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Wii U Community Thread

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Isn't this news thread worthy or was there already a thread about it?coz it's the first time i'm hearing this after the claims of the wiiu version being the best looking console one.....

The two things I've seen since E3 have always said AC3 would be the same across all platforms.
Cool. I'm confident you guys will do a good job keeping people in check who need it. I honestly can't wait to have a Wii U thread in the Gaming section again. With a wider variety of posters we often get more interesting discussion.

Yup I'm down! More posters means more discussion! Some posters may not be as optimistic but it doesn't mean their opinions are invalid. The internet is full of opinions, nothing to get bent out of shape about. For the people worried about 'trolls", let the mods worry about that.


The two things I've seen since E3 have always said AC3 would be the same across all platforms.
Did you see this thread? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=486459

this is definitely NOT thread-worthy since it is basically an open invitation for trolling and banning. the news themselves are also completely vague and don't say anything specific at all. the information that comes from that is "they're still working on polishing the Wii U version". you wanna make a thread about that which you know is gonna have dozens of people come in to just say "told you so ..weaker than current gen confirmed"?
What about this then? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=486459

Mods do you think this is not thread worthy but that other thread was?
Finally someone who gets it. It's only been, like, 2 1/2 months since Miiverse was revealed with all the hints already there and finally now someone talks about it! Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that Totilo doesn't jump on the typical "Wii U? don't care, haha silly Nintendo" bandwagon and explores different approaches to coverage of the platform but it's still really sad that he seems to be the only one who actually picked up on what Miiverse is presumably going to be or trying to be. Everyone else just glossed over that during the E3 madness and didn't bother going back after the fact. And thus we get laughable "we know nothing about Nintendo's online service" comments.

Totilo was very level-headed during the E3 bombcast.

He took a "Eh, I had fun, fuck everything else" stand on the Wii U.
I was one who insisted on going back to gaming side because I thought we were in here just to be here lol..I saw the PSABR on its 2nd thread on gaming side and I was wondering cant the WiiU thread or for the comparison smash bros. thread be back over there. I wasnt thinking of trolls and stuff but for now I rather prefer the pre-launch thread here in community to stagnate the trolls. Let the launch be in gaming side if there were trolls itd be easy to point them out. And the idea of 2 threads wont prevent the trolls they're just trolls they do as they want.

edit: Now I see why you guys are on this topic, It really sucks nible is gone for a short time. Hope he is back before the 13th.


Did you see this thread? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=486459

What about this then? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=486459

Mods do you think this is not thread worthy but that other thread was?

In MY opinion, the Satterfield thread wasn't thread-worthy either. A lot of threads aren't but nobody was asking me :D

Totilo was very level-headed during the E3 bombcast.

He took a "Eh, I had fun, fuck everything else" stand on the Wii U.

True, I totally forgot about that between all the Negative Nancys since then. Totilo always had a very rational approach when others just made hypberolic "ah that's so silly" jokes to make the other guys in the room laugh.
The threads derail because fools insist on arguing with people they claim are spreading untruths, 'making' them explain the same thing 'over and over'. Some people sadly lack the ability to just ignore problem posters and get on with threads, contributing to the derail themselves by incessantly arguing with the very people trolling.

Both parties ruin threads because both have an insatiable desire to whine and argue over the internet, lacking the rational to let it go and move on. And both parties, when spotted, get banned.

So you admit there's real problem posters and trolls that don't get banned? Then why try and make the people who have to put up with it seem like the guilty party? Does GAF offer a free course and qualification in dealing with arse holes with anti-ban power? To be fair, this thread seems to have finally been cleaned up quite a bit... for now.


So the next thread will be on the gaming side eh?

Let me prep myself for the one-liners, hit and run posts, the terrific "Wii U is seven year old hardware and on par with PS360" and the always original "Nintendo is finally catching up to Microsoft and Sony" posts. :p


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thread may/may not be on the gaming side. It's up to you guys. If you'd prefer to wait for the launch OT, that's fine.

So you admit there's real problem posters and trolls that don't get banned? Does GAF offer a free course and qualification in dealing with arse holes with anti-ban power?

