I personally thought City was a big step down from Asylum.
A double-pack would have been smart.
A double-pack would have been smart.
Agreed, as implied earlier. 720p will be a standard for some time.
I personally thought City was a big step down from Asylum.
A double-pack would have been smart.
Is there anybody here who hasn't played Arkham City?
Because if you haven't, or couldn't, please get it for the Wii U. Pretty please.
This is pretty funny because I've heard a lot of Sony and Microsoft fans saying that they expect native 4k or at least 4k capabilities next gen.
I personally thought City was a big step down from Asylum.
A double-pack would have been smart.
Maybe I'll give it a shot sometime. I still wouldn't touch it at full price though - maybe $10 or something down the line.It's a shame you feel that way, because I consider it a wrong stance for this game. And I say this as someone who loathes the "mash attack to win" simplicity of the entire Assassin's Creed series combat system.
Arkham City's combat is deceptive. It looks extremely flashy (largely due to the production budget) and has a simplistic counter mechanism, but you cannot rely on it. Ever gadget works independently, and certain enemies (such as those wielding knives and shields) are immune to standard counters. You can stun, flip over/dodge via jumps, and use your entire gadget arsenal. There's a wide range of tactics to deploy, and though the game certainly leans towards your favour (deliberately so, as the sense of empowerment as Batman is essential), the game quickly throws much more than dudes with fists at you.
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerIf the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
I can't decide. I've missed out on too much.![]()
This is pretty funny because I've heard a lot of Sony and Microsoft fans saying that they expect native 4k or at least 4k capabilities next gen.
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
Preety boring times ahead, no hardware info, either for a miracle spec sheet release or NDA drop or when they open up the console.
Found myself other things to do, now quakecon2012 is coming up and dont expect anything. Carmack has to completely avoid the topic.
Then i have timeout til september cause of studying .... lets see considering i dont worry about 3rd party launch lineup nor software generally ... usually i dont create any toughts until days before release, i dont discuss anything nor let my self see too much info, i skip large parts of interviews and videos, last time was zelda twilight princess, worked like a charm.
The exceptions are id softwares wiiu stuff if at all soon and the recognition of wiiu zapper control method that may finally push the ugly anslogs out of the FPS space and to see how many studios and which ones will be the the first to see the potential, nintendo will use it o theirs so thats all i will play unless some third party has enough quality game with wiiu zapper support and a proper one! that includes id software, i will not try anything with analogs, as a matter of fact i have my PC for those kinds.
This is the important stuff we need to be worrying and promoting it, nobody may expect it to be the big differentiator .. it is, potential is there it just needs to be recognized, most people have a primitive absolute opinion of what nintendo has shown instead of researching what could be done with this, seeing it just as they told them selfs if you listen the certain important interviews.
what was the last gaming console you owned bg?
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
NopeTheir is the Dragon Quest X Nintendo Direct later today, their could be a chance we can see the Wii U version of the game. is the Dragon Quest X Nintendo Direct later today, their could be a chance we can see the Wii U version of the game.
Their is the Dragon Quest X Nintendo Direct later today, their could be a chance we can see the Wii U version of the game.
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
N64. >_<
Rösti;40410943 said:
There's nothing about Wii U mentioned, but who knows, perhaps they'll share something.
The GPUs will support 4K, but you'd be crazy to think you'll get any games at that resolution. Heck, I wonder if MS/Sony will allow their GPUs to output at that through HDMI.
Even the Wii U GPU should support 2K or around there somewhere, but you'll be getting most of your Wii U titles around 720p.
Not being a PC gamer I don't know, but how common are 4K PC games at the moment and how much is, say, a 4K 32" display? I'm pretty sre 4K TVs are some way off and seeing as the 720 will be designed to be a livingroom TV box, well.. you can work the rest out.
You need so much hardware power to render a typical game at 4K it's not even worth talking about. This hardware power is not present is any of the next gen consoles. I have no idea how much a 4K display is, but I can pretty safely say that it's about a decade away from any kind of practical adoption on a consumer level.
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
You need so much hardware power to render a typical game at 4K it's not even worth talking about. This hardware power is not present is any of the next gen consoles. I have no idea how much a 4K display is, but I can pretty safely say that it's about a decade away from any kind of practical adoption on a consumer level.
N64. >_<
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
I should really make a habit of dropping into this thread more often... if only there was some sort of, I don't know, update notifier, nay, a SUBSCRIPTION service of some kind...
Anywho, I'll try and get more involved by posing this question:
If the Gamecube store is available on the e-shop, which 3 games would you like available form day one?
Really? A decade away when we've got "retina display" devices already? I mean, the new 15" Apple Powerbook has a resolution of 2880x1800; if that same screen was just expanded to 21", there you go, a 4k screen (actually a little higher resolution than 4k). And that laptop's GPU can handle multiple external displays in addition to its own, to the point where there are more pixels than all but the highest 4k standard (4096 × 3112).
Their is the Dragon Quest X Nintendo Direct later today, their could be a chance we can see the Wii U version of the game.
A 32gigaflop GPU is powering the "retina" resolution on the iPad3, too. Doesn't mean you can drive a game at that resolution.
There is a clear distinction.
If you're talking about the practical adoption of 4K TVs in the typical consumer household, I don't think I will be that far off in saying about a decade. Especially with current HD adoption not being 100% still.
SE is not going to show the Wii U version of the game when the Wii version they want everyone to buy comes out in 4 days.