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Wii U Community Thread

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This sounds familiar, the one who's a girlfriend of a Nintendo employee or something?

I remember her from last year having all those leaks because she kept bringing up the perks of sleeping with someone who worked there.

Not only is she a liar, but a whore.


My source is my ass!
Nice to know there will be a harddrive in the Wii U (At least one SKU) :)

I think he is referring to the flash memory

edit: and it was apparently a translation error, see above. Well, you'll have at least some flash as an internal storage.


LOL yeah. But hey lets getting back to discussing er..games?


So what is everyone's baseline expectation for online?

Me, I want a portal to buy games and a way to message my friends and maybe occasionally play online. That's about it. I don't care about achievements...at all.
That other thread makes my head hurt...
Why is there a select of people who think we're all brainwashed?

There are two things that can be said of fanlings* of all kinds:

A) They're brainwashed to some degree.
B) They believe that all who disagree with their positions are brainwashed.

Obviously, this applies only to fans of anything except for Nintendo. >_>

* er, is there a better term that combines "fanboys" and "fangirls"? And don't say "fans" -- that doesn't have the same connotation. :p


Emily Rogers (Is she a trustworthy source? I've seen her name around recently) seems to believe that Retro is bleeding developers again, or soon to be after the Wii U project is complete, which is going through a rough road due to gaps in positions:

Well to be honest, there is probably great pressure on teams like Retro to pull off games rivaling what Sony and MS first party teams have been doing these last few years on HD systems. Unlike Pikmin and probably NSMBU, they are not porting over titles.

Whats also curious is that we have not seen games from second parties.

I guess everyone is still trying to figure out the new hardware architecture.
Emily Rogers (Is she a trustworthy source? I've seen her name around recently) seems to believe that Retro is bleeding developers again, or soon to be after the Wii U project is complete, which is going through a rough road due to gaps in positions:

The impression I had was this:

Retro: We did Metroid already, three times in a row plus two modified rereleases. We don't want to do that again.
Nintendo: Okay, we gave Metroid to those ninja guys. Please work on Donkey Kong and then Star Fox
Retro: Thanks, we'll get right on it!

It just seems like Nintendo did exactly what Retro wanted.

* replace "Star Fox" with "Zelda", "Wrecking Crew: Maximum Carnage", "TimeSplitters", "New IP", or whatever you think they're doing now

Does anybody have that link to the article that says messages won't be moderated until flagged?


"The way to think about how we will ensure a positive consumer experience with MiiVerse… first, there are parental controls. As a parent you can choose for your child not to have any MiiVerse conversation. You can do it only with friends. You can do it with everyone.

"The second level is going to be essentially a technology-driven scan to make sure that inappropriate words and inappropriate pictures don't make it onto MiiVerse.

"The third level is going to be the community that will police and flag items.

"The fourth level is for a human review at Nintendo."

edit: I would be highly amused if Retro's new game is actually called "New IP". :D


The impression I had was this:

Retro: We did Metroid already, three times in a row plus two modified rereleases. We don't want to do that again.
Nintendo: Okay, we gave Metroid to those ninja guys. Please work on Donkey Kong and then Star Fox
Retro: Thanks, we'll get right on it!

It just seems like Nintendo did exactly what Retro wanted.

* replace "Star Fox" with "Zelda", "Wrecking Crew: Maximum Carnage", "TimeSplitters", "New IP", or whatever you think they're doing now

Also the fact they helped with mario kart DS.


I thought it was common for studios to bleed employees after big projects do to a lot of positions being contracted based. I would expect Retro to take a break or go into planning stages for their next game after whatever they are doing comes out and keep enough for whatever patches that might be needed. No need to keep a lot of extra people, that might have been brought in for the project, around just doing nothing.

Best to stay away from many of the Nintendo threads in gaming these days. Nintendo no wanting to match what Xbox Live and PSN have is fine but when I look at what they have with the Wii Shop/Virtual Console/eShop I don't think they are doing a bad job with what they are going for. I don't mind the friend code as long as it's universal like on the 3DS. Not being able to get a prompt when someone adds you or add someone from in a game are the problems. The problem is having online multiplayer in Nintendo's own games. See Pikman 3. A game that should have had half a decade of development and that is doing nothing more complicated the any other RTS on the market where you manged significantly more units on various part sof a map, with fog of war, etc. That's my biggest concern in the end.

