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Wii U Community Thread

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^^ I see your point and agree that homogenisation and nothing but über violence sucks. However that's not what I'm arguing. I want such variety that I can get Rayman AND headshot-titty-game on the same platform.

But why are you and many others simply dismissing the games that are coming for launch? The content on release date is simply amazing and features at least 2 games that aren't available in any comparable form on the competing plattforms, and unless MS or Sony change their main input devices won't be available there at all in a comfortable form.
Scribblenauts, Pikmin 3, both games filled with unique gameplay, and intricate game design. Complaining about the lack of new manchild power fantasy games at launch is quite weird when one of the most pimped games is a survival horror shooter, that makes Resident Evil look like the Power Rangers, and actually exposes the hypocrite core gamer for what they are: A whining bunch who is actually afraid of complex games and wants shallow carnival shooting attractions with hand holding spectacle and hollywood cheese.
It's so refreshingly brutal in it's consequences, yet so amazingly simple to understand. One Bite you're dead, better luck next time. Not "you're hurt, get to cover", strawberry jelly and follow arrows on screen 24/7.

The variety is allready there in the launch lineup, and the future will bring more games. Are you really expecting that after those games it's just Nintendo releasing 2 to 3 games a year? That wasn't the case on N64 (the worst 3rd party Nintendo console by far) it wasn't the case on Gamecube (most 3rd party games were ported) and it wasn't even the case on Wii which got some amazing 3rd party projects, but ultimately had to miss out on huge titles due to power.

i think some people wanted to see some glimpse of the future, and instead they got a wii up-port, nsmbu, and a bunch of casual games and multiplatform stuff. and p-100 and zombi u.

rayman legends looks awesome, but pretty much any non-exclusive gets sidelined for not being exclusive.
Rayman legends as of now is exclusive isn't it? And honestly after seeing the music rythm plattforming stage, why would anyone even bother buying it on another plattform where you have to miss out on that? Sure Origins was still a great game regardless, but I find it hard to imagine that a version of Legends without those features would be anywhere near as enjoyable.
Even if it's not exclusive, it's bound to be the best version by virtue of offering gameplay and content that the other versions simply can't emulate truthfully.

you dont have to wonder everybody knows this.

I want to remain fair, and don't become cynical, but it's increasingly hard when amazing games like Scribblenauts or Rayman, or truly hardcore games like Dark Souls, The Witcher 2 or now ZombiU get sidelined in favor of gore porn and fascist military wank fests.


That's where real journalism would come into play. It's a pity we don't seem to have that in gaming.

It's extremely difficult to do, because in the game biz companies will shut you down and quick. I always ask tough questions. I cornered the Mass Effect guy at E3 and asked some tough questions and all I got was a brick wall. Asked someone else...got nothing. If you're lucky you can find someone who will talk, but generally they don't know much so you're only getting speculation, even though they work for the company in question. For example, I know from talking to a Bioware guy that there were some interface issues with the Wii U version, and that there were a few people involved in how to get it all taken care of. He told me that since they didn't really work on the Wii they hadn't really thought about how those sort of things worked, so it was something they were working on and it was a learning process for a lot of people. It's a small thing, but something.

Right now I'm trying to investigate the Amazon and Nintendo situation, but it's tough because when you say you're a journalist investigating the issue, they immediately stop talking. A lot of people I know in the biz say it's better to simply not rock the boat, I simply don't agree with that. Heh, if only politicians had as easy of a time at fielding journalist's questions as people in the game biz. Heh, heh.


El Capitan Todd
Loving those Fifa screens and info...
the more I see actual gamepad features, the more I like the console...I really hope to see more effort on it than the Wii, also with multiplatform titles, if well suited for the gamepad like this one...


But why are you and many others simply dismissing the games that are coming for launch? The content on release date is simply amazing and features at least 2 games that aren't available in any comparable form on the competing plattforms, and unless MS or Sony change their main input devices won't be available there at all in a comfortable form.
Scribblenauts, Pikmin 3, both games filled with unique gameplay, and intricate game design. Complaining about the lack of new manchild power fantasy games at launch is quite weird when one of the most pimped games is a survival horror shooter, that makes Resident Evil look like the Power Rangers, and actually exposes the hypocrite core gamer for what they are: A whining bunch who is actually afraid of complex games and wants shallow carnival shooting attractions with hand holding spectacle and hollywood cheese.
It's so refreshingly brutal in it's consequences, yet so amazingly simple to understand. One Bite you're dead, better luck next time. Not "you're hurt, get to cover", strawberry jelly and follow arrows on screen 24/7.

