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Wii U Community Thread

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A lot of factors hurt the 3DS, but market confusions was one. It negatively effects Nintendo because confused consumers are unsure of what a product offers, where it differs from an older model, and why they should pony up extra money for something they don't understand.

Having worked in retail selling these things, the amount of confusion from consumers regarding the 3DS/DS was insane. Due to the name, Nintendo's requirements for store placement (eg: 3DS right next to DS), and the muddled marketing a lot of people had no idea what the 3DS actually was.

If Nintendo wants to push the Wii alongside the Wii U, they're going to have similar trouble. A lot will depend on their marketing push, but if they screw it up I foresee a lot of "so how much is the wii tablet controller" questions from confused parents.

I'm not disagreeing that there will be some confusion, given the names being almost identical, but any marketting posters and stands, the Wii U will obviously have the gamepad on it. It should look quite different to the Wii.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm not disagreeing that there will be some confusion, given the names being almost identical, but any marketting posters and stands, the Wii U will obviously have the gamepad on it. It should look quite different to the Wii.

Hence the "Wii tablet controller" confusion. Many stores had 3DS demo units on display and even that didn't entirely help.

The problem isn't so much communicating to people that the Wii U is a new product, it's communicating the significant of the product. That it's not an accessory or revision or anything like that.


You guys really can't look at EA and assume Nintendo won't get third party support.
Sure we can. It's EA. It's a given their sports games will be there. But what about the other core EA games? Crysis 3, Battlefield 3 Nd eventually 4, Dead Space 3, BioWare's next projects (Dragon Age III)?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
You guys really can't look at EA and assume Nintendo won't get third party support.

Why not? We'll see- maybe there will be some surprises tomorrow, but right now both EA's announced support and public comments look tepid at best.



"I'm so confused!"
A lot of factors hurt the 3DS, but market confusions was one. It negatively effects Nintendo because confused consumers are unsure of what a product offers, where it differs from an older model, and why they should pony up extra money for something they don't understand.

Having worked in retail selling these things, the amount of confusion from consumers regarding the 3DS/DS was insane. Due to the name, Nintendo's requirements for store placement (eg: 3DS right next to DS), and the muddled marketing a lot of people had no idea what the 3DS actually was.

If Nintendo wants to push the Wii alongside the Wii U, they're going to have similar trouble. A lot will depend on their marketing push, but if they screw it up I foresee a lot of "so how much is the wii tablet controller" questions from confused parents.


Sure we can. It's EA. It's a given their sports games will be there. But what about the other core EA games? Crysis 3, Battlefield 3 Nd eventually 4, Dead Space 3, BioWare's next projects (Dragon Age III)?

Well Mass Effect 3 is coming from Bioware which could help bring Dragon Age III, and EA confirmed Battlefield is coming to Wii U we just don't know which one, and we'll have to see about the rest.

Why not? We'll see- maybe there will be some surprises tomorrow, but right now both EA's announced support and public comments look tepid at best.

From what EA said yeasterday about "never underestimate Nintendo" something seems weird.

First we here them say "never underestimate Nintendo" than we here "We don't know if the Wii U will sale", something seems off you can't have two completely different statements in 2 days.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
From what EA said yeasterday about "never underestimate Nintendo" something seems weird.

That quote sounds like a PR way of saying they don't have a major bet on the system right now.


Hence the "Wii tablet controller" confusion. Many stores had 3DS demo units on display and even that didn't entirely help.

The problem isn't so much communicating to people that the Wii U is a new product, it's communicating the significant of the product. That it's not an accessory or revision or anything like that.

Sure, but I still think that the 3DS looks more like a DS than the Wii U looks like a Wii given the GamePad.

I think if they have those things on display that people can play with, touch, browse the web, play touch games and all that stuff, I gotta think that people will be much less confused.

However I still think they should just keep the Wii way in the background compared to the Wii U.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I really expect some Wii U news coming out of Japan in August. NSMB2/3DSXL is out, and DQ X is out tomorrow- the slate is now going to be cleared for Nintendo to start giving out information in Japan.


