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Wii U Community Thread

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Who else notices that fanboys of consoles are heading to the extreme?, I feel like a lot of people are worried for Sony so there fanboyisms go up 10x, a lot of people are worried that Microsoft will be the casual one next gen, and a lot of people worry about the Wii U's power where it seems like it's going to be 3x more powerful than this gen, I feel like it will be worse next gen.

Say something good about other console and you will be shunned.

Im delusional says Kage_Maru (or what his name is).

Just because i think Wii U will be the best console software wise thanks to Nintendo software.

So yeah i agree.

Kinda getting tired of the next gen already. People want insane graphical jumps and nothing else. Its so annoying!!!

EDIT: My frustration kinda seem to reflect in my posts of the remedy thread....
Ah i should have stayed out of that crappy thread.

Now im the delusional one for having the opinion, Nintendo software makes the Wii U the best console no matter what. And i even said ity my opinion,

GAF hate against Nintendo is on an insane level.

I wonder if we will get some leaks from now until Sept. 13th?
I was going to PM and tell you, but apparently I can't PM you.

Arguing about software allegiances in a thread dedicated to hardware power, no matter how crazy some of them seem for arguing about a pixels difference will only end up with you banned. That wasn't a thread to make the point that hardware power doesn't matter because you love Nintendo software.

I'm skirting the bounds by arguing that calling Orbis or Durango powerful, without taking into context hardware power overall, is foolish. Arguing it doesn't matter because Nintendo can get your ass banned quicker than I can say "HOLD MY DICK!" which I can say quickly and without warrant.
I was going to PM and tell you, but apparently I can't PM you.

Arguing about software allegiances in a thread dedicated to hardware power, no matter how crazy some of them seem for arguing about a pixels difference will only end up with you banned. That wasn't a thread to make the point that hardware power doesn't matter because you love Nintendo software.

I'm skirting the bounds by arguing that calling Orbis or Durango powerful, without taking into context hardware power overall, is foolish. Arguing it doesn't matter because Nintendo can get your ass banned quicker than I can say "HOLD MY DICK!" which I can say quickly and without warrant.

But stating "Best console IMO because Nintendo software" is ONLY stating my opinion. If thats bannable than everything is!


Im delusional says Kage_Maru (or what his name is).

Just because i think Wii U will be the best console software wise thanks to Nintendo software.

So yeah i agree.

Kinda getting tired of the next gen already. People want insane graphical jumps and nothing else. Its so annoying!!!

EDIT: My frustration kinda seem to reflect in my posts of the remedy thread....

It's very tiring.

insiders, does it seem the Wii U, PS4,and Xbox 720 have similar architecture?.
You mean local multiplayer? I thought the xbox and PS3 version had that? I only played on the Wii and we had online friend lists so you could party up to play together. Guess I'm not following your post...

…if this is the case, I am a dumb.

And I need to look this up. My friends have been dying for games we can all play together, and we feel we're limited to like WWE games for the rest of our lives.

"Split screen is featured in Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4, World at War, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, and Modern Warfare 3"


I swear I've looked this up before and found nothing.

I guess I should chat with my friends and prep for some good local deathmatchin'. :D
But stating "Best console IMO because Nintendo software" is ONLY stating my opinion. If thats bannable than everything is!
In and of itself that wouldn't be bannable.

Going into a thread about hardware and arguing software though? Especially when it has no connection whatsoever to the topic at hand? You're risking your ass in that scenario.
Yeah I feel people will be disappointed next gen when the PS4 and Xbox 720 aren't 10x like they are expecting.

The funny thing is when we where talking about the shutdowns of gaming company's that was Liverpool people where mad because they thought this gen did it. if Sony and Microsoft over power there PS4 and Xbox 720 do they think it won't be worse next gen?, seriously those people can't have both.

It's either.

Super power consoles but developers get lay'd off
weaker systems with less devs going out of business.

I don't think it's that black and white. As some have pointed out, having powerful hardware can decrease development time. I definitely think Nintendo was too conservative again, and trust me, I play Nintendo way more than the other two consoles.

But in the end, it's the software that really counts, and I enjoyed the Wii and its games. To be honest, I'm like ColdBlooder. Nothing really interested me on other consoles except for one or two games. I expect many people to feel the same about Nintendo, though.

Well, I've diverged from the point long enough. I meant to say that powerful hardware doesn't mean people get laid off. Making games costs money, but technology will always be moving forward.