The variety is allready there in the launch lineup, and the future will bring more games. Are you really expecting that after those games it's just Nintendo releasing 2 to 3 games a year? That wasn't the case on N64 (the worst 3rd party Nintendo console by far) it wasn't the case on Gamecube (most 3rd party games were ported) and it wasn't even the case on Wii which got some amazing 3rd party projects, but ultimately had to miss out on huge titles due to power.

Rayman legends as of now is exclusive isn't it? And honestly after seeing the music rythm plattforming stage, why would anyone even bother buying it on another plattform where you have to miss out on that? Sure Origins was still a great game regardless, but I find it hard to imagine that a version of Legends without those features would be anywhere near as enjoyable.
Even if it's not exclusive, it's bound to be the best version by virtue of offering gameplay and content that the other versions simply can't emulate truthfully.

I want to remain fair, and don't become cynical, but it's increasingly hard when amazing games like Scribblenauts or Rayman, or truly hardcore games like Dark Souls, The Witcher 2 or now ZombiU get sidelined in favor of gore porn and fascist military wank fests.

I dont think I actually said anything about launch lineup per se, I was talking about the overall feeling about what games will come to the console. Zombi U does look interesting and is likely to be a launch title for me but I want to know that if I invest in a Wii U that I will get a lot, if not all, of the third party western titles that come out. I do not want Wii U to be a Nintendo + Japanese third party console.

Regarding the games, I've never played Rayman except the 3DS demo which was awful, and as a coop game it does interest me but not sure I'd by it for the odd coop time I'd have and I haven't seen much single player of it.

I played Scibblenauts on DS I think it was and thought it was broken so I'm wary.

Pikmin 1 I really enjoyed, but haven't played 2 and again I've seen very little of 3.


Man, just let it go and prepare yourself to buy all the games you're missing for the other systems (PS360 or PC).

I don't have any of the other systems (Have a Mac but dont game on desktops anymore) and the Wii U is likely to be my only console next gen if I get it. I wouldn't be half as concerned if I did.

I also only continue to rant because it's continually brought up by others.
I dont think I actually said anything about launch lineup per se, I was talking about the overall feeling about what games will come to the console. Zombi U does look interesting and is likely to be a launch title for me but I want to know that if I invest in a Wii U that I will get a lot, if not all, of the third party western titles that come out. I do not want Wii U to be a Nintendo + Japanese third party console.

Regarding the games, I've never played Rayman except the 3DS demo which was awful, and as a coop game it does interest me but not sure I'd by it for the odd coop time I'd have and I haven't seen much single player of it.

I played Scibblenauts on DS I think it was and thought it was broken so I'm wary.

Pikmin 1 I really enjoyed, but haven't played 2 and again I've seen very little of 3.

I actually never expected that to happen, but lets look at the launch again. So far we get a GotY edition of Batman Arkham City with some novelty additions, ZombiU (exclusive), Rayman Legends (for the rythm stage alone I would call it the definitive version), Assassins Creed 3. Then for families there is Lego City Stories, Rabbids Land, Scribblenauts, for parties there is Just Dance 4 and Nintendoland.

The reason I said that you and others are dismissing the launch lineup is because regardless of the quality of the titles revealed, all the discussion really just goes about shit like will EA grace the WiiU with their online pass scams and spyware Origin inclusion.
And of course if the WiiU will have fixed epeen shaders or programmable epeen shaders and how many fantasto blast processors it will have with arbitrary x10 measurements against other theoretical hardware.

Ooooh Fabricated Backlash is Boris! I was confused for a moment haha.

But I don't disagree man.

Yeah, got my new name because a Mod thought it to be a fun or just mock of my comments on the Tomb Raider Rape QTE discussion. It actually took me days to see it myself.


