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Wii U Community Thread

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Reggie already said it would be more expensive than the Wii.

Hopefully the poor e3 response convinces them to stick to $250 though.
Or add more tech <sigh> (I know they are probably in production now and that aint gonna happen)

It will be interesting to see when Iwata goes, if the next CEO has a less terrified attitude. I can only hope.


RFA: We recognized that the Wii U had to have a strong account system.

Here’s a little bit of background. Up until the Wii U, the device held all of the account information. Whether you played or your kids played or your partner played, it was all one set of data to the Wii. The same was true for DS and 3DS.

With Wii U, we’re going to have an account system. This means you’re going to create a Mii, as will all the other members of your family, and the behaviour for each Mii is going to be captured in an account. For example, if you’ve achieved a certain level in a game, that information will be unique to your Mii. Parental settings will be specific to each Mii.

This is critically important, because it means things like messaging and achievements and other key online functionality is tailored to you.

RFA: Three comments. First, it’s not about power. If it was about power, then the GameCube would have been the number one system in its generation and the Wii wouldn’t have been the number one system in this last generation. It is not about power. It is about fun, it is about the experience.

Second. Our competitors can say what they want about some super long cycle, but let’s see what their behaviours are.

The longer developers work on a system the more they tune it, the more they push the system, the more they learn tricks to really optimize performance. I share this because what you see here at E3 are games that represent a relatively short amount of development time. Imagine what we’ll see two years from now when developers have been working with Wii U longer and learn how to push everything out of the system.

Similarly, our job over the coming months is to come up with a concise collection of words that communicate what the Wii U is all about. That’s work still to be done.

Would you admit that, with Wii, Nintendo lost some of the hardcore gaming audience?

You know, I really chafe at that comment. Define the hardcore. I know people who are playing Smash Bros. Brawl competitively today. They’re playing hours on that game. People are playing hours on New Super Mario Bros.

What I’ll tell you is that with the Wii we did not have the benefit of multiplatform games from key publishers. I didn’t have The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I didn’t have the best of the Call of Duty games. That’s what I missed.

With the Wii U’s graphics capability, processing power, and HD-output, we’ll get those games. That’s a huge competitive advantage versus where we were with the W



Nintendo has recently experienced some difficult financial times. Is Nintendo rushing Wii U to market to compensate for sluggish Wii sales?

The short answer is no. This is not a system that has been rushed in any way.

And, in fact, our challenging financial performance has not been due to the Wii’s performance. It was driven by our performance on Nintendo 3DS.

In Canada and the U.S. the sell-through rate of Nintendo 3DS after 14 months is better than it was at the same point in time for the DS. However, because of the lack of strong software from Nintendo, the lack of online capabilities, and the lack of other entertainment at launch, it caused us to [reduce the handheld console’s price], which generated a significant negative situation for us.

Now that our 3DS business is healthy and on a positive path, that product is going to be the predominant volume and profit driver for our business this year. The impact that the Wii U will have will be somewhat modest because we’re launching it during the holiday season.

They wont be selling WiiU at a loss, or break-even.
IOW, the WiiU wont be selling for $250.
Its going to hurdle enthusiastically over $300


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
GPGPU's don't come cheap. $300 at a bare minimum.

Van Owen

Does Reggie think GameCube was more powerful than Xbox? lol

It will be interesting to see if he has those big third party games when the next Xbox and PS are out...


GPGPU's don't come cheap. $300 at a bare minimum.
Sure, but weakauce CPUs are a dime a dozen :) ba-dum-cha!!

Does Reggie think GameCube was more powerful than Xbox? lol

It will be interesting to see if he has those big third party games when the next Xbox and PS are out...

Reggie is a spin doctor that's for sure. It was quite a sad article really as he really seems to believe nearly year old games will impress people. I guess if the hold new stuff back, well have no choice :)

He also seemed to think that if Wii had Skyrim or GTA it'd have been all OK. It got some CoD and they didn't really blow the roof off in sales. Most core gamers already had 360 or PS3. Reggie, Reggie.


Looks at current price of 6 year old consoles...

Looks at ridiculous price estimates for new console with custom designed interior

Oh you guys, what a good laugh.

the wii should be $79.99 right now. the ps3 should be $149.99/$129.99 right now. the 360 should be $129.99/$99.99 right now. the only way they got away with having such large price tags this late in the generation was by bumping up the value of each unit, whether it was through bundles or hard drive space.


