fabricated backlash
freetv could not be interesting for some people. I can understand that. but saying that is useful is nonsense.
it is a new additional feature, a new possibility that wasn't there before. and now it will be possible to do it for some games.
I think that a lot of people will benefit from this feature, in differenr ways due to different situations.
personally, I've got just 1 tv in my house, and I'll have to share it with my wife and my son.
I'm foreseeing many different situations of my normal life that will push me in using tha gamepad tvfree, for gaming but not only.
it will be important to guarantee a good range of distance between the console and the gamepad, and the chance to boot on the system directly from the pad
Imagine a developer actually getting creative, and making an App to complement a TV channel or certain TV programs. You get to watch the TV feed on the big screen and get to interact with it on the Pad. Vote for your favorite in Americas Next Top Model, get a program list on what's up next, have interactive childrens learning shows where there are challenges set on the show that kids can do on the Gamepad, like matching shapes etc...
Having a concert Live feed, where the participants can vote live on what song or performance the band/singer should do next...,
It would be ridiculously easy to implement, an amazing oportunity for TV channels to actually have a foot in the interactive entertainment area while still delivering "directed" content.
But who am I right? Just an idiot on a forum who thinks too loud.