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Wii U Community Thread

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Take 2 finally has WiiU listed in their financials:

2K Sports
NBA 2K13
Holiday 2012

Now Bioshock does not list WiiU, but GTA5 does not list any specific console:

2K Games
BioShock Infinite
Xbox 360, PS3, PC
February 26, 2013

Rockstar Games
Grand Theft Auto V

Also... Rockstar is expanding:

Announced that it is expanding its Toronto development studio with the support of the Ontario government. In conjunction with the expansion, Rockstar Games is moving its Vancouver development team to the new Toronto facility and expects to grow staff over time.

Rockstar Toronto has worked on several critically acclaimed Rockstar Games titles, including the recently released Max Payne 3, as well as The Warriors and the Grand Theft Auto series. Rockstar Vancouver has worked on Bully and Max Payne 3.

"Expanding Rockstar Toronto and bringing our Canadian development talent together under one roof underscores our commitment to building world-class teams that can make the kind of groundbreaking entertainment experiences Rockstar Games is known for," said Jennifer Kolbe, Vice President of Publishing and Operations for Rockstar Games. "We believe a single Canadian team will make for a powerful creative force on future projects. We plan to add more than 50 new positions to our combined Canadian team, and are pleased to be entering into this strategic partnership with the Ontario government."

Weird that GTA V has no listed consoles yet. Almost makes me wonder if they didn't just switch gears and will wait to release on next gen platforms. Especially with how quiet they are being about it.


We'll I'm still believing the Bioshock Infinite coming to Wii U, it's not like the Wii U version will come out the same day they said the Wii U version will be in development when the other versions are in development.
I like how because Nintendo had two awful E3's in a row, suddenly E3 doesn't matter anymore.

People are right when they say that neither Sony or Microsoft's conferences blew anyone away this year but for every Wonderbook there was a God of War Ascension, Last of Us and Beyond and for every Kinect kids game or multi media announcement there was Halo 4, Gears of War: Judgement and Forza Horizon and both had every major third party release.

Their below par performance also has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of their first party studios are now working on PS4 / 720 games.

If they don't show their new consoles off at Apple like events so that they have 100% of peoples attention then you can bet they will blow people away at E3 2013 with gamplay from Gears 4 running on UE4 and Uncharted 4 pushing PS4 to it's limits.

Let's get this straight, I don't post in this thread to troll or argue, I'm a massive Nintendo fan, i have owned every system they have ever released and have been playing their games for over 20 years, they are also by far my favourite first party company but what i saw at the past two E3's is *in my opinion* an embarrassment.

You can sugar coat it how ever you like by saying NSMB and Nintendo Land are core games (which they are not), Pikmin 3 is there and it has a new IP in ZombiU but the whole presentation just did nothing for me, hell their E3 2011 showing was more exciting.

The fact that the console is not a powerhouse (those Fifa in game shots look almost identical to the PS360 version, the tablet view looks like the PS Vita Fifa engine aswell), isn't the reason that E3 bothered me, it was being lied to the E3 before with this whole we are coming after the core consumer again and showing impressive 'next gen' tech demos.

E3 2012 was their chance to really show something off that blew anything on PS360 away, something that looked like the Zelda or Bird tech demos from the previous E3 and what did we get ?, Nintendo Land which again *imo* looks to be a Mario Party rip off at best which requires you to have 4 Wii motes to get the most out of it, Pikmin 3 which out of their big 8 Triple A IP's is probably the weakest in terms of sales and 'buzz' (it was also a Wii game upgraded and came no where near those two tech demos), ZombiU looks ok, nothing great to me, yet another FPS of which there are at least four i can think of i would rather play this holiday season.

Then there was all the extreme casual / shovelware (Just Dance 4, Wii Fit U, Sing) and ports of games which will be months (some almost a year old) by the time the system launches (Batman, ME3, NG 3 ect).

I understand my posts come across as extremely negative but i can't help the way i feel, until this console shows a big first party game running in real time that even resembles those E3 2011 tech demos, it is to me just a slightly more powerful 360 and not capable of producing the biggest impressive graphical PS3 games (Uncharted, God of War, Heavy Rain ect).

The good points i took from E3 2012 was AC3 being available at launch, the change to the tablet pad to include proper analogue sticks and the core controller.