If Nintendo doesn't want to become a media service like Microsoft with ESPN, etc on the Wii U that's not a huge negative to hit them with. They are letting you control the TV. I rather view that channel via my cable then stream it be honest. Less of a hassle since I'll already have it.

Oh that reminds me. We can stream games to the controller while playing. We can stream Netflix (I assuming Hulu and Amazon Prime Video as well) to the controller. Would we be able to stream the TV feed to the controller as well or is it just the game while the TV feed is still on the TV?

That way we can watch TV while still playing a game. The reverse is possible but rather have the game on the TV.

I guess when Nintendo said something similar to not competing with the others but simply competing for customer's time they meant it. They will and continue to do their own thing regardless of what others are doing at their own pace and won't be push from that road unless things get really dire when there are things they simply can't ignore any longer. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that to be honest.

As I said before I just hope the focus on asymmetric local multiplayer isn't going to in the end screw a good chuck of people that enjoy Nintendo's IPs over. Making them pay for a product and end up getting a lesser experience compared to others just because they don't have local friends or family that game and need online as a result.


My source is my ass!
There was a contest held by NOA today in its twitter, in the form of a trivia, with NintendoLand pins to win, they are pretty cool and i would have liked to get one set, but it was reserved for US residents ><



that was a translation error
there will not be a harddrive

Yeah, hence the smiley but I should have maybe been more obvious.

Well to be honest, there is probably great pressure on teams like Retro to pull off games rivaling what Sony and MS first party teams have been doing these last few years on HD systems. Unlike Pikmin and probably NSMBU, they are not porting over titles.

Whats also curious is that we have not seen games from second parties.

I guess everyone is still trying to figure out the new hardware architecture.

Yeah imagine being Retro in either of these situations.

1) They are making a killer hardcore epic new IP/Game -> "Fuck, fuck, I really hope we can do this guys! The fans will kill us if we don't hit Halo 4 levels of awesome"

2) They are making Wii Music 2( Or DK or anything other than the above) -> "Why are we working on this, the fans will kill us. Please god kill us now."


There was a contest held by NOA today in its twitter, in the form of a trivia, with NintendoLand pins to win, they are pretty cool and i would have liked to get one set, but it was reserved for US residents ><


damn, would have loved to have some of those


Yeah, hence the smiley but I should have maybe been more obvious.

Yeah imagine being Retro in either of these situations.

1) They are making a killer hardcore epic new IP/Game -> "Fuck, fuck, I really hope we can do this guys! The fans will kill us if we don't hit Halo 4 levels of awesome"

2) They are making Wii Music 2( Or DK or anything other than the above) -> "Why are we working on this, the fans will kill us. Please god kill us now."

Halo 4 looks kinda Metroid Prime-ish most likely didn't help at all. If what they're working on looked any similar or worse I would understand Retro pulling the plug and not wanting to show anything. Now if that was the case and Nintendo allowed that, that at least shows (as a positive) they are aware of what is expected of them on that front and know they can't screw up up that first impression.
Yeah imagine being Retro in either of these situations.

1) They are making a killer hardcore epic new IP/Game -> "Fuck, fuck, I really hope we can do this guys! The fans will kill us if we don't hit Halo 4 levels of awesome"

2) They are making Wii Music 2( Or DK or anything other than the above) -> "Why are we working on this, the fans will kill us. Please god kill us now."

3) Hardcore Music [Wii U] - An assassin is going through time, killing history's greatest composers and performers. With your arsenal of melodic yet badass weaponry, you must travel back to save them from whoever is trying to prevent humanity from developing a musical culture. Game uses rhythm-based weapon control, but there's so much blood that nobody notices that the game mechanically resembles Guitar Hero. Head boss is
. Co-op involves missions where players must obtain weapons in the categories "wind", "percussive", "string" and "vocal blast" in order to defeat insanely powerful, noise-cancelling enemies.
New Super Mario Bros. Mii (left) had no AA. New Super Mario Bros. U (right) has AA.


Bu bu bu, I thought it was "confirmed" from the pixel counters at B3D that there was no AA.

Yeah, here's a post:


Quaz51 said:
Pikmin3, Lego city, New SMBU, WiiFitU, Game&Wario, Nintendo land, Avengers, Tank Tank!, Project P-100
all are 720p no AA

Combine that with the total BS about the CPU, there's little wonder why I hardly ever visit that forum anymore...



