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Wii U Community Thread

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El Capitan Todd
I've long accepted that Wii U isn't a generational leap by the standards that core gamers tend to judge generations - i.e. graphics.

My actual hope is that Wii U represents the technology of this generation, optimized.

Despite what visual hounds say, games this generation look damn good and can do a whole lot. But the hardware of the current HD consoles was slightly ahead of its time, and suffers from bottlenecks, and rough edges:

- Sub HD resolutions to maintain 30fps (!)
- AA difficult to apply in all games
- Wildly varying texture quality due in part to 512M ram
- Inconsistent shadow technology and quality across titles

And so forth. If Wii U, launch window ports aside, can optimize the kinds of games we've seen this generation, I have no issue with that level of performance. Take a game like Gears of War 3, improve the resolution, get rid of the jaggies, up the texture quality, and clean up shadows. You have a damn good looking game.

This in addition to the fact that this gen's hardware began to allow non-photorealistic games to achieve just about anything they aim for. This is even more important considering the kinds of games Wii U will likely have as its backbone - stylized art direction, Nintendo Graphics (tm), and such, should have the potential to achieve fantastic results.

Really, just the fact that there's 3-4 times the ram (let it be 4) is a major deal and should give developers so much more breathing room to do what they want to do. A good example of a recent game is Noogy's Dust on XBLA. Dust is getting raves for its 2D visuals and animation, but Noogy pointed out even being 2D it's very limited by the 360's ram pool. He used it all. Had there been more ram alone, a lot more could have been done with a game like that.

I already accepted it, Wii U is definitely on par with current gen, maybe a little bit better. Although this time around if Wii U is the top selling console again I don't expect third parties to ignore it as much as they did with the Wii.

I agree with both of you.
And just to clarify, before Eatchildren EAT ME ;p
I was not saying that everybody should be happy about the Wii U

but just that, after sometime after its release, I hope that a lot of people can accept (not LIKE, but accept) its range of performance for what they are (and prefer Orbis and Durango due to their higher specs, of course) and start judge the games on it for what the console can or cannot do


I think it's just a matter of time, all this worries will vanish when we get the first infos on games like 3D Mario, Zelda and Retro Studio game. I think the lack on info on these is what is causing the stress.




I think for those that still think games will look on-par to last gen should realize how much of an importance purely RAM capacity has an effect, with engines like IDTech5 it's factor is even higher. I can't really describe this in words but going to my best, I still hoped for 2GB to give it a bit more safety in long-term.


Neo Member
So I was watching this Zombi U video (in French) from Gamescom and the dev' is saying (don't know if it has already been pointed here) that the game will be much more longer than what they were initially tartgeting (a 7h/8h campaign). He thinks that the game offers now a 15h/20h campaign (depending players skills), with 17 levels which "are bigger" than what he's demoing in this vid.

Other stuff from this vid.:

- 5 "specials" zombies (more skilled) without counting the bosses
- The messages/notifications we can see in the game come from the comunity/other players (demoed at 14: 16)
- There're 4 npc characters in the campaign who'll be the story drivers.

Amazing news if all true.


And just to think...once those Wii U games with stellar graphics do end up coming out, we'll all be wondering why we gave the topic so much time...

On another note, I find what games radar noted about the ubisoft person either not realising or letting it slip that "all versions" of AC3 would be coming out Oct 31st interesting.

What if Wii U launches that week? would be an uncharacteristic move from Nintendo.

Or, rather, perhaps Wii U launches day to day with AC3?

The Wii U launch is interesting since Nintendo really wants to right the turbulent launch ship post 3DS but I suppose we'll have to wait till September to really feel it out
What are the best and worst case realistic scenarios we can expect going into the Fall Conference?

Best case we see some 2013 games including Retro and EAD Tokyo (honestly, I'm not sure if this is even realistic anymore) and worst case we get nothing new besides launch info?

I really don't want to over hype myself again.
I have long ago made peace with the fact that, by and large, graphics from this generation are going to be the Wii U's ceiling.

Which, well, we've known for like two years now.

I'm more concerned with whether the games are fun, honestly. If they released the DS today and it launched with stuff like TWEWY and Castlevania, I'd buy that, too.


Membero Americo
Yeah, I think that from now on I'll stay away from those "Quality Discussion" Wii U thread.

I'm sure I'll say something I will regret sooner or later.


What are the best and worst case realistic scenarios we can expect going into the Fall Conference?

Best case we see some 2013 games including Retro and EAD Tokyo (honestly, I'm not sure if this is even realistic anymore) and worst case we get nothing new besides launch info?

I really don't want to over hype myself again.

