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Wii U Community Thread

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Why is he not a fan of Nintendo?.

Well from last year he had some pretty good things to say about the wii u and said that it was a viable platform for id tech 5 games, and that he thinks that hardcore games can do good on the console. Nintendo and id software even had a history together, as they ported doom and quake to the n64. But i think if there would be anyone to say bluntly that the wii u is not that much of a graphical leap it would be him. Well, him and gearbox's Randy Pitchford. He was the first developer i remember to call the wii an over clocked gamecube (still tried to port Unreal Engine 3 to it though)


Well from last year he had some pretty good things to say about the wii u and said that it was a viable platform for id tech 5 games, and that he thinks that hardcore games can do good on the console. Nintendo and id software even had a history together, as they ported doom and quake to the n64. But i think if there would be anyone to say bluntly that the wii u is not that much of a graphical leap it would be him

Well it's a good thing he didn't say anything yet about Wii U's power so that's a good sign lol, I'm hoping id tech will put Doom 4 on Wii U.
I got to see the beginning of EA's event before heading back out and I really hope they will have two gamepad-play ready. I still believe Madden and of course FIFA can really help sell consoles with that option. My aunt, cousin, and his friend (the latter two in their early twenties) and we were at Best Buy while my aunt was at another store. And they were very interested when I told them about the possibility of selecting plays from your controller and being able to redraw them on the fly in Madden.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Carmack is the smartest and most honest guy in the industry whenever asked about platform pros/cons, personal taste, and his views on the industry and game development. He doesn't hate Nintendo, and he doesn't love them. No allegiances, no side taking, no silliness. He just has a passion for good games and interesting technology, no matter where it's from.


Carmack is the smartest and most honest guy in the industry whenever asked about platform pros/cons, personal taste, and his views on the industry and game development. He doesn't hate Nintendo, and he doesn't love them. No allegiances, no side taking, no silliness. He just has a passion for good games and interesting technology, no matter where it's from.

He's probably the most brilliant programmer in the gaming industry. It's a shame I don't like any of his games :( (they tend to be fps's). Quake I enjoyed, I played some Doom on friend's PC's in the 90's, but Rage and other games were "meh" for me.
I wonder if EA will have the gall to charge 60 bucks for ME3 if all it includes is just the free ending dlc.

Honestly im surprised we're not just getting a ME rail shooter. No way EA would pass up the opportunity to sell the same game they sold a year ago all over again with as little effort put into it as possible


Yeah but I mean FIFA 13 Wii U being FIFA 12.5 is pretty wrong since the exclusive features the PS3 and 360 won't get.

Isnt FiFA 13, 12.5 on all systems lol its EA after all, they like to put out roster updates.

With all the new WiiU features missing a few that the 360 has doesnt seem too bad.

Madden WiiU seems to have everything important atleast that the others have, plus WiiU stuff.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Just got back from the Atlanta WiiU Experience. Had a fun time, most everybody seemed to have a blast.

Anticipation going in (for games available to play):
1. ZombiU (played single/multi)
2. P-100 (didn't play)
3. NSMBWiiU (played with Gamerpad and wiimote)
4. NintendoLand (played three minigames)
5. Arkham City (didn't play)
6. Pikimin 3 (played)
7. Rayman Legends (played with Gamerpad)
8. Game & Wario (didn't play)
9. Wii Fit U (didn't play)
10. Ninja Gaiden 3 (didn't play)
11. Just dance 4 (didn't play)
12. SiNG (didn't play)

Note: Scribblenaut, AC3, Mass Effect 3, etc. not available to play.

Gamerpad: felt comfortable, lighter then expected. The back buttons are nicely placed, and the controller just felt right inside my hands. Touchscreen was surprisingly very responsive to fingers, in fact I did not see one demo using the stylus.

CCPro: Felt like a 360 controller.... almost exactly like 360 controller. Which is a good thing.

Overall, I had zero problems with controls at the events, and everything I played felt surprisingly intuitive.

ZombiU (single-player): I was really shocked at how easy the section seemed to be. I breezed through the Nusery, mostly without bullets and a cricket bat. In fact, I killed the Nusery 'boss' with two bullets and tons of whacks from said bat. I only had two bullets because they seem to be very scarce, and so are weapons. You die with one bite, but you have two injections (per character) that will kill a zombie if he grabs you (as long as you press the proper button in time). No idea if you can collect more or not. I would like to add that I had already seen a full walk-through of this stage before, and the mumbled sound really took away from the atmosphere/scares. As for controls, the touchscreen worked really well with the fingers, and the need to constantly switch back and forth made for some tense moments. The game controls were extremely intuitive, and I had the hang of them within a minute. Overall, ZombiU seems to have a ton of potential.