I swear, there's a big part of GAF which needs to learn to read and not just REACT to every little thing they see, it's really fucking annoying.
Oh they read, the thread title.
Which is usually inflammatory and ends up getting changed after 6 pages of bullshit.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Um, he says they can't catch up and instead want to focus on stuff like MiiVerse, which isn't exactly a great replacement.

You are either intentionally misreading his full statements or lacking reading comprehension skills.


Um, he says they can't catch up and instead want to focus on stuff like MiiVerse, which isn't exactly a great replacement.
He said they're going for a different approach than MS/Sony because he feels a straight ripoff isn't well suited to the approach that Nintendo takes.

And why do I keep hearing about MiiVerse? It's the OS you see on the tablet when you first boot up the system, it's not the online system, which is the Nintendo Network. We've seen practically NOTHING about the online system bar a brief glimpse at the video chat and an IM like system (Which looks like most other IM systems these days).

Van Owen

You are either intentionally misreading his full statements or lacking reading comprehension skills.

"Therefore, I can't sit here and say to you that we can very quickly overcome or catch up to other companies, which began to work in the online field from many years ago and have been building these online networks on other platforms, and I don't think that would be a smart strategy, either."

Conveniently Sony's and MS approach isn't well suited to Nintendo, which is moot since he's saying they can't replicate it in the first place.


3) Hardcore Music [Wii U] - An assassin is going through time, killing history's greatest composers and performers. With your arsenal of melodic yet badass weaponry, you must travel back to save them from whoever is trying to prevent humanity from developing a musical culture. Game uses rhythm-based weapon control, but there's so much blood that nobody notices that the game mechanically resembles Guitar Hero. Head boss is
. Co-op involves missions where players must obtain weapons in the categories "wind", "percussive", "string" and "vocal blast" in order to defeat insanely powerful, noise-cancelling enemies.

I don't know whether to cheer or vomit.


"Therefore, I can't sit here and say to you that we can very quickly overcome or catch up to other companies, which began to work in the online field from many years ago and have been building these online networks on other platforms, and I don't think that would be a smart strategy, either."

Conveniently Sony's and MS approach isn't well suited to Nintendo, which is moot since he's saying they can't replicate it in the first place.

He's saying they couldn't very quickly overcome XBox Live and PSN. But it's irrelevant, anyway, because if you read the rest of the transcript you'll see that what he's actually trying to explain is that Nintendo aren't just aiming to replicate these other services, but to make something unique.
"Therefore, I can't sit here and say to you that we can very quickly overcome or catch up to other companies, which began to work in the online field from many years ago and have been building these online networks on other platforms, and I don't think that would be a smart strategy, either."

Conveniently Sony's and MS approach isn't well suited to Nintendo, which is moot since he's saying they can't replicate it in the first place.

Keep reading Iwata's statement again and again until you get it right.


"Therefore, I can't sit here and say to you that we can very quickly overcome or catch up to other companies, which began to work in the online field from many years ago and have been building these online networks on other platforms, and I don't think that would be a smart strategy, either."

Conveniently Sony's and MS approach isn't well suited to Nintendo, which is moot since he's saying they can't replicate it in the first place.
I said it in the other thread, but Iwata is implying that the online network that XBL and PSN is not suitable for the suitable-for-all-ages and enjoyable-for-all-skill-levels image that Nintendo tries to maintain with their systems. They are pursuing designs that move them towards the goal of attaining high connectivity and creating a long-term social network infrastructure that will not only exist for Wii U, but for future consoles as well, with this factor in mind. It is a large undertaking and it isn't going to be built overnight.
Oh they read, the thread title.
Which is usually inflammatory and ends up getting changed after 6 pages of bullshit.

Pretty much. Like how the UE4 thread title said UE4 requires a 1TFLOP GPU and it turned into people saying Wii U can't run UE4 because it's not high end and it's not the same as mobile electronics. But Sweeney didn't say that a 1TFLOP GPU was the minimum for UE4. All Sweeney said what that UE4 was targeted toward DX11 GPUs and that once the GPU power exceeded 1+ TFLOP, things would get interesting.


Membero Americo
We’re not completely getting rid of Friend Codes, but a function of the “Miiverse” will simplify the process of making friends with another user in the platform by eliminating the need to input Friend Codes. - Satoru Iwata

I know it's probably old new, but I've been gone for 2 days so shut the hell up.