Has any more info leaked about the core controller having analogue triggers yet?, if it doesn't it completely ruins it tbh.

Sorry for the long reply but i just want to make people aware im not a 'troll' as i posted a lot of negative posts yesterday.


Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

Ha Ha Ha. Anyone expecting quality EA support should read this article. Can't even get this year's engine for the Wii U version.


Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

What's the crummy news?.

Edit: Nevermind :(.

It's EA I'm not shocked by this.


"If your dad can use a mobile phone, he can play Fifa on the Wii-U with you"


Why do they think Nintendo owners need the 'special' version?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

All I wanted to see from Nintendo at E3 2012 was a celebration of a new console, and what a new hardware revision entailed for the future of the company and its intellectual property. Unlike PC gaming, every new console/handheld is like flipping a switch to unlock new features and possibilities for video games. The console world doesn't have the nice curve of incremental development and design/technology evolution, it's one thing then the other.

Every console announcement from every other company, including Nintendo, has been exactly this. It's been a celebration of a new era of hardware and software, showcasing the earliest available content while teasing possibilities for the future. It's a way of saying "You're going to have this lump of plastic, transistors and wires sitting under your TV for half a decade or more. Let's celebrate why you'll want it."

Instead, Nintendo treated E3 2012 as just another day at the office. A mainline platformer that could be on any other hardware. A minigame compilation. Karaoke. Wii Fit. Just Dance 4. A GOTY edition of a game that will be twelve months old on release. Ports. The best looking game, P-100, a no-show at the conference. Ubisoft's Zombi U doing more impressive things with the pad than any of Nintendo's own titles, sans for maybe the mini game collection.

There's no denying good games where there. NSMB Wii U will be good fun, as will Pikmin 3. Rayman will be excellent. Zombi U looks surprisingly great. Scribblenauts is a safe bet for quality. P-100 will be the best title at launch. Creed, Aliens and Darksiders are welcome ports. Good games were there.

But in terms of showcasing an entirely new piece of hardware, which will be an investment for many, which offers a unique means to interact with digital entertainment, this was the most conservative and bland hardware reveal ever. Few games showcased the tablet very well, and even most of Nintendo's offerings wouldn't be out of place on current generation systems including the Wii. Where was the creativity? Where were the surprises? Where was the evidence that this tablet was a necessary and important step in Nintendo's hardware evolution?

I suppose I wouldn't mind if this was a precedent set by other companies, but all I have to look to is Nintendo's pre-launch E3's for both the Wii and the 3DS to see that this company is able to knock it out of the park when they put in effort.

So no, it wasn't the absence of blood and guts and sex and drugs and violence and murder and all that shit that let Nintendo's E3 down. It was the absence of momentum and investment in a major event: the introduction of a new, different piece of technology. It was the absence of hardware specific creativity, most disappointing from Nintendo themselves. It was the absence of them giving a shit.

Iwata's decision to hike the 3DS price at launch was a response to that E3's very positive reception of the platform. I can only hope the negativity surrounding E3 2012 has been heard and documented, and will be quickly remedied at Nintendo's pre-launch Nintendo Directs and end of year conferences. There's still time, so fingers crossed.
Was Bioshock Infinite even confirmed for Wii U ?, if so i must have missed it so apologies for listing it in big third party games it doesn't have.

Also what's the deal with Metro Last Light, it was shown at E3 2011 and then the company came out and said they weren't making it for Wii U last i heard.

I don't think i have ever seen so much secrecy surrounding a console lol, Nintendo really are going overboard with it.
Ha Ha Ha. Anyone expecting quality EA support should read this article. Can't even get this year's engine for the Wii U version.

WTF... i was actually considering supporting the third party market if i got a Wii U at launch with Fifa.

Late devkits maybe, so they just stuck the 2012 version on them to get it out on time ?.


Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

Are you kidding me EA....

That's my purchase pretty much gone, just sticking with the PC version (Please don't gimp the PC version as well, if they do i might just skip 13 altogether).
Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

Does not bode well for the future...


Big Ole Post

E3 2012 is over. It has happened. I was disappointed and I'm over that. I have other things to do. This thread moves in a grinding cycle that swings from buoyant optimism to crushed pessimism with a little actual discussion sprinkled in between. It's like Burtpork left his egg sack behind and it has hatched.