I feel I should note that my neighbor gave me an immense bucket of figs the other day. They're currently in the freezer and I am going to make fig-infused vodka out of some of them, and I'm working on other ideas, as well as plans to steal a cutting for my own tree. But anyway, let me know if you run out.
In and of itself that wouldn't be bannable.

Going into a thread about hardware and arguing software though? Especially when it has no connection whatsoever to the topic at hand? You're risking your ass in that scenario.

If thats the case then there should be alot more banned people around here.

And i played the bailout card before it got out of hands.

And im made the point that software is more important than hardware and followed up with "Nintendo software is the best" to a direct reply about it to me!

I could have phrased it better, i give you that, but english isn´t my native language so i sometimes post a weird sentence or two.


I'm done with fighting with people, so much people are expecting the PS4/720 to be like the powerful thing in the world.

You are only fanning the flames with your "Wii-U's hidden power" nonsense, causing unrealistic expectations all across the board.
Not to mention your (still) incessant use of power multipliers that have absolutely no meaning in the real world, and are loosely extrapolated from shaky data and rumors.

Come on, son. Don't act like you have the better argument here.
You are only fanning the flames with your "Wii-U's hidden power" nonsense, causing unrealistic expectations all across the board.
Not to mention your (still) incessant use of power multipliers that have absolutely no meaning in the real world, and are loosely extrapolated from shaky data and rumors.

Come on, son. Don't act like you have the better argument here.

You're not still mad at me are you Hoo-doo?

*big cute monkey eyes*
Maybe we should make a crash course thread for fanboys.

Course 1: Learn to ignore
Course 2: Learn to define your argument
Course 3: Learn to realize the fallacy of taste
Course 4: Field Trip - Observing Fanboys in their natural habitat
Course 5: Exam

Admission is 100€, single courses will run you 25€. You can also subscribe to our newsletter. Textbooks will be made available for the small fee of 50€/200 pages.
Mandatory Reading will consist of at least 4000 pages.


You are only fanning the flames with your "Wii-U's hidden power" nonsense, causing unrealistic expectations all across the board.
Not to mention your (still) incessant use of power multipliers that have absolutely no meaning in the real world, and are loosely extrapolated from shaky data and rumors.

Come on, son. Don't act like you have the better argument here.

I never said the Wii U has hidden power, I just said we haven't seen what the Wii U can truly do.


People need to accept that this sort of thing is going to be the biggest obstacle to Wii U getting multiplatform titles, and that it's not going away anytime soon.

I dont see why this was negative.
I bet what is going to happen is that they will release one game, and monetize it with DLC of new tracks, cars, etc.
I'll just have to say, that I respect your opinion. But this isn't the type of Mario game I would want at all.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 was so brilliant because of its laser sharp focus on the platforming gameplay and the incredible level design. I don't want an open world Mario game, I want an incredible Mario platforming experience. I think EAD Tokyo between this and SM3DLand have found the perfect formula to work with in Mario games, and I'm hoping that they stay on that path.

Just my opinion.

I really like individual levels that are more linear, even though I prefer it when you have more freedom and more to do in the hubs. However, we do have Mario games actively coming out (one around nine months ago and two this semester alone!) that are very linear and focus intently on platforming. It doesn't hurt to have the occasional experiment in a random direction. They don't need to make this a permanent deviation.


Isnt Remedy 1st party Microsoft?

Remedy is an independent studio. They have nothing to do with Microsoft other than MS having published Alan Wake.

They self-publish their games on PC, by the way.

I need a favor guys, can someone show me a game this gen that has lighting as good as Nintendoland?


Only HD version i could find on youtube, but those first few seconds look incredible.

honest question, what is so "good" about that lighting? it looks good but I would never notice it as particularly good.


On another topic: there's been a few requests from members here regarding the status of the next Wii U thread, suggesting it be moved over to the main gaming side to sit with other discussion threads (eg: Vita/3DS general threads, and so on). I've had a talk with Nirolak about this, and current answer to the request is "yes" with a "but".

The first is a word of warning: moving this thread over the general gaming will attract attention from a wider variety of posters, including those less optimistic though still interested in the Wii U, and those who are not interested at all. There is a line between trolling we'd manage, but the point is by keeping the thread heavily active on the main page, you can expect a greater influx of opinions and discussion that you may not be used to. Our goal is not to keep threads positive, but relevant. Having a Wii U general on the front page means you must accept the wider spectrum of opinions from users, including those outright disappointed with the system.