ZombiU (multi-player): I only got the chance to play with the CC Pro/Human, and while the mode was fun, it seemed to lack much depth. You are in a fairly small area, and you have to capture the flags before the Zombie creator does. Maybe the guy I was playing against sucked, but I breezed through each zone (even without inverted Y-axis....ugh) and completed my task within ten minutes. I would of liked to get a go at the Gamerpad, but time had ran out. :/

P-100: They only had one station up, and the line was fricken crazy long at all-times besides the beginning (while I was playing ZombiU right next to it). At one point I was waiting in line for it, but I saw that NintendoLand had opened up and I had at least four people in front of me, so I dashed over there instead. Everybody I talked to had no fucking idea what it was, but enjoyed it immensely. The graphics looked surprisingly good, and the game looked like it was neat. Wish I could of played it. :/

NSMBWiiU: It's NSMBWii with awesome backgrounds.... and touch platforms. As always, 2D Mario was a joy to play, and had by far the longest line. There was a crowd around both stations the whole two hours. I didn't get to play in the tournaments, but I did get some time with the Gamerpad. It seemed to me that the touch platforms could be used to make some amazing speedruns, and elsewhere could be fun for someone who can't handle actually playing Mario.


Luigi's Mansion - A better version of Pac-Man Vs. I only got to play as the ghost, but sneaking up on people and being able to drag their bodies around to set up other players is evil... and genius. Everybody I was playing with was laughing their heads off, and it seemed to be a really popular game at the event.

Animal Crossing - Basically Chase Me, but a bit deeper. Played both the runners and the guards. As runners, you really have to work with your teammates because the guards have a huge advantage. Runners are so simple to play, but being able to drop fruit to outrun/escape guards only to swoop back around to pick them up later was grin inducing. As Guards, you are bad-asses. You can trap the little runners like mouses, and it's easy to do with some proper planning. I was surprised how easy it was to control two different characters with each analog. Other games should try and use this technique. Anyways, I beat the runners within 30 seconds because they were all gathered at a three-button-fruit tree and I surrounded them before they knew what was coming. No stolen fruit on my watch!

Donkey Kong - Played in a tourney, got three chances to reach the princess. I was the first one to play, so I messed up pretty badly the first two times, but I still had a good time with it overall. Seems like a neat sidescrolling version of something like Korniopa, which I dug. The controls are very sensitive, and you have to keep a certain speed/angle for all different kinds of slopes, or otherwise you will hit a wall or tilt over like in Trails HD. No one ever made it to the princess, so the game was pretty hard.

Overall, I was really surprised at how fun NintendoLand was. It's not Wii Sports, but everybody I saw playing looked to be having a great time. As a bundled game, I do think it could move some consoles. I saw the Zelda Quest which looked badass (combination of Swordplay in Wii Sports and Archery), but I didn't get to play. :/

Arkham City: I saw a bunch of people playing it, never got my hands on it though. Arkham City was my GOTY last year, and this version looked basically identical (graphically and content-wise), but the gadget menu being on the Gamerpad could help make it a smoother experience. I did see some gyro controls that looked a bit shoehorned into the gameplay, but overall it looked like a good port.

Pikimin 3: My game of the show. This is the one game that made me want to put my money down for a WiiU NOW! And you know what? I don't even particularly like the previous Pikimin games. I thought they were fine games, but had clumsy execution through the gamecube controller and lack of proper hardware for such a game. Pikimin 3 solves both of these problems. You have an overhead map on the gamerpad (which is propped up right in front of you with a stand) and wiimotion+ along with the nuncuck to control Olimar/the Pikimin. The whole experience just felt so intuitive, like the game was MEANT to be played this way. I can't even put it fully into words, but this game sold me on what Nintendo is trying to do with the WiiU. The combination of all these controls methods so wonderfully weaved together creates an experience that cannot be replicated anywhere else. A hardcore experience that HAS to be experienced on WiiU.

