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Wii U Community Thread

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Also, to compare (apparent) Wii U box dimensions for those interested in if it might be DVD case size or more blu ray disc/ps3 ish: dimensions and how the art also fits within those dimensions are one coarse way to judge




Its obviously not to scale but can give some idea about the dimensions of the case, if the artwork scale is anything to go by (it doesn't exactly match the 360 artwork however, but the length:width are important to consider as blu ray case dimensions are more square and less rectangular)

I would assume Wii U cases will be standard DVD case size.

There is always the chance they could be modified cases so we won't know for sure until officially shown

3DS cases are more slim than DS cases for example.
When you put all the boxarts like that I really think the Wii U one stands out. I actually kind of like it now. (still not completely sold).


Tekken producer wants Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft to team up and make a console.


Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada claims that consumers are no longer dedicated to one platform and console makers can no longer control the way people game. Nowadays, there are many platforms that gamers can choose from to play on. Harada thinks that “it would be interesting if Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo got together just to make one console,” and it makes him “very happy to think about all the possibilities that could occur because of that.”

I'll post it.


IGN tagged WiiU in the new COD:BO2 trailer

We all know its coming, since it will have a lot of WiiU exclusive features, Activision cant talk about it due to the deal with MS.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.

Edit: Asked the Best Buy worker about it, seems he made them himself. But, he said they were all 'officially announced' Wii-U games, and also had ones already created for ZombiU, NSMBU, Pikimin 3, Rayman Legend, Scribblenauts, Batman, AC3, and a few others. He also had the $5 Pre-order price-tag for P-100, Aliens, Injustice, Lego, and a few others.

Cool stuff though.



In the bottom corner you can see what looks like the channels from the Wii menu. My guess is that the channels will on the TV and this (Wara Wara?) will be on the controller (or vise versa).

I know it shouldn't, but Wara Wara always cracks me up when I see it. Iwata said it was the term for general chatter, which in English is Walla Walla.

IGN tagged WiiU in the new COD:BO2 trailer

We all know its coming, since it will have a lot of WiiU exclusive features, Activision cant talk about it due to the deal with MS.
Deal with MS?


LAST STORY is launching next week in the US and Dragon Quest just recently in Japan.
Im wondering if Nintendo wanted to give these last big titles for the Wii some time to sell before announcing the release schedule and price. Or was Wii not even a factor?


When you put all the boxarts like that I really think the Wii U one stands out. I actually kind of like it now. (still not completely sold).

Yes. This is going to be a long post, but I am going to explain why I think Nintendo has made an extremely smart choice, both in terms of their design and how it relates to the consumer + competition.

Opinions on Nintendo's Wii U case design choices:

One thing, from a sales perspective, is to consider the general consumer and what catches their attention.

I know tons of people in the other thread have been saying regarding boxart "it would look so much better in black" or something along those lines

But let's consider some of the design elements:

Blue box, general "curve" in blue at the top, highlighted in yellow at the bottom

Why so significant? Why choose blue? In the console space, black would not be ideal. One reason for this is PS3 labels are black; the PS3 is a very popular console and it doesn't stand out immediately. One very important thing in terms of aesthetic is how quickly and "eye catching" something is. Going black is too common, and already used by the PS3. Sure the argument could be made "but look at the solid black, all black case, etc...PS3 has neither of those"...which is true, but black doesn't stand out as well nor universally as blue. Plus Nintendo is making the Wii U to have two primary console colours; White and Black. The blue goes better against both of those colours. It is important on a marketing level, but more so on a design level.

On the other hand, one area Microsoft really did well with was differentiating entire cases with a unique colour. The Green stands out immediately, and even the slightly different hue (and lighter tone & borders on the front) differentiated it enough between generations (XB1 vs 360 cases)

Nintendo also experienced this with the Wii on 3 different levels, 2 of them significant. First, back in 2006, they brought in white DVD cases which matched the tone they were going for. It was slick, and very simple. Those cases were excellent in both highlighting the new design philosophy from Nintendo at the time, meshed nicely with their "for everyone" console, and added to the "new Nintendo" sleek image. Amongst the general public, Nintendo has greatly improved their image and branding just through the Wii's marketing and design choices alone. It literally is their best image they've had since the original NES, which was predominantly marketed for children.

