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Wii U Community Thread

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Luckily when you make the best games and have the strongest intellectual properties on the planet you dont need to care what your competitors think of you.

the first part is very debatable, the second half not so much. and the latter part is what brings in most of the $$$


Warning! Pachter alert. And he brings up the "no more powerful than current gen" thing again... Sigh.


The guy is just full of shit
"I don't think the Wii U's head start will make much difference at all, since I don't expect it to be any more powerful than current generation consoles, but maybe Nintendo will surprise me," Pachter said.

I mean... seriously? Sony can't even catch a breath so I wouldn't expect too much from them next gen either.
And I couldn't care less about Microsoft tbqh


Yeah I was looking back at old threads before this generation started about the "Xbox 2", "PlayStation 3" and "Nintendo Revolution"

And some people said "why would people buy the Revolution when they can get the PS3?"

Note: This is before E3 2005

A lot of people didn't expect Nintendo to win this generation.

Yeah, the way I see it the industry is changing and becoming main stream. And I think in response there is a heavy push back from long time industry people who resent the invasion of their ecosystem by non-traditional gamers. They don't care about the benefits to the health of the industry, they want it to be the same thing they remember it always having been.

Personally I wonder if part of that is the huge resistance Sony has experienced with their dual shock controller. It's been basically the same since almost the beginning on the PlayStation era, at least for form factor. Tweaks here and there, some added features... but it's the same damn thing. I'm sure that's very comforting to traditionalist gamers. After all, how can a classic controller like that fail on a console? The thing is, I wonder how many people want something different simply because games using basically the same device they have since the beginning feel too similar? New controller designs have a feel to them and give people a slightly variable experience from what maybe they had been doing before, even if it's mostly similar in design.

I think that traditionalists are really missing the forest for the trees. Suppose for a moment that the Wii DID fail. It bombed. Did GC numbers. What would have happened to the industry? By my understanding it would have been AWFUL. As it is many companies lost millions, but it's not clear to me absent a success like the Wii the others would have been able or inclined to pick up the slack. Whatever boost the 360 got from Kinect for example would also have been gone because MS would have no reason to follow down the path of "failed" motion controls. I think people have really lost perspective of what actually happened this generation and what it meant. The expanded audience for the Wii is the ONLY reason this industry was healthy the last 6 years. And yet people are rooting the Wii U to fail already without from what I can see a clear path for keeping the audience from last generation. That's a lot of potential customers people want to not come back.


Yeah, the way I see it the industry is changing and becoming main stream. And I think in response there is a heavy push back from long time industry people who resent the invasion of their ecosystem by non-traditional gamers. They don't care about the benefits to the health of the industry, they want it to be the same thing they remember it always having been.

Personally I wonder if part of that is the huge resistance Sony has experienced with their dual shock controller. It's been basically the same since almost the beginning on the PlayStation era, at least for form factor. Tweaks here and there, some added features... but it's the same damn thing. I'm sure that's very comforting to traditionalist gamers. After all, how can a classic controller like that fail on a console? The thing is, I wonder how many people want something different simply because games using basically the same device they have since the beginning feel too similar? New controller designs have a feel to them and give people a slightly variable experience from what maybe they had been doing before, even if it's mostly similar in design.

I think that traditionalists are really missing the forest for the trees. Suppose for a moment that the Wii DID fail. It bombed. Did GC numbers. What would have happened to the industry? By my understanding it would have been AWFUL. As it is many companies lost millions, but it's not clear to me absent a success like the Wii the others would have been able or inclined to pick up the slack. Whatever boost the 360 got from Kinect for example would also have been gone because MS would have no reason to follow down the path of "failed" motion controls. I think people have really lost perspective of what actually happened this generation and what it meant. The expanded audience for the Wii is the ONLY reason this industry was healthy the last 6 years. And yet people are rooting the Wii U to fail already without from what I can see a clear path for keeping the audience from last generation. That's a lot of potential customers people want to not come back.

Yeah I agree, the Duelshock controller sucks for people with big hands and I really feel Sony needs to change it, at least they can make a bigger version of it.

Their are two kind of people in the world, one of them is they want to see chaos happen, the other one is fanboys, the fanboys that want Nintendo to fail will always be happy if a company that isn't their favorite fails, they don't see what will happen if any of the big 3 to go down, they will just think it will be amazing for them and the company when it could hurt the gaming industry much more.