GAF moderators are unpaid volunteers with lives outside of reading the internet. We cover threads whenever we can, moderating and making suitable bans as we see them. For every subject, on each forum, there will be problem members who slip through the net on numerous occasions, because we cannot consistently be in every place at once, banning every member who looks the wrong way. We encourage reporting, so we can get around to otherwise overlooked threads, and I like to think we act on it. See, Rayman Legends port begging.

Being unwilling to ignore members obviously stirring up others for kicks, preferring to engage them directly and encourage the derailing of threads, instead of asking assistance from a moderator and letting us get to the trolling without the troll being further encouraged, is simply foolish behaviour. The first step to preventing thread derails is ignoring attempts to derailing it. Contributing to the problem and trying to play the 'troll' card won't work.


I think creating the next Wii U thread in Gaming is only going to lead to a lot more stress and anger, to pointless arguments and bans. Those that are interested in Wii U can always just look at Community. The question is, what's the benefit for us if the thread is in Gaming ? Can we honestly expect more reasonable and interesting discussions ?

Don't you find this thread to be a bit dull, though? Other than a couple of posters who are often cynical, everyone here is super positive towards both Nintendo and the Wii U. That's all well and good, but I don't think there is much interesting conversation going on in here personally.

I dunno. I can understand not wanting a thread in Gaming for obvious reasons, but I normally don't get offended by other posters comments towards a company/console I enjoy. I know I'll have fun. Screw everyone else.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Personally, I suspect it might be better to just keep it here. I do not think a thread on the main forum will lead to much discussion- I envision it turning into a daily version of the pissing matches that usually occur in Wii U threads and easy targets for mods to see some blatant fanboyism from both sides. Just my two cents.


Membero Americo
That Assassin's Creed III news did not deserve its own thread. Not at all.

I say, we keep it here until the Launch OT.

Who's doing that, btw?
That Assassin's Creed III news did not deserve its own thread. Not at all.

I say, we keep it here until the Launch OT.

Who's doing that, btw?

Aren't launch threads really pretty much the definition of community threads in terms of mood and content?

edit: I mean, they rapidly become catch-all threads for any news that comes along, for instance
From what the AC3 devs told me, the PS3 was the lead platform since it was the hardest to deal with. All other versions will be the same, at least they were trying to make sure all of them were exactly the same. I asked if there would be any additions for the PC and was told that wouldn't happen (of course things can change and he did say that resolutions could be adjusted), but that's what I was told. Their goal was to have all versions look and play the same regardless of platform.

Even on the Wii U the HUD can be on screen and you can play the game without the use of the Wii Pad. Which will allow it to play exactly like the other versions. I don't think the Wii Pad additions are all that interesting. A map and way to quickly switch weapons. Yep...extensive.

If PS3 is harder to deal with than a brand new machine with brand new chips than PS3 must be a real bitch to master!


They say sunshine is the best disinfectant, so maybe moving this thread out of community would force a cleansing of reactionaries on both sides.

WiiU fans having their own little alcove away from everyone only increases the perception that Nintendo fans want special treatment or want to be protected. Learning how to ignore obvious trolls is a fundamental skill on any message board.

Let's get some thicker skin!


Personally, I suspect it might be better to just keep it here. I do not think a thread on the main forum will lead to much discussion- I envision it turning into a daily version of the pissing matches that usually occur in Wii U threads and easy targets for mods to see some blatant fanboyism from both sides. Just my two cents.

I agree, furthermore most of people that is really interested in the platform and is willing to have a constructive disscusion is already here.


I vote for keeping here until the Launch OT. I don't see why change, it was changed to community for a reason, and I think the reason for that still stands.
This one comes after E3.

EatChildren is right. Going back to Gaming may seem like it's a blow for legitimacy, it's just going to be a lot of "Five year old hardware, Nintendo/any avatar not of a real person mean I can't take you seriously, Sumo said this and are right but Vigil said this and are lying," etc. posts.

For some of you, it's the exact right circumstances to get your name greyed out.

Well after the September Wii U event should be a good timeslot to move to Gaming.


