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Wii U Community Thread

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I was really just talking about these two lists. The first list obviously doesn't include any third party published titles. And the 3DS had a long first party drought until Ocarina 3D and Star Fox 64 3D.

Who cares who publishes a title? The fact is the 3DS had a huge variety of genres at launch and during its launch window, and good games coming out throughout the launch window. I mean,

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Lego City Undercover
Project P-100

I don't count those as first-party titles, as they were developed by third-parties and don't include any Nintendo characters or franchises, and most likely would have been developed even if Nintendo didn't pay for it. Same as I don't consider Mass Effect a Microsoft game, though they published the first one in the series. And if you take those away from the list, all you are left with are Nintendoland, New Super Mario Bros., Pikmin 3, and Wii-Fit U. Which is definitely a better first-party launch lineup than Nintendogs, Steel Diver, and Pilotwings, but still not what I'd consider a good first-party launch lineup by any means.


I'm happy with the Wii U lineup because I'm a big Pikmin fan.

But for those who aren't into Pikmin, all you have is New Mario Bros and Nintendo Land as far as first party offerings.

And I'm not sure how much that'll attract Nintendo fans.

A huge reason Wii sold well at launch is because Twilight Princess launched with it. The other reason was Wii Sports.

from what I know so far... I'm not buying Wii U for first party games yet
NintendoLand it's not my cup of tea and I won't buy a $300-350 console for a 2D Mario
Actually, that brings up a good question - why the heck is Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3? Did they have to do that to get the game released at all? If so, that doesn't bode well for third-party games hitting the system.
Actually, that brings up a good question - why the heck is Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3? Did they have to do that to get the game released at all? If so, that doesn't bode well for third-party games hitting the system.

Probably because they already have a publisher relationship with that development team.


Actually, that brings up a good question - why the heck is Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3? Did they have to do that to get the game released at all? If so, that doesn't bode well for third-party games hitting the system.
Nintendo published FF4 in Japan, and Samurai Warriors 3 in America. It´s not the first time they publish Tecmo games.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Actually, that brings up a good question - why the heck is Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3? Did they have to do that to get the game released at all? If so, that doesn't bode well for third-party games hitting the system.

It seems like an odd choice to me too. Hopefully Nintendo will get a more interesting title from Tecmo as part of the arrangement.
Who cares who publishes a title? The fact is the 3DS had a huge variety of genres at launch and during its launch window, and good games coming out throughout the launch window. I mean,

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Lego City Undercover
Project P-100

I don't count those as first-party titles, as they were developed by third-parties and don't include any Nintendo characters or franchises, and most likely would have been developed even if Nintendo didn't pay for it. Same as I don't consider Mass Effect a Microsoft game, though they published the first one in the series. And if you take those away from the list, all you are left with are Nintendoland, New Super Mario Bros., Pikmin 3, and Wii-Fit U. Which is definitely a better first-party launch lineup than Nintendogs, Steel Diver, and Pilotwings, but still not what I'd consider a good first-party launch lineup by any means.

I would imagine (hope?) that Nintendo publishing these games would mean heightened exposure for them. The agreement may include marketing deals and so on.


We're very versatile here.
I'm more interested about which developer might make full use of the Wii U hardware. Granted Ubi's work with porting ACIII in a short time is a good sign, but I'm thinking more about who will fill the shoes that Factor 5 left behind in the "technical showcase" department.

I was watching a couple of Pandora's Tower playthroughs and I'm surprised how much Ganbarion can push hardware. There are some effects in that game which I wish was present in Xenoblade, despite being of different scales.

I guess our best bet is Shin'En and Capcom (But Darkside Chronicles was great because of Cavia's work). Retro's pretty good too but the two above developers manage to squeeze some shader-like effects from TEV.
Actually, that brings up a good question - why the heck is Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3? Did they have to do that to get the game released at all? If so, that doesn't bode well for third-party games hitting the system.
They're publishing it because the original NG3 had problems. This is meant to be their "fixed" version.


Actually, that brings up a good question - why the heck is Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3? Did they have to do that to get the game released at all? If so, that doesn't bode well for third-party games hitting the system.

Obviously so they can put Samus in Dead or Alive 5...


