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Wii U Community Thread

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I am pretty downed by the last holdout of reasonable pricing in the console market totally giving in. My clicky finger is itchy and positioned over the Ouya button at all times.

Yeah, I had an Ouya button installed on my keyboard, what of it?

Hey man, I have no qualms w/ Ouya. Looks great!

Backs away slowly
Children and teen-agers form a massive portion of the core demographic of the video game industry. Labeling any game that appeals to younger people as "casual" is phenomenally disingenuous.

BTW, sorry about not responding to your serious response to my snarky "Gamecube Strategy" comment last night. So here it is: Frankly, I think they could have eked out a higher performance profile without sacrificing very much cost, even while keeping the features the system currently has. Nonetheless, I'm pretty stubborn in my belief that they would sell far fewer systems if they merely had a Gamecube equivalent (fast hardware, nothing else different from prior generations). The notable success stories of the gaming world have generally had notably novel features compared to prior systems. Xbox 360 gained ground not because of its pixel pushing abilities but because it introduced a theretofore unparalleled approach to centralised online gaming. PS2 and PS1 was ridiculously popular in part because it gave consumers media playing capabilities which were in very high demand at the time. Lacking a feature to which you can point to and say "This is what you're getting that you never got before" is a dead-end to most consumers, and more polygons just aren't that critically important to most.

Nonetheless, I will concede that making a system into an Xbox 360 clone save for dramatically higher performance might have given Nintendo a higher degree of third party support, which is the sort of thing that can help with long-tail sales.

They would have also sold far more consoles to PS360 gamers if the system was a full generational leap in the year / 18 months between Wii U launch and PS4 / 720's launch.

As i said it's going to be near impossible to sell 100 million Wii U's so why not sell 30 million and build a true generational leap than sell 40 million with a 20% leap.

I know why... business ;).
I agree with what you're saying, except that it wouldn't have just been an Xbox 360 clone because, hypothetically speaking, they still would have had the Wii Remote and that's huge! The Wii Remote (esp w/ motion plus) is a great friggin controller! I'd go so far as to say it's the utter perfection of what they were trying to accomplish - screw the nonsense people spout about adding more face buttons and whatnot. If Nintendo had delivered a more powerful Wii U sans Gamepad but with a slightly improved Wii Remote and perhaps a proper camera, I truly believe the thing would sell like gangbusters.

You mean making the Super Wii as an analogy to the NES's Super NES. For some reason, this concept keeps escaping me.

I really do wish that they had made the Wii controller with backwards compatibility in mind. They could have easily made it so that the controller had one analog, one set of four thumb buttons (doubling as a d-pad), and two finger buttons, and then they would magically have a controler than when doubled would have been functionally compatible with all prior games. Except that you'd get all the new features, including that sweet, sweet ability to not have your hands crammed together the whole time you're playing.

Hey man, I have no qualms w/ Ouya. Looks great!

Backs away slowly

Heh, I actually gave up on it once I discovered that to add your own custom features (like media streaming), you had to completely disable their app store. I really should get a Raspberry Pi once of these days.

As i said it's going to be near impossible to sell 100 million Wii U's so why not sell 30 million and build a true generational leap than sell 40 million with a 20% leap.

I know why... business ;).

Aye, plus it's boring to have a product that's pretty much the same thing as all the other ones.
When we found out Crytek is working with Nintendo we also find out that their could be a possible chance of Crysis 3 which the CEO (I think it was the CEO) said, so it has to be something.

We also know that an unrevealed third party is working on a game powered by CryEngine 3.

We should hear more about this game and others during the next few months.

I also think there's something about either the GamePad or the console that Nintendo are keeping under wraps, Iwata (I think it was) said that they were holding something back to prevent competitors from copying whatever it is. Could just be something OS or software related though, maybe..?


Then I guess they had proper support this gen too! Wii got FIFA, it was was just a "different experience"!


The Wii U version of FIFA 13 is "more tied to" FIFA 12. The PS360 versions aren't. That's dumb. I'm not buying the Nintendo version for touch controls.

The only thing not "proper" as far as EA's support of Wii with FIFA was the lack of any effort to improve the games visuals over what they were on GC/PS2. We've already heard that FIFA for WiiU will use the latest graphics engine, in fact it'll be the best looking version.