The second level Nintendo found success with standing out cases was with New Super Mario Bros Wii (which they then transitioned to Mario DS games having something similar, other games with coloured cases such as the recent Olympics Sonic/Mario title and in Japan the black cases for their version of "M" rated games). The Red case was huge in isolating the title as a special, classic Mario title which worked on so many levels for the consumer. It was a brilliant design move, and worked amazing on a marketing level as well. I could write an essay on that alone.

Anyways, the Wii cases are white and also very popular. Yet, Nintendo learned with the confusion form DS & 3DS, they need to do more to differentiate the cases. The 3DS cases caused much confusion for customers, even though they were slimmer and had the system branding on the opposite side of the case, its pretty obvious as to how confusion could have been created for people who are not extremely game savvy (which amounts to most of the people who actually buy the systems despite what GAF's opinions would have one believe)

Now, one thing Nintendo's marketing and design teams would have asked is "how can we stand out from the console crowd, which includes Xbox 360 games (clear green cases with a "green & white" branding; secondary branding is purple with kinect which is popular in some markets), PS3 (black borders in clear cases; Sony does use blue a lot in their branding, especially with blu ray and the HD connection, Move, as well as in adverts), and Nintendo's own white Wii cases.

Console game are, after all, generally in the same vicinity in the electronics sections of general stores or video game sections of speciality stores.

So the blue case makes a lot of sense, along with the curved border at the top with the "Wii U branding" centred. The white font works very nice with the lighter blue hue, both of which are well associated with the very popular Wii branding yet look entirely different due to the blue cases. The entire case being blue stands out from the HD competition yet can link many tech savvy gamers with "blu ray" disks (many people on this site brought up the blu ray link, as an example of how that already has worked), and allows Nintendo to use a "friendly" colour (blue) which is one of the most naturally well liked colours by and large. In some marketing fields, blue is the translation of "confidence" so it could imply "confidence" in buying games.

Another thing is its different, and can apply as a pleasing hue in all major world markets, much like the effect of the white cases the Wii had.

Much of that could also apply to Vita cases, which are also blue, and the Vita marketing teams likely had similar discussions. Those reasons to go with certain colours are generally universal in general cases. However, Vita's blue branding won't quite interfere with Nintendo's blue Wii U branding for a few significant reasons:

A) it has not caught on and doesn't take up much shelf space, and likely won't share as much shelf space as the Wii U games will,
B) handhelds are not always side-by-side with consoles...they tend to be in neighbouring or opposing sections,
C) the physical dimensions of the cases are different as are the hues & subliminal design choices such as the yellow hue

Speaking of which, the yellow hue that everyone seems to be hating on is actually a brilliant design move when one thinks about it.

Much of of the art in marketing is taking advantage of the subconscious human mind via subliminal messaging. It can work just as effectively as something blatant.

Yellow works well against the blue colour Nintendo chose. They may choose to make yellow another branding colour (perhaps with the NFC capabilities?), and it is one current colour not used excessively by the competition nor Nintendo's other systems on the market (3DS is red, DS nor Wii have yellow branding in any major way), and the main thing is it stands out.

Again, the subliminal stuff is key with some design choices, and it is one thing that is already "linked" with the Wii U. It allows the blue box to stand out more than without the yellow hue. The curve, goes with the curvy design of this system.

People might not like it, but it gets the intended job done.

Make no mistake, an immense amount of work goes into design marketing and every tiny detail is scrutinized (sometimes in seemingly ridiculous detail) but it functions.