Actually, that brings up a good question - why the heck is Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3? Did they have to do that to get the game released at all? If so, that doesn't bode well for third-party games hitting the system.

The game is being polished and given many features the HD Twins' versions lack, seemingly making it the definitive console version. Makes sense to support the extra effort with a publishing deal. If the game does well, could this mean definitive versions for future multiplatform titles?

Then again, we're all hearing how Aliens: Colonial Marines is going to be the ultimate console version, and that's still published by Sega...Hmmm...


It's definitely an early hint that Xbox 3's price doesn't seem to be setting up to be "reasonable".

That's not going to fly, at all. At least with phones it makes sense (Certian amount a month for this much texts/minutes/Internet), but how the hell will it work with a console? You'll be paying monthly for say, 5 years (More like double, but let's say 5). Even if it was $10 a month, that's still $600, not including the initial payment. I'm assuming Xbox Live will be free as well under this. Unless the damn games are free I don't see how this is gonna work.

I do see it working if they offer enough for the average consumer. If you get tonnes of tv and movies, gaming, internet, all your social shit, yadda yadda. Some people might sign up for that for a couple of years.


Maybe this is just NPD pessimism, but I cannot shake the feeling that PS4/720 going crazy spec wise and 3rd parties following suit is going to be disastrous for the industry.

i'm not so sure. microsoft is getting to their endgame next gen. if the information we got today is true, then they'll finally have their one box that does everything in their next generation system. they've been planning a long time to get this out to the masses, and it hits at a pretty good time (when this sort of stuff is getting popular and internet speeds are pretty fast).

sony going with a weaker spec system might get left behind if they don't have compelling software or services. they could be caught in the middle of nintendo's cheaper family-friendly thing, and microsoft's high-end super fancy thing.

although i think nintendo's the one most likely to bow out. i'm not sure how well 2d mario will help them this time. it's genuinely the only thing they have going for them, i think. i guess we'll see.

also, i'm fairly sure today's npd results were the worst in years. like, maybe since it was just the n64/psx/gb on the charts.
Nintendo is already failing on that front, they didn't even mention Project P-100 at their press conference.

But they secured a deal for Spike to get the exclusive reveal which further fueled the two or three gameplay demos they had.

Otherwise I am not sure Spike, or any large media outlet, would have given two shits about the game.


[creepy bald guy.jpg]

And animated convincingly, then I think people will be blown away.
Other than the other points brought up about realism, I think the issue with it is what I bolded there...it's a big if. Major movie studios still don't really have it down, I can see game studios having the same problem (uncanny valley and all that stuff).
I was wondering about this too. Essentially make it a PC in a box, running Windows 8 in some form and then they can develop for essentially one platform.
Which I'm thinking might mean DRM out the ass to protect against piracy. On one hand it could be ok like Steam, on the other hand it could be like most other companies' DRM. I guess they could take the opportunity to take care of that pesky used games problem too while they're at it.
Wait... Were people expecting otherwise?
I was going to say "sub zero suit" Samus but realized she'd just be dressed like a Lost Planet character.


3DS had a very wide range of games on day 1, let alone in the "launch window", quite a bit better than that list:

Pilotwings Resort – Nintendo
Steel Diver – Nintendo
nintendogs + cats – Nintendo
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition – CAPCOM
The Sims 3 – EA
Madden NFL Football – EA SPORTS
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D – Konami
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars – LucasArts
Super Monkey Ball 3D – SEGA
Asphalt 3D – UBISOFT
Combat of Giants Dinosaurs 3D – UBISOFT
Rayman 3D – UBISOFT
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Shadow Wars – UBISOFT

Really...? I don't see anything in that list that looks as compelling as Pikmin 3, P-100, Mario Bros U, or even Nintendo Land for that matter. Street Fighter is the only thing on that list that even broke 80 on Metacritic. Assassin's Creed and Darksiders beat pretty much any 3rd party game on that list by far even considering that they're multiplats.
I don't understand the Gaming side at the moment. You can display utter cynicism and stupid troll "next gen" comments and not get banned but you if you make fun of Sony's sales or something in an NPD thread (2007-09) you get banned. What gives? Why is shitposting only allowed if it's directed at Nintendo?