Basically you disagree with EA producing a unique version of the game that takes advantage of WiiU's pad features. I can totally understand that because I don't really like the sound of it myself (though I'll give it a chance alongside my usual PC version of FIFA). I just don't see it as a lack of support or something that should be ridiculed. For all we know it could end up as a fantastic game (some of the Football games on Wii were unique yet actually excellent games).
I agree with what you're saying, except that it wouldn't have just been an Xbox 360 clone because, hypothetically speaking, they still would have had the Wii Remote and that's huge! The Wii Remote (esp w/ motion plus) is a great friggin controller! I'd go so far as to say it's the utter perfection of what they were trying to accomplish - screw the nonsense people spout about adding more face buttons and whatnot. If Nintendo had delivered a more powerful Wii U sans Gamepad but with a slightly improved Wii Remote and perhaps a proper camera, I truly believe the thing would sell like gangbusters.

Why couldn't they have released a powerful system and the tablet screen along with Wii remote support could have been optional with the core controller bundled with the system ?.

They used $50 of the hardware budget on something that 1) puts a lot of people off as they see it as a novelty / gimmick, 2) third parties are scared to develop for it as they don't know how to approach it gameplay wise and most importantly, 3) its using up processing power from the main console, reducing what you can display / how fast it can run on screen.

I facepalmed hard when i read if you used two tablet controllers on one system for local MP, the framerate would drop to 30 fps, imagine F Zero, Smash Bros or Mario Kart at 30 fps...

Glass Joe

It wont be a launch game.

That's a guess you're stating as fact, isn't it? Pikmin 3 is probably already done and could be shipped today. If it's between Pikmin and NSMB for which one shows up first day, I'd say Pikmin. But that's just me. My predictions: Nov 18th launch.

My guess is that Nintendo will launch with Wii Fit U and NintendoLand (which will be bundled). Pikmin 3 will be there too, as their core audience game. That franchise is loved, but many overlook it, so it needs the launch attention.

They'll make NSMB U their big December title to continue momentum, ala Melee for GC and Kart 7 for 3DS. This way people will have a chance to buy Rayman, as showing that 3rd parties can get sales needs to be #1 on Nintendo's to-do list. They certainly don't need 2 quality 2D platformers competing, and Rayman would get ignored. So at least give that game a few weeks to shine. And Zombi U will give them a "mature" / FPS option that will hopefully show some strong 3rd party sales as well.

We'll see P-100 during the Jan-Apr software drought, since it's a new IP and will also need the attention of being the only thing of note being released in that window. Maybe Wario Ware then too. That game just doesn't seem fleshed out enough to me to seem ready. Unless that's potentially an e-shop only release. That one would just end up getting ignored in favor of NintendoLand anyway if it launched.

One scene of Panorama View will be in the software as a tech demo like FaceRaiders, with options to download more at the e-store.

E-store will launch with Luigi's Mansion for GameCube and probably little else. A nice tie in for the 3DS version, at least. Jan-Apr will see a GameCube e-store push to combat the software drought. Maybe even a Wii classic game or two will crop up.

I also expect a Wii Sports U announcement soon, maybe at a Nintendo Direct for an early 2013 release. Wii Motion Plus version of tennis, an HD version of bowling, along with the already shown Golf and Baseball.

E3 2013 we'll finally see some bigger budget games that are certainly in development but were too early to show. Retro's project will probably be Kart U, since they worked on the 3DS version. Or Donkey Kong Returns 2 - but again, there's already enough 2D love IMO. Maybe DKR would be a 3DS title?
You mean making the Super Wii as an analogy to the NES's Super NES. For some reason, this concept keeps escaping me.

I really do wish that they had made the Wii controller with backwards compatibility in mind. They could have easily made it so that the controller had one analog, one set of four thumb buttons (doubling as a d-pad), and two finger buttons, and then they would magically have a controler than when doubled would have been functionally compatible with all prior games. Except that you'd get all the new features, including that sweet, sweet ability to not have your hands crammed together the whole time you're playing.

Yes, basically a Super Wii. The "revolution" so to speak could have been in the system's software features, such as online functionality. Worked for the 360.