Nintendo has always had issues with their software outselling/overshadowing third party titles. Perhaps this launch is purposefully aimed towards giving third parties less competition. It also means Nintendo can time their first party releases better over the first year. I mean we have seen everything that EA, activision have available for example, so the Launch period should be fairly fruitful, well hopefully anyway.


Nintendo has always had issues with their software outselling/overshadowing third party titles. Perhaps this launch is purposefully aimed towards giving third parties less competition. It also means Nintendo can time their first party releases better over the first year. I mean we have seen everything that EA, activision have available for example, so the Launch period should be fairly fruitful, well hopefully anyway.

if they did, then ubisoft has a death wish. they're releasing (a probably multiplatform) 2d rayman against a 2d mario, while they also release the curiously-named rabbids land with nintendo land coming. i guess sports connection is okay to be its own thing since there's no wii sports at launch, but wii fit u kinda does the same thing. kinda.

my predictions are: nintendo land will do modestly like pilotwings did for the 3ds. wii fit u will be the nintendogs + cats thing where the ship has clearly sailed. nsmb u will be the shining beacon of hope. pikmin 3 will stay right about what the franchise always did. sing will do okay.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I wouldn't listen Reggie so much, but I'd think about the lesson learned from 3DS. The launch is MUCH better, both on first and third party front, both sales and qualitywise. The other part of the lesson was about the launch price. I'm almost certain it's gonna be 300$, maybe even with Nintendo Land in bundle.
$300 with "added value" content such as a Wii U dock and maybe Nintendoland.

That's my prediction.
That has been my stance as well reasonable one.

I still don't feel the launch buy, but at the very least I could see getting it some time after. GTAV with any kind of visual improvements, or Watch_Dog. On the 3rd party side. And well that ME2&3 two-pack idea I had might do me as well depending on what it's like.

Why do I still feel like I know very little about this system?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
if they did, then ubisoft has a death wish. they're releasing (a probably multiplatform) 2d rayman against a 2d mario, while they also release the curiously-named rabbids land with nintendo land coming. i guess sports connection is okay to be its own thing since there's no wii sports at launch, but wii fit u kinda does the same thing. kinda.

my predictions are: nintendo land will do modestly like pilotwings did for the 3ds. wii fit u will be the nintendogs + cats thing where the ship has clearly sailed. nsmb u will be the shining beacon of hope. pikmin 3 will stay right about what the franchise always did. sing will do okay.

Agreeing for Pikmin, but I disagree for the rest.
Right now, I'm not seeing Sing doing okay, I don't know.
On the contrary, NSMBU will do gangbusters, and for a long time, Nintendo Land could drive purchases if released in bundle with the Wii U, and about Wii Fit U, I'm seeing it still strong, especially seeing how well Zumba did recently. This means the audience is still present. Obviously, we won't see how much it can be good from the launch, but we'll have to wait some months to judge it.


He also seemed to think that if Wii had Skyrim or GTA it'd have been all OK. It got some CoD and they didn't really blow the roof off in sales. Most core gamers already had 360 or PS3. Reggie, Reggie.

Lets be fair here, Activision never promoted CoD on the Wii.
CoD also came late to the Wii.

Yes, I think if the Wii had western RPGs and JRPGs, and this was promoted
heavily starting around 2009, Nintendo could have captured future gamers
to the Wii. Especially since Xenoblade and Last Story were exclusives.
Wii could have been the goto console for RPGs. And online is not the most
important factor in RPGs.

Basically, the console never matured in the minds of the players.
Lets be fair here, Activision never promoted CoD on the Wii.
CoD also came late to the Wii.

Yes, I think if the Wii had western RPGs and JRPGs, and this was promoted
heavily starting around 2009, Nintendo could have captured future gamers
to the Wii. Especially since Xenoblade and Last Story were exclusives.
Wii could have been the goto console for RPGs. And online is not the most
important factor in RPGs.

Basically, the console never matured in the minds of the players.

It will forever be The Market Leading Console of Unfulfilled Potential!
the wii should be $79.99 right now. the ps3 should be $149.99/$129.99 right now. the 360 should be $129.99/$99.99 right now. the only way they got away with having such large price tags this late in the generation was by bumping up the value of each unit, whether it was through bundles or hard drive space.