Rayman Legends: My surprise of the show. Legends looked absolutely wonderful. To be frank, it made NSMBWiiU look bad. The Gamerpad controls also made NSMBWiiU's touchpad functions look like a joke. There is so much you can do here (from creating platforms, collecting items, tilting platforms, sling-shooting items at monsters, playing a fricken musical sidescrolling level, and unleashing traps on monsters) that it almost felt like its own game. Origins is a good game (though I have some personal problems with it), but Legends felt like a step above in every single way. I could only imagine playing this on five players, what a blast that would be!

Note: The Rep said the game can only be played with two or more players (don't know how reliable she is). But, the gamerpad controls are so in depth I really can't imagine how you could play the game WITHOUT some on controlling the helper. Maybe we were playing special stages, but I can't help but wonder if somehow, in some crazy way, Legends isn't single-player compatible. And if so, I can't see how any other platform could totally replicate the experience found here single-handily (you would need two Vitas, two 3DSes, Wii and 3DS, Ps3 and Vita, or Smartglass with the 360).

Game & Wario: Literally saw nothing of this game, and it had the shortest line of the show.

WiiFit U: I saw some brief glimpses of some of the games, which all honestly looked like fun. One had you walking on the balance board while balancing a try (the gamerpad) with food on top, trying to serve people without dropping anything. The other ones were a trampoline game with the Gamerpad set on the ground to aim your fall/create the illusion of going higher, and a bobsleding-like game only using the balance board. Once again, looked like fun, and everybody who played it was extremely sweaty after.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Had the second shortest line, the graphics looked pretty darn good. Didn't get a chance to see how the game really controlled, but I talked to a guy who said it was actually a pretty enjoyable experience.

Just Dance 4 and SiNG: These were in separate rooms, with a handful of people playing each at all times. I didn't get to see much, but I heard a lot of cheering.


WiiU seems to be a system with a ton of potential, and a good launch line-up for casual gamers and Nintendo fans. Like the generation before, the WiiU will no doubt be the king of local multiplayer. It also looks to have the potential to be a better Wii in every way, with great Nintendo games (like expected) and some nice third party titles along the way. That's all I'm currently expecting after my WiiU experience, and anything else would be gravy for me.

Anticipation coming out (for games that were available to play):
1. Pikimin 3
2. Rayman Legends
3. Nintendoland
4. ZombiU
5. P-100
7. Arkham City
8. Wii Fit U
9. Ninja Gaiden 3
10. Game & Wario
11. Just Dance 4
12. SiNG
Carmack is the smartest and most honest guy in the industry whenever asked about platform pros/cons, personal taste, and his views on the industry and game development. He doesn't hate Nintendo, and he doesn't love them. No allegiances, no side taking, no silliness. He just has a passion for good games and interesting technology, no matter where it's from.
Which is why it always pisses me off to see people shit on the man when he says something they don't like.

He's an eccentric! Brutally honest to the point of pissing off those most likely to buy his wares. And does not get the outrage. He speaks from how he sees it. He doesn't see a huge graphical leap coming. At least not a visually perceivable one, but that doesn't seem to bother him.

He was excited about the prospect of having 2 gigs of RAM to fill just a few years ago, but also realistic that some won't be able to budget for it accordingly. Worried about his colleagues but still excited at the prospect.

And now we're talking about systems with 3-4x that capacity.

I love the guy. Respect what he's done for gaming, and get a kick out his other publicized eccentricities. Fuck the haters!


Isnt FiFA 13, 12.5 on all systems lol its EA after all, they like to put out roster updates.

With all the new WiiU features missing a few that the 360 has doesnt seem too bad.

Madden WiiU seems to have everything important atleast that the others have, plus WiiU stuff.

Pretty much, but am I the only one who thought that Madden 13 graphics didn't look that great?, compared to FIFA 13 which looks much better graphically.


The Pro Controller sticks are clickable, confirmed from E3 and the people that used it.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
wait, what?

I thought they were, but for some reason they didn't feel clickable to me while playing ZombiU multi.

Meelow said:
Pretty much, but am I the only one who thought that Madden 13 graphics didn't look that great?, compared to FIFA 13 which looks much better graphically.


The Pro Controller sticks are clickable, confirmed from E3 and the people that used it.

Yeah I thought that was confirmed. Must of just imagined it then, I only had ten minutes with the controller anyways.


Just got back from the Atlanta WiiU Experience. Had a fun time, most everybody seemed to have a blast.