Your BC Wii Remote would be cool if they figured out how to make 4 buttons into a decent dpad. Also, I'd imagine the analog stick would probably end up having to be more of a circle pad or it would be awkward to reach your thumb over.

Anyway, I suppose we're just torturing ourselves here...

Why couldn't they have released a powerful system and the tablet screen along with Wii remote support could have been optional with the core controller bundled with the system ?.

They used $50 of the hardware budget on something that 1) puts a lot of people off as they see it as a novelty / gimmick, 2) third parties are scared to develop for it as they don't know how to approach it gameplay wise and most importantly, 3) its using up processing power from the main console, reducing what you can display / how fast it can run on screen.

I facepalmed hard when i read if you used two tablet controllers on one system for local MP, the framerate would drop to 30 fps, imagine F Zero, Smash Bros or Mario Kart at 30 fps...

Needest you ask? The price.

Edit: And it's the same answer as to why the framerate will drop when using two Gamepads. They'd have to add another hardware encoder, the costs of which they are not willing to eat.



you guys still think Wii U will get legitimate third party support? it can't even get proper support during the ps3/360's lifetime, what's gonna happen when ps4/720 drop?

Do people still think the PS4 will be cutting edge even when Sony is losing tons of money?.


Do people still think the PS4 will be cutting edge even when Sony is losing tons of money?.

I wouldn't accused Sony of always making good business decisions. Sony's issues in their various divisions and the huge problem with the Vita would naturally make one think Sony would be conservative when it comes to the PS4. Focus on service over power and make sure the system was affordable and profitable on day one. Doesn't mean that's what Sony will do. Most are expecting Sony to push for more power and a expensive system. That's what their track record has shown as recent as the Vita. Until proven otherwise I'm expecting a repeat of that with the PS4.


I wouldn't accused Sony of always making good business decisions. Sony's issues in their various divisions and the huge problem with the Vita would naturally make one think Sony would be conservative when it comes to the PS4. Focus on service over power and make sure the system was affordable and profitable on day one. Doesn't mean that's what Sony will do. Most are expecting Sony to push for more power and a expensive system. That's what their track record has shown as recent as the Vita and what they're likely to do until proven otherwise.

I really only posted that post because I'm tired of people being like "What Fifa 13 is based on Fifa 12?, I guess Nintendo will never get third party support" because of 1 game, I find it annoying and predicting a future that can be very wrong.


Rayman legends as of now is exclusive isn't it? And honestly after seeing the music rythm plattforming stage, why would anyone even bother buying it on another plattform where you have to miss out on that? Sure Origins was still a great game regardless, but I find it hard to imagine that a version of Legends without those features would be anywhere near as enjoyable.
Even if it's not exclusive, it's bound to be the best version by virtue of offering gameplay and content that the other versions simply can't emulate truthfully.

i loved that level, and the design is pretty good, but also really deceptive. it actually tells you when to jump through the music and not just the placement of the obstacles, which makes things a bit easier. the music also doesn't happen because of what you do, but because of how far you progress.

i played sound shapes almost right afterwards, and it was like seeing this concept blown up into a full game. sound shapes is fucking great.

also, i don't think ubisoft will keep it exclusive to the wii u. the wii version of origins outsold the others, but only barely. plus, these guys also put the first raving rabbids out on the 360, a console that really couldn't replicate what the wii version did at the time. they'll want to make their money anywhere they can.
I don't get this, isn't FIFA 13 coming out in a few months ? How on Earth was it impossible for them to ... you know what ? Fuck it, it's EA, I knew they'd find a way to fuck up, they always do. Treating it like Vita, fucking EA. First they get my hopes up with the first screens, then they have to drop the ball again.

If there's any company I'd love to see go down, it's EA. But as I learned today, if only there was more communication then everything would be fine.


you guys still think Wii U will get legitimate third party support? it can't even get proper support during the ps3/360's lifetime, what's gonna happen when ps4/720 drop?
There's nothing surprising about this particular move, if true, and has nothing to do with third-party stances regarding Nintendo.

Ask PC FIFA players. Ask those who bought FIFA for Vita.
Do people still think the PS4 will be cutting edge even when Sony is losing tons of money?.

Yes definitely, they need the hardware power for the type of games they create (Gran Turismo, Uncharted, God of War ect) they also need the power for parity with the 720 for cross platform games.

