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Wii U Community Thread

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Wasn't Black Ops 2 meant to be out for the original Wii aswell ?.

Looks like Wii U is going to be out for the Black Ops 2 launch on November 13th !, if so were less than 3 months out...

HYPE ! ;).

If they can advertise the Wii U version of BLOPS 2 making a good use of the Touch Screen, it could sell a good amount of systems.

Red Steel and Call of Duty 3 both sold well during the launch of the OG Wii, so a market is definitely there.
I've been gaming and prepping for fall classes all summer, haha..
(Decided that I'm going back to school for my doctorate in Urban Planning, woo hoo!)

But I'll be around more as we draw closer and closer. :)

Congrats Dr. Tom.

Have heat generation and power consumption really gone up that much over the last few years?

Yep. Quick search says:

Radeon X1800 XT (90nm) - 113w

Radeon HD7970 (28nm) - 250w

That's not based on actual load tests either.

If the sales are like that than I imagine articles saying "are consoles over?", this generation has been the most successful generation in sales and in the 6th generation their where 4 consoles instead of 3, that means something.

I hope the WiiU/PS4/720 sell much more than just 25-50 million.

It should have happened this gen, but the influx of non-gamers delayed it IMO.


I hate to admit it but the rumor about some of Sega's XBLA/PSN games coming to Wii U has me hyped on what those games might be.

On August 31st through September 2nd, there will be an unannounced digital game from Sega being shown at PAX. I hope it's either Shenmue or Skies or Arcadia.


Hopefully get something Wii U related from that event.


Doesn't that look kinda low compared to previous generational leaps? I'm not sure what those were, but traditionally weren't consoles typically something like 20 times as powerful as their predecessors?

If those rumors are true then we're looking at next gen consoles that are something like four-to-seven times as powerful as the current systems, which really doesn't sound like a lot (though in-line with rumors saying the next Xbox would be 5x the 360 roughly), especially when you've got John Carmack remarking at how last year's gaming PCs were 10x the current consoles. two-to-three times the difference in power from the Wii U sounds more like the difference between the Wii and the Gamecube. Why is this? Have heat generation and power consumption really gone up that much over the last few years?

As for my own expectations, a while ago I briefly looked up my computer to my TV and ran some games on it. It's a Q6600 with an HD6850. I could run The Witcher 2 nearly maxed out at 1080p and 30fps and Crysis 2 at max DX9 settings in 1080p. What I experienced would be acceptable for next gen consoles in my opinion. When I hooked up my controller to those games on my TV, I got a feeling similar to what I felt in the past upon playing new consoles for the first time.

Not to be too nitpicky, but I've never considered the Wii to be 2-3x as powerful as the GameCube personally. It had more Ram sure but most devs still used the SRAM as it was faster than the other pool. I've always considered the Wii to be simply a souped up GameCube, at best 1.5x such performance (if we go with the multipliers which I am not fan of using)

I also think you should expect to see a noticeable leap going from 360 to "720" and ps3 to ps4.

That said, I would also expect games on the Wii U which really take advantage of the hardware to be a step up from ps3/360 games.

We've hypothesized before that U GPU won't really show its true colours until the other next gen consoles come out. The architecture of Wii U appears more future proof than many currently give it simply because of the hd twin ports distorting what it could be possible of under the hood.

Think of it like a sports car, which can go faster than the speed limit allows it, but it has to follow the speed laws when in "port country" ... If that makes sense lol

I also expect the same of the next Sony and Ms systems. Those who say the leap isn't going to be that big, are going to be shocked. It will be a noticeable leap. But those who are expecting something unrealistic like Avatar graphics level of a leap will have to come to earth and realize those systems are "sports cars" too, not supersonic jets.
As all this uncertainty over how hard it is going to be to get people to continue to buy consoles etc continues, im almost glad. Im a bit glad the gaming industry is going broke in some ways and that a ceiling is being hit graphically. Because i feel (i hope) that the inevitable answer to all these problems is "better games". Instead of paying a ton of decent artists a ton of money to make a game that looks impressive because of how real it looks, get some brilliant artists to make some games that look like nothing youve ever seen. Not because of the pixel count, not because of the shaders necessarily. If all these companies are facing lower sales and lower profits because of mobile gaming etc etc, then to me there is only one choice... to create software that makes all previous software look like an uncreative pile of shit. And if this indeed is the answer then they have their work cut out for them to pull it off. But i truly believe if a game is amazing enough, people will buy the console its on. I love alot of modern games. But i still very much feel that there is major room for improvement creatively and artistically. Hardware power can factor in to this of course but i dont think brute force can keep winning out forever. Not controller gimmicks either. Better games are the answer i think. If you want someone to buy your console then put some software on it that is irresistible, its as simple as that. If you cant, fine, go out of business then.
bigger news: Activision release schedule states Black Ops 2 Wii U on Nov 13

October release for Wii U? Nintendo Direct imminent?