Anticipation going in (for games available to play):
1. ZombiU (played single/multi)
2. P-100 (didn't play)
3. NSMBWiiU (played with Gamerpad and wiimote)
4. NintendoLand (played three minigames)
5. Arkham City (didn't play)
6. Pikimin 3 (played)
7. Rayman Legends (played with Gamerpad)
8. Game & Wario (didn't play)
9. Wii Fit U (didn't play)
10. Ninja Gaiden 3 (didn't play)
11. Just dance 4 (didn't play)
12. SiNG (didn't play)

Note: Scribblenaut, AC3, Mass Effect 3, etc. not available to play.

Gamerpad: felt comfortable, lighter then expected. The back buttons are nicely placed, and the controller just felt right inside my hands. Touchscreen was surprisingly very responsive to fingers, in fact I did not see one demo using the stylus.

CCPro: Felt like a 360 controller without clickable sticks(?).

Overall, I had zero problems with controls at the events, and everything I played felt surprisingly intuitive.

ZombiU (single-player): I was really shocked at how easy the section seemed to be. I breezed through the Nusery, mostly without bullets and a cricket bat. In fact, I killed the Nusery 'boss' with two bullets and tons of whacks from said bat. I only had two bullets because they seem to be very scarce, and so are weapons. You die with one bite, but you have two injections (per character) that will kill a zombie if he grabs you (as long as you press the proper button in time). No idea if you can collect more or not. I would like to add that I had already seen a full walk-through of this stage before, and the mumbled sound really took away from the atmosphere/scares. As for controls, the touchscreen worked really well with the fingers, and the need to constantly switch back and forth made for some tense moments. The game controls were extremely intuitive, and I had the hang of them within a minute. Overall, ZombiU seems to have a ton of potential.

ZombiU (multi-player): I only got the chance to play with the CC Pro/Human, and while the mode was fun, it seemed to lack much depth. You are in a fairly small area, and you have to capture the flags before the Zombie creator does. Maybe the guy I was playing against sucked, but I breezed through each zone (even without inverted Y-axis....ugh) and completed my task within ten minutes. I would of liked to get a go at the Gamerpad, but time had ran out. :/

P-100: They only had one station up, and the line was fricken crazy long at all-times besides the beginning (while I was playing ZombiU right next to it). At one point I was waiting in line for it, but I saw that NintendoLand had opened up and I had at least four people in front of me, so I dashed over there instead. Everybody I talked to had no fucking idea what it was, but enjoyed it immensely. The graphics looked surprisingly good, and the game looked like it was neat. Wish I could of played it. :/

NSMBWiiU: It's NSMBWii with awesome backgrounds.... and touch platforms. As always, 2D Mario was a joy to play, and had by far the longest line. There was a crowd around both stations the whole two hours. I didn't get to play in the tournaments, but I did get some time with the Gamerpad. It seemed to me that the touch platforms could be used to make some amazing speedruns, and elsewhere could be fun for someone who can't handle actually playing Mario.


Luigi's Mansion - A better version of Pac-Man Vs. I only got to play as the ghost, but sneaking up on people and being able to drag their bodies around to set up other players is evil... and genius. Everybody I was playing with was laughing their heads off, and it seemed to be a really popular game at the event.

Animal Crossing - Basically Chase Me, but a bit deeper. Played both the runners and the guards. As runners, you really have to work with your teammates because the guards have a huge advantage. Runners are so simple to play, but being able to drop fruit to outrun/escape guards only to swoop back around to pick them up later was grin inducing. As Guards, you are bad-asses. You can trap the little runners like mouses, and it's easy to do with some proper planning. I was surprised how easy it was to control two different characters with each analog. Other games should try and use this technique. Anyways, I beat the runners within 30 seconds because they were all gathered at a three-button-fruit tree and I surrounded them before they knew what was coming. No stolen fruit on my watch!

Donkey Kong - Played in a tourney, got three chances to reach the princess. I was the first one to play, so I messed up pretty badly the first two times, but I still had a good time with it overall. Seems like a neat sidescrolling version of something like Korniopa, which I dug. The controls are very sensitive, and you have to keep a certain speed/angle for all different kinds of slopes, or otherwise you will hit a wall or tilt over like in Trails HD. No one ever made it to the princess, so the game was pretty hard.

Overall, I was really surprised at how fun NintendoLand was. It's not Wii Sports, but everybody I saw playing looked to be having a great time. As a bundled game, I do think it could move some consoles. I saw the Zelda Quest which looked badass (combination of Swordplay in Wii Sports and Archery), but I didn't get to play. :/

Arkham City: I saw a bunch of people playing it, never got my hands on it though. Arkham City was my GOTY last year, and this version looked basically identical (graphically and content-wise), but the gadget menu being on the Gamerpad could help make it a smoother experience. I did see some gyro controls that looked a bit shoehorned into the gameplay, but overall it looked like a good port.