I'd say best case is an either or scenario for those titles. I doubt they'll both be revealed at the same time.

What I definitely think may happen is one of those montage trailers that has a bunch of stealth announcements in it (Sin & Punishment, WarioWare caliber-games). Hopefully something that closes with at least a logo shot for some of the OMG!!!-tier games that will then be actually revealed in the first 2013 Nintendo Direct.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The lack of anything from Japan is killing me right now. I was sure we would hear some stuff by now.


the argument is silly about graphics, as we have seen this past generation, except for the 15-25yr old male, graphics are not the be all end all of the system.

the wii outsold both te ps3 and 360, at almost a 2-1 pace for 3 years, it sold the most consoles, yet was graphically the worst of the bunch.

the wiiU is a generational leap, for Nintendo, it should- stressing the word should- be able to at a bare minimum produce games that are on par with the best looking games from the ps3 & 360, on games built from the ground up for the wiiU, utilizing the gpgpu the way they should be able too- and most of the engines currently for the ps3 and 360 do not, they are more cpu centric i've read, Dev's should be able to produce a game that currently is not possible on the ps3 or 360.

moving forward to next year/2014 with the release of the ps4/720, provided the consoles move more towards the gpgpu centric engine type, the wiiu - should- be able to get every single multiplatform game that looks basically as good- the ps4/720 gets a 1080p version@30fps the wiiu- gets a 720p@30+fps version@minimum.

kotaku's article about the gamers facebook thing for wiiu is interesting, i am looking forward to the 13th.


- GAF is baffled by Nintendo showcasing Nintendo Land
- Hype for a part of GAF died down
- Reggie: Nintendo fans are insatiable
- Outrage about the comment above
- Discussion about the graphical performance of Arkham City, AC III and Darksiders II about 500 times
- New threads about every Wii U tidbit
- EA bringing FIFA 13 and Madden 13, people rage about old engines/a few missing features
- 13th of september: Wii U press thing hosted by Reggie in the US

You forgot about U-Fat. Nintendo's
attempt to grab the 'pastry-loving-frenchman' demographic.





I suppose that the biggest question everybody has about the Wii U version has to do with just how good the game looks. Honestly, it looks incredible on Wii U. So incredible, in fact, that it makes me wonder why the PS3 version looks as ropey as it does. This isn’t to say that the PS3 demo I played looked abysmal, far from it, but it definitely didn’t look as smooth and texture rich as the Wii U version does. Of course, as the Wii U version is actually a port, the most likely explanation for visual differences is that the PS3 version is an older build, perhaps an E3 demo, while the Wii U version is up to date.


My source is my ass!
At E3 this year, were the games running on final hardware (spec)? I assume they were?


Hyping edit: but even if the hardware is set in stone since a moment, it doesn't prevent the fact that thanks to new SDK, optimizations of engines, middleware and other parameters, there have been huge improvements in the latest game builds compare to those of a few months ago.
I dont understand whats so "off" about the WiiU version of assassin creed. What am I supposed to be looking for thats not right. Ive watched the ign direct feed and off screen WiiU demo of assassin creed 3 and I dont see how its not on par with the other 2. I honestly think people are just saying stuff to just say it.


Honestly, games likes Gears of War 3, God of War 3 Uncharted 3 and FFXIII (PS3) should be the bare minimum the Wii U can do, just add some AA. Obviously not all games will aim for superior graphics or those kind of art styles but you get what I mean. This gens best looking games should be the standard next gen.
So I was watching this Zombi U video (in French) from Gamescom and the dev' is saying (don't know if it has already been pointed here) that the game will be much more longer than what they were initially tartgeting (a 7h/8h campaign). He thinks that the game offers now a 15h/20h campaign (depending players skills), with 17 levels which "are bigger" than what he's demoing in this vid.

Other stuff from this vid.:

- 5 "specials" zombies (more skilled) without counting the bosses
- The messages/notifications we can see in the game come from the comunity/other players (demoed at 14: 16)
- There're 4 npc characters in the campaign who'll be the story drivers.

I don't know if this has already been discussed, but it looks like you get Notifications when:

  1. One of your friends is infected.
  2. One of your infected friends is destroyed by another friend.
  3. One of your infected friends captures another one of your friends.

I think that's pretty neat.


If I ever buy Assassin's Creed 3 Wii U, it'll be for the unique experience that I can't have on PC/PS360, otherwise I'll just wait the PC version for the best graphics possible if I really care about it.
All I know is that I have friend working on a launch game (I used to work for them too a long time ago) and they're working on a game that will be out around launch on PS3/360/WIIU and he said (he's a programmer) that is a really nice machine with lots of guts, easily comparable to PS3, and MUCH easier to work on.


