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Wii U Community Thread

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I saw this at E3 and now I see this again in the report:


What Metroid game could he be talking about, or is it just the Metroid minigame in NintendoLand?

The first thing that crossed my mind when I saw that picture was...


Especially since I rewatched the film for the first time in ages a few weeks ago lololol


What's confusing is EA said yesterday to never underestimate Nintendo, and how come Gaming Industry always has negative news about Wii U?.

Doom and gloom sells papers/magazines/subscriptions. It's in the entire journalism industry, not just gaming. The same is being said for the Vita, was said about the 3DS, and will say about the Wii U until it proves otherwise.
Publishers not supporting Nintendo systems for no reason (no apparent reason for Wii U) deserve losing money. Poor business decisions deserve poor results, IMO.

I understood the Wii couldn't get direct ports but there is no excuse I can see now. I'd also add that a good business decision would be finding a way to get my games on the number one selling Platform EVERY generation, which a lot of Publishers failed to do last Gen with the Wii.


El Capitan Todd
What's confusing is EA said yesterday to never underestimate Nintendo, and how come Gaming Industry always has negative news about Wii U?.

That's what I poster few posts ago.
I mean, just to clarify: I'm not expecting nothin spectacular, but that article seems a little too harsh, considering that not having great effort for exclusive titles and not foreseeing big profits from Wii U titles for next holiday is obvious to me, but doesn't mean that they cannot announce more multiplatform titles incoming for the platform. Also the "not great response" for the Wii U part isn't so clear to me...while the "opportunistic" tip could mean everything (also having more multiplatform titles ready to take advantage of the new console) but it's described as a "we will not invest on it until it will have huuuge install base, maybe".

EDIT: I've double checked and the IGN article is based on the same Q1 meeting Q&A session. So, I think that the gave very different (opposite) interpretations to the same sentences...up to you (or up to EA to announce or not something to prove) which one is more reliable (until we get a direct report of the meeting)


That's what I poster few posts ago.
I mean, just to clarify: I'm not expecting nothin spectacular, but that article seems a little too harsh, considering that not having great effort for exclusive titles and not foreseeing big profits from Wii U titles for next holiday is obvious to me, but doesn't mean that they cannot announce more multiplatform titles incoming for the platform. Also the "not great response" for the Wii U part isn't so clear to me...while the "opportunistic" tip could mean everything (also having more multiplatform titles ready to take advantage of the new console) but it's described as a "we will not invest on it until it will have huuuge install base, maybe".

EDIT: I've double checked and the IGN article is based on the same Q1 meeting Q&A session. So, I think that the gave very different (opposite) interpretations to the same sentences...up to you (or up to EA to announce or not something to prove) which one is more reliable (until we get a direct report of the meeting)

Yeah it is weird, this could of been an old quote and Gaming Industry is now posting to start something, which I wouldn't be shocked by because they are the ones to start the rumors about "Wii U is weaker than PS3/360" and "Activision is not supporting Wii U", both which are not true.

So this could mean what we read is different?.


Publishers not supporting Nintendo systems for no reason (no apparent reason for Wii U) deserve losing money. Poor business decisions deserve poor results, IMO.

I understood the Wii couldn't get direct ports but there is no excuse I can see now. I'd also add that a good business decision would be finding a way to get my games on the number one selling Platform EVERY generation, which a lot of Publishers failed to do last Gen with the Wii.

I said this before and I'll say again 3rd party will find excuses to not support a Nintendo console even if this console will be the most powerful thing ever made. The excuse of Nintendo fans only buying Nintendo games is still the easiest excuse.


I said this before and I'll say again 3rd party will find excuses to not support a Nintendo console even if this console will be the most powerful thing ever made. The excuse of Nintendo fans only buying Nintendo games is still the easiest excuse.

Even if the statement from EA is true people shouldn't pile every third party developer because of one developer that's acting like a baby (EA).


Unconfirmed Member
Uh so... when does the EA Summer Showcase air in central EU time?

All those timezones, so confusing.

Converted to central EU time, it should be Thursday, 2nd of August, 10:00:00 (10:00 PM).


On another note, would a "Wii U Release Day" thread be of interest? You know, where we talk about queueing outside in New York, Tokyo, Paris, Toronto etc., opening up the Wii U package, for the first time starting up the evolution and seeing the graphics and then saying "wow", and so forth. Would that be of interest?


El Capitan Todd
Yeah it is weird, this could of been an old quote and Gaming Industry is now posting to start something, which I wouldn't be shocked by because they are the ones to start the rumors about "Wii U is weaker than PS3/360" and "Activision is not supporting Wii U", both which are not true.