The Wii U never needed to be ridiculously powerful at all, it just had to be a noticeable leap over PS360 and so far it is not.

Nintendo went with the tablet cost over a powerful CPU / GPU combo.


Yes definitely, they need the hardware power for the type of games they create (Gran Turismo, Uncharted, God of War ect) they also need the power for parity with the 720 for cross platform games.

The Wii U never needed to be ridiculously powerful at all, it just had to be a noticeable leap over PS360 and so far it is not.

Nintendo went with the tablet cost over a powerful CPU / GPU combo.

At E3 we didn't see that, doesn't mean we won't see it.


Why couldn't they have released a powerful system and the tablet screen along with Wii remote support could have been optional with the core controller bundled with the system ?.

Because then its a pointless exercise. You don't get wide spread support for a peripheral if its not bundled with the system as standard, that's been proven time and time again.

They used $50 of the hardware budget on something that 1) puts a lot of people off as they see it as a novelty / gimmick, 2) third parties are scared to develop for it as they don't know how to approach it gameplay wise and most importantly, 3) its using up processing power from the main console, reducing what you can display / how fast it can run on screen.

Well it isn't using up any processing power by default, its completely up to the developer to decide what kind of processing power they want to use for the controller, if any. So I don't see any issue there, its not like developers are limited in any way by the screen being their.

I facepalmed hard when i read if you used two tablet controllers on one system for local MP, the framerate would drop to 30 fps, imagine F Zero, Smash Bros or Mario Kart at 30 fps...

That's not an issue of system power and only effects the frame rate on the controller screens. Basically if you're running a game and displaying something on one controller at 60fps then if you change that to two controllers and want to display on both it would have to drop to 30fps on the controller screens, not on the TV. If the game is already 30fps then using two controllers won't change anything (unless you go bat shit crazy with the power you use to render the frames for the controller of course). The most obvious conclusion we can gather from this is that either the wireless protocol that transfers frames to the WiiU controller (or the dedicated chip that encodes them, or a bit of both) can only handle sending 60 frames per second without effecting input latency. So using two controllers at 60fps wouldn't be possible, hence they split the controller frames between both controllers.


The link doesn't say they're using the old engine. It says they're using the new engine (which is backed up by the comments that the WiiU version will look best out of all console version as you said). But that some of the new FIFA13 features on 360/PS3 aren't being added. I'd imagine that's because those features don't work with the unique way the games going to be played on WiiU. The same article talks about heavy use of the touch screen and less reliance on buttons ans sticks.

Personally I don't like the sound of it, but the reviews of the final game will tell all.

Glad to know at least someone here can read. My neck was tired from so much head-shake. The statement clearly implied a difference in some gameplay mechanics, while running on current graphics/physics engine. Not sure how it went down hill from there.

In any event, it's an odd game-play mechanics choice. I suspected similar reason you suggested. If I had to guess why; I'd imagine that they wanted this version to be less sim-heavy, and easier for the casual sports fan to get into. All this could have been handled by an "arcade mode" where they just turn off a few sim-based features. But maybe they couldn't strike a balance between an arcade mode, in combination with heavy gamepad use, so they just settled for one mode with the omission of certain mechanics, and called it a day. All speculation, of course.


Do people still think the PS4 will be cutting edge even when Sony is losing tons of money?.

Do people still think the Vita will be cutting edge even when Sony is losing tons of money?

They don't give a fuck. I think it'll be cutting edge, yes. Even though it really doesn't make much sense...
At E3 we didn't see that, doesn't mean we won't see it.

You're right and i will cry tears of joy when i see all the big first party Nintendo IP's built from the ground up on Wii U hardware.

They will still be blown away by all the big first party Sony and MS games tho as their hardware is around 4 times as powerful but meh, as many people in here say graphics aren't everything.

I simply wanted Wii U to be more of a full generational leap over PS360 so it would be as attractive as possible to third parties when it came to ports.

Considering they are struggling to get PS360 ports for the big games, the future does not look good for next gen third party games.
Do people still think the Vita will be cutting edge even when Sony is losing tons of money?

They don't give a fuck. I think it'll be cutting edge, yes. Even though it really doesn't make much sense...

Sony and MS lose a ton of money on hardware until the first revision, for the first few years they make all their money on software sales.