They need these pricetags to recoup the massive losses they made as well as to finance the next round of loss based pricing for Next Gen.

What in the fuck is this bullshit? Please tell me that nobody in their right mind reads that website. (I blame Google News for putting it on my screen.)

Look ma, I do statistics.


What in the fuck is this bullshit? Please tell me that nobody in their right mind reads that website. (I blame Google News for putting it on my screen.)

I actually find the graph quite interesting in a way. Sure, Nintendo won't give a fuck about it really does generally express how these forums went and our general attitude to the show. Especially that overall it just trended down and down.


I don't really think that's feasible. Let's say your screen name will be "Touch" - it's highly unlikely that you'll be the only user with that screen name. How would anybody be able to find you? Now, if Nintendo thinks this through (and I doubt they will), the system could work similar to a BattleTag and create a unique "friend code" based on your screen name. Something like "Touch3664" - the code should include some sort of hash to deal with typos, so just "Touch3" won't do. But that would be much easier to remember than the friend codes we have right now.

All they would really have to do is have the friend code as the system's code, then you'd have your user ID ontop, something like John@23939278 or what have you... then when you go to add someone, it shows your full ID, and you can do it that way, or the smart phone/pc app will allow you to add people you are standing next to as part of a street pass feature, and once you have one friend, you see their friends, it's not unlike how facebook works in that way.

Not saying it will be this way, it's just a lot more simple than people like to make it.


Reggie said:
Third, we wanted consumers and media to understand that what we’re showing at E3 is just the tip of the iceberg. We’re just beginning a steady stream of information about Wii U.
Hope so Reggie...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Boys club thread sucks. Stop whining about 'negative spin'.
Boys club thread sucks. Stop whining about 'negative spin'.

why cant I whine WHY WHY WAAAAAAA


For something positive:

Why I’m impressed with the new games for Nintendo’s Wii U

Nintendo’s E3 press conference wasn’t quite the home run Nintendo fans were hoping for.

As expected, the event focused on the soon-to-launch Wii U home console. However, it failed to provide many of the key details – including regional release dates, pricing, and confirmation of launch window software – for which the public, press, and industry had been clamouring. I left wondering whether Nintendo is really ready give birth to its next baby.

My worries were alleviated slightly when I arrived at Nintendo’s E3 booth later in the day. Here I had a chance to spend a bit of time playing games like Pikmin 3, New Super Mario Bros. U, and NintendoLand. If people truly do buy game systems to play fun games, then there’s reason for them to be interested in Wii U.

Still, the system’s launch is just months away, and we don’t know its price, what will be included, or which games will be available to early adopters. I remember experiencing a similar sense of dread leading up to the Wii launch (due to the then-unknown entity that was motion control), and things turned out pretty well for Nintendo back then. Here’s hoping my current misgivings prove equally misplaced.



Nintendo has always had issues with their software outselling/overshadowing third party titles. Perhaps this launch is purposefully aimed towards giving third parties less competition. It also means Nintendo can time their first party releases better over the first year. I mean we have seen everything that EA, activision have available for example, so the Launch period should be fairly fruitful, well hopefully anyway.

They tried that with the 3DS and it didn't work out. Sure they have a Mario at launch but that isn't the Mario people were referring to when they said Nintendo needs to launch with a Mario and I believe Nintendo knows exactly what people meant. It's a known commodity. The'd actually be better launching with a demo of a new 3D Mario. Give people a taste of what is to come. Especially since they just had a 2D Mario on the Wii a few years ago to kick off a 2D platformer rebirth with Donkey Kong Country Returns, Sonic Colors, Kirby, and then Rayman Origins. Now you have 2D Mario coming to the 3DS in addition to Rayman Legends (which looks more interesting and looks better then NSMBU personally) and NSMBU coming to the Wii U. Do people really want another 2D Mario so soon? More importantly do early adopters want a 2D Mario?

I still think NSMBU would be better for a 2013 holiday release as a group of high profile games to take attention away from whatever Sony/Microsoft do. Not to push out at launch to early adopters. Super Mario Galaxy 3 would have been a better choice.
I must be in the minority in that I thought Nintendo had a great E3 press conference. There was, unarguably, software for gamers of all tastes represented during the conference. Frankly, I'm not terribly concerned about the pessimism surrounding the Wii U post-E3. I think people just want to know more about the specifics; price, dates, etc. Patience is a virtue. All will be disclosed in due time. I'll definitely be pre-ordering the console as long as it's priced below $450 USD. I can't wait to play New Super Mario Bros. U and Pikmin 3. Nintendo Land looks fun as well. Time will tell but even at this early stage it appears that Nintendo has another winner on its hands in the Wii U.