Yeah I agree, the Duelshock controller sucks for people with big hands and I really feel Sony needs to change it, at least they can make a bigger version of it.

Their are two kind of people in the world, one of them is they want to see chaos happen, the other one is fanboys, the fanboys that want Nintendo to fail will always be happy if a company that isn't their favorite fails, they don't see what will happen if any of the big 3 to go down, they will just think it will be amazing for them and the company when it could hurt the gaming industry much more.

agreed completely. The thing is, I really do worry for the industry if the Wii U doesn't take off. I don't know that the other two want to play to the expanded audience anymore. MS flirted a little bit with Kinect, Sony is making some overtures with Wonderbook - but it's hard to know if that is actually having an impact with the broader audience. I just don't know how the industry would react to more contraction.


The Wii U “isn’t going to work”, according to prominent video game industry analyst Michael Pachter. He believes the Wii U won’t achieve the same success as the original Wii console, which has sold almost 100 million units worldwide. This isn’t the first time Pachter is critical of the Wii U — he previously said the Wii U could be the next Dreamcast.


I agree with that. It likely won't achieve the success of the Wii, but who said it has to sell 100 million to be successful? If Wii U sells 60-70 million is that now a failure? Hell, the GCN only sold about 23mill WW....


Yeah I agree, the Duelshock controller sucks for people with big hands and I really feel Sony needs to change it, at least they can make a bigger version of it.

like this? :D



like this? :D

The point isn't that they have proposed different things. The issue is they haven't actually followed through. A lot of people liked the gamecube controller and particularly the wavebird. Yet Nintendo went in a TOTALLY new direction with the Wii. Sony at some point needs to be bold and make a call to ACTUALLY change their controller.


If the WiiU is quality game wise like the Dreamcast, I'm ok with that comparison (just not the sales part he is really talking about)
the first part is very debatable, the second half not so much. and the latter part is what brings in most of the $$$

EAD does make the best games. Mario and Zelda are more iconic than any other game characters. If some dudely bros want to argue their taste thats fine but luckily i dont count the opinions of those for whom gaming is more about establishing their identity as an alpha male than the act of actually "playing" the game. When we are talking "games" as in, things people play that involve jumping, timing, exploration, soundtrack quality, charisma, etc etc then no one else comes close. Maybe Nintendo lacks the cinematic aspect of gaming but games are not cinema.
The point isn't that they have proposed different things. The issue is they haven't actually followed through. A lot of people liked the gamecube controller and particularly the wavebird. Yet Nintendo went in a TOTALLY new direction with the Wii. Sony at some point needs to be bold and make a call to ACTUALLY change their controller.


If they replace the dualshock with this for the ps4 i'd be pretty happy. And even then the 3rd party dualshocks have worked good enough for me
The point isn't that they have proposed different things. The issue is they haven't actually followed through. A lot of people liked the gamecube controller and particularly the wavebird. Yet Nintendo went in a TOTALLY new direction with the Wii. Sony at some point needs to be bold and make a call to ACTUALLY change their controller.

But keeping the primary controller the same has been Sony's M.O. since they started in this business. Before them (and during the height of their reign), it was considered completely normal by everybody else to make changes to controllers from generation to generation.

That's in part why I was pretty miffed when Move turned out as it did. Sony had the perfect opportunity to simply take their existing controller, split it in twain, and add in new functionality, but that had to bugger that all up in the exact same way that Nintendo did.

edit: Also, Pachter's wording is pretty clever. To him, failure seems to mean selling less than the Wii. Considering that only two (possibly soon to be only one) home consoles in history and one portable console during that same time frame have beat that mark, this means that most generations have been utter failures, through and through.

I agree with his assessment, given his goalposts, that the Wii U will fail. It will fail all the way to the bank.

edit 2: Two portable consoles if you count the GB and GBC together


The Wii U “isn’t going to work”, according to prominent video game industry analyst Michael Pachter. He believes the Wii U won’t achieve the same success as the original Wii console, which has sold almost 100 million units worldwide. This isn’t the first time Pachter is critical of the Wii U — he previously said the Wii U could be the next Dreamcast.