You have to remember aswell that altho Sony are losing money they are a far, far bigger company than Nintendo as videogames is only a part of what they make, same for MS.


You're right and i will cry tears of joy when i see all the big first party Nintendo IP's built from the ground up on Wii U hardware.

They will still be blown away by all the big first party Sony and MS games tho as their hardware is around 4 times as powerful but meh, as many people in here say graphics aren't everything.

I simply wanted Wii U to be more of a full generational leap over PS360 so it would be as attractive as possible to third parties when it came to ports.

Considering they are struggling to get PS360 ports for the big games, the future does not look good for next gen third party games.

Well what we heard of the PS4 and 720 as well even they won't be a full generational leap, no next gen console will.
Do people still think the Vita will be cutting edge even when Sony is losing tons of money?

They don't give a fuck. I think it'll be cutting edge, yes. Even though it really doesn't make much sense...

Doesn't make much sense? They'd lose a huge portion of their potential userbase if their graphics aren't comparable to 720. That's what Playstation consumers expect, and if they delivered a Wii-like system (which only Nintendo fans seem to be calling for), the backlash would be catastrophic. They don't need to edge out MS in every single department, but they absolutely need to be in the ballpark graphically, even if it seems financially risky. Sony understand this.


Doesn't make much sense? They'd lose a huge portion of their potential userbase if their graphics aren't comparable to 720. That's what Playstation consumers expect, and if they delivered a Wii-like system (which only Nintendo fans seem to be calling for), the backlash would be catastrophic. They don't need to edge out MS in every single department, but they absolutely need to be in the ballpark graphically, even if it seems financially risky. Sony understand this.

Neither XBox3 or PS4 look cutting edge at the moment IMO, certainly powerful enough though. I agree that going cutting edge really doesn't make any sense, its been shown to be a bad strategy.
Well what we heard of the PS4 and 720 as well even they won't be a full generational leap, no next gen console will.

AMD 4 Core Jaguar CPU, at least 4GB's of Ram and a 1.5 - 1.8 teraFLOP GPU is a full generational leap when you put them up against consoles which had slower CPU's, 512MB's of Ram and 240 - 300 gigaFLOP GPU's.
Neither XBox3 or PS4 look cutting edge though.

How so? They're rumored to be using Jaguar cores, which aren't even out yet, and DDR4, which isn't even out yet. As far as the GPUs go, they seem to be basing their designs off the latest shader model, DX, OpenGL, etc. Possibly GCN cores. Maybe there are cards with more "beef" in the PC market, but Sony/MS seem to be cramming as much in as they can while still keeping it a "console."

Neither XBox3 or PS4 look cutting edge at the moment IMO, certainly powerful enough though. I agree that going cutting edge really doesn't make any sense, its been shown to be a bad strategy.

I'm sorry, but I've heard this line way too many times in this thread and I have to start calling it out as bullshit. Was it a bad strategy for PS2? What about the 360? Those were both cutting edge, and wiped the floor with the competition. The only place where the strategy failed was with PS3, and that was only because of the "kitchen sink" approach they took. Kutaragi had just lost his mind at that point.

Edit: Ok, maybe 360 didn't "wipe the floor" but it has been damn successful and still has some life in it. The whole RROD issue could have been avoided as well with the mere inclusion of a decent heatsink from day 1.


AMD 4 Core Jaguar CPU, at least 4GB's of Ram and a 1.5 - 1.8 teraFLOP GPU is a full generational leap when you put them up against consoles which had slower CPU's, 512MB's of Ram and 240 - 300 gigaFLOP GPU's.

The Wii to the Wii U is a full generational leap as well than.
How long will this EA event tonight, is it streamed online ?.

Fifa 13, Madden 13, Tiger Woods 13, MoH 2, UFC EA and BF4 all confirmed for Wii U... Believe !!!!!! ;).


The link doesn't say they're using the old engine. It says they're using the new engine (which is backed up by the comments that the WiiU version will look best out of all console version as you said). But that some of the new FIFA13 features on 360/PS3 aren't being added. I'd imagine that's because those features don't work with the unique way the games going to be played on WiiU. The same article talks about heavy use of the touch screen and less reliance on buttons ans sticks.