I dont understand whats so "off" about the WiiU version of assassin creed. What am I supposed to be looking for thats not right. Ive watched the ign direct feed and off screen WiiU demo of assassin creed 3 and I dont see how its not on par with the other 2. I honestly think people are just saying stuff to just say it.

It's just some particle effects missing. Nothing you'll notice.

Also, a few posts up, you'll see a quote from an article saying the wiiu build looks considerably better than the ps3 one :p


Really off topic, but I have a question. When you are playing an FPS on the 360 and you go to fire using right trigger, does the trigger register as soon as there is any compression? I don't play FPS games so I don't know... If it isn't on initial compression but maybe slightly further in, wouldn't that mean that the Wii U controller's digital triggers are technically slightly better for shooters? Lots of ifs there.


All I know is that I have friend working on a launch game (I used to work for them too a long time ago) and they're working on a game that will be out around launch on PS3/360/WIIU and he said (he's a programmer) that is a really nice machine with lots of guts, easily comparable to PS3, and MUCH easier to work on.

Is it an announced game or one of the ones we still don't have confirmation of?
All I know is that I have friend working on a launch game (I used to work for them too a long time ago) and they're working on a game that will be out around launch on PS3/360/WIIU and he said (he's a programmer) that is a really nice machine with lots of guts, easily comparable to PS3, and MUCH easier to work on.

It's great that Wii U is more powerful than current generation consoles. I know I'll be pleased with the visuals, but it's still a little unfortunate that the notion that it could be weaker has to even be entertained.

With a new console, this shouldn't even be questioned. I'm also concerned that whatever extra power Wii U has will be used by the GamePad or even two of them. It makes me think Nintendo should have packed some more power in there.


Really off topic, but I have a question. When you are playing an FPS on the 360 and you go to fire using right trigger, does the trigger register as soon as there is any compression? I don't play FPS games so I don't know... If it isn't on initial compression but maybe slightly further in, wouldn't that mean that the Wii U controller's digital triggers are technically slightly better for shooters? Lots of ifs there.

Depends on the game and on the gun. Some games have guns that react on whether the play pulls completely down on the trigger or is barely holding it. Though it's not the case for most guns. This is really for separating spraying and burst shooting.
Really off topic, but I have a question. When you are playing an FPS on the 360 and you go to fire using right trigger, does the trigger register as soon as there is any compression? I don't play FPS games so I don't know... If it isn't on initial compression but maybe slightly further in, wouldn't that mean that the Wii U controller's digital triggers are technically slightly better for shooters? Lots of ifs there.

They do, but I tried the controller yesterday and they are REALLY sensitive, not at all like the bumpers on the 360 controller or even R1/L1 on a dualshock, made me realize how hard I actually do press the 360 triggers


Depends on the game and on the gun. Some games have guns that react on whether the play pulls completely down on the trigger or is barely holding it. Though it's not the case for most guns. This is really for separating spraying and burst shooting.

They do, but I tried the controller yesterday and they are REALLY sensitive, not at all like the bumpers on the 360 controller or even R1/L1 on a dualshock, made me realize how hard I actually do press the 360 triggers

Obviously any advantage of digital triggers in shooters would be fractions of a fraction of a second, so not really even worth noting I don't guess. I think it may feel smoother though going into iron sights with a click then firing with a click rather than an entire tug down on the trigger. However, like I said, I'm not a shooter fan so I have no clue. Just trying to put a positive spin on the digital triggers :)
We all know Nintendo games will scream on it, and that's all I really care about. If Game X looks better on PS3, then I own one of those too so it's all good.


So I was at Fan Expo today but Batman and Scriblenauts looked like they weren't HD (jaggies on the text), I tried looking at the back of the TVs but I couldn't really see. Has anyone at any Wii U event checked whether to see if they were actually using HDMI?

That seems really odd considering Scriblenauts is confirmed to be one of the 1080P games if I remember correctly.

Hyping edit: but even if the hardware is set in stone since a moment, it doesn't prevent the fact that thanks to new SDK, optimizations of engines, middleware and other parameters, there have been huge improvements in the latest game builds compare to those of a few months ago.

For all we know, Nintendo could've put the same amount of RAM from the dev kits in the final units. Microsoft did just that with the 360. The half RAM dogma is just speculation

Mind you I don't believe they did, and I have very realistic expectations about the WiiU.


> So, we have Shane from GT saying Wii U looks better

> Then we have GamesRadar saying it look 'night and day' worse

> Now Gamer's Hub saying it looks 'incredible' in turn making PS3 version look 'ropey'

This is getting fucking insane. WTF??