Agreed. EA has a lot of franchises that I'd like to see, and we have yet to see most of them for Wii U.

It makes me wonder what happened to the "unprecedented partnership". My guess is that EA wanted Nintendo to use Origin, and that just didn't happen. So what they ended up getting was lukewarm support in return.


I really expect some Wii U news coming out of Japan in August. NSMB2/3DSXL is out, and DQ X is out tomorrow- the slate is now going to be cleared for Nintendo to start giving out information in Japan.
You know my stance on this :)

And with EA... we can't be sure until tomorrow but it was bound to happen. Riccitiello on stage in 2011 was kind of a ploy into assuring everything was allright, because a few months before Wii U's reveal Riccitiello shared his thoughts on Nintendo business model and he doubted it a lot.
Well Mass Effect 3 is coming from Bioware which could help bring Dragon Age III, and EA confirmed Battlefield is coming to Wii U we just don't know which one, and we'll have to see about the rest.

Crytek said that Crysis 3 is possible on Wii U as well which would be published by EA. I'd say that the Wii U's future is very good and already more promising from a Third Party perspective than the OG Wii.


It makes me wonder what happened to the "unprecedented partnership". My guess is that EA wanted Nintendo to use Origin, and that just didn't happen. So what they ended up getting was lukewarm support in return.

Yeah I've wondered the same. The tune has definitely changed since E3 '11. If EA was still bullish on Wii U then Riccitiello wouldn't have said they don't think Wii U will significantly enhance sales. Even if he thought it he'd have shown himself to be more enthusiastic.

Crytek said that Crysis 3 is possible on Wii U as well which would be published by EA. I'd say that the Wii U's future is very good and already more promising from a Third Party perspective than the OG Wii.

Thing is we haven't had any promises at all. There's potential sure, but it's not looking promising by a long shot.
I'm not confident Nintendo will follow through with their "Wii for casuals, Wii U for hardcore" plans when the inevitable disaster of consumer confusion hits like a ton of bricks. It didn't work for the 3DS and it won't work for the Wii U, and I hope Nintendo has learned this.

I pretty much excepted the Wii U was now the 'Wii 2' / 'Wii HD' after watching the E3 2012 press conference.

After all the promise from Reggie at E3 2011 about the Wii being for everyone but the Wii U was for 'you', both the casual and the hardcore, went right out the window when they showed NSMB U, Lego City, Nintendo Land, Rabbids Land, Just Dance, Sing, Wii Fit U ect, with a few token ports of multi platform games that will have been out for months on other systems by the time Wii U launches (Batman: Arkham City, Mass Effect 3, Ninja Gaiden 3, Fifa 13, Madden 13, Darksiders 2 ect).

I will prob pick a Wii U up just for Pikmin 3 and then the usual big 7 IP's - Zelda, 3D Mario, Metroid, Starfox, Mario Kart, Smash Bros and F Zero but the days of actually expecting a core cutting edge system from them are long, long gone.

Casual, mass appeal gaming is where the true money is to be made and i don't see them giving up on it any time soon.

Add all that to the fact that they have not shown a game that even proves it's a true next gen console, the complete information blackout on all things Wii U, the cock blocking of developers (some of which seem genuinely excited to talk about the console) and we still don't have a price, release date or even know which games are launch games and which games are 'launch windows' games meaning 2013, three months away from launch.

Whoever handles the PR for this thing needs fired...


A lot of factors hurt the 3DS, but market confusions was one. It negatively effects Nintendo because confused consumers are unsure of what a product offers, where it differs from an older model, and why they should pony up extra money for something they don't understand.

Having worked in retail selling these things, the amount of confusion from consumers regarding the 3DS/DS was insane. Due to the name, Nintendo's requirements for store placement (eg: 3DS right next to DS), and the muddled marketing a lot of people had no idea what the 3DS actually was.