So this could mean what we read is different?.

Well, first of all I would like to say again that I don't think that we'll see great wonderful support from EA, especially if we are going to imagine exclusive AAA titles (that imho are dead in the console market, or almost dead).

But I think that at the Q1 Q&A meeting the stated the obvious: we have announced just ME3, we dont think that Wii U will sell like crazy, but we will have more announcements to do next for the console because we don't want to miss the console completely.

And than today we got the Fifa confirmation, with heav gamepad features (that is the contrary of Gaming Industry statement, if you take a look)


Well, first of all I would like to say again that I don't think that we'll see great wonderful support from EA, especially if we are going to imagine exclusive AAA titles (that imho are dead in the console market, or almost dead).

But I think that at the Q1 Q&A meeting the stated the obvious: we have announced just ME3, we dont think that Wii U will sell like crazy, but we will have more announcements to do next for the console because we don't want to miss the console completely.

And than today we got the Fifa confirmation, with heav gamepad features (that is the contrary of Gaming Industry statement, if you take a look)

So Nintendo just has to show them the console will be successful and EA will support the Wii U fully like they promised at E3 2011, I still don't trust Gaming Industry though.

It is partly Nintendo's fault though, they should of had a great E3 but they decided to focus only on launch.
Rösti;40519582 said:
Converted to central EU time, it should be Thursday, 2nd of August, 10:00:00 (10:00 PM).


On another note, would a "Wii U Release Day" thread be of interest? You know, where we talk about queueing outside in New York, Tokyo, Paris, Toronto etc., opening up the Wii U package, for the first time starting up the evolution and seeing the graphics and then saying "wow", and so forth. Would that be of interest?
Yes...itll be a hype train to hell though.



"you're probably right that Wii U got a lackluster response" =/= "EA doesn't expect great sales from the Wii U." That's just Peter Moore stating the obvious that to most, Nintendo had a weak E3.

The CFO saying EA will be "opportunistic" =/= "EA will not be putting great effort into specific Wii U development; any titles that are started are likely to be ports, without much resource spent on adapting to the gamepad controller." That is one giant jump to conclusion.

This article is ridiculous.


By the way, something that I believe is not getting the recognition that I think it deserves is this post from the WiiU experience thread: Click!

There's an article in there about the Poster's experience with NSMBU and Pikmin 3, it's pretty good read actually: Click!

But here's the real interesting part regarding Pikmin 3's aiming:

So apparently a lot of us underestimated the Wiimote so far. Now on to the next question, why on earth did no developer actually take full advantage of that thing yet?
It could be using gyro assisted IR aiming, I heard some later Wii games did this. Basically they use the IR when it's there, but switches seamlessly to gyro aiming when the IR goes out of view.

Now I got to think a few things while looking at it, it's .... fishy.

First of all it can be reffering to something else, like the Boss in the game, or what ...
Second, it can be what we think we think, a subtle hint, but then, the marketing team got it wrong because Samus is a She.

Now we can ... by looking at the circumstancial evidence conclude it may be a hint, because the next Metroid message is about a general topic, not necessairly a gameplay progression help question, so that "he's back" may not be necessairly in context of a gameplay event.
Then if we even take another step further you can see the Mii that's used to say this, he has his arms up in a "winner" position, are you thinking what I'm thinking.
It's so obvious, how can you not remember him?!


I was thinking, Nintendo has said they will be open to the ftp market for Wii-U's eshop.  You know what they really need?  They need their own version of a TF2 game.  Something like a Mario paintball game.  Or like Smash Bros does, and have more characters than just Mario and his friends.  Or maybe even a Mii paintball game or a combination of all.

You know, something free, something every Wii-U owner can download, and something that is actually good.  Use the TF2 formula or just keep everything free.  But there could be different pickup's like new weapon types, different stats, different outfits, different game modes, etc.

There could be different classes similar to TF2.  I mean they could copy and improve on so much from TF2 using their own Nintendo characters.  Keep it family friendly by making it paintball.  But still a solid shooter with some depth.  Classes, upgrades, stats, maps, rare loot finds like outfits and special guns, multiple game modes, etc.

Link it in directly with Mii-verse and you could start the match right from there by shooting people in third person or top down view or whatever view point you call what Mii-verse is, lol.
Crytek is moving to free to play. Crytek has some Free Radical people and presumably the Timesplitters license. CryEngine is up and running on Wii U. Just throwing that out there.


It's generic art to show off the home screen, just like all the other icons.

