Was there some sort of moneyhatting involved that's preventing a Dragon Quest X PS3 SKU, out of curiosity...?
Was there some sort of moneyhatting involved that's preventing a Dragon Quest X PS3 SKU, out of curiosity...?
I was always under the assumption that the EA thing was mostly tomorrow, not today.
I was always under the assumption that the EA thing was mostly tomorrow, not today.
EA really needs to launch Madden on Wii U that has 2-player Gamepad compatibility. I know Nintendo has said that it wouldn't be for launch, but Madden without it would be pointless for local multiplayer when it would be so obviously lacking.
EA really needs to launch Madden on Wii U that has 2-player Gamepad compatibility. I know Nintendo has said that it wouldn't be for launch, but Madden without it would be pointless for local multiplayer when it would be so obviously lacking.
If that were purely the case though then I would have thought S-E would want to simultaneously release multiplatform on the PS3 (360) / Wii, rather than have a Wii U SKU.Nah i think Square-enix just decides to put the DQ games where they have the most potential to sell/the console with the largest userbase.
They will probably use the Pro Controller for multiplayer.
What he means is the 2nd player cant hide their plays
With two screens, players have no idea what play set the other person is in. Imagine call your shoot on the WiiU pad other players cant see the play you draw.
Being that its EA I doubt they do it for this year, even if Nintendo let them, EA is just lazy to do anything extra.
So is this deal EA in general or just EA sports?
Square wants the game to surpass Skyrim and FF7.
Including the concept planning and pre-production phase, the game has already been in development for over 4 years.
It entered full production in January 2010, a month after FFXIII was released in Japan. Since then it has had a development team of just over 200 people.
The director is the same person who directed FFVI, FFIX and FFXII, Hiroyuki Ito.
The co-director led a small part of the development team to make Tactics Ogre for the PSP in parallel with FFXV. Hes currently multi-tasking as lead UI designer of FFXIV 2.0 and co-director of FFXV.
The game design and battle system will be a major evolution of FFXII.
The game will be open world and have sprawling, crowd-filled cities on par with Assassins Creed.
The battle system now allows you to target different parts of an enemys body like in Vagrant Story.
Yoichi Wada (president of Square Enix) wants the game to have a world scale and volume of content that surpasses The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He also wants the game to surpass FFVII in worldwide sales and critical reception.
Will release on all major current gen platforms.
Did you guys see this?
Note when it means "all major current gen consoles" it means all HD consoles available.
Dear god let this be true. you should make a thread about that
Did you guys see this?
Note when it means "all major current gen consoles" it means all HD consoles available.
Just EA Sports
Lalli-whoa-ho-ho-ho-hoooooooooo I hope this lalli-lands and wiiu and not some spin off a la Chocobos dungeon or Crystal Barers. *shudders*Did you guys see this?
Note when it means "all major current gen consoles" it means all HD consoles available.
It's ok bud. It was for the right reasons.
You'll get em next time with FFXXVII news![]()
Nah man I'm just teasingThat's funny....
Nah man I'm just teasing
XXVII was a joke S-E made themselves, I stole it from them... I'd pull out the pic but I'm on a phone![]()
I hope it's real. I've never played a mainline FF title, and the way people were hyping it up in the thread, it sounded like it could be a good candidate for my first one.Just looked it up, lol that's funny.
The sad part is now I'm hyped by the rumors for a game that can be fake.
I hope it's real. I've never played a mainline FF title, and the way people were hyping it up in the thread, it sounded like it could be a good candidate for my first one.
C'mon TGS...![]()
Hey now, here's an article from Feb, 2010 describing a 120 Mhz DSP. Might be relevant, in that this post from a supposed insider on Beyond3D mentions that Nintendo might use an ARM-based solution for their audio DSP...
What? The company was also giving away free 3DS units?
Does anyone really see the wii u getting that much japanese report? in a survey a few months back japanese gamers disinterest in the wii u was on the same level as that of the vita's......thats......bad. How strong is the core nintendo fanbase over there anyway because im honestly worried that the wii u will get no japanese love :/
There's alot of variables to consider. One, this is pre-launch. Consumers can be easily swayed in the same they can be turned off. Another is the console will [most likely] be on the market for 5 years meaning Nintendo (and developers) have alot of time to work with each other.Does anyone really see the wii u getting that much japanese report? in a survey a few months back japanese gamers disinterest in the wii u was on the same level as that of the vita's......thats......bad. How strong is the core nintendo fanbase over there anyway because im honestly worried that the wii u will get no japanese love :/
Did you guys see this?
Note when it means "all major current gen consoles" it means all HD consoles available.
Motomu Toriyama said:Within our company, developing on PlayStation for Final Fantasy XIII we required a huge amount of graphical data. At the peak, there were over 200 people working on it. With a large-scale development team, we didn't use our time well. How do you communicate to everyone in the department what the drive of the game is?