If Nintendo wants to push the Wii alongside the Wii U, they're going to have similar trouble. A lot will depend on their marketing push, but if they screw it up I foresee a lot of "so how much is the wii tablet controller" questions from confused parents.

It's absolutely insane how Nintendo is having such a hard time telling the people why their new products are so different from the last ones. I mean I know they want to continue the brand name but my god they really need to do something about this.
Quote 1, 2, and 4 are legitimate excuses. The other two are jokes. Actually, I still think some publishes with execs from the 90's boycott Nintendo as much as possible unless the money is too much to pass up (See Namco-Bandai, who used to hate Nintendo).

The top quote wasn't a reply to your post ;)

I'll continue to be a multi-Platform gamer and don't expect any significant improvement on multi-platform titles.
It's absolutely insane how Nintendo is having such a hard time telling the people why their new products are so different from the last ones. I mean I know they want to continue the brand name but my god they really need to do something about this.

Nintendo is the only 'brand name' they need.

They should have dropped the Wii name for the U imo, one of their first and biggest mistakes for this console, the tablet controller and apparent 'weak hardware' when compared to the other two next gen consoles was their second and third.
I think if they have those things on display that people can play with, touch, browse the web, play touch games and all that stuff, I gotta think that people will be much less confused.

But the problem is relating to them that the GamePad isn't something they can just connect to their existing Wii like the Wii Fit peripheral was (and that its not an iPad-style device that they can take anywhere), and that Wii-looking device it's running on in the shop is actually a Wii U, which is a whole new console and is going to cost them another $300 (give or take). Even if they do get the message across, it's still a hard sell, especially in this economic climate.
Nintendo is the only 'brand name' they need.

They should have dropped the Wii name for the U imo, one of their first and biggest mistakes for this console, the tablet controller and apparent 'weak hardware' when compared to the other two next gen consoles was their second and third.

Ah, the "Gamecube Strategy". Always a winning ploy.


But the problem is relating to them that the GamePad isn't something they can just connect to their existing Wii like the Wii Fit peripheral was (and that its not an iPad-style device that they can take anywhere), and that Wii-looking device it's running on in the shop is actually a Wii U, which is a whole new console and is going to cost them another $300 (give or take). Even if they do get the message across, it's still a hard sell, especially in this economic climate.
That's not fair. The Wii U is no more Wii looking than PS3 was PS2 looking.



But the problem is relating to them that the GamePad isn't something they can just connect to their existing Wii like the Wii Fit peripheral was (and that its not an iPad-style device that they can take anywhere), and that Wii-looking device it's running on in the shop is actually a Wii U, which is a whole new console and is going to cost them another $300 (give or take). Even if they do get the message across, it's still a hard sell, especially in this economic climate.

Yeah I understand and I do think there will be some confusion but maybe just not as much as with the 3DS - DS.

Time will tell.
Ah, the "Gamecube Strategy". Always a winning ploy.

I loved the Gamecube, the last great Nintendo console imo, i couldn't care less if they sell an extra 70 million consoles to Grandparents and extreme casuals.

I do understand it's a business tho but i guess we all had different dreams of what the console after the Wii would be.

The fact is it's going to be very hard for them to repeat the success of the original Wii, i predict the Wii U will start very strong (10 - 15 million in it's first year, then a further 15 million through to the end of it's cycle), for the sake of 10 million extra console sales compared to a more 'hardcore' console like the Cube they could have dumped the casual focus, the gimmick tablet controller and built a relatively powerful 'next gen' console (4 Core CPU / 1 teraFLOP GPU, 2GB of Ram, large HDD).

If it was released a year before PS4 / 720 it would have done just as well as the casual focused U imo, a lot of hardcore gamers would have jumped on a powerful next gen Nintendo system, with a standard controller, Achievements and a solid online.