I must be in the minority in that I thought Nintendo had a great E3 press conference. There was, unarguably, software for gamers of all tastes represented during the conference. Frankly, I'm not terribly concerned about the pessimism surrounding the Wii U post-E3. I think people just want to know more about the specifics; price, dates, etc. Patience is a virtue. All will be disclosed in due time. I'll definitely be pre-ordering the console as long as it's priced below $450 USD. I can't wait to play New Super Mario Bros. U and Pikmin 3. Nintendo Land looks fun as well. Time will tell but even at this early stage it appears that Nintendo has another winner on its hands in the Wii U.

I'm excited about the Wii U but I don't think I could stomach paying $450 for any console.


For something positive:

My worries were alleviated slightly when I arrived at Nintendo’s E3 booth later in the day. Here I had a chance to spend a bit of time playing games like Pikmin 3, New Super Mario Bros. U, and NintendoLand. If people truly do buy game systems to play fun games, then there’s reason for them to be interested in Wii U.
This is the problem think. I hear this from several sources their opinions changed once they were on the show floor. I know Nintendo tried to stress that in the conference but they did a real piss poor job and the knew they couldn't translate that sense of "fun" just visually but also knew how many people would be paying attention world wide and didn't try to get that sensation across in the own videos. They should have had video of people playing and taping their reactions and showing it side by side with the gameplay. Not quick cuts but a full minutes of people playing and not just their own employees. There was a way of getting this across better but they didn't I feel after pushing e3.nintendo.com as much as they did. They did nothing really with it. There are still no videos of Nintendo Land up on their site either.


This is the problem think. I hear this from several sources their opinions changed once they were on the show floor. I know Nintendo tried to stress that in the conference but they did a real piss poor job and the knew they couldn't translate that sense of "fun" just visually but also knew how many people would be paying attention world wide and didn't try to get that sensation across in the own videos. They should have had video of people playing and taping their reactions and showing it side by side with the gameplay. Not quick cuts but a full minutes of people playing and not just their own employees. There was a way of getting this across better but they didn't I feel after pushing e3.nintendo.com as much as they did. They did nothing really with it. There are still no videos of Nintendo Land up on their site either.

I think I would prefer it if from now on Nintendo would just put up their E3 website with everything already on there instead of doing a press conference.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I must be in the minority in that I thought Nintendo had a great E3 press conference. There was, unarguably, software for gamers of all tastes represented during the conference. Frankly, I'm not terribly concerned about the pessimism surrounding the Wii U post-E3. I think people just want to know more about the specifics; price, dates, etc. Patience is a virtue. All will be disclosed in due time. I'll definitely be pre-ordering the console as long as it's priced below $450 USD. I can't wait to play New Super Mario Bros. U and Pikmin 3. Nintendo Land looks fun as well. Time will tell but even at this early stage it appears that Nintendo has another winner on its hands in the Wii U.

You'll be one of the few. No way is thing a success if it's over $350 and even then it's probably overpriced.
I'm excited about the Wii U but I don't think I could stomach paying $450 for any console.

Indeed, I don't think Nintendo will price it that high but I would buy a Wii U at that price without any reservations. The launch line-up is really solid.

I think I would prefer it if from now on Nintendo would just put up their E3 website with everything already on there instead of doing a press conference.

I don't think Nintendo would want to look lackadaisical in contrast to Sony and Microsoft by not holding a proper press conference.

You'll be one of the few. No way is thing a success if it's over $350 and even then it's probably overpriced.

A mere $100 premium over what the 3DS launched at for substantially more technology-wise is "overpriced"? I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that point.


They still have more to show and I understand that. However at the moment I don't see anything that would justify paying over $300 for this system. Even at $300 is pushing it. ZombiU is the only game for certain I feel comfortable paying full price for at the moment based on it's concept and how it plays at the moment. That's not enough even if I just use it as a replacement Wii to pick it up at launch at the moment sadly. I keep going back and forth on this it seems. I do hope they are being truthful about showing more as the summer goes on. Otherwise this slips to a 2013 purchase for me as I wait to see what those games look like.
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