Which is pretty nifty, but at the same time I'm not entirely sure if dishing out all the details around features and launchgames is enough. I agree with you on every point, but yeah you know, I feel Nintendo is kind of making the same mistake compared to Sony's launch of Vita. Sony and everyone who wanted a Vita at launch were so determined to show of it's pretty solid launch line-up, but a lot of consumers just thought it lacked perspective for it's future.
I do think Wii U has pretty good launch line-up and as somebody who's interested in Wii U it's enough for me, but with all the delays of big 360/PS3 releases to Q1 and Wii U's 2013 release list looking pretty shallow, I kinda feel Nintendo needs to show it's potential customers what the can expect beyond the holiday season. Don't pull a Vita.
I think that both you and Eat are right.
I mean, N in the NoA conf will focus on the already announced software. that's for sure. There are a lot of sw for the launch period, and we saw just small portions of the vast majority of them.
At the same time, I think that for the early adopters would be really important to show some furhter steps in the direction the Wii U will take after March '13, with a couple of trailer dedicated to the incoming sw.
But the fact that it would be important to show these titles (that I think are in development for sure...I mean, I don't think that Nintendo will not release other titles apart the ones already announced for the entire 2013...) this doesn't mean that they'll do it.
They planned this PR strategy, very focused on the mass market (imho), both in terms of software (Land, Sing, Fit) and strategy (who cares about Spring 2013 Starfox? me and you...) and they'll stick with it.
Especially if we are talking about NoA conf.
I have still some little hopes for the Japan conf, because: we saw nothing from japanese third parties and usually we can get info for the future from Iwata's NDirect or similar events (for example it happened with the investors, or at the pre-tgs conf, to receive the announcments for MHTri Wii and MH4 3ds, but also for The Last Story, Pandora's tower and so on...)
What I would really like is to know ASAP the price (and must be good), the dates (and must be 2013 also for PAL), the bundles (I still hope for some sort of bundle, maybe not mandatory as for Wii Sport, allowing me to choose among a coouple of different solutions) and some 2013 projects (such as Monolith, Good Feel, EAD 1/2/3, Retro)