It's seeming more and more likely. I have to hear it from Nintendo though, I've already gone through too much disappointment regarding this console.

If we don't get a Direct announcement tomorrow, I don't think one's happening.
bigger news: Activision release schedule states Black Ops 2 Wii U on Nov 13

October release for Wii U? Nintendo Direct imminent?

Sounds like it could be a Saturday November 10th at Midnight launch......would make sense. Either that or a November 12th at Midnight launch to make BLOPS 2 a true impulse buy with your new system.


Sounds like it could be a Saturday November 10th at Midnight launch......would make sense. Either that or a November 12th at Midnight launch to make BLOPS 2 a true impulse buy with your new system.

Oct 28th would make the most sense, gotta get it out before AC3 comes out, I think Nintendo would be more willing to help UBisoft get AC3 sold on WiiU then Activision getting BO2 moved on WiiU.


I really doubt Nintendo would center a launch schedule around BLOPS2, as much sense as it makes in a way, it makes no Nintendo sense.

it didn't make Nintendo sense to release two NSMB games just months away from each other and here we are...


So the Wii U launch is before November 13th (COD's release for Wii U which is a tuesday) since Nintendo typically launches on Sundays (Wii, GameCube, 3DS, 3DSXL, DS, etc).

And Assassins Creed 3 is October 30th which is a Tuesday.

So either November 4th or November 11th for North America since those are both Sundays.
Oct 28th would make the most sense, gotta get it out before AC3 comes out, I think Nintendo would be more willing to help UBisoft get AC3 sold on WiiU then Activision getting BO2 moved on WiiU.

AC3 will not generate the money that BLOPS 2 would, besides it sounds from the latest rumors that AC3 on Wii U is not being given much effort sadly. I really hope it turns out good though since I would like to buy that game at launch if possible.


it didn't make Nintendo sense to release two NSMB games just months away from each other and here we are...

Yes it did. Anybody could have told you doing so would help the 3DS situation, in fact, it was the obvious solution. Mario moves systems.

BLOPS or any CoD for that matter, on Nintendo systems, does not. It will not sell anywhere near as well on Wii U as the 360/PS3, even if it launched day and date with a massive marketing campaign. The major draw of CoD (online) isn't even broadly outlined yet on Wii U, if Nintendo was interested in that draw they'd be pushing online hard already. Asking Nintendo to cater to a CoD launch, in any capacity other than a few bones, is like asking the average GAFer to set aside some game time to watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta to cater to a girlfriend...please. It wouldn't exactly be Nintendo's first and most pressing priority is what I'm getting at.


New Star Beast news.

Got this from the site you go for Nintendo news

- Starbeast is currently in a very early stage in development
- game has been in a slow development cycle since 2011
- the game was originally being developed for the Wii
- plans changed, which included a shift over to Wii U
- game was put on hold in January to work on a simple, unannounced 3DS eShop title
- work will pick up on Starbeast once the 3DS eShop game is wrapped
- info on the game that has been posted is outdated
- formal announcement for Starbeast near the end of this year
- 3DS title to be announced within the coming month

Cool stuff. So they have 2 games planned for Nintendo platforms. A game for 3DS eshop and a game for Wii U.

First they finish unannounced 3DS eshop game, then they go back to working on Starbeast Wii U.

I guess this means that concept art released doesn't matter anymore since its really old and might not represent the game properly.

Pretty much.


New Star Beast news.