Trolling and unnecessary provoking would result in bans, but this goes for both sides of the table. More optimistic Wii U fans engaging in hostilities and over defensive behaviour with members expressing pessimistic opinions will enjoy similar bans. Getting along does not mean everybody feeling the same way about something. It means people freely discussing a wide range of opinions and topics and not taking disagreements to heart.

That is the main point we'd want to get across with a new thread. It would be a thread for everybody interested in discussing the Wii U.

The second point would be that we'd talk about what kind of name we'd call it, and it likely would not be called the "Wii U X debate thread" or "Wii U speculation thread", but a new thread entirely. Something to start on fresh ground in the gaming forum.

So, I dunno, discuss it amongst yourselves and see what you think. End of the day, this is how we feel about moving the discussion over to gaming.

I am somehow more usable and relaxed here, since I don't have to filter all the other topics out, or should I say, it's a lot easier managing 5 pages per day than 30.

It was a pain in the speculation threads sometimes, god, it was really really hard trying to take all the imporant bits out, sometimes i just skipped 5 to 10 pages.

I don't know if this is bad to have 2 threads, like one for the hardware only which is all irrelevant if it's lost in the thousands of posts.

But I'm fine whatever, we probably won't get any hardware details anways in this hype time when everyone will be discussing price, release, games.

I just "missed" all the road to E3 hardware stuff (reading only), so I will express my big desire to have one new hardware thread here in community section, specifically for analyzing and uncovering the system after launch, for all those juicy details.

I suggest keeping this thread til 12 september then make a new one in the gaming just the day before or a few hours before the conference.

And someone who will specifically take a day off so he can keep updating the OP should make it.
I need a favor guys, can someone show me a game this gen that has lighting as good as Nintendoland?


Only HD version i could find on youtube, but those first few seconds look incredible.

I think it looks really good, but it's difficult to compare it to other games because of its simpler graphical appearance.

I don't know how easy it is to achieve this, but the light bouncing off the individual confetti pieces and the Blue Falcon model looks great.

And while I'm on the subject about the Blue Falcon, I really hope they overhaul that F-Zero game. As soon as the vehicle lands from the ramp, it slows to a crawl.


Bit early for an official thread I think. Honestly I'm not sure of the ruling when it comes to console OTs, but I'm assuming they follow a similar 1 - 2 week pre-release requirement. Two months is probably a bit long, but I'll discuss it with the others anyway.

Either way, it's less about letting the savages back into society (well kinda...) and moreso about opening the discussion up to literally everyone. I mean, it's open here, but most people who frequent this thread (like all other OTs) are the ones who enjoy engage in discussion with other regulars. Hence, community.

In Gaming you'll see a wider spectrum of posts, and the nature of discussion will change from the tone of what it's normally like. If people are prepared for what that entails then we're fine with the next Wii U thread landing Gaming side.

Yeah, I think it should be just for the september event if this thread will be kept open til full.

I think we'll know the visual stuff the people won't have to talk about graphics so much if nitnendo shows proper stuff.

If this one gets closed and nothing gets into community, then I rather have some kind of Road to "Something" threads in the gaming.

Last but not least:
-close this one when september arrives
-open new one for september, then close after a week
-and make new "hype" pre-launch thread in community (prelaunch topics)

But I think there was the hype thread already, i mean the advertisment thread the posting pics of promo material in stores, I do not know if that qualifies into the pre-launch hype thread of also posting assembly pics, shipping crates, containers, whatever transport (really like that stuff)

That's just my opinion.
On another topic: there's been a few requests from members here regarding the status of the next Wii U thread, suggesting it be moved over to the main gaming side to sit with other discussion threads (eg: Vita/3DS general threads, and so on). I've had a talk with Nirolak about this, and current answer to the request is "yes" with a "but".

The first is a word of warning: moving this thread over the general gaming will attract attention from a wider variety of posters, including those less optimistic though still interested in the Wii U, and those who are not interested at all. There is a line between trolling we'd manage, but the point is by keeping the thread heavily active on the main page, you can expect a greater influx of opinions and discussion that you may not be used to. Our goal is not to keep threads positive, but relevant. Having a Wii U general on the front page means you must accept the wider spectrum of opinions from users, including those outright disappointed with the system.