Gold Member
Combine that with securing all the big late 2012 multi platform games (Borderlands 2, Resident Evil 6, Dishonored, Farcry 3, Blops 2, MoH 2, WWE 13 to name but 7) and the massive 2013 multi platform games (Crysis 3, Bioshock Infinite, Metal Gear Rising, Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Devil May Cry, GTA V, Watch Dogs ect to name but another 8 titles).

I'd love to see many of those games on Wii U, and that's why I'm not 100% sure whether or not I'll buy one THIS YEAR or wait until I know for sure.


I don't have any of the other systems (Have a Mac but dont game on desktops anymore) and the Wii U is likely to be my only console next gen if I get it. I wouldn't be half as concerned if I did.
Sad. In this case I can understand your concern.


dat depth...


dat is also sez 1920x1080
someone needs to make a first person Football *soccer Game
you control one player on the field, I wonder if that would be any fun?

First person, no. I believe that would be ... quite bad. I think it's been done before though.

But FIFA and PES have modes to allow you to control one player and manage their career.

EDIT: FIFA 13 on Wii U has FIVE player co-op. Interesting.
First person, no. I believe that would be ... quite bad. I think it's been done before though.

But FIFA and PES have modes to allow you to control one player and manage their career.

EDIT: FIFA 13 on Wii U has FIVE player co-op. Interesting.

this 5 player thing will be copied by many games on WiiU
its like a way to stop us from complaining about two player gamepad play
i think some people wanted to see some glimpse of the future, and instead they got a wii up-port, nsmbu, and a bunch of casual games and multiplatform stuff. and p-100 and zombi u.

Yes. I didn't even realize it was only ,,launch window'' at the conference, but even after I did so I'm still underwhelmed and greatly concerned about the consoles future. The lineup really isn't that amazing. It has a good amount of ,nice-to-have' titles but absolutely nothing that shows that Nintendos next generation has arrived. No graphical showcase and nothing that makes me want that controller over the Wiimote.
Shit gets worse since they've already wasted an E3 on the exact same things before, so I don't believe they are ,,saving'' any announcements until later (and even if so, it was an immensely stupid strategy)


Holy crap gamexplain? I never would have expected an article like that to come from them. Normally they're so pro nintendo and have such good nintendo coverage

There was an article for the success too, but I whatever it is, the comparrison between smartglass is invalid, it's not the same thing, the only thing it's the same it's more than one screen, that's it.

But smartglass is kind of a remote to control the console, not to be in there playing the game with both screens, and what the heck serious gameplay could you play a freaking buttonless smartphone, besides touch is the worst input for serious games.

And smartglass is over internet, not local. Besides, it's just an app, like Remote Desktop Connection, nothing new.


I don't have any of the other systems (Have a Mac but dont game on desktops anymore) and the Wii U is likely to be my only console next gen if I get it. I wouldn't be half as concerned if I did.

I also only continue to rant because it's continually brought up by others.

I kind of have to agree that there is very limited confidence regarding third party games for the Wii U. But it's not entirely Nintendo's fault. Still disappointing, though.
I'm sorry, but they have huge financial problems, so their business strategy at E3 is to send their brand new platform to die because it's not a home console? If they thought the handheld market was expendable, they should NEVER HAVE RELEASED THE VITA TO BEGIN WITH. To say otherwise is utterly contradictory.

I agree that Sony never should have released Vita to begin with, but they did. It's still much less essential to their future than having a foothold in the living room is.

Just face it, man, how they're handling the Vita is how they handle all of their platform unveilings: throw the hardware out and expect 3rd parties to kiss the ground they walk on for deigning to do so by supporting it on their own for up to 3-6 months.

Sony did take third-party support for granted on Vita, yes; they seemingly assumed they would be able to get Western developers to port console multiplatform games to it, and that the big Japanese third parties would step up with exclusive support comparable to what they gave PSP. Getting multiplatform games on PS4 won't be an issue, since most third parties seem cool on Wii U, and Durango exclusives aren't an option unless MS is footing the bill.

Remember what Sony showed for first-party games in 2006 for PS3? I do. The first-party lineup was its Achilles Heel, and the internet attacked that weak point for massive damage. I remember that all anyone could talk about in a POSITIVE light was what Square Enix and Konami showed for PS3, instead. And when you think back further, to all their other launches, the pattern repeats. PlayStation 1 launched with NO FIRST-PARTY GAMES. PS2? FUCKING FANTAVISION.