I think Nintendo did a great job here with the overall design. One always has to make a choice (i.e. "Do we choose to go with this, or with this? This or this?") and pick the lesser of two evils of the better of two choices, and it will never ever appeal to every single person, but as long as it get the job done, its a job well done.


Do you think Nintendo might do something on the box art to show that a game is exclusive (they didn't for Wii)?

Something like this:


I hope, I felt like it was a step backwards to not do one for Wii so maybe they will bring it back for Wii U.

P.S that would make it feel even more like a GameCube which in my opinion would be awesome.


Boy did the GC have a cheap boxart or what. That flow surrounding leon is... bleh..

Anyway, I was checking some videos of Skyward Sword (specifically, this video which is full of spoilers) and I really realized that I LOVED the game. Sure it had its flaws, but for the most part it was the discussions here in this forum that really brought the game down rather than the actual faults of the game.

I really hope they expand on key elements that started in SS for the next game.
Anyway, I was checking some videos of Skyward Sword (specifically, this video which is full of spoilers) and I really realized that I LOVED the game. Sure it had its flaws, but for the most part it was the discussions here in this forum that really brought the game down rather than the actual faults of the game.

I really hope they expand on key elements that started in SS for the next game.

I completely agree. I'm much more vocal about the things I didn't like about the game, but I had a great deal of fun playing it.

I actually saw this piece of artwork recently and was reminded of all the things I actually did like about the game.


Can't wait until we start seeing mario games that look like all the CG artwork, it looks great.

Nice work on the cover by the way.

I wonder if the WiiU boxes will have those holes to save plastic like 3DS cases (and hopefully we'll get the reversible covers like we do for SM3DL/NSMB2).


Some random points here.

1) in response to people saying Metroid prime 2 flopped, remember that 800k is a big number for a console that only had an install base of 21 million.

2) I am trying to see Wii au footage of ACIII and Darksiders II to determine if I should wait for the PC version or not. The tablet use in both games are really gonna determine it for me. Just having the maps and weapons alone on the touchscreen is enough for me. I'm more concerned with framerate and textures and AA though.
Resident Evil 2U: REmake!!

I would not only sell my soul but the souls of my family and my two pussy cats to see a remake of Resident Evil 2. The best game of the series so far imo.

I can see a Monster Hunter title of some description for the U. All of the Japanese publishers would be foolish not to invest in the U - a Nintendo console launching with a 2D Mario game and a Dragon Quest game on the way..? It's going to sell an absolute shitload over there.

And Miiverse is going to be mental when Dragon Quest is released in Japan! :Oo


Can't wait until we start seeing mario games that look like all the CG artwork, it looks great.

Nice work on the cover by the way.

I wonder if the WiiU boxes will have those holes to save plastic like 3DS cases (and hopefully we'll get the reversible covers like we do for SM3DL/NSMB2).

I just checked SM3DL case and it's not reversible. Is this something exclusive to Europe or Japan?
I would not only sell my soul but the souls of my family and my two pussy cats to see a remake of Resident Evil 2. The best game of the series so far imo.

I would love to see a REmake of the original trilogy for the Wii U but it's not going to happen :(.

Regarding older games on Wii U, a massive reason i would buy one is if the console let you play original Wii games with traditional controls, be it the tablet pad's analogue sticks or with the new pro controller.

I know a lot of people in this thread loved motion control but i couldn't stand them tbh, i would love to play through Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Skyward Sword ect using traditional dual analogue controls.

This would also allow them to be played using the Wii U's 'off screen' function.

Have no idea how much work, time and money would have to go into transferring motion to standard controls for Wii games tho, if it's a lot i doubt it will ever happen.

They might also want to keep them exclusive to motion control to keep Wii motes moving and once you have more than a couple of Wii motes more of the Wii U's 'party' games will become attractive to you.


Yeah, the reversible covers are Europe and Japan only, the US constantly gets shafted by NoA.