Someone here is lying, Going to have to say the gamesradar guy is, simply by how he wrote his article, it's so nit picky. It really sounded more like mud slinging.

For all we know, Nintendo could've put the same amount of RAM from the dev kits in the final units. Microsoft did just that with the 360. The half RAM dogma is just speculation

Mind you I don't believe they did, and I have very realistic expectations about the WiiU.

Nintendo also did this with the 3DS, so they could if they wanted to. Though I doubt it.
Someone here is lying, Going to have to say the gamesradar guy is, simply by how he wrote his article, it's so nit picky. It really sounded more like mud slinging.

Nintendo also did this with the 3DS, so they could if they wanted to. Though I doubt it.

I've played all 3 versions and all looked the same to me.


It's great that Wii U is more powerful than current generation consoles. I know I'll be pleased with the visuals, but it's still a little unfortunate that the notion that it could be weaker has to even be entertained.

With a new console, this shouldn't even be questioned. I'm also concerned that whatever extra power Wii U has will be used by the GamePad or even two of them. It makes me think Nintendo should have packed some more power in there.

All I know is that I have friend working on a launch game (I used to work for them too a long time ago) and they're working on a game that will be out around launch on PS3/360/WIIU and he said (he's a programmer) that is a really nice machine with lots of guts, easily comparable to PS3, and MUCH easier to work on.

Whenever I find myself wishing that the Wii U was more powerful, I just think about this:






And then I realize that Nintendo did a lot of things on vastly underpowered hardware. I think we'll have plenty of beautiful stuff to look at.


I've played all 3 versions and all looked the same to me.

Then they are talking about the game not the hardware.

That's the general philosophy of multiplatformers, this is an expected result, some will put more effort than other's, there is really nothing that can show the true power of the hardware because that is a pretty big engineering effort that takes months, and that's ofcourse just the programming side of things Im talking about here, for those games to come out we need like a year or 2 years, some devs got head start with dev kits such as crytek. Id software however isn't quite clear if they developing anything before Doom4 comes out, but im sure they're researching.


I've played all 3 versions and all looked the same to me.

I think the comparisons between different gameplay sections with unfinished code of what might be from version in different states of development is pointless anyway. Once the game is out on all platforms we can make a useful graphics comparison.


Well, in that case, everyone is bullshitting (firefox's spell check did NOT tell me bullshitting was not a word).

I think it all points to te fact that the differences are neglegable and that modern graphical improvements aren't necessarily quantifiable to the general public.

This will be the story of the next gen. Nothing will blow people away.

Except Mario Galaxy 3.


I think it all points to te fact that the differences are neglegable and that modern graphical improvements aren't necessarily quantifiable to the general public.

This will be the story of the next gen. Nothing will blow people away.

Except Mario Galaxy 3.

Art will blow them away. I can honestly see that no one will be blown away by the graphics of realistic shooters, but, games where the art was the main focus of the graphics will blow our minds, this includes the WiiU.


All I know is that I have friend working on a launch game (I used to work for them too a long time ago) and they're working on a game that will be out around launch on PS3/360/WIIU and he said (he's a programmer) that is a really nice machine with lots of guts, easily comparable to PS3, and MUCH easier to work on.

Yep, yep, announced. 60fps too.
Time for my
amazing detective work.

The game is third party because your friend has worked with the PS3
The game runs at 60fps
60fps games are usually platformers or fighting games, sports, and racing games.

So, that leaves Scribbelnauts, Rayman Legends, Lego City Undercover, Rabbids Land, SonicRacing, Tekken Tag Turnament 2, or Trine 2, FIFA or Madden.

Weed out the Japanese developers since your friend is most likely a western developer.

That means your friend either works for Ubisoft, Frozenbyte, 5th Cell, Sumo Digital, Traveller's tales, Or EA Sports.

Is it anyone of the above? (I'm bored btw)


Whenever I find myself wishing that the Wii U was more powerful, I just think about this:






And then I realize that Nintendo did a lot of things on vastly underpowered hardware. I think we'll have plenty of beautiful stuff to look at.
Great looking games with excellent art styles. Technical marvels. Yours pics don't do them justice though since they are bullshots used from Dolphin and uprezzed to 1080p.


Great looking games with excellent art styles. Technical marvels. Yours pics don't do them justice though since they are bullshots used from Dolphin and uprezzed to 1080p.

Bummer I tried really hard to find legit shots! Oh well, my point still stands though. Nintendo likely won't outdo games like Uncharted in terms of realism, so people may never understand how truly gorgeous their upcoming games will be. I feel like they will put out a cartooney/cel shaded/artistic game within a year or two that couldn't have been done on PS360 simply because Nintendo devs are so damn talented.
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