Sony's console first-party output this gen has been pretty good, qualitatively. If they launch at a reasonable price point with new IPs, I think they could do quite well on PS4.

If you think Sony's going to bring the house down for anyone next year, then I don't know what to tell you, because Sony's entire history with hardware launches proves that Sony can't make people excited for their own products and need someone else to do it for them. And 3rd-parties finally seemed to smarten the fuck up to that, if the Vita is any indication.

The era of third-party exclusives is obviously over, but I maintain that Sony can take multiplatform support for granted, because third parties literally can't afford to ignore the platform.

If you think I'm convinced that PS4 will fare well, that's hardly the case; there are too many unknowns for me to make any such prediction. But I do think that the console and handheld markets are different enough that Vita's failure doesn't necessarily bode poorly for it.


I dont think I actually said anything about launch lineup per se, I was talking about the overall feeling about what games will come to the console. Zombi U does look interesting and is likely to be a launch title for me but I want to know that if I invest in a Wii U that I will get a lot, if not all, of the third party western titles that come out. I do not want Wii U to be a Nintendo + Japanese third party console.

I think some people have a hard time seeing it this way. Buying a console (home or portable) is an investment. People do not want to waste money so they what to know if there will be enough content to make the investment worthwhile and just having Nintendo content is not enough for the system. People have gone through that with the Wii and do not want to have another repeat of that, even if if they had a lot of fun with the system.

Personally I only want to buy one new console this coming generation and I want it to be the Wii U because I enjoy Nintendo's games above all others. I know they will have great games. Even if not all the games appeal to me. However I don't want it to just be a Nintendo console. I'm prepare to not get every 3rd party game. There will be some developers/publishers that simply dislike Nintendo at best and don't give a damn how popular their consoles are. I do want to know there will be things in the next year or two. In order to help justify the price. I can not look at this hoping games will come. I have to know they will come.

I don't think people are dismissing the launch list completely but you'd be hard press to find games that are really "must haves" among the list outside of die hard Pikmin fans. Even then I wish they'd be more critical of the game looking at the time they put into the game and what is beng offered.

Nintendo + Japanese 3rd parties is what we have with the 3DS and while I've enjoyed my 3DS the release schedule and speed of localization or lack of it is really bothersome. I don't want a repeat of that on the Wii U either if western 3rd parties take a pass. Unless Japanese 3rd parties are prepared to do worldwide launches of their games and start localization during development to cut months down to weeks/days in regard to the release gap.
I think Nintendo should've really shown more violent games, as most if not all of the celebrated E3 games displayed a level of violence that makes kids glee with guilty joy and dudebros go fuck yeah, CQ shotgun headshut, fuck Yeah!!!!

I find it sad when games like Rayman Legends, Scribblenauts Unlimited or P-100 are seen as inferior or unworthy of attention because they're not fitting the skewed gamer definition of mature and core enough.

Honestly, this is what I took away from this E3. If it's not a shootbang, second grade drama writing white supremacy game, it's not core.

Fuck that. No really, fuck that.

Core obviously never meant anything like intriguing game design or interesting game mechanics, but merely male power fantasy shoot and gunporn variety # 23945 v. 1.4.

All of E3 this year was filled with that shit. And half of it doesn't even come close to the creative scope of Rayman Legends or Scribblenauts.

Then you have Pikmin 3... people dismiss it because it doesn't look like a makro photograph of a garden, and worse yet, because it plays like Pikmin... who would've thought that. Nintendo should've rebooted the franchise with a gritty white male lead, included visceral 32 player online combat with XP progression and emblems to decorate players e-peen.

I wonder if people think those games shown by Nintendo and some 3rd parties are unworthy of success because they don't fit the perceived image of "mature" as laughably idiotic as the term mature is used in the context of gamedesign and content, or because they expect these games anyway and treat them as given instead of a fresh breeze of air in a release landscape that looks like a 13 year old metal heads sketchbook has come to life: Tits, guns, swords and violence, ridiculous one liners and a morbid fascination with fascist gun touting war fantasies.

So true. One despairs...

Glass Joe

someone on an another forum wrote:

The screenshots are taken from the multi-format versions. You need to buy the new issue of ONM today to see the first Wii U screens.