No dude,the article I posted is another,dude.
Don´t worry,I know that you don´t want to read things like these;

“Hardcore gamers will buy the Wii U, hardcore Nintendo fanboys will buy it. They [Nintendo] could put out a piece of cardboard and say that it’ll play Mario and they’ll buy it”.Pachter

We have a new community member! Welcome bud23 to the Nintendo community!


But keeping the primary controller the same has been Sony's M.O. since they started in this business. Before them (and during the height of their reign), it was considered completely normal by everybody else to make changes to controllers from generation to generation.

That's in part why I was pretty miffed when Move turned out as it did. Sony had the perfect opportunity to simply take their existing controller, split it in twain, and add in new functionality, but that had to bugger that all up in the exact same way that Nintendo did.

That's the point though. Sony has kept it the same, and it worked for the PS1, it worked for the PS2 but clearly a LOT went wrong with the PS3. I think the resistance to changing controllers is at least symptomatic of the larger problem.

edit: Also, Pachter's wording is pretty clever. To him, failure seems to mean selling less than the Wii. Considering that only two (possibly soon to be only one) home consoles in history and one portable console during that same time frame have beat that mark, this means that most generations have been utter failures, through and through.

I agree with his assessment, given his goalposts, that the Wii U will fail. It will fail all the way to the bank.

edit 2: Two portable consoles if you count the GB and GBC together

I think you're being too charitable with this analysis but it's certainly possible that is what Pachter meant.
"he previously said the Wii U could be the next Dreamcast."

"Hardcore gamers will buy the Wii U, hardcore Nintendo fanboys will buy it. They [Nintendo] could put out a piece of cardboard and say that it’ll play Mario and they’ll buy it"

These two statements are in direct conflict. The number of gamers in the core demographic is larger than the total sales of the Dreamcast. There is no way the Wii U will sell less than eleven million consoles over its lifetime unless Nintendo does something like Sony-level pricing or there's an explosion that destroys the manufacturing plant making the system.


the pachter rule:

he says he isn´t sure= its captain obvious striking again

he is stating things as facts= opposite will happen

correct me if im wrong
Can't wait for September 13!

This and the TWEWY sequel reveal have me exited!
I swear to God if both of them are disappointing I am going to lose my shit


Is pacther paid by somebody to toss out weird fud every now and then? Is he trying to get Nintendo's stock low or something?

I don't like Pach, but from the outside.. you can imagine Nintendo is a tough company to read.

They don't really follow the normal business practice that is safe and logical. Bigger, better and more expensive is how you continue growth.

Nintendo throws out some odd curveballs, and it's hard for someone.. well most people to read and accurately predict.


I don't like Pach, but from the outside.. you can imagine Nintendo is a tough company to read.

They don't really follow the normal business practice that is safe and logical. Bigger, better and more expensive is how you continue growth.

Nintendo throws out some odd curveballs, and it's hard for someone.. well most people to read and accurately predict.
On the other hand while Nintendo doesn't follow what the rest of the industry does they are also very traditional and tend to stick to strategies that they have done in the past. I mean look at the lack of Wii U information, look at the probably launch date. They did the exact same thing with the last two console. I mean, we already know many of what will be the Wii U's biggest titles throughout it's life even though it's not even out yet (i.e. Zelda, 3D Mario, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, etc.).
Well the being less powerful is pretty much a fact at this point, however it could very well be the most successful console.

A full year head start over the competition is usually a pretty big benefit. At the very least, it will almost certainly have the highest total sales of the generation for its first two and a half years, and that's nearly half the span of a typical generation!


A full year head start over the competition is usually a pretty big benefit. At the very least, it will almost certainly have the highest total sales of the generation for its first two and a half years, and that's nearly half the span of a typical generation!

Yeah, the Wii U gets a freepass of being the weakest because it's coming out a year earlier than the PS4 and Xbox 720, it looked bad this gen for the Wii because it was the last one to come out but the weakest.


On the other hand while Nintendo doesn't follow what the rest of the industry does they are also very traditional and tend to stick to strategies that they have done in the past. I mean look at the lack of Wii U information, look at the probably launch date. They did the exact same thing with the last two console. I mean, we already know many of what will be the Wii U's biggest titles throughout it's life even though it's not even out yet (i.e. Zelda, 3D Mario, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, etc.).

Yeah I sometimes joke that Nintendo is the most predictable unpredictable company.