I'm very interested to see what they have up their sleeves for their "social" aspect. They did some surprising things with the 3DS - streetpass, spot pass and play coins.

Obviously the Wii U isn't as portable as the 3DS, so they can't bring that whole system over, but knowing Nintendo they're going to look at innovative ways to be "connected" to your gaming friends. And while play coins cant be earned by walking around, I'm wondering if they'll implement a system-wide token for use in all games and the OS.

Can't wait for the 13th! And then the next conference... And the next... =(


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
They say sunshine is the best disinfectant, so maybe moving this thread out of community would force a cleansing of reactionaries on both sides.

WiiU fans having their own little alcove away from everyone only increases the perception that Nintendo fans want special treatment or want to be protected. Learning how to ignore obvious trolls is a fundamental skill on any message board.

Let's get some thicker skin!

In theory I agree with you completely.

In reality, I don't think it would work.


At least going to gaming side once we have more info, maybe post 13 september.
Lack of news is a recipe for going circles around graphics, weak system/not weak system, etc.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
At least going to gaming side once we have more info, maybe post 13 september.
Lack of news is a recipe for going circles around graphics, weak system/not weak system, etc.

True. I do think that as it gets closer to launch and we presumably have more software, etc. to discuss then there might not be as much oxygen for the pointless discussions.
They say sunshine is the best disinfectant, so maybe moving this thread out of community would force a cleansing of reactionaries on both sides.

WiiU fans having their own little alcove away from everyone only increases the perception that Nintendo fans want special treatment or want to be protected. Learning how to ignore obvious trolls is a fundamental skill on any message board.

Let's get some thicker skin!

I agree. People also seem to forget that moving over to gaming will also attract more Nintendo fans that may not post as much here (and probably forget we are over here). And c'mon, EC checks in on this thread all the time. If someone is being obviously inflammatory I'm sure he (or other mods) will take care of it.


What's with the attack on the Wii U today?, first the Sid thread and than the other thread about "Next gen can be a big leap" and the TC says "guess he's not talking about Wii U"

Did people get so sad about the bad news about Sony yesterday they wanted to attack the Wii U so people will forget about it?.


What's with the attack on the Wii U today?, first the Sid thread and than the other thread about "Next gen can be a big leap" and the TC says "guess he's not talking about Wii U"

Did people get so sad about the bad news about Sony yesterday they wanted to attack the Wii U so people will forget about it?.

Eh don't worry about any of that. You can go lose your sanity in the latest greatest Zelda thread to take your mind off of things. Those threads are about as cyclical as most anything else Nintendo related so you should feel at home.
Gameplaywhore should make the next OP.
He did an amazing job in the second (or third?) WUST.

Lol, sixth (and final, if I recall rightly, assuming you don't count this one as a WUST). It was my first thread ever. My only regret is that nobody noticed all the hard work I put into the Nintendo Power style logos. *weeps*

However, there are far better people than I who should take up the mantle. Nibel could— oh. AceBan— oh.

Well, I'm sure there's someone.

I'd choose either HylianTom, if only to ensure that he sticks around, or somebody who'd really hype things up to the point of causing immense stratification in the ranks, like IdeaMan.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Nibel ain't permed yo. He only got a week.


Eh don't worry about any of that. You can go lose your sanity in the latest greatest Zelda thread to take your mind off of things. Those threads are about as cyclical as most anything else Nintendo related so you should feel at home.

It's annoying, I wished Nintendo could of shown a tech demo to show Wii U's true power at E3 2012 so it can get the people in denial to stop.





What's with the attack on the Wii U today?, first the Sid thread and than the other thread about "Next gen can be a big leap" and the TC says "guess he's not talking about Wii U"

Did people get so sad about the bad news about Sony yesterday they wanted to attack the Wii U so people will forget about it?.

Does it really matter? Let them bash it, it will certainly not affect my opinion onto the thing.

That's the reason people bash onto Nintendo things, cuz we take it to the personal level. Let's just wait and see, as far as I know, no one knows for sure about the hardware.


Does it really matter? Let them bash it, it will certainly not affect my opinion onto the thing.