The Wii U will in no way kill Nintendo off but they could have taken a completely different direction to the original Wii and still made a killing imo.
You know what kind of annoys me of some developers say?, they say "Nintendo doesn't have the audience for us to bring this game" well how can their be an audience if you never the bring the game and see?, they need to give the Wii U a chance to see, their is no difference between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft audiences they are pretty much the same just separated.

I've said it before but I don't think we'll have too much to worry about in the not too distant future. ZombiU, Assassins Creed 3, (maybe) Darksiders 2 and Aliens Colonial Marines will all do well imo. The first and last titles in that list will be third party system sellers.

And if FIFA and Madden look better than their PS3 and 360 counterparts and gameplay is improved by the touchscreen you may find PS3 and 360 owners buying a U just to play the superior version. Generational fatigue has now set in, and some FIFA and Madden fans may not have the patience to wait another year for the PS4 and 720.
That's not fair. The Wii U is no more Wii looking than PS3 was PS2 looking.

But the PS3 was never seriously aimed at anyone outside enthusiasts. Also, it kind of bombed at launch.

The Wii U seems to be picking up where the Wii left off, aiming squarely at a more casual audience. I don't think Nintendo can rely on these people to understand what this new console is, and why they have to throw out their old one if they want to use this new GamePad.

Edit: Also, the naming of the PS3 makes it clear it's a successor to the PS2. The Wii U isn't so clear cut, especially with Nintendo's naming of games like Wii Fit, Wii Play and Wii Sports.


But the PS3 was never seriously aimed at anyone outside enthusiasts. Also, it kind of bombed at launch.

The Wii U seems to be picking up where the Wii left off, aiming squarely at a more casual audience. I don't think Nintendo can rely on these people to understand what this new console is, and why they have to throw out their old one if they want to use this new GamePad.

Edit: Also, the naming of the PS3 makes it clear it's a successor to the PS2. The Wii U isn't so clear cut, especially with Nintendo's naming of games like Wii Fit, Wii Play and Wii Sports.

Oh come on, they are trying much more to get the core games than they where with the Wii, actually that's why it's called Wii U because it's for "U" as a core and casual gamer, Nintendo even said they want to focus on getting the core first and the rest later with the Wii U.
I've said it before but I don't think we'll have too much to worry about in the not too distant future. ZombiU, Assassins Creed 3, (maybe) Darksiders 2 and Aliens Colonial Marines will all do well imo. The first and last titles in that list will be third party system sellers.

And if FIFA and Madden look better than their PS3 and 360 counterparts and gameplay is improved by the touchscreen you may find PS3 and 360 owners buying a U just to play the superior version. Generational fatigue has now set in, and some FIFA and Madden fans may not have the patience to wait another year for the PS4 and 720.

You really think PS360 players are going to give up Achievements / Trophies, playing with their friends online and a controller they are used to for 6 years so they can swipe across a tablet screen to shoot on Fifa ?, or tap the screen to switch a weapon on Darksiders 2 ?.

I would love to think so but i really can't see it.

ZombiU looks nice but if everyone was being really honest and it was just a PS360 game and it was out at the same time as Borderlands 2, Halo 4, Blops 2 and MoH 2 would anyone really give it a second look, i assume it would be a 'price drop' / 'pre owned' game for many people.

NSMB U / Nintendo Land / Wii Fit U / Pikmin 3 will sell the Wii U, not ZombiU, P-100 or third party ports where most people would rather keep playing on systems they know and trust both for Achievements and to play with their friends online.

Nintendo seem to have chosen the casual path again so they need to get demo units in as many stores as possible (also supermarkets in the UK) and get people having fun with the first four games i listed in the paragraph above and really get them to understand asymmetrical gameplay as videos on TV will in no way get home the idea like the Wii remote did with the original Wii.
Oh come on, they are trying much more to get the core games than they where with the Wii, actually that's why it's called Wii U because it's for "U" as a core and casual gamer, Nintendo even said they want to focus on getting the core first and the rest later with the Wii U.

You are really still seriously swallowing that line from Reggie at E3 2011, after what we saw at E3 2012 lol...