Got this from the site you go for Nintendo news

- Starbeast is currently in a very early stage in development
- game has been in a slow development cycle since 2011
- the game was originally being developed for the Wii
- plans changed, which included a shift over to Wii U
- game was put on hold in January to work on a simple, unannounced 3DS eShop title
- work will pick up on Starbeast once the 3DS eShop game is wrapped
- info on the game that has been posted is outdated
- formal announcement for Starbeast near the end of this year
- 3DS title to be announced within the coming month

Cool stuff. So they have 2 games planned for Nintendo platforms. A game for 3DS eshop and a game for Wii U.

First they finish unannounced 3DS eshop game, then they go back to working on Starbeast Wii U.

I guess this means that concept art released doesn't matter anymore since its really old and might not represent the game properly.
Ehh. It was and it wasn't. The Xbox GPU was still more friendly and equipped for developers to use than the Wii's was. Even if the Wii beats out the Xbox in pure processing power, the fucking TEV held it back from achieving easy bump mapping and other goodies.
As much as you're right, bump mapping on GC/Wii wasn't exactly rocket science, it's not as if it wasn't supported by hardware (I'm looking at PS2)

I mean Bump mapping (and EMBM) were pretty much standard on DirectX 6 that existed before programable shaders.

Problem wasn't difficulty in achieving bump mapping, surely. (in fact in that regard compared to Xbox Wii was a motherfucking powerhouse)

They're essentially different systems though, so ones strengths are often the others weaknesses; Xbox big advantage would be the fact it had a PC GPU on it, designed for resolutions higher than 640x480 (I mean some of us were playing Quake 3 Arena in 1024x768 in 1999) thus could actually go past 480p "easily" if hampering the graphics throughput was an option (or if it was just running a PS2 game). That wasn't the case with the gamecube or the wii. It also did AA more often (probably related to the fact that the GC/Wii framebuffer wasn't big enough for it requiring some tiling and unpleasant gymnastic whereas in Xbox it was taking RAM from the main memory pool but was "more" doable; specially for 2001 standards) and I never noticed dithering on it (on the GC/wii on the other hand...); it also had a vertex shader unit; the fact that the GC lacked it meant it had to do some of those calculations on the CPU.

As for disadvantages (Xbox over GC), less textures and lights per pass meant in order to render a complex scene you would be halving the polygon throughput (also called the polygon trick) when compared to the GC who did 8 texture passes per pass, this happening on a platform whose polygon throughput couldn't match GC's from the get go; EMBM had more hit than regular bump mapping (whereas I've been told on the GC it was the oposite). The biggest advantage was bigger storage discs, and more RAM for bump mapping surfaces; these two no longer being aplicable to the wii.

Regarding Shader Model compliancy 1.1; although standard and more "widely known" for devs there's nothing you can do on it that can't be replicated on TEV pipeline (from shader model 2.0 onwards it's a different story); my point being that even shader model 1.1 compliancy would probably bite nintendo in the ass back in 2006 (when the wii launched); of course TEV pipeline didn't help though.

And yes, stuff like Normal Mapping and some other standardized effects were easier to implement on a Geforce 3, but GC/Wii also had it's share of custom shortcuts on silicon there, like the one for volumetric fog; they were just largely unknown/poorly documented.
*Rumor* Nintendo hard at work on 3D Mario game for Wii U: http://paulgalenetwork.com/home/201...-wii-u-in-addition-to-new-super-mario-bros-u/

Has any of Paul Gale's rumors come true in the past? Even though this one is pretty much a given since Nintendo has been making 3D Mario games since the N64.....
Paul Gale was the first to talk about PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale. He definitely had legitimate information early on, but I'm unsure if he has any current information. In regards to the aforementioned game, he continues to hint at several elements in the game, but these hints are so vague that it's difficult to determine whether or not he really has solid information.

That said, this carries that same ambiguity. It actually makes no difference whether or not we pay attention to this latest development; a 3-D Mario title is hardly surprising. However, if he were to post specifics, that would be a different story.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Had some random thoughts, probably discussed before but;

I really don't know how Nintendo are going to sell this to the gamer crowd, everyone's just going to wait for the next Xbox and Playstation, there is already too much stigma attached to the Wii name only after 6 years.

If Nintendo was kiddy before, what are they now?
Paul Gale was the first to talk about PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale. He definitely had legitimate information early on, but I'm unsure if he has any current information. In regards to the aforementioned game, he continues to hint at several elements in the game, but these hints are so vague that it's difficult to determine whether or not he really has solid information.