That's the reason people bash onto Nintendo things, cuz we take it to the personal level. Let's just wait and see, as far as I know, no one knows for sure about the hardware.

I just can't wait for the September conference, I just hope Nintendo shows the Wii U is a true next gen consoles to all the haters.
So, I haven't seen one of these lately, so I'll start one...

Are you planning on getting a launch WiiU? Black or White?

What games and/or peripherals do you plan on buying with it?


I'm pre-ordering a black WiiU.

I've already pre-ordered Mass Effect 3 and Rayman Legends. I plan on getting Wii Fit U, Batman AC:AE, Darksiders II, and Zombiu... *sigh* and Ninja Gaiden if they can prove they've fixed it... I played the demo and the gameplay was kiinda fun...


Also, I can vouch for the shoulder buttons being digital.


I agree. People also seem to forget that moving over to gaming will also attract more Nintendo fans that may not post as much here (and probably forget we are over here). And c'mon, EC checks in on this thread all the time. If someone is being obviously inflammatory I'm sure he (or other mods) will take care of it.

I assume there are several moderate Nintendo fans who are put off by the boundless optimism and sometimes ridiculous hype that is generated in this thread. I know I avoid it for long stretches because A) there is no news B) sometimes the environment IS hostile to people who want to offer critiques or different takes on Nintendo's strategy. It's kind of an echo chamber.

A more public moderate thread could bring in new people and offer a chance to toughen up. The Vita crowd has endured much hazing and yet they still exist in their own place in the gaming side with few problems.

I wish Nintendo fans would take a page out of Nintendo's own strategy and quit trying to get into horsepower firefights. Don't be defensive about subjective assessments!


I just can't wait for the September conference, I just hope Nintendo shows the Wii U is a true next gen consoles to all the haters.

I really hope them to show awesome stuff for me, as for the haters, I just stop caring since hater gonna hate. =)


So, I haven't seen one of these lately, so I'll start one...

Are you planning on getting a launch WiiU? Black or White?

What games and/or peripherals do you plan on buying with it?


I'm pre-ordering a black WiiU.

I've already pre-ordered Mass Effect 3 and Rayman Legends. I plan on getting Wii Fit U, Batman AC:AE, and Zombiu... *sigh* and Ninja Gaiden if they can prove they've fixed it... I played the demo and the gameplay was kiinda fun...


Also, I can vouch for the shoulder buttons being digital.

I'll be going for white with copies of ZombiU, NSMBU, and ACIII at launch, with hopefully AC:AE, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and P-100 by Christmas if possible. I haven't spent that much money on console gaming in a two month stretch in a... well ever I guess.

I just can't wait for the September conference, I just hope Nintendo shows the Wii U is a true next gen consoles to all the haters.

They could show high end PC level stuff and there would still be endless barrages of "That can be done on PS360" bs.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I just can't wait for the September conference, I just hope Nintendo shows the Wii U is a true next gen consoles to all the haters.

If it's open press I don't expect there to be any new or significant game announcements at the September conference.


I'll be going for white with copies of ZombiU, NSMBU, and ACIII at launch, with hopefully AC:AE, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and P-100 by Christmas if possible. I haven't spent that much money on console gaming in a two month stretch in a... well ever I guess.

They could show high end PC level stuff and there would still be endless barrages of "That can be done on PS360" bs.

Probably, until they see PS4 and Xbox 720, I can't wait when PS4 and Xbox 720 rumors come along and someone states they aren't that much more powerful than Wii U and than someone will call them "it's current gen as well than"

It's so annoying too in that "big leap" thread the guy didn't mention Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft but the TC assumed everything.

If it's open press I don't expect there to be any new or significant game announcements at the September conference.

Isn't it not open press, invites only?.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Isn't it not open press, invites only?.

Sorry, I should have clarified: by open press I mean press from all corners of the media world. If it's a gaming media specific event then there's a better chance of announcements (though most definitely not guaranteed). If news papers, magazines and other media outlets are sent invites then the likelihood of big reveals is low.

Those kinds of events cater towards mass market hype, the aim being to get Wii U hardware and software launch discussion out to everybody.
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