What I find frustrating about all the negative posts from people is that they are usually rehashes of freak outs that have already happened several times in the thread. We know that there is going to be little information coming until maybe September when the price is announced.

The WiiU is going to be whatever it is. We have like 0% control over most things about it. Your post here comes across like you are frustrated and angry, but have yet to move on past that. Your expectations were not met, and that sucks. But there's nothing you can do about it.

I learned a long time ago that I have no control over Nintendo, so there's no point in freaking out or getting pissed about their strategy. They have a vision and they stick to it, whether I like it or not. I like that.

This is a serious question for Nintendo-gaf. Why do so many people feel "stuck" with Nintendo? It's like some folks here are abused spouses who really should leave and find someone else to be with, but continuously subject themselves to disappointment.
someone on an another forum wrote:

So the button prompts shown are shopped in?

ONM huh...the same ONM that showed 360 screens of Sonic Unleashed and claimed they were Wii screens, and talked about the game like they had played it when really they were just basing their info off the leaked trailer we had all already seen.
So no, it wasn't the absence of blood and guts and sex and drugs and violence and murder and all that shit that let Nintendo's E3 down. It was the absence of momentum and investment in a major event: the introduction of a new, different piece of technology. It was the absence of hardware specific creativity, most disappointing from Nintendo themselves. It was the absence of them giving a shit.

Agree with your whole post (just quoted a little to save thread space).

There is no denying there are some decent games for Wii U but are they good enough to make people buy a new $300 console for ?.

The biggest thing that annoyed me was the whole vague 'launch window' tag, what that actually means is that Pikmin 3, ZombiU and P-100 (the three most impressive exclusive games for me) could be released as late as March 2013.


Unconfirmed Member
Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

Electronic Arts... when you thought they couldn't sink lower. What's next, Battlefield 3 with the Battlefield 2 engine?
Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

First-touch controls? Is that something new, or the now ancient 'touch-the-right-stick-when-you-receive-the-ball' ? Why would they leave that out?
E3 2012 is over. It has happened. I was disappointed and I'm over that. I have other things to do. This thread moves in a grinding cycle that swings from buoyant optimism to crushed pessimism with a little actual discussion sprinkled in between. It's like Burtpork left his egg sack behind and it has hatched.

What I find frustrating about all the negative posts from people is that they are usually rehashes of freak outs that have already happened several times in the thread. We know that there is going to be little information coming until maybe September when the price is announced.

The WiiU is going to be whatever it is. We have like 0% control over most things about it. Your post here comes across like you are frustrated and angry, but have yet to move on past that. Your expectations were not met, and that sucks. But there's nothing you can do about it.

I learned a long time ago that I have no control over Nintendo, so there's no point in freaking out or getting pissed about their strategy. They have a vision and they stick to it, whether I like it or not. I like that.

This is a serious question for Nintendo-gaf. Why do so many people feel "stuck" with Nintendo? It's like some folks here are abused spouses who really should leave and find someone else to be with, but continuously subject themselves to disappointment.

Lol i agree i have to let E3 2012 go, it was so much anticipated tho after being stuck with 10 year old hardware and waggle controls for a whole generation.

The reason Nintendo are my favourite first party are their big exclusive IP's, nothing on Sony or MS's consoles come close to 3D Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Starfox, F Zero, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong or Pikmin for me.

I think the reason most people were so let down by E3 was that we thought we were at least going to see some of those games built from the ground up on the new HD hardware (everyone pretty much new Pikmin 3 and NSMB were going to be there).

The Retro no show was also another huge blow.


So no, it wasn't the absence of blood and guts and sex and drugs and violence and murder and all that shit that let Nintendo's E3 down. It was the absence of momentum and investment in a major event: the introduction of a new, different piece of technology. It was the absence of hardware specific creativity, most disappointing from Nintendo themselves. It was the absence of them giving a shit.

Iwata's decision to hike the 3DS price at launch was a response to that E3's very positive reception of the platform. I can only hope the negativity surrounding E3 2012 has been heard and documented, and will be quickly remedied at Nintendo's pre-launch Nintendo Directs and end of year conferences. There's still time, so fingers crossed.

I agree with 99% of what you said, but the bolded phrase is one that I find really interesting. Do you mean they just showed up with no preparation? Maybe they were stoned? What do you mean by them not giving a shit?

Is it possible all of this is really really really rushed and slapped together and that is merely the best they THOUGHT they could do with the time?