Pikimin 3: My game of the show. This is the one game that made me want to put my money down for a WiiU NOW! And you know what? I don't even particularly like the previous Pikimin games. I thought they were fine games, but had clumsy execution through the gamecube controller and lack of proper hardware for such a game. Pikimin 3 solves both of these problems. You have an overhead map on the gamerpad (which is propped up right in front of you with a stand) and wiimotion+ along with the nuncuck to control Olimar/the Pikimin. The whole experience just felt so intuitive, like the game was MEANT to be played this way. I can't even put it fully into words, but this game sold me on what Nintendo is trying to do with the WiiU. The combination of all these controls methods so wonderfully weaved together creates an experience that cannot be replicated anywhere else. A hardcore experience that HAS to be experienced on WiiU.

Rayman Legends: My surprise of the show. Legends looked absolutely wonderful. To be frank, it made NSMBWiiU look bad. The Gamerpad controls also made NSMBWiiU's touchpad functions look like a joke. There is so much you can do here (from creating platforms, collecting items, tilting platforms, sling-shooting items at monsters, playing a fricken musical sidescrolling level, and unleashing traps on monsters) that it almost felt like its own game. Origins is a good game (though I have some personal problems with it), but Legends felt like a step above in every single way. I could only imagine playing this on five players, what a blast that would be!

Note: The Rep said the game can only be played with two or more players (don't know how reliable she is). But, the gamerpad controls are so in depth I really can't imagine how you could play the game WITHOUT some on controlling the helper. Maybe we were playing special stages, but I can't help but wonder if somehow, in some crazy way, Legends isn't single-player compatible. And if so, I can't see how any other platform could totally replicate the experience found here single-handily (you would need two Vitas, two 3DSes, Wii and 3DS, Ps3 and Vita, or Smartglass with the 360).

Game & Wario: Literally saw nothing of this game, and it had the shortest line of the show.

WiiFit U: I saw some brief glimpses of some of the games, which all honestly looked like fun. One had you walking on the balance board while balancing a try (the gamerpad) with food on top, trying to serve people without dropping anything. The other ones were a trampoline game with the Gamerpad set on the ground to aim your fall/create the illusion of going higher, and a bobsleding-like game only using the balance board. Once again, looked like fun, and everybody who played it was extremely sweaty after.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Had the second shortest line, the graphics looked pretty darn good. Didn't get a chance to see how the game really controlled, but I talked to a guy who said it was actually a pretty enjoyable experience.

Just Dance 4 and SiNG: These were in separate rooms, with a handful of people playing each at all times. I didn't get to see much, but I heard a lot of cheering.


WiiU seems to be a system with a ton of potential, and a good launch line-up for casual gamers and Nintendo fans. Like the generation before, the WiiU will no doubt be the king of local multiplayer. It also looks to have the potential to be a better Wii in every way, with great Nintendo games (like expected) and some nice third party titles along the way. That's all I'm currently expecting after my WiiU experience, and anything else would be gravy for me.

Anticipation coming out (for games that were available to play):
1. Pikimin 3
2. Rayman Legends
3. Nintendoland
4. ZombiU
5. P-100
7. Arkham City
8. Wii Fit U
9. Ninja Gaiden 3
10. Game & Wario
11. Just Dance 4
12. SiNG

Very nice
I hope we have one down here in FL, Orlando seems like a place they would go.


Carmack is the smartest and most honest guy in the industry whenever asked about platform pros/cons, personal taste, and his views on the industry and game development. He doesn't hate Nintendo, and he doesn't love them. No allegiances, no side taking, no silliness. He just has a passion for good games and interesting technology, no matter where it's from.

100% agree with this, he's one of my favorite people in any industry. Although I do really wish he'd jump back into PC centric development full force, love to see Doom 4 be a PC derived product, then downported to console, if possible.


Been playing a lot on my Razer Onza TE lately, and damn if I don't wish Nintendo would adopt the idea of two programmable buttons. Or any of the big three. It still stuns me that most of the better practical and useful controller innovations in recent years is being totally ignored by the major companies...
Maybe Nintendo's clickable sticks don't really have a clicky sound lol.
They click, but it's not very pronounced, the feedback from it going in is also soft and the depth it goes in is not very deep.