Oh, definitely, but the generic art is supposed to represent games on the system. Not necessarily real, in-development games, but it's where games would be on the system menu. Was responding to the idea that the Metroid comment was a random comment while in the MiiVerse area of some other game. It's clearly from the MiiVerse area of a Metroid game on the mock MiiVerse screen, though.


One of these days I just want a developer to come out and say the truth:

"We don't like developing on Nintendo consoles because our target audience isn't among their audience"
"We don't like Nintendo's policies when dealing with third parties"
"Our CEO is still holding a grudge from the 90's"
"We don't have the resources to develop for a third HD console"
"Reggie farted in an elevator I was in one time"


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder if Nintendo will allow criticism on those bulletin boards/forums, or if that will get you suspended. Their tech support forums appear as driven by the most autocratic moderators ever, technical discussions about Wii U (e.g. "Is Wii Remote or just Wii Remote Plus compatible with Wii U?") isn't even allowed there. I wonder if this will be the same with this bulletin function, if only discussions about the relative game (or games in general) will be allowed. It will be interesting to read the EULA/TOS of that service.


Nintendo fans will buy other games if the devs take the time to give them quality experiences.
But they put crap out and bitch when people don't buy it.

That's true! I didn't say anything like that. However even if the console is the most powerful machine ever made, these people would still say that. Western developers are the worst IMO in doing excuses. It's their best weapons against Nintendo. You would not see any japanese developers talking like that.


You honestly think a strong showing would've changed EA's mind ? Didn't help the 3DS, it wouldn't have helped Wii U.

It could of helped for sure.

One of these days I just want a developer to come out and say the truth:

"We don't like developing on Nintendo consoles because our target audience isn't among their audience"
"We don't like Nintendo's policies when dealing with third parties"
"Our CEO is still holding a grudge from the 90's"
"We don't have the resources to develop for a third HD console"
"Reggie farted in an elevator I was in one time"

And a new excuse will be "The Wii U is just too amazing to put are games on it" or "The Wii U doesn't need are support"






A portion of a Game Informer interview with Assistant producer Takanori Murayama...

GI: What factors led to the decision to create the sequel for the Vita instead of the Wii?

TM: There are three reasons for this. One, the using of the touch panel made the game’s controls much easier. The touch panel enables the users to scout dozens of citizens together which improved the operations. Two, the high resolution graphics enabled to depict many characters at once inside the screen. The movement and the depiction of the many characters in its world is what makes this game fun. Last but not least, the network affinity is high, therefore it is easy to buy avatars and other items on the PS Store. In the PS Store, users can purchase additional items which is another appealing point.

Is this one of those games that publishers/developers were hoping to port between the VITA and the WIIU?



Is this one of those games that publishers/developers were hoping to port between the VITA and the WIIU?

That game prob would be best ported to 3DS since it has a big user base and seems to fit with that the first game was on a Nintendo platform first, I dont know why it wasnt 3DS/Vita in the first place.


"you're probably right that Wii U got a lackluster response" =/= "EA doesn't expect great sales from the Wii U." That's just Peter Moore stating the obvious that to most, Nintendo had a weak E3.

The CFO saying EA will be "opportunistic" =/= "EA will not be putting great effort into specific Wii U development; any titles that are started are likely to be ports, without much resource spent on adapting to the gamepad controller." That is one giant jump to conclusion.

This article is ridiculous.
With the IGN story it's a weird yeah.


El Capitan Todd
"you're probably right that Wii U got a lackluster response" =/= "EA doesn't expect great sales from the Wii U." That's just Peter Moore stating the obvious that to most, Nintendo had a weak E3.

The CFO saying EA will be "opportunistic" =/= "EA will not be putting great effort into specific Wii U development; any titles that are started are likely to be ports, without much resource spent on adapting to the gamepad controller." That is one giant jump to conclusion.

This article is ridiculous.

you stated this better than me, thanks for having put it in a better english way ;p

With the IGN story it's a weird yeah.


Im sure EA will showcase at least one exclusive WiiU title
to launch within the year. I expect that from every major publisher.
And I think its due to UBIsoft's unprecedented support for the console,
or, that Nintendo has been working hard at making publishing deals.

I don't see EA putting real exclusive efforts into the console, but I see them at least putting some multiplatform titles on the Wii U.
Not onl the sport titles, that were alreaady sure on the Wii, but also some "normal" (for them: let's call them core if you prefer) brand.
I know that ME3 is not something to be excited for (due to its old nature especiall imho) but it's at the same time indicative of their will to not avoid completly that kind of target on the console.
I'm expecting some other title as Dead Space (it would be way more smart for them than Mass effect, considering that it could be out at the right time with the Wii U already on the market) or Battlefield (especially if Activision will bring CoD for real).
I said this before and I'll say again 3rd party will find excuses to not support a Nintendo console even if this console will be the most powerful thing ever made. The excuse of Nintendo fans only buying Nintendo games is still the easiest excuse.