I'm asking because I see this kind of discourse all over message boards and internet forums and it seems disingenuous. We literally do not know what their thought process is, so it's difficult to speak about it. It's a subjective assessment of something that is unknown.

Not trying to be a dick, I just really want to understand.


E3 2012 is over. It has happened. I was disappointed and I'm over that. I have other things to do. This thread moves in a grinding cycle that swings from buoyant optimism to crushed pessimism with a little actual discussion sprinkled in between. It's like Burtpork left his egg sack behind and it has hatched.

What I find frustrating about all the negative posts from people is that they are usually rehashes of freak outs that have already happened several times in the thread. We know that there is going to be little information coming until maybe September when the price is announced.

The WiiU is going to be whatever it is. We have like 0% control over most things about it. Your post here comes across like you are frustrated and angry, but have yet to move on past that. Your expectations were not met, and that sucks. But there's nothing you can do about it.

I learned a long time ago that I have no control over Nintendo, so there's no point in freaking out or getting pissed about their strategy. They have a vision and they stick to it, whether I like it or not. I like that.

This is a serious question for Nintendo-gaf. Why do so many people feel "stuck" with Nintendo? It's like some folks here are abused spouses who really should leave and find someone else to be with, but continuously subject themselves to disappointment.

I'm ok with this.


Are you kidding me EA....

That's my purchase pretty much gone, just sticking with the PC version (Please don't gimp the PC version as well, if they do i might just skip 13 altogether).

That is really disappointing to hear. And surprising, actually.


Lol i agree i have to let E3 2012 go, it was so much anticipated tho after being stuck with 10 year old hardware and waggle controls for a whole generation.

The reason Nintendo are my favourite first party are their big exclusive IP's, nothing on Sony or MS's consoles come close to 3D Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Starfox, F Zero, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong or Pikmin for me.

I think the reason most people were so let down by E3 was that we thought we were at least going to see some of those games built from the ground up on the new HD hardware (everyone pretty much new Pikmin 3 and NSMB were going to be there).

The Retro no show was also another huge blow.

I agree about the Retro no show being a big disappointment, but they're not dead. I doubt this means that that they aren't working on anything. It most likely wasn't ready or it was ready and someone at Nintendo didn't think it was. Who knows.

So have you had this reaction to a Nintendo event ever before? I've had so many disappointing Nintendo e3's that it doesn't bother me anymore.
First-touch controls? Is that something new, or the now ancient 'touch-the-right-stick-when-you-receive-the-ball' ? Why would they leave that out?

It's a new feature from FIFA 13 where how your player first touches the ball affects the amount of control your player has over the ball. If you first touch the ball after sprinting towards it at full speed, for example, you'll have less control over the ball at first than if you were taking it a bit easier. Or receiving a 30 yard pass leaves you with less control than receiving a 10 yard pass. In previous soccer games, your players always had perfect control over the ball no matter how they got hold of it.

It does seem odd they'd base the game on the FIFA 12 engine...
Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

WTF is this crap?
Why would they not develop all versions side-by-side? Did they get WiiU kits late or something?
Anyone know if Konami is bringing Pro Evolution Soccer to the WiiU?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I agree with 99% of what you said, but the bolded phrase is one that I find really interesting. Do you mean they just showed up with no preparation? Maybe they were stoned? What do you mean by them not giving a shit?

I should say the perception of not giving a shit, from my perspective. In that the conference seemed either unprepared (long winded, poor explained Nintendo Land demonstration), or the company uninterested in selling their product as something very new and unique. Lot's of 'safe' games shown, ports, and a general sense of treading water versus making a big deal of everything.

And again, this perception is due to the way Nintendo had beautifully handled past console reveals. Both the pre-launch E3's for the Wii and 3DS were quite wonderful and a showed a big investment from Nintendo. E3 2012 lacked this, I felt.


I agree with 99% of what you said, but the bolded phrase is one that I find really interesting. Do you mean they just showed up with no preparation? Maybe they were stoned? What do you mean by them not giving a shit?

Something to do with the fact that they didn't bother treating it like their other console launches and showing what's to come in the future to instead focus only on launch window titles.

I can see why they chose that strategy personally, it's a nice idea, but it didn't really work out all that well.
I agree about the Retro no show being a big disappointment, but they're not dead. I doubt this means that that they aren't working on anything. It most likely wasn't ready or it was ready and someone at Nintendo didn't think it was. Who knows.