That said, this carries that same ambiguity. It actually makes no difference whether or not we pay attention to this latest development; a 3-D Mario title is hardly surprising. However, if he were to post specifics, that would be a different story.

The man has no credibility to me after being about to spout that star fox x metroid nonsense with a straight face


*Rumor* Nintendo hard at work on 3D Mario game for Wii U: http://paulgalenetwork.com/home/201...-wii-u-in-addition-to-new-super-mario-bros-u/

Has any of Paul Gale's rumors come true in the past? Even though this one is pretty much a given since Nintendo has been making 3D Mario games since the N64.....

I'm only believing him because it's obvious Nintendo is working on a 3D Mario for Wii U, other than that I will believe 50% of what he says about other suff because he may been the one to leak PlayStation All Stars but he also talked about the Star Fox X Metriod Fusion Saga.
Had some random thoughts, probably discussed before but;

I really don't know how Nintendo are going to sell this to the gamer crowd, everyone's just going to wait for the next Xbox and Playstation, there is already too much stigma attached to the Wii name only after 6 years.

If Nintendo was kiddy before, what are they now?

I think there are a lot of Xbox 360 and PS3 owners who are ready for something different. Especially for those who have been playing the same stuff since 2005. For those ready for a change, the Wii U could attract a lot of those people. Of course the Fanboys will stay with their brand as usual, but they may still buy a Wii U for the difference in gameplay options it brings. I think we are past the "kiddy" stage of Nintendo and now it's been replaced with "casual" but from the looks of Wii U, it will be both core/casual.


You know... I was thinking... this blue on the numbers and details on the twewy teaser site... no plataforms anounced. I mean, if it is a 3DS game there's no point in hiding the plataform. It's obvious... Why the secret and why 7 days from now? Srsly!!! Is just me? This thing is shouting wii U... or maybe I'm going crazy with all these rumors and NDA's conspiration stuff
Paul Gale was the first to talk about PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale. He definitely had legitimate information early on, but I'm unsure if he has any current information. In regards to the aforementioned game, he continues to hint at several elements in the game, but these hints are so vague that it's difficult to determine whether or not he really has solid information.

That said, this carries that same ambiguity. It actually makes no difference whether or not we pay attention to this latest development; a 3-D Mario title is hardly surprising. However, if he were to post specifics, that would be a different story.

Why do people keep bringing up his All Star rumors? <_<


*Rumor* Nintendo hard at work on 3D Mario game for Wii U: http://paulgalenetwork.com/home/201...-wii-u-in-addition-to-new-super-mario-bros-u/

Has any of Paul Gale's rumors come true in the past? Even though this one is pretty much a given since Nintendo has been making 3D Mario games since the N64.....

So I realize he probably just pulled this rumor out of his arse because there is about a 99% chance that it is true, but if he's right about the dates and everything, is there a chance we could see it in an upcoming ND? It may be possible we could see this game in action in 2-4 months.
So I realize he probably just pulled this rumor out of his arse because there is about a 99% chance that it is true, but if he's right about the dates and everything, is there a chance we could see it in an upcoming ND? It may be possible we could see this game in action in 2-4 months.
Probably not before Mario Bros Wii U ships.
So I realize he probably just pulled this rumor out of his arse because there is about a 99% chance that it is true, but if he's right about the dates and everything, is there a chance we could see it in an upcoming ND? It may be possible we could see this game in action in 2-4 months.

Everyone knows each console gets a 3D Mario game :) We'll most likely see it next year at GDC(if they go), E3 or fall conference.


I'm only believing him because it's obvious Nintendo is working on a 3D Mario for Wii U, other than that I will believe 50% of what he says about other suff because he may been the one to leak PlayStation All Stars but he also talked about the Star Fox X Metriod Fusion Saga.

Wasn't him the one that took this for granted?
sorry but there's so much BS around his name I can't believe him lol
Asked this over in gaming side but thought I'd see here too.

Since precedent has been set, would people planning to get Wii U at launch hold off on doing so if it would result in a significant price cut a few months down the line?
Asked this over in gaming side but thought I'd see here too.

Since precedent has been set, would people planning to get Wii U at launch hold off on doing so if it would result in a significant price cut a few months down the line?

Nah. I'm sure the wii u will be priced fairly so i might as well get it at the price it's worth
Asked this over in gaming side but thought I'd see here too.