I meant a legitimate excuse, which I think we can all agree no longer exists... :)

One of these days I just want a developer to come out and say the truth:

"We don't like developing on Nintendo consoles because our target audience isn't among their audience"
"We don't like Nintendo's policies when dealing with third parties"
"Our CEO is still holding a grudge from the 90's"
"We don't have the resources to develop for a third HD console"
"Reggie farted in an elevator I was in one time"

Atleast I'd respect them in the morning :p


You know what kind of annoys me of some developers say?, they say "Nintendo doesn't have the audience for us to bring this game" well how can their be an audience if you never the bring the game and see?, they need to give the Wii U a chance to see, their is no difference between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft audiences they are pretty much the same just separated.
You know what kind of annoys me of some developers say?, they say "Nintendo doesn't have the audience for us to bring this game" well how can their be an audience if you never the bring the game and see?, they need to give the Wii U a chance to see, their is no difference between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft audiences they are pretty much the same just separated.

This is even more true on a console that is yet to be launched. The games released for it will determine a large portion of the audience, at least to a great degree.

Is this one of those games that publishers/developers were hoping to port between the VITA and the WIIU?

hmmm... interesting connection you made there. I mean we obviously don't know if that was one of the games but with both the Wii U and Vita sharing those similar features it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility.


Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't make that Wii U release day thread until the date is actually confirmed.
Oh, I wouldn't make it until the day before release anyway. I was just checking if there was interest. If I can get enough money, I will do some reverse engineering on the console, mainly to document all components, and post it here. And that would be part of the release period.


Rösti;40521252 said:
I wonder if Nintendo will allow criticism on those bulletin boards/forums, or if that will get you suspended. Their tech support forums appear as driven by the most autocratic moderators ever, technical discussions about Wii U (e.g. "Is Wii Remote or just Wii Remote Plus compatible with Wii U?") isn't even allowed there. I wonder if this will be the same with this bulletin function, if only discussions about the relative game (or games in general) will be allowed. It will be interesting to read the EULA/TOS of that service.

Warning! Warning! Warning!
Be more afraid to post on Mii-verse than on the gaming section of GAF as a Junior.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
You know what kind of annoys me of some developers say?, they say "Nintendo doesn't have the audience for us to bring this game" well how can their be an audience if you never the bring the game and see?, they need to give the Wii U a chance to see, their is no difference between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft audiences they are pretty much the same just separated.

The target demographics between each system is different. Nintendo has always focused on a family demographic, and historically family orientated titles sell much better on their systems. This is especially true for the Wii, where family and younger focused games performed better than similar titles did on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Reservations from publishers are to be expected. Obviously it's hard for them to judge when they haven't tried, and if they're not going to cultivate an audience early on then naturally these games will continue to sell poorly. But initial reservations are coupled with the simple fact the Wii U currently has no audience. A lot of pubs are no doubt concerned how the system will do out of the gate: will it attract family audiences like the Wii? Will it attract mostly Nintendo faithfuls who are more interested in Mario/Zelda/etc than anything else? Or will it have a comfortable variety of gamers to support all types of games?

I suppose it doesn't help that Nintendo's launch plans, pricing and advertising are still unknown.


The target demographics between each system is different.

Key word being system, not company? Nintendo themselves have even said they are going to continue to advertise the Wii when the Wii-U is released for the very casual side of the spectrum of customers and the Wii-U will be more for the core gamer.

Apparently they aren't getting this message out to third parties very well though. Third parties seem to think the Wii-U is still the family friendly party game console. Nintendo hasn't done anything to disprove this by only telling us their main games are NSMB and NintendoLand.

Another dang reason they botched e3 without showing more core first party games.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm not confident Nintendo will follow through with their "Wii for casuals, Wii U for hardcore" plans when the inevitable disaster of consumer confusion hits like a ton of bricks. It didn't work for the 3DS and it won't work for the Wii U, and I hope Nintendo has learned this.


I'm not confident Nintendo will follow through with their "Wii for casuals, Wii U for hardcore" plans when the inevitable disaster of consumer confusion hits like a ton of bricks. It didn't work for the 3DS and it won't work for the Wii U, and I hope Nintendo has learned this.
I don't recall the 3DS ever being positioned that way. In fact, quite the opposite. I specifically recall Reggie said the 3DS launch was meant to appeal to everyone which was true. Nintendogs for casuals, Street Fighter for Core, and all the rest for inbetween.