So have you had this reaction to a Nintendo event ever before? I've had so many disappointing Nintendo e3's that it doesn't bother me anymore.

Not really, (the Wii was a lost cause for me regarding the controller but i still bought one for the Mario Galaxy games, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Skyward Sword), i was really excited for this E3 esp after the tech demos and what they said at the 2011 show regarding going after core gamers and the console being really powerful.

I actually think if i hadn't have seen E3 2011 and someone just showed me E3 2012 i wouldn't have been half as bothered about it, just felt like all the fans were lied to.


I should say the perception of not giving a shit, from my perspective. In that the conference seemed either unprepared (long winded, poor explained Nintendo Land demonstration), or the company uninterested in selling their product as something very new and unique. Lot's of 'safe' games shown, ports, and a general sense of treading water versus making a big deal of everything.

And again, this perception is due to the way Nintendo had beautifully handled past console reveals. Both the pre-launch E3's for the Wii and 3DS were quite wonderful and a showed a big investment from Nintendo. E3 2012 lacked this, I felt.

If that Retro backed out at the last minute rumuor is true I bet that is why NintendoLand got so much attention. I would think the new Retro game would have gotten 5-10 minutes of presentation time and then NintendoLand would have just been 5-10 as well instead of the 15-20 it got.

I wonder how different the overall perception of the whole conference would have been if that happened.


NSMB [/B]and Nintendo Land are core games (which they are not), Pikmin 3 is there and it has a new IP in ZombiU but the whole presentation just did nothing for me, hell their E3 2011 showing was more exciting.

I'm going to nuke this word into oblivion. Hey everyone. Lets stop using that word in this thread ok? I means nothing if a 2d Mario game isn't core. The word is worthless.


Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

I realy hope this isnt true. But wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't [Edit: was!]

Surely it would be making it more complicated to switch back to the old game engine that develope the game side by side with the current engine?

Also, what happened to the "Wi U is best looking version of FIFA 13" part? This makes no sense :(
It's a new feature from FIFA 13 where how your player first touches the ball affects the amount of control your player has over the ball. If you first touch the ball after sprinting towards it at full speed, for example, you'll have less control over the ball at first than if you were taking it a bit easier. Or receiving a 30 yard pass leaves you with less control than receiving a 10 yard pass. In previous soccer games, your players always had perfect control over the ball no matter how they got hold of it.

It does seem odd they'd base the game on the FIFA 12 engine...



The truth and lots of it.


I just don't know what to think about Nintendo anymore. I want to see what the future holds for the Wii U software and so far, I'm not impressed. What's worse is that this all seems intentional for for no good reason. If Nintendo doesnt have anything new to show in September then...I just don't know. :(


Actually Project P-100 will probably be the reason I buy a Wii U day 1.
If that Retro backed out at the last minute rumuor is true I bet that is why NintendoLand got so much attention. I would think the new Retro game would have gotten 5-10 minutes of presentation time and then NintendoLand would have just been 5-10 as well instead of the 15-20 it got.

I wonder how different the overall perception of the whole conference would have been if that happened.

Depends on if the Retro game was any good or not. Maybe Retro's game was another minigame collection, and it was decided to not show off two of them in the same show.


Kinda crummy Fifa news if true: "For the first time since the GameCube, EA Sports is delivering a soccer game to a Nintendo console based on its current rendering and physics engine. Though the game is more tied to FIFA 12 than the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of FIFA 13 (you won’t find first-touch controls or curving runs here), Nintendo fans still have a deep gameplay experience to enjoy with either the new GamePad or a classic controller. "

Source: GameInformer article

If PES 2013 is a playmaker version, FIFA on Wii U won't be popular at all. Man, the only way that EA that could redeem themselves to me is to bring a remake of NHL 95-96 with current teams and rosters. EA had been dead to me since NHL 2000 on PC.

DynamicG said:
This is a serious question for Nintendo-gaf. Why do so many people feel "stuck" with Nintendo? It's like some folks here are abused spouses who really should leave and find someone else to be with, but continuously subject themselves to disappointment.

I still have fun with Mario, Zelda, ... and I know they are still quality. It's not about stuck with Nintendo. I can play on other consoles and I have a PC.
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