I also have massive reservations about people thinking the tablet controller is an add on to the Wii, you have no idea how stupid a large percentage of the 97 million Wii owners are.

I would hedge a bet that at least 50% of those customers have yet to even hear about the Wii U, when they do see people using the tablet to play away from the system on NSBM U and weighing themselves on Wii Fit U ect they will automatically think it's some sort of an add on, especially as it's got Wii in the title again.

That's my main concern in them sticking with the Wii brand.


The Wii U seems to be picking up where the Wii left off, aiming squarely at a more casual audience.
That's blatantly false. Or do you have proof?

Bony Manifesto said:
Edit: Also, the naming of the PS3 makes it clear it's a successor to the PS2. The Wii U isn't so clear cut, especially with Nintendo's naming of games like Wii Fit, Wii Play and Wii Sports.
That's not necessarily true. Doing some research, Sega had a console with a number added to it and it was not a successor to any previous console.
Oh come on, they are trying much more to get the core games than they where with the Wii, actually that's why it's called Wii U because it's for "U" as a core and casual gamer, Nintendo even said they want to focus on getting the core first and the rest later with the Wii U.

That's nothing but PR guff; they'll tell 'U' whatever 'U' want to hear. They'll be judged by their actions, and based on their launch lineup, it seems to me they're still primarily focused on the more casual end of things. Not that I blame them for that of course - frankly it's much more lucrative than appealing to the enthusiasts.


You are really still seriously swallowing that line from Reggie at E3 2011, after what we saw at E3 2012 lol...

I also have massive reservations about people thinking the tablet controller is an add on to the Wii, you have no idea how stupid a large percentage of the 97 million Wii owners are.

I would hedge a bet that at least 50% of those customers have yet to even hear about the Wii U, when they do see people using the tablet to play away from the system on NSBM U and weighing themselves on Wii Fit U ect they will automatically think it's some sort of an add on, especially as it's got Wii in the title again.

That's my main concern in them sticking with the Wii brand.

At E3 2012's Conference we saw 4 casual games if you really wanted to add Nintendo Land while the rest where core...Yeah.
That's blatantly false. Or do you have proof?

No, it's just my opinion based on their launch window titles.

That's not necessarily true. Doing some research, Sega had a console with a number added to it and it was not a successor to any previous console.

Well, fair enough. But I think that was a case of Sega trying convince parents to buy their kids the Mega Drive 2 over the original console because it was superior, when the reality was in fact the opposite!
Casual, Hardcore. They mean nothing. Nothing. There are games. Many games. Different people like different games. They are still games, and we are all gamers.

Is it not possible for a gamer to act like a hardcore gamer, and play only "casual" games?

Is it not possible for a gamer to act like a casual gamer, and play only "hardcore" games?

True, Nintendo hurt some people somehow. Companies want to make money, and therefore they put their money in places where they can make a profit. If they see profit in games that are both smaller, cheaper, and attract a larger audience, then that is good for them. As a company, however, they do want to compete and make their current and potential customers content.

Nintendo wants to be the Family Gaming console with a good value. They want to make a profit. They want everyone with all tastes and interests to use their console, be it the Dudebro, the Health Nut, the confused grandmother, everyone. Whether that actually works, time will tell, but it's what they want. Besides money, of course.

It is literally We + You. Wii U. Sad, but true.


Nintendo is the only 'brand name' they need.

They should have dropped the Wii name for the U imo, one of their first and biggest mistakes for this console, the tablet controller and apparent 'weak hardware' when compared to the other two next gen consoles was their second and third.

The tablet controller and "weak hardware" mistakes that you say are totally irrevelant if you're asking me. Nintendo already announces the "classic" Wii U controller without the screen and both have the same numbers of buttons and the hardware is the only purpose on what western developers don't want to support it. I said this again even if the Wii U would be the most powerful machine they would still not support it. It would be another GameCube and I don't see it as the last best Nintendo console.
At E3 2012's Conference we saw 4 casual games if you really wanted to add Nintendo Land while the rest where core...Yeah.