Personally I don't like the sound of it, but the reviews of the final game will tell all.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the correction! Still not too happy about this. The improvements to the physics/mechanics (first-touch control etc) sound fantastic and after playing 12 to death I'm looking forward to the upgrade.


AMD 4 Core Jaguar CPU, at least 4GB's of Ram and a 1.5 - 1.8 teraFLOP GPU is a full generational leap when you put them up against consoles which had slower CPU's, 512MB's of Ram and 240 - 300 gigaFLOP GPU's.

Very arguable, especially when you compare it to the leap between PS2 and PS3.
The Wii to the Wii U is a full generational leap as well than.

The Wii U is a huge jump from the Wii but that really isn't hard is it considering the Wii was a slightly more powerful Gamecube with 10 year old architecture.

If the Wii U GPU is 480 gigaFLOPs (lowest estimate i have read), then its 40 times more powerful than the Wii GPU.

If the Wii U has 2GB's of Ram it has almost 23 times more Ram than the Wii.

No one really knows about the CPU but i would imagine it's at least 10 times as powerful as the Wii CPU.

Like i said i can't wait to see Mario EAD, Metroid, Zelda and Retros game built from the ground up on it, my only complaint is that we never seen any of them at E3, that and the total information blackout from Nintendo since early June.


Jesus christ, mynintendonews just posted about the Bioshock Infinite thing with the title 'BioShock Infinite Confirmed For Wii U'. Gaf has to add Zelda Informer and mynintendonews to the banned list -_-

In mynintendonews' defence, they used this article as a source and it does mention the following:

Development work on BioShock Infinite for the Wii-U will not commence until after the title is released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on February 26th, 2013. The announcement was made during Take Two’s earnings call and no mention was made of what will be changed for the later release.

Does anyone have any info regarding the bolded whether a Wii U version was even mentioned, or was it a private meeting?

Really it's this Mark O'Beirne who should take the heat if he's just making stuff up.
Very arguable, especially when you compare it to the leap between PS2 and PS3.

Suppose it all depends on what you view as a full generational leap.

The Wii U is a MASSIVE leap over the original Wii but barely twice as powerful as PS360, if those PS4 / 720 leaked stats are correct then they will be 6-8 times as powerful as PS360.

Anything over five times the power is a full generational leap for me but i guess it is just all opinion :).
I understand the take two president comments and all, but would anyone really be surprised if Bioshock infinite becomes a wii u title? Really i wouldn't be. I mean ken levine was in the wii u developer reel from e3 2011. I don't care what ken has to say about it, but there is no way nintendo would put him in there for no reason


The Wii to the Wii U is a full generational leap as well than.[/QUOTE

That's not much considering a full generational leap from the wii would also be a ps3

Not as big though compared to PS2 to PS3.

Suppose it all depends on what you view as a full generational leap.

The Wii U is a MASSIVE leap over the original Wii but barely twice as powerful as PS360, if those PS4 / 720 leaked stats are correct then they will be 6-8 times as powerful as PS360.

Anything over five times the power is a full generational leap for me but i guess it is just all opinion :).

From what I read around here the Wii U is 3-4x more powerful than the PS3/360, if the PS4 and 720 are 6-8x more powerful that's definitely in the range of the Wii U in a way.


In mynintendonews' defence, they used this article as a source and it does mention the following:

Does anyone have any info regarding the bolded whether a Wii U version was even mentioned, or was it a private meeting?

Really it's this Mark O'Beirne who should take the heat if he's just making stuff up.

Its still low of them to use 'confirmed' in the title as if it was actually announced
Btw, all you gotta do is search to see its bullshit, takes 5 seconds - http://seekingalpha.com/article/767...sses-q1-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript

Journalism does suck :(


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone have any info regarding the bolded whether a Wii U version was even mentioned, or was it a private meeting?
The two most recent filings:


Only quote about Wii U I can find is this:

2K Sports announced that the Oklahoma City Thunder’s Kevin Durant, Los Angeles Clippers’ Blake Griffin and the Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose will be the cover athletes for NBA 2K13, the next installment of the top-selling and top-rated NBA video game simulation franchise*, which is planned for release on October 2, 2012 in North America and October 5, 2012 internationally. In addition, the title will be our first offering for WiiU, available during the holiday season.
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