Since precedent has been set, would people planning to get Wii U at launch hold off on doing so if it would result in a significant price cut a few months down the line?
How has precedent been set? You mean when the 3DS was flopping bigtime and about to fail, so Nintendo slashed the prices so far that they were losing money on every unit sold? Do you really think that's going to happen to the Wii U? Especially since that plan failed too, and didn't revive sales enough? 3DS sales didn't recover until Nintendo released Mario 3D and Mario Kart 7 - it was the AAA first-party titles gamers wanted, not cheaper prices.


How has precedent been set? You mean when the 3DS was flopping bigtime and about to fail, so Nintendo slashed the prices so far that they were losing money on every unit sold? Do you really think that's going to happen to the Wii U? Especially since that plan failed too, and didn't revive sales enough? 3DS sales didn't recover until Nintendo released Mario 3D and Mario Kart 7 - it was the AAA first-party titles gamers wanted, not cheaper prices.
What? 3DS was far from failing. Especially when there wasn't even a mainline pokemon on it yet.

Paul Gale

*Rumor* Nintendo hard at work on 3D Mario game for Wii U: http://paulgalenetwork.com/home/201...-wii-u-in-addition-to-new-super-mario-bros-u/

Has any of Paul Gale's rumors come true in the past? Even though this one is pretty much a given since Nintendo has been making 3D Mario games since the N64.....

I wasn't given any specifics, but was just told that it's currently in development. And as for Star Fox - Metroid: Fusion Saga, it was a game that at the very least, was pitched and being held up as a possibility for Retro Studios to work on. Even a couple months after I put up the original story, Shigeru Miyamoto was asked by IGN about what he'd like to see on Wii U and his first reply was a new Metroid game.

His second reply, was a new Star Fox game. It wasn't a coincidence that he said both in the same article. Perhaps the game that I unveiled isn't the one that Retro is actually working on, but that doesn't mean that there wasn't a certain level of interest going on between them and Nintendo of creating such a title.

But yeah, http://paulgalenetwork.com/home/201...-wii-u-in-addition-to-new-super-mario-bros-u/ is real...and truthfully, obvious, but it's still better to "know" it's happening than just "assume" it's happening.

May 19th: http://paulgalenetwork.com/home/201...dios-wii-u-game-star-fox-metroid-fusion-saga/ Paul Gale Network Star Fox - Metroid: Fusion Saga rumor.

July 6th: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/07/06/miyamoto-discusses-metroid-on-wii-u IGN interview with Miyamoto, where he discusses that the two titles are his most wanted.
How has precedent been set? You mean when the 3DS was flopping bigtime and about to fail, so Nintendo slashed the prices so far that they were losing money on every unit sold? Do you really think that's going to happen to the Wii U? Especially since that plan failed too, and didn't revive sales enough? 3DS sales didn't recover until Nintendo released Mario 3D and Mario Kart 7 - it was the AAA first-party titles gamers wanted, not cheaper prices.
Yes, that precedent. I'm just curious whether and how much early adopters were burned by that rapid price drop. And whether it's predicated any "I'll wait and see how it does and maybe there'll be a price drop " mentality for hardware launches in general.

Also I don't think it was an either/or situation regarding price and software, but rather an "and" situation that increased sales as much as they did.


I've been gaming and prepping for fall classes all summer, haha..
(Decided that I'm going back to school for my doctorate in Urban Planning, woo hoo!)

But I'll be around more as we draw closer and closer. :)

And you return responding to a topic that you and I have debated at great length with much giddy schoolgirl-esque glee. No surprise there. ;)

You realize that the 360 which was identical in specs to the ps3 sold for significantly less at $299-$399. There was a reason why, and it wasn't power.

360 started as a loss leader, as well, though perhaps not as deep of one as Sony. The point that he was trying to make is loss leader strategy is not really something Sony can bank on as heavily anymore, and Microsoft can't piss away all its positive gains from the 360 all over again, investors don't go for up-and-down cashflow in a market this volatile.

TETSUYA NOMURA & GEN KOBAYASHI!! Maybe The World Ends with you sequel for 3ds or maybe for Wii U. The music sounds like TWEWY...

No maybe about it. The link address confirms it's TWEWY-related. "Subaseka" is the short-hand for its Japanese name, Subarashiki Kono Sekai. Now it's just a matter of what platform.
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