I know it's probably old new, but I've been gone for 2 days so shut the hell up.

Yeah Reggie said something similar as well, I don't understand the point of keeping them then though. Perhaps it is necessary to allow compatibility with the 3DS on the network?


Yeah Reggie said something similar as well, I don't understand the point of keeping them then though. Perhaps it is necessary to allow compatibility with the 3DS on the network?

I really think at the worst, it'll be like Battle.net tags. Which would be ok I guess.


"We’re not completely getting rid of Friend Codes, but a function of the “Miiverse” will simplify the process of making friends with another user in the platform by eliminating the need to input Friend Codes." - Satoru Iwata

I know it's probably old new, but I've been gone for 2 days so shut the hell up.

Yeah, in the space of that 48 hrs, there was already an "oh no-friends-codes-not gone, Nintendo sucks" meltdown thread. Due to the inate ability of GAF members to initiate meltdown-sequence, punctuality is of the utmost importance... you know this man!


Membero Americo
Yeah, in the space of that 48 hrs, there was already an "oh no-friends-codes-not gone, Nintendo sucks" meltdown thread. Due to the inate ability of GAF members to initiate meltdown-sequence, punctuality is of the utmost importance... you know this man!

Who the hell cares if there's still FCs is you're not even forced to put it in to register someone as a friend?


Yeah Reggie said something similar as well, I don't understand the point of keeping them then though. Perhaps it is necessary to allow compatibility with the 3DS on the network?
Nintendo will want to reduce as much as possible the number of steps needed to go online with the Wii U for the very first time, so I think they're going to keep it so that nobody is required to register an account with Nintendo before being able to use the digital shop, using Miiverse, and playing online. I think the account system will not be mandatory is my guess, just like how Club Nintendo is a separate entity but can be linked to your Nintendo systems.


Who the hell cares if there's still FCs is you're not even forced to put it in to register someone as a friend?

But doesn't that completely obliterate the point of friend codes?

Not attempting to troll. Honest question.

I mean, if Nintendo is now going to have it set so that I can add friends and strangers alike without the need of manually inputting friend codes...then why keep friend codes at all?
But doesn't that completely obliterate the point of friend codes?

Not attempting to troll. Honest question.

I mean, if Nintendo is no going to have it set so that I can add friends and strangers alike without the need of friend codes...then why keep friend codes at all?

I'm not sure I completely understand how friend codes work, as I never went online with my Wii.

But, would keeping friend codes help to transition Wii owners over to Wii U in any way? You know, like if people have a bunch of FCs written down somewhere, they could enter them in to the Wii U's online system to stay in touch with people?


But doesn't that completely obliterate the point of friend codes?

Not attempting to troll. Honest question.

I mean, if Nintendo is now going to have it set so that I can add friends and strangers alike without the need of manually inputting friend codes...then why keep friend codes at all?

My guess? Reworking their online backbone to eliminate them entirely was not a great option and you still need some sort of unique identifier to tie you to the network, no matter how little the user actually sees it or uses it to initiate that interactivity.


But doesn't that completely obliterate the point of friend codes?

Not attempting to troll. Honest question.

I mean, if Nintendo is now going to have it set so that I can add friends and strangers alike without the need of manually inputting friend codes...then why keep friend codes at all?
Because a friend code is an unique identifier that's separate from your screen name. That makes perfect sense as unique usernames suck. If we meet in a game, it seems we'll be able to add each other directly, without inputting anything. But if you want to add someone you know from a forum or in real life, you'll need to use the friend code, as the screen name isn't necessarily unique and can probably be changed at any time.


I just want it to be easy to add people. There are some people that don't even know their friend code or even where to look for it. They can keep friend codes for all I care as long as it's behind the scene.


I just want it to be easy to add people. There are some people that don't even know their friend code or even where to look for it. They can keep friend codes for all I care as long as it's behind the scene.
I don't really think that's feasible. Let's say your screen name will be "Touch" - it's highly unlikely that you'll be the only user with that screen name. How would anybody be able to find you? Now, if Nintendo thinks this through (and I doubt they will), the system could work similar to a BattleTag and create a unique "friend code" based on your screen name. Something like "Touch3664" - the code should include some sort of hash to deal with typos, so just "Touch3" won't do. But that would be much easier to remember than the friend codes we have right now.
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