Which is why still have Nov 18th pegged for Wii U's launch date
Pachter often talks about other next gen consoles, so i'm inclined to believe other next gen consoles wont even exist

I think he was talking about the iPhone 5. There's your next generation hardcore gaming behemoth.

Yeah, the Wii U gets a freepass of being the weakest because it's coming out a year earlier than the PS4 and Xbox 720, it looked bad this gen for the Wii because it was the last one to come out but the weakest.

Naah, I wasn't getting into mindshare relating to system speed at all. It's just a general thing that when you come out first, unless you really fail at the gate, you'll be really strong a year late when the competition finally comes out, and even if they sell loads better than you, you'll still have a much higher market share for a really long time.


Hey, Nintendomination! Brings back 2007-memories.

The 3DS is doing well over there, sure, but I don't feel that constitutes what I consider to be impressive or "Nintendominating".

Media Create Sales 4/30 - 5/06

01./01. [NDS] Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (Square-Enix) - 109,326 / 383,330
02./03. [WII] Super Paper Mario (Nintendo) - 90,151 / 310,182
03./04. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo) - 84,782 / 1,543,596
04./12. [NDS] Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo) - 58,948 / 791,132
05./06. [WII] Wii Play (Nintendo) - 58,718 / 1,279,131
06./08. [NDS] Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Nintendo) - 57,741 / 233,477
07./05. [WII] Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Nintendo) - 55,165 / 97,424
08./14. [NDS] New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) - 51,681 / 4,419,592
09./02. [NDS] Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (Hudson) - 45,662 / 124,642
10./13. [NDS] More Brain Age (Nintendo) - 44,047 / 4,238,185

11./09. [NDS] Phoenix Wright 4 (Capcom)
12./20. [NDS] Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
13./15. [NDS] More English Training (Nintendo)
14./10. [NDS] Panel de Pon DS (Nintendo)
15./19. [NDS] Brain Age (Nintendo)
16./22. [NDS] Animal Crossing Wild World (Nintendo)
17./16. [NDS] Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village (Level 5)
18./29. [NDS] Common Knowledge Training (Nintendo)
19./34. [NDS] Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (Square-Enix)
20./30. [NDS] English Training (Nintendo)
21./26. [NDS] Word Puzzle Mojipittan DS (Bandai-Namco)
22./23. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (Capcom)
23./36. [NDS] Pokémon Diamond (Pokemon)
24./41. [NDS] Pokémon Pearl (Pokemon)
25./17. [PSP] Final Fantasy (Square-Enix)
26./28. [PS2] Pro Baseball Spirits 4 (Konami)
27./18. [PS2] Persona 3: Fes (Atlus)
28./47. [NDS] Tamagotchi's Splendid Rainbow-venture (Bandai-Namco)
29./07. [WII] One Piece: Unlimited Adventure (Bandai-Namco)
30./38. [NDS] Kanji Test (Rocket Co.)
31./32. [PS2] Musou Orochi (Koei)
32./49. [NDS] Crayon Shin-chan DS: Arashi wo Sakebunutte Crayon Daisakusen! (Banpresto)
33./48. [WII] Wario Ware Smooth Moves (Nintendo)
34./37. [NDS] Kanji Brain Test 2M (IE Institute)
35./00. [NDS] Big Brain Academy (Nintendo)
36./31. [NDS] Nodame Cantabile (Bandai-Namco)
37./45. [NDS] Tetris DS (Nintendo)
38./42. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Portable 2 (Konami)
39./46. [NDS] DS Kageyama Method Electronic Kanji Drills (Shogakukan)
40./11. [NDS] Daito Giken Official Pachislo Simulator DS: Ledendary Treasure; Osu! Banchou; Yoshimune (Paon)
41./00. [NDS] 1000 Recipes (Nintendo)
42./00. [NDS] Kirby Squeek Squad (Nintendo)
43./00. [NDS] Cooking Navi (Nintendo)
44./00. [NDS] Puyo-Puyo! (Sega)
45./00. [NDS] Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Goku Legend (Bandai-Namco)
46./00. [NDS] Phoenix Wright 2 (Capcom)
47./00. [NDS] Digimon Story: Sunburst (Bandai-Namco)
48./00. [NDS] IQ Supply (Spike)
49./39. [PS2] Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ (Square-Enix)
50./40. [PSP] Gundam SEED Alliance vs. ZAFT Portable (Bandai-Namco)

NDS - 36
WII - 6
PS2 - 4
PSP - 4

Now that- that was not only impressive, it was sheer fucking insanity.