I think they'll try, but it's still TBD if it works. And ya, it seems like a steep climb to get out of the casual slump they put themselves in.

I disagree about the 3DS though, to me the games released are majority core games and good ones at that in my opinion. So far I've been very happy with my 3DS purchase and game selection.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't recall the 3DS ever being positioned that way. In fact, quite the opposite. I specifically recall Reggie said the 3DS launch was meant to appeal to everyone which was true. Nintendogs for casuals, Street Fighter for Core, and all the rest for everyone.

I meant more selling two products on the market that are, in the eyes of the consumer, very similar.


IGN tweet- Want to know more about EA's Wii U plans? We'll be live streaming their Summer Showcase presentation tomorrow. August 2 1-2pm PT. Be there.

Please don't just be sports. Please don't just be sports.

EA's outlook on Wii U isn't very reassuring

So... Mass Effect 3, Madden '13 and FIFA '13 as the only Wii U titles tomorrow?

Man, how sad can they get. I guarantee when the 720/PS4 come out they'll have top tier core franchises ready to roll on them.

In there GI says wrt waiting and seeing if it is popular "The minimum 1-year delay this causes will not help the Wii U in its quest to get established" However I don't think the wait would be that long. Say EA wait, they are still developing titles for PS3/360 and so if the Wii U takes off they can just port it - in likey much less than a year.

The best is that other articles are saying the opposite (always Peter Moore speech), saying that they are very committed to the Wii U, they learned that you must not underestimate Nintendo as they did with the Wii, and that they'll announce other games:

“We’re keeping a very close eye on the platform. (We have learned to) never underestimate Nintendo, as proven by the last generation. EA has great franchises poised to be on that platform. We’ll probably announce more in the future.” - EA's Peter Moore


So, I don't expect a great support, but obviously more than what we know for now.
It's also so strange that last year

That quote from Peter Moore is pretty much in alignment with Riccitiello. They're watching them and will see how it goes.

One thing that's starting to bug me is the frequency with which publishers and developers say "Never underestimate Nintendo" as if they're really saying "They're losers, and we can't really be arsed doing anything on their systems, but they might do something good one day so we'll be prepared with some low rate shit to get on their if it happens".


I meant more selling two products on the market that are, in the eyes of the consumer, very similar.
Eh, I still don't see how that negatively effect Nintendo. I would rank the confusion as the least of 3DS problems, and it was more games/price based.

Just look at Vita. It's bigger differentiation from psp isn't doing it much favors.


I meant a legitimate excuse, which I think we can all agree no longer exists... :)

Atleast I'd respect them in the morning :p
Quote 1, 2, and 4 are legitimate excuses. The other two are jokes. Actually, I still think some publishes with execs from the 90's boycott Nintendo as much as possible unless the money is too much to pass up (See Namco-Bandai, who used to hate Nintendo).


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Eh, I still don't see how that negatively effect Nintendo. I would rank the confusion as the least of 3DS problems, and it was more games/price based.

Just look at Vita. It's very different from PSP yet consumers still bought psp in droves (in Japan at least).

A lot of factors hurt the 3DS, but market confusions was one. It negatively effects Nintendo because confused consumers are unsure of what a product offers, where it differs from an older model, and why they should pony up extra money for something they don't understand.

Having worked in retail selling these things, the amount of confusion from consumers regarding the 3DS/DS was insane. Due to the name, Nintendo's requirements for store placement (eg: 3DS right next to DS), and the muddled marketing a lot of people had no idea what the 3DS actually was.

If Nintendo wants to push the Wii alongside the Wii U, they're going to have similar trouble. A lot will depend on their marketing push, but if they screw it up I foresee a lot of "so how much is the wii tablet controller" questions from confused parents.


A lot of factors hurt the 3DS, but market confusions was one. It negatively effects Nintendo because confused consumers are unsure of what a product offers, where it differs from an older model, and why they should pony up extra money for something they don't understand.

Having worked in retail selling these things, the amount of confusion from consumers regarding the 3DS/DS was insane. Due to the name, Nintendo's requirements for store placement (eg: 3DS right next to DS), and the muddled marketing a lot of people had no idea what the 3DS actually was.

If Nintendo wants to push the Wii alongside the Wii U, they're going to have similar trouble. A lot will depend on their marketing push, but if they screw it up I foresee a lot of "so how much is the wii tablet controller" questions from confused parents.
Agreed. Designing the Wii U game cases to be different colors or sized would help. Maybe make them blue and blu-ray like. Packaging of the Wii U box will have to look differently and Nintendo's ads and website will need to ensure the message that the Wii U is not an add-on, but a whole new console.
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