E3 2012 -

Casual -

Nintendo Land.
Wii Fit U.
Wii U Panorama View.
Rabbids Land.
Game & Wario.
Just Dance 4.
Lego City.

Casual / Core -

Pikmin 3.
Rayman Legends.

Core -

Mass Effect 3 (9 month old port).
Ninja Gaiden 3 (6 month old port).
Batman Arkham City (12 month old port).

The Wii U is a hardcore console, Yeah...

Take it for what it is and enjoy it but don't delude yourself.


Casual, Hardcore. They mean nothing. Nothing. There are games. Many games. Different people like different games. They are still games, and we are all gamers.

Is it not possible for a gamer to act like a hardcore gamer, and play only "casual" games?

Is it not possible for a gamer to act like a casual gamer, and play only "hardcore" games?

True, Nintendo hurt some people somehow. Companies want to make money, and therefore they put their money in places where they can make a profit. If they see profit in games that are both smaller, cheaper, and attract a larger audience, then that is good for them. As a company, however, they do want to compete and make their current and potential customers content.

Nintendo wants to be the Family Gaming console with a good value. They want to make a profit. They want everyone with all tastes and interests to use their console, be it the Dudebro, the Health Nut, the confused grandmother, everyone. Whether that actually works, time will tell, but it's what they want. Besides money, of course.

It is literally We + You. Wii U. Sad, but true.

Good analogy. But there's still people who still don't understand that and don't want to. I hate the terms hardcore or casual. You are a gamer or you are not. That's it.
The Wii U seems to be picking up where the Wii left off, aiming squarely at a more casual audience. I don't think Nintendo can rely on these people to understand what this new console is, and why they have to throw out their old one if they want to use this new GamePad.

I think if that ZombiU/Wii U bundle at launch turns out to be true, it would turn a lot of heads all while the casuals get what they want at the same time.

Just for the reason that the Wii U will be able to port games cross platform more easily than the Wii ever could already gives the Wii U a head start in my opinion.
E3 2012 -

Casual -

Nintendo Land.
Wii Fit U.
Wii U Panorama View.
Rabbids Land.
Game & Wario.
Just Dance 4.
Lego City.

Casual / Core -

Pikmin 3.
Rayman Legends.

Core -

Mass Effect 3 (9 month old port).
Ninja Gaiden 3 (6 month old port).
Batman Arkham City (12 month old port).

The Wii U is a hardcore console, Yeah...

Take it for what it is and enjoy it but don't delude yourself.

You have an interesting definition of those terms.
Most of them are core games though.

Well, it's open to interpretation. Though if you think Nintendo Land is sat right on the dividing line of 'hardcore' and 'casual', your interpretation is quite different to mine! Am I missing something with that game? Is it something more than a minigame collection?

But, like I say, I'm not bitter or anything. They'd be stark raving mad to leave their existing fanbase in the cold and go chasing the hardcore.
The tablet controller and "weak hardware" mistakes that you say are totally irrevelant if you're asking me. Nintendo already announces the "classic" Wii U controller without the screen and both have the same numbers of buttons and the hardware is the only purpose on what western developers don't want to support it. I said this again even if the Wii U would be the most powerful machine they would still not support it. It would be another GameCube and I don't see it as the last best Nintendo console.

If the Wii U was on par with PS4 / 720 hardware wise, didn't have the headache of a tablet controller (as in a lot of developers just don't know what to do with it and a lot of them just see it as an unnecessary gimmick) and the console had a whole years head start on Sony and MS, third parties would be all over the system.

More importantly Nintendo would get parity when it comes to next gen multi platform games and not give developers the excuse of 'having to downscale the engine because the Wii U is 3/4 times weaker than the PS4/720' or 'we just don't know what to do with the controller to make the U version unique'.

Nintendo seem to put as many barriers up for third party development as possible, it's not always the developers fault.
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