We are also thinking that we will not do large-scale internal development any longer. We have a lot of great creators in Square Enix, but for larger-scale development we will be doing more distributed and outsourced development to reach our targets on time.
Lalli-whoa-ho-ho-ho-hoooooooooo I hope this lalli-lands and wiiu and not some spin off a la Chocobos dungeon or Crystal Barers. *shudders*
EDIT: Also the director was responsible for two of my favorite FFs, VI and IX...if they want to surpass VII I hope they bring us a sweeping epic tragedy...the good kind
The last Final Fantasy game Sakaguchi directed was Final Fantasy V...Ito might be directing it, but after Sakaguchi left, Square-Enix forgot what actually makes up a Final Fantasy game.
Edit: Also, this is the official US trademark for Final Fantasy XV:
Except that's also wrong and it's actually FFXIV 2.0's "trademark" and not XV at all. That long line is a stylized I.
See the bottom left corner:
The last Final Fantasy game Sakaguchi directed was Final Fantasy V...
That's a bit like saying Miyamoto hasn't directed a Zelda game since whenever.
He was involved in every Final Fantasy game (whether by writing, design or producing) until X-2... which was the last Final Fantasy game that actually resembled Final Fantasy.
The last FF game he produced was FFIX, which he says is his favorite in the series.
Speaking of Japanese support, Capcoms been pretty tight lipped about wiiu. All kinds of 3ds support for sure, really digging what's going on with mh4, but I haven't heard anything regards a home console release...this seems a little odd to me seeing as wiius launch is right around the corner. I mean you'd think there would be something, anything from their major franchises.![]()
Good point, but really outside of mhtri on wii they gave really poor support. Games like Darkside/Umbrella Chronicles were a sort of a nice distraction in a slap in the face kinda way, and I dug RE4... Didn't play Dead Rising but hey that was a port too...I guess I'm looking for that title, the game that says hey we're gonna make an effort this time and not throw you guys under the on rails light gun short bus. A PN03 sequel would be a helluva sucker punch way to do it, toss in a little Dark Stalkers for good measure and I'd be in like Flynn.(still want mh4 wiiu tho)I dunno, outside of SquareEnix and Grasshopper, Capcoms about the only other house I'm wanting something from...I wouldn't worry about capcom support. Alot of capcom devs had come out and openly praised the wii u and one rep even said they had unannounced games for nintendo platforms in the works. The thing is though, looking at capcom's recent releases, do they really still count as japanese support? I mean games like dead rising and resident evil are great but they don't have that "Made in Japan" unique feel to them. Plus they have been outsourcing to western devs alot lately. And it sucks because i'd love to see a Gotcha force and a non shitty P.N.03 sequel
Ehi guys! Have you seen the great EA support incoming?! Nope!?
me neither...
so depressing
Definitely an "unprecedented relationship"![]()
EA's Fight Night team will make the new UFC game
By Robert Purchese Published 19 July, 2012
Khan think of a better choice.
It will be the top notch Fight Night team that builds the new UFC game, EA has announced.
That team's housed up at EA Sports HQ in Canada. It was EA Tiburon that made EA Sports MMA - the big contender to THQ's best-selling UFC series.
Not that there's any need to compete - not now EA has signed the official UFC licence.
The EA Sports UFC team will be led by general manager Dean Richards and creative director Brian Hayes - no relation to David.
Hayes led gameplay design on Fight Night Round 4 and Fight Night Champion, and is a very nice chap.
No date nor details about the new UFC game were shared.
THQ's UFC Undisputed 3.
"When we found out that EA and the UFC would be working together, the team was excited. Most of the team didn't even know about it until the announcement at E3. We were all watching it together and when Andrew Wilson and Dana White took the stage, everybody starting cheering. It was great," Hayes commented.
"For me personally, the UFC is something that I grew up with. I remember watching the first UFC events when I was a teenager and it's amazing to see how they have evolved and flourished. Ultimately, we're huge fans, we think we have a great team and we are really excited to be taking on this new challenge. We look forward to bringing the UFC video game experience to new heights."
Fight Night's got a great track record. It launched with Fight Night 2004 on last-gen machines, where it debuted the Total Punch Control mechanic that uses the right thumbstick to aim and throw punches. But it wasn't until Fight Night Round 3 arrived at the start of this generation, in March 2006 (a year before PS3 launched here), that the series really got going.
Fight Night Round 4 and Fight Night Champion then built on the lavish visuals and bone-crunching brutality by adding deep multiplayer integration and even a story mode.
If development has only just begun on the new UFC game, is there a chance it will grace one or more of the next-generation consoles as well as the current flock of machines?