To be honest the controllers seemed prototypes at this point, I also felt the triggers needed work; didn't seem finished for Nintendo's standards. (the again the joystick's were as clicky as the DRC controller ones, which feels a lot more final than the controller pro)


In their defense, E3 was the first time they showed the CCPro (besides ND) so maybe it was just a prototype.
It can share the same fate as the Wii U Gamepad and go through some changes before the final design is out

They wouldn't take away clickable analog sticks though.
I wonder if EA will have the gall to charge 60 bucks for ME3 if all it includes is just the free ending dlc.

First off, $60 is what Mass Effect 3 costs. If you buy it today for PC, PS3, XBox 360, it's $60. So why would the Wii U version, which is an upgraded version, cost less?

Second, you apparently missed that it includes more than that. Aside from the multiplayer addon and at least some of the multiplayer DLC levels, it has a new interactive comic that goes through the stories of Mass Effect 1 & 2 that lets you make major decisions from those games (the PS3 Mass Effect 2 came with an early version of this comic that covered Mass Effect 1). It also has touchscreen hotkeys you can assign up to 8 character abilities to, and a new weapon type.


First off, $60 is what Mass Effect 3 costs. If you buy it today for PC, PS3, XBox 360, it's $60. So why would the Wii U version, which is an upgraded version, cost less?

US Amazon is listing PS360 versions for about $38. Even Newegg is around $40. But yeah, you're right - they will charge $60 for it, and I don't see why they wouldn't.


US Amazon is listing PS360 versions for about $38. Even Newegg is around $40. But yeah, you're right - they will charge $60 for it, and I don't see why they wouldn't.

Yes they will. And because it's a third game in a trilogy, and coming out 9 months after the original release, it won't even sell 500k and it will be deemed a flop on the Wii U . EA reads this as "I guess RPG's don't do well on Nintendo platforms. No BioWare games for Nintendo, we won't make money off of it."

And the Wii U basically becomes:

N64 4.0
GameCube 3.0
Wii 2.0


Yes they will. And because it's a third game in a trilogy, and coming out 9 months after the original release, it won't even sell 500k and it will be deemed a flop on the Wii U . EA reads this as "I guess RPG's don't do well on Nintendo platforms. No BioWare games for Nintendo, we won't make money off of it."

And the Wii U basically becomes:

N64 4.0
GameCube 3.0
Wii 2.0

Yeah, I know everyone wants to talk specs, but the real issue is multiplatform ports. Of course, specs have something to do with that, but no one can predict sales will be during launch or even for the next year. Plus we have to wait and see about MS and Sony, etc... Dual screen for the console is great, but the ability to get ports is what will define the Wii U, I think. It's too bad. Wii U will get some 3rd party support, but not all. Hopefully, it's a start for Nintendo's future.
US Amazon is listing PS360 versions for about $38. Even Newegg is around $40. But yeah, you're right - they will charge $60 for it, and I don't see why they wouldn't.

That's some other store that's using Amazon as a listing service that's charging that cheap for it for some reason; Amazon itself doesn't sell the console versions and they charge $50 for the digital download ($67 for the Digital Deluxe version). GameStop is charging $60 for all versions, as is BestBuy, as is Target; Tiger Direct is only charging $55. Sure NewEgg has it on sale for cheap, but that's not the normal price that it's being sold for, just a special deal.

Since the game is still $60 for all other platforms, there's no reason the Wii U would be cheaper.
Yes they will. And because it's a third game in a trilogy, and coming out 9 months after the original release, it won't even sell 500k and it will be deemed a flop on the Wii U

Your theory seems to have been already proven false. I mean, PS3 had the exact same situation with Mass Effect 2: it was a sequel to a game that wasn't on PS3, and it came out a full year after the XBox 360 version. It came out in January 2011, and in March 2011 EA released a press release saying they were very happy with the game's sales, and of course it must have sold decently enough because they then released ME3 on PS3. Unfortunately I can't find any reliable sales numbers for ME2 on PS3, but a very crappy unreliable site said it totalled over 600k.

Good thing to note - Mass Effect 2 on PS3 came out day and date with the digital download version, and EA was very happy with the digital download sales that resulted, so they did it again with ME3. So chances are very good that they'll do the same with the Wii U version, especially with the rumors that Nintendo is really pushing those digital downloads.
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