I really wish Nintendo of Canada would branch off from NoA so we don't get shafted anymore. Fuck Reggie.

Do we know what kind of disc format the Wii U will be using? DVD or Blu-ray?

Nintendo Proprietary 25GB discs. They will use blu lasers. It's essentially blu-ray but Nintendo doesn't want to call it that to avoid licensing fees lol. It will be a HUGE step up from the Wii's DVD, and 360's HDDVD.


Feels bad man :(

From what I can see quite a few 3DS games have something on the other side of the cover, even if it's just things that are meant to be seen though the holes, the exceptions being Mercenaries 3D, MarioKart 7, Street Fighter 4 3D and Non-Collectors-Edition Ocarina of Time 3D.


Do any of the US versions have stuff on the back of the cover or are they all just plain white?


I'm currently reading the BS rumors of Wii U versions of Batman and ACIII running native 1080p and 60fps. You need at least a TFlop GPU to do that. Anyways, I prefer framerate over resolution so I hope they come at 720p60w/4xAA instead of 1080p30noAA


Speaking of those reverisble covers, who dropped the ball on MarioKart 7's packaging? Didn't anyone think to atleast print the items on the other side to show through the holes? and the "instruction booklet" is just a piece of paper folded into quarters.
I'm currently reading the BS rumors of Wii U versions of Batman and ACIII running native 1080p and 60fps. You need at least a TFlop GPU to do that. Anyways, I prefer framerate over resolution so I hope they come at 720p60w/4xAA instead of 1080p30noAA

Let me guess, wiiudaily?


Junior Member
In the FIFA thread they've said something about the Wii U friends list and messaging. EA said that the game will use the Wii U friends list system, and that at any time during the game you'll be able to tap your friend list on the Game Pad and send messages. I really do hope you can do that universally, cross-game. Ideally I'd like to have cross-game IM, maybe even video chat out-of-game.


In the FIFA thread they've said something about the Wii U friends list and messaging. EA said that the game will use the Wii U friends list system, and that at any time during the game you'll be able to tap your friend list on the Game Pad and send messages. I really do hope you can do that universally, cross-game. Ideally I'd like to have cross-game IM, maybe even video chat out-of-game.

Didn't the Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct confirm video chat whilst a game was suspended?
I'm currently reading the BS rumors of Wii U versions of Batman and ACIII running native 1080p and 60fps. You need at least a TFlop GPU to do that. Anyways, I prefer framerate over resolution so I hope they come at 720p60w/4xAA instead of 1080p30noAA

I would be more than happy if all Wii U multi platform games were 720p native / 60 fps, 30 fps more and true 720p would give me a reason to buy those games for the system rather than just getting them on PS360.

I read yesterday that AC3 has quite a bit of additional exclusive content for PS3 tho.

Native 1080p is a pipe dream even for PS4 / 720, far too much heat for a console and resources that could be used to make the games much better looking / larger imo.


Skyword Sword (or a picture of Link from the HD Tech Demo :p) and Xenoblade Chronicles plz :) and Pikmin 3 if possible

This, and a mock up of a 3D Mario for Wii U if you could.

I would be more than happy if all Wii U multi platform games were 720p native / 60 fps, 30 fps more and true 720p would give me a reason to buy those games for the system rather than just getting them on PS360.

I read yesterday that AC3 has quite a bit of additional exclusive content for PS3 tho.

Native 1080p is a pipe dream even for PS4 / 720, far too much heat for a console and resources that could be used to make the games much better looking / larger imo.

Do you guys think 9th gen we will see 1080p with 60FPS with AA?. or just those too with no AA?.
Speaking of those reverisble covers, who dropped the ball on MarioKart 7's packaging? Didn't anyone think to atleast print the items on the other side to show through the holes? and the "instruction booklet" is just a piece of paper folded into quarters.

Most of the games I've bought for 3DS, especially 1st party ones, rely on the digital manual. Save the trees!


This one actually fits!

I want to go to there.
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