So are the images that show the gamepad mock ups? That wouldn't make much sense to me, but hey, maybe. Seems that with most multi-plat titles, developers show off the best looking version (PC) to sell their product.

I'm not big on soccer but as long as it's as good looking (or slightly better) and the PS360, that's good news. The functionality of the second screen looks interesting. Hopefully it's usable in action instead of distracting.

A couple of variables that haven't been mentioned which hopefully they'll address:

Local 1 vs 1 multiplayer: I'm assuming that player 1 would use the GamePad and player 2 will use the CCPro. So does player 1 have an advantage or can that second screen stuff be turned off?

Or, say you're playing 1 player and you just don't like some or most of the features. Can they be turned off so it just feels like the other (PS360 versions)

And if so, can you just stream the game to the gamepad with the TV off, too?

I suppose a lot of these questions can go for most of the Wii U line up. I'm hoping to see added functionality with the TV on, with second screen stuff being accessable via menu. If stuff like Pikmin 3 can't be streamed, then they're really missing the boat on what's supposed to be a selling point. I can understand games that try to fully realize the potential, such as Zombi U, but for multi-plat stuff I hope any added functionality is optional so that gamepad streaming is almost always understood to be a game feature.


DAE think that Plantinums game p-100, will have a different title when it launches? Trailers say working title, so i'm wondering how they will officially title it. "heros" in the name maybe?

Heres a crazy idea:
Have we talked about the portability of the WiiU? Put a battery pack in the bottom of your book bag, throw the wiiU in there, and play on the Gamepad on the bus...or if the bus has a power outlet, plug in the power WiiU power cord. Since it doesn't need a TV and The WiiU doesn't seem too bulky, its an idea.


EDIT: FIFA 13 on Wii U has FIVE player co-op. Interesting.
Imagine a local 2 vs 2 mode with the fifth guy playing as the referee with the Gamepad: he can for example use the double screen to have a better view of what's going on, the Gamepad screen giving him the hability to focus on the area he wants while the TV screen displays the classic view.

Or a mode whith a local 4 player coop on screen and the guy with the Gamepad being the goalkeeper, catching shoots using the motion features of the pad and watching the action on his little screen with his own fps or tps view...


Imagine a local 2 vs 2 mode with the fifth guy playing as the referee with the Gamepad: he can for example use the double screen to have a better view of what's going on, the Gamepad screen giving him the hability to focus on the area he wants while the TV screen displays the classic view.

Or a mode whith a local 4 player coop on screen and the guy with the Gamepad being the goalkeeper, catching shoots using the motion features of the pad and watching the action on his little screen with his own fps or tps view...

The Gamepad will define the next generation.


Bioshock Infinite is coming to the WiiU eventually


Development work on BioShock Infinite for the Wii-U will not commence until after the title is released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on February 26th, 2013. The announcement was made during Take Two’s earnings call and no mention was made of what will be changed for the later release.

The game was originally scheduled for release towards the end of 2012, but was pushed back to give it some “specific tweaks and improvements” that would make the game “into something even more extraordinary,” according to Irrational Games’ Ken Levine. He added that this delay gives the development team the time it needs to make the game even better. When the delay was originally announced, Levine pointed out that the original game faced a similar delay as its release approached because the Big Daddies needed adjustment to make them the ones we have “come to know and love,” or because “Andrew Ryan’s golf club didn’t have exactly the right swing.”

A little more waiting to do unfortunately, but we are already excited about BioShock Infinite. Those eagerly anticipating the Wii-U may be disappointed about the news that the game won’t be released until even later, but hopefully it will pack some extras that make it worth the wait.


Hmm I am very skeptical of that article, which already seemed to be assuming it was coming.

Same. I can't tell if its just the article author making that assumption or if it's a direct quote from take 2. I'm guessing Take 2 is trying to say they won't even start to think about doing a Wii-U version or not until after its finished on the other consoles.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.

that article clearly states that the Wii U version exists...what do you think?

I think the article is full of crap. If they confirmed a Wii U version on their call, more sites than this one would have reported it.


I think the article is full of crap. If they confirmed a Wii U version on their call, more sites than this one would have reported it.

This. That would have been big news, especially since there is no new Wii U talk from Nintendo and we know some companies are frustrated they can't talk about games we even know exist.
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