Japan really was

back then.

Anyways, stumbled upon an interesting article citing why Yamauchi chose Iwata as the big N's new president. This passage is particularly important; it's as relevant today as it was all those years ago:

During a press conference in August of 2002, Hiroshi Yamauchi took the opportunity to discuss the transition. Specifically, Yamauchi explained why he chose Satoru Iwata as his successor. "Within our industry there are those who believe that they will succeed simply because of their successes in other ventures or their wealth, but that doesn't guarantee success," said Yamauchi, "Looking at their experiences since entering the gaming world, it's apparent that our competitors have yielded far more failures than successes. It's been said that Sony is the current winner in the gaming world. However, when considering their "victory," you should remember that their success is only a very recent development. Though Sony is widely held to be the strongest in the market, their fortunes may change. Tomorrow, they could lose that strength, as reversals of fortune are part of this business. Taking into account the things I've encountered in my experiences as Nintendo president, I have come to the conclusion that it requires a special talent to manage a company in this industry. I selected Iwata-san based on that criteria. Over the long-term I don't know whether Iwata-san will maintain Nintendo's position or lead the company to even greater heights of success. At the very least, I believe him to be the best person for the job."

Ladies and gentlemen: The Boss. The man possesses what can only be described as genius business acumen... He really can pick 'em, too. Iwata's done a stellar job so far, and I feel confident he'll be able to lead Nintendo to success this coming generation as well.


Naah, I wasn't getting into mindshare relating to system speed at all. It's just a general thing that when you come out first, unless you really fail at the gate, you'll be really strong a year late when the competition finally comes out, and even if they sell loads better than you, you'll still have a much higher market share for a really long time.

Ahh I see.

The 3DS is doing well over there, sure, but I don't feel that constitutes what I consider to be impressive or "Nintendominating".

Now that- that was not only impressive, it was sheer fucking insanity.

Japan really was

back then.

Anyways, stumbled upon an interesting article citing why Yamauchi chose Iwata as the big N's new president. This passage is particularly important; it's as relevant today as it was all those years ago:

"We bought Japan" lol

Who else is sad their isn't a Nintendo Direct announcement?.


Ahh I see.

"We bought Japan" lol

Who else is sad their isn't a Nintendo Direct announcement?.

I think it's good there's no ND before September 13th. I think huge nice surprises are one of the best things life offers. Hopefully Nintendo will give us one of those.

It's not like they have a choice though. :p


Someone should tweet him that AC3 and BLOPS 2 are being released on Wii U and Borderlands 2 is out on September 21st (almost 2 months before the console launches), I have a 360 but a 5th Halo in one generation is a bit much to stomach.

Doesn't matter. Sessler has become a joke in recent months.
Someone should tweet him that AC3 and BLOPS 2 are being released on Wii U and Borderlands 2 is out on September 21st (almost 2 months before the console launches), I have a 360 but a 5th Halo in one generation is a bit much to stomach.

I don't think this man cares, really. At least from what I've seen, which isn't too much other than him making fun of his followers who have voted Zelda GotY on his show or something, like an angry child.


I think it's good there's no ND before September 13th. I think huge nice surprises are one of the best things life offers. Hopefully Nintendo will give us one of those.

It's not like they have a choice though. :p

That's true, but still It would of been nice lol.


I had a dream today, I was checking gaf and found out that the Wii U was going to cost $200

take this with a grain of salt
Someone tell Wii U Daily and make a thread!

I had a dream a dev kit was shipped to my work and I opened it up to find out the hardware instead of trying to make a game lol :p

Edit: way to use an old GamePad picture on your promo's *Facepalm*


More Wii U marketing, pre-orders?.

Don't preorder from these guys. They're selling the circle pad edition.

Edit: given the description now that I read it again its somewhat misleading. If you don't look at the pic of the console itself it sounds like a handheld. "Wii u features" --- only list controller features.

Edit 2: Jesus. I didn't even notice that the footer "preorder" marketing materials direct you to "wii.com" which has nothing to do with the wii u itself, and is only going to cause more confusion. Christ someone stop these people.
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