Trolling and unnecessary provoking would result in bans, but this goes for both sides of the table. More optimistic Wii U fans engaging in hostilities and over defensive behaviour with members expressing pessimistic opinions will enjoy similar bans. Getting along does not mean everybody feeling the same way about something. It means people freely discussing a wide range of opinions and topics and not taking disagreements to heart.

That is the main point we'd want to get across with a new thread. It would be a thread for everybody interested in discussing the Wii U.

The second point would be that we'd talk about what kind of name we'd call it, and it likely would not be called the "Wii U X debate thread" or "Wii U speculation thread", but a new thread entirely. Something to start on fresh ground in the gaming forum.

So, I dunno, discuss it amongst yourselves and see what you think. End of the day, this is how we feel about moving the discussion over to gaming.

After my latest experience today i have to say... Please keep it in here. A Wii U thread in the Gaming area will get very ugly very fast!


Neo Member
For me, the must have launch games are - in order of preference -

Little Inferno (Surely I can't be the only one hyped for this?)
Pikmin 3
Zombi U
Darksiders II (I've been deliberately delaying playing this on other formats)
Batman (Same here)

No, you are not. Little Inferno is my most anticipated Wii U game, and we know almost nothing about it.


If they follow a 1 hour presentation by Reggie and then 5 hours of demo's on the floor why would they need to talk about the old games in the presentation? They could just get that from the demo's. The Presentation from Reggie should be about things we haven't heard about yet; Price, Launch date, new game announcements, new functions of the system, etc.

If Reggie spews another hour on the same games we've already seen from like 5 times now, I'll be severely disappointed again.

But there are features that surely people will not be able to try-out during the Demonstration-floor, like for example the Mii-Verse features with the games and the on-line connectivity. Lunch-dates. More screens and videos, that maybe aren't on the demos, etcetera.

Yet, it would be nice :D if they announce new unannounced games.
I lean on this way as well ... but I'm fine if the big milestones such as 13sept are there temporairly.

Yeah we could have a seperate Septeber 13th Event thread in Gaming (wich i will avoid like the plauge because it propably will be torn to shreads within the first page!)
But there are features that surely people will not be able to try-out during the Demonstration-floor, like for example the Mii-Verse features with the games and the on-line connectivity. Lunch-dates. More screens and videos, that maybe aren't on the demos, etcetera.

Yet, it would be nice :D if they announce new unannounced games.
Mmmmm..what are these "lunch dates" you speak of? :p
I have an extremely hard time understanding why anyone would go to a forum topic about a system they arent getting, arent really interested in, and have already written off, just to post their negative views of it. To me that IS trolling. Its just not blatantly vulgar so it slides under the radar. But it still derails, it still starts shitfests, it still causes most of the thread to be unproductive and ultimately useless for those trying to engage in something that wont wreck their day to sift through. You wont see me in threads for games i think are ridiculous telling all the hyped people how dumb they are. In all honesty i dont even have the credentials to carry much of a real conversation in those threads anyways because, not being a fan, i dont know first hand enough to have a valid opinion. If someone hates nintendo, thinks mario is too kiddie, hasnt liked zelda games in years... i dont see the point of coming into a nintendo thread and telling everyone how much they hate it. Those people should be in other threads where their taste and experience with different kinds of games improves those threads, not drags them down. People say "well it cant just be a big circle jerk either"... well, it will never be that anyways, but even if it does resemble a circle jerk who cares why does everything have to be a debate filled drama fest where proving your point too well results in a ban? I dont get it. Ive never seen productive like minded people discussing something result in something bad. But troll threads are bad every single time.


Remedy is an independent studio. They have nothing to do with Microsoft other than MS having published Alan Wake.

They self-publish their games on PC, by the way.

honest question, what is so "good" about that lighting? it looks good but I would never notice it as particularly good.

If there are a mainly PC dev then that next gen comment doesnt mean much for consoles


But there are features that surely people will not be able to try-out during the Demonstration-floor, like for example the Mii-Verse features with the games and the on-line connectivity. Lunch-dates. More screens and videos, that maybe aren't on the demos, etcetera.

Yet, it would be nice :D if they announce new unannounced games.

Oh, I strongly agree that Mii-Verse should definitely get some major attention during his presentation. But I think at this stage in the ball game they could very well show off more of it's functionality at the show floor with the demo stations. That's where the reporters will be to ask the hands on in-depth/specific questions.


Mmmmm..what are these "lunch dates" you speak of? :p

Of course I'm talking about this lunch-date =P

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