launch but really it doesn't seem like any next gen console will be a true full generational leap.


Sorry guys. EviLore and I got wasted last night and I woke up hungover and tripped over the servers power cord. I then passed out for a few hours on the floor after falling and when I woke up I finally plugged the server back in :(


When it comes to console leaps there tends to be a pattern. Revolution to Evolution to Revolution, etc. every other gen something new comes out but the gen following it just does it better. Examples.

Master System

These systems saved the gaming industry and brought life to the consoles. They boasted colorful 8-bit 2D sprite graphics.


Still 2D graphics but better graphics (16-bit) and sound chips. It basically did 2D gaming better.


3D gaming is born. The z-axis is explored in gaming for the first time. Polygons are used instead of sprites. Disc-based games become the new norm.

Playstation 2

Still 3-D gaming but with better graphics and textures and bigger disc sizes.

Playstation 3
Xbox 360

HD gaming begins. We start to see some of the most realistic looking games and lots of technical marvels. Motion controlled gaming is introduced and changes the landscape. 720p and 30fps with no to little AA with low textures is the norm. Online gaming takes off.

Wii U
Playstation 4
Xbox 720

I think they will just do HD better with motion controls and touch controls coming with the consoles instead of being accessories. 1080p and 60fps with medium quality textures.
I wonder what the 9th Generation will be, Virtual Reality?, or would that be more 11th generation?

I don't know when, but I look forward to it! Been dreaming of true VR since I was a kid. I wonder how interested Nintendo is at the prospects of VR. They seem to love new inputs and new ways to play...

Probably be a long time before any of the tech is ready and cheap enough for the mass market though. :/


I don't know when, but I look forward to it! Been dreaming of true VR since I was a kid. I wonder how interested Nintendo is at the prospects of VR. They seem to love new inputs and new ways to play...

Probably be a long time before any of the tech is ready and cheap enough for the mass market though. :/

Actually playing as Mario and Zelda in Virtual Reality would be the best thing ever, probably a few generations away, I'd buy it day 1.
So maybe Square is rebranding FFXIV 2.0 as FFXV...because the US trademark office is calling that a trademark of Final Fantasy XV.

That would be entirely possible but extremely odd as the director of XIV had said they weren't going to rebrand the game like that. I don't know how those trademark offices work, so is it possible that one of them or someone in SE's US branch screwed up? Or would this be pretty iron clad that XIV 2.0 will in fact be changed to XV? Because whatever the case that logo is for XIV, as opposed to an unannounced title.


anyone seen this?


Major unannounced 3rd party games, October/November release date... we've heard all this already, I guess. Does anyone know if this site has a history of posting reliable info?
Project CARS for driving and Aliens for FPS/3PS (well the aliens don't carry guns afaik, but they're in third person!). Or anything else that hasn't been announced.
Edit: they're is a petition to get GTAV on Wii U


Has any gaming petition worked?, I still sighed it.
I can't tell whether that's a typo, it works either way.


Project CARS for driving and Aliens for FPS/3PS (well the aliens don't carry guns afaik, but they're in third person!). Or anything else that hasn't been announced.

I can't tell whether that's a typo, it works either way.

The link said the games are two announced games, and thanks, didn't know that, fixed it.


When it comes to console leaps there tends to be a pattern. Revolution to Evolution to Revolution, etc. every other gen something new comes out but the gen following it just does it better. Examples.

Master System

These systems saved the gaming industry and brought life to the consoles. They boasted colorful 8-bit 2D sprite graphics.


Still 2D graphics but better graphics (16-bit) and sound chips. It basically did 2D gaming better.


3D gaming is born. The z-axis is explored in gaming for the first time. Polygons are used instead of sprites. Disc-based games become the new norm.

Playstation 2

Still 3-D gaming but with better graphics and textures and bigger disc sizes.

Playstation 3
Xbox 360

HD gaming begins. We start to see some of the most realistic looking games and lots of technical marvels. Motion controlled gaming is introduced and changes the landscape. 720p and 30fps with no to little AA with low textures is the norm. Online gaming takes off.

Wii U
Playstation 4
Xbox 720

I think they will just do HD better with motion controls and touch controls coming with the consoles instead of being accessories. 1080p and 60fps with medium quality textures.

I know I am going to sound like a broken record, but the Wii U really does not feel like an evolution of the Wii. Rather something all on its own. (I really wished it was an evolution though).


El Capitan Todd
Project CARS for driving and Aliens for FPS/3PS (well the aliens don't carry guns afaik, but they're in third person!). Or anything else that hasn't been announced.

If they were already announced games, I think that he could have heavily hinted at them.
If I'd have to bet: both EA titles, with the second one being DS3. Is there a driving games EA announced for PS360 coming out at the end of this year that could be graphically impressive?


If they were already announced games, I think that he could have heavily hinted at them.
If I'd have to bet: both EA titles, with the second one being DS3. Is there a driving games EA announced for PS360 coming out at the end of this year that could be graphically impressive?

Need for Speed Most Wanted.

Nintendo Gamer magazine tweeted something that got me thinking.

Miyamoto turns 60 on November 16th....
What better way to celebrate that than release a new console on the same day?

I would agree but November 16th is a Friday.
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