I can't because your previous wording made it sound completely different ("not buying it BECAUSE OF Mario").
Also, it's just wrong. How is there nothing besides Mario? We know there are a ton more games at launch.
Sorry, but [checking launch & launch window games]... it makes no sense.
Ahhhh. I'm one of the nintendo-only guys, I don't care about any 3rd parties. (except maybe some exclusive if it's good enough, exceptions are possible, but that quality of software may be loong away)
I completely agree. I asked him specifically how many feet but he responded in yards... He then started saying that it was in a test environment with no walls or outside interference... and then stated that it was meant for use in a large livingroom and that walls would be a big factor in range. Frequency and bandwidth affect your range. Hi frequency shortens bandwidth... You can have faster speeds but a limited range. Low frequency give you a much greater range by lengthening the bandwidth, but data transfers at a slower speed.
for reference here's chart of approximations for wifi signals...
Protocol Frequency Speed Indoor Operating Range Max (approx.)
802.11b 2.4 GHz 11Mbps 150-300 feet
802.11g 2.4 GHz 54Mbps 100-200 feet (due to 54 Mbps rate)
802.11a 5.0-5.8 GHz 54Mbps 80 feet
It could be that Nintendo's Ni-Fi uses a sweet spot for data tranfer and range but the frequency has trouble with walls... who knows...
It's Yards it makes sense, it's WLAN it's not bluetooth, 30 yards is not the kind of router wlan because the bandwidth has to be substantial and the link has to be very strong, should i say, it has to be a really smooth connection and ABOVE ALL; it has to be very high quality most of the time, to maintain the fidelity and responsiveness of for what it was designed for.
30 yards is not going to be for the full house when you count in the walls, but it will work in the same level, hopefully to the bathroom and etc.
Ofcourse it also depends on the kind of the house , there is a great percentage of americans who have wooden houses, I can say that my wlan barely works if i go outside on back yard, the house is a bunker. Whenever I think of this it makes me feel what the heck is going on this world, i have noidea why the houses are so strong built here, while at the tornado zone they build houses from wood, i sware every footage I look it's a pile of wood, why on earth wood.
I can see the hacker-maker crowd modding external antennas to WiiU for better range. I could be one of them too, down the line ...
Cablest should be long enough to fit through some port holes or more realistically the air vents without damaging plastic shell, that way you would just change back to the internal one if you need to RMA or something.
As I understand it*, Nintendo's protocol works on top (or as a slight modification) of 802.11b/g/n, so it should have the same basic limitations with respect to barriers. The real question would be how strong does the Wifi signal need to be before the controller isn't getting enough data transmission to work well enough to be usable. It's kind of like how you used to be able to watch slightly snowy (but completely watchable!) TV in the '80s for over-the-air channels that were slightly out of range, but then in the late '90s they changed television sets so that if the signal isn't over a particular strength, you get a total blue screen. Pissed me off quite a bit.
I'm just hoping that if you go out of range, the controller keeps trying to work and just gracefully degrades with distance instead of just quitting at a certain point.
* "poorly"
Ofcouse it will have problems with walls, it has to be strong to keep fidelity, I don't know if nintendo will provide any modes or when watching something it won't need the level of response input while in web and other stuff but I can guarantee you that range for playing games won't be able to just walk around the house imo.
That's exactly what you should prepare for, the controller will cut off at a certain point and the games will be paused, i can assure you this it's probably 99%.
Keeping the signal strong for this operation is key and it's also the biggest reason why it has limited range to begin with even in an open area but still that's not bad at all, you people should stop looking for clues as to why this range is small, it's obvious, the responsiveness is way more important than it seems, you need to have it milisecnd perfect, if not it won't properly calculate the HDTV lag.
But i am estatic about this, this is pretty much the biggest thing i've been waiting for and it's fucking great news.
Maybe nintendo already researched this and included the house environiment inside the 30 yard limit, or in the signal strength values, anyways it would be cool to have an indication that shows you the signal okay range.
Also that stuff you described about TVs blue screen is probably US only, it's just a year ago that in my country they changed to "digital" and everyone who hasn't have an HDTV with a CI adapter for the card would need a decoder, but the decoder actually made the picture look worse (crappy one), "digital" stuff was a pile of bs needing to have 2 tv remotes, so we quickly got rid of the CRTs, as in the right time the main living room tv died slowly shrinking it's screen to some weird shapes and then blinking and out it goes. The signal is fine for my ISP but when something happens blocks or legos appear and pretty much in a way that much can't be seen, pink and green stuff , sound goes out too and makes noises.
Well, considering that *g* has a minimun approx range of 100feet @ 54MbPS and 30 yards is only 90feet... seems feasible.
however, the steady degradation you're refering to is from an anolog signal, digital signals are either connected and on, or disconnected and off...
An RF transmitter for the controller wouldn't really be feasible for the video signal unless they packed in a directional antenna, but then they'd have people complaining about radiation, lol
And big antenna dishs coming out of the console and controller ..., yeah people would complain, it would be quite funny to me, i like tech stuff, and contraptions like that.
As I said it, prepare for on or off, the design of it is for TOP responsiveness so this rule goes a level higher.
But we could persuade nintendo to lower the limits for low-interaction areas/apps such as watching streams or and video.
Nintendo really need to get their arses into gear, here we are under 90 days from launch and we still do not know (im aware some of these have rumours but i want official confirmation from the horses mouth) -
Console Price.
Console Release Date.
Console colours available at launch.
Launch day games.
Launch window games.
Launch day Eshop games.
Launch windows Eshop games.
Launch day Eshop 'classic' games.
Launch window Eshop 'classic' games.
Will there be a Tablet controller for sale at launch, if so how much.
What is the range of the Tablet controller (can you use it in another room ect).
Is every game compatible with the 'off screen' play mechanic.
Will Eshop games be playable on the Tablet controller.
Will Eshop games be playable on the Tablet controller while someone is using the main console at the same time using a Pro controller.
How much the Pro controller will cost.
What the second part of the operating system looks like (assuming Miiverse is only 50% of it).
What the online part will be like and will it be free.
What the player profile will be like and will there be an Achievement like system in place.
We need at least two Nintendo Directs to answer some of those questions on top of the special launch event imo as that will mainly focus on the price, release date and launch day games.
You can stop calling it tablet now, it's doesn't feel like one and it's certainly wasn't designed to relate to them
source > people's impressions from gamescom 2012
this controller is way above any tablet out there, it's a terminal device, it doesn't even remotely relate to any mobile device.