I don't understand the Gaming side at the moment. You can display utter cynicism and stupid troll "next gen" comments and not get banned but you if you make fun of Sony's sales or something in an NPD thread (2007-09) you get banned. What gives? Why is shitposting only allowed if it's directed at Nintendo?

But people troll about Vita sales all the time.
Yeah but it doesn't go on for 30 pages, usually it deteriorates into something like "Ouch, Vita" by page 5 or so. In Wii U threads it's endless and out of control and frankly making Gaming unreadable at the moment >_>
I don't understand the Gaming side at the moment. You can display utter cynicism and stupid troll "next gen" comments and not get banned but you if you make fun of Sony's sales or something in an NPD thread (2007-09) you get banned. What gives? Why is shitposting only allowed if it's directed at Nintendo?

Probably has to do with the fact it's an NPD thread. People mock Vita sales elsewhere all the time. Too fun :p
Shouldn't it get to a point where a mod can just be like
"Wait a minute, we're not Gamespot!" and lay smackdown on the shit throwing fight that's happening in Gaming atm?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't understand the Gaming side at the moment. You can display utter cynicism and stupid troll "next gen" comments and not get banned but you if you make fun of Sony's sales or something in an NPD thread (2007-09) you get banned. What gives? Why is shitposting only allowed if it's directed at Nintendo?

Oh for fuck's sake.
I do see it working if they offer enough for the average consumer. If you get tonnes of tv and movies, gaming, internet, all your social shit, yadda yadda. Some people might sign up for that for a couple of years.

Don't get me wrong as I've liked the idea since it was first mentioned. But for them to start testing this at this point in time does lend to the conspiracy that Xbox 3 won't be "cheap".

Oh for fuck's sake.

Just accept you hate Nintendo like the other mods.
I'm more interested about which developer might make full use of the Wii U hardware. Granted Ubi's work with porting ACIII in a short time is a good sign, but I'm thinking more about who will fill the shoes that Factor 5 left behind in the "technical showcase" department.

I was watching a couple of Pandora's Tower playthroughs and I'm surprised how much Ganbarion can push hardware. There are some effects in that game which I wish was present in Xenoblade, despite being of different scales.

I guess our best bet is Shin'En and Capcom (But Darkside Chronicles was great because of Cavia's work). Retro's pretty good too but the two above developers manage to squeeze some shader-like effects from TEV.

I look forward to seeing the supposed improvements to ZombiU in a couple of months. And yeah I can see Capcom in the running for that, though I'm not familiar enough with the others to agree or disagree.

I've been trying to hide my Ken Kutaragi shrine for years.

How did you think you could contain 4D in secret?

Considering this thread is no longer about Wii U Information/Speculation, the guy probably has a point...

Not an excuse. Being OT is being OT, and this is post-E3 hype so I expect some scrutinizing of info. Glad Retro shot down that rumor.

We've had moments like that before. Plus even indirectly it affects Wii U.


I doubt that the 720 will be that more powerful than the WiiU.
I think their performances as game systems will be similar.

First, out of those 16 or 8 cores, MS might simply have 3 to 4 cores reserved for gaming.
The rest will possibly be used exclusively for other tasks. Then we have to wonder how sophisticated each core is. The same goes for the memory, only a portion used for gaming. In the end, what is carved out for gaming will look similar to the WiiU and PS4.

Lets not forget, a CPU is benefited more by the GPU than having more cores.

That said, Im staying far away from Microsoft spy box. The system will be very intrusive.
Tracking your behavior, watching and listening to you, etc. Im not trading in my privacy for entertainment.


Gold Member
Add a free $10-15 game each month from XBLA and the deal will be just as a phone subscription, without it I fail to see the how it's like a phone subscription where I every month gets 3000sms, 1000mms, 2GB data and can use the the very last "cent" up by calling voice calls.

Obviously so they can put Samus in Dead or Alive 5...
For some reason I can envision this happening lol.
And see this version selling the best of them ALL because of Samus ^^
and then see DoA6 not coming for Wii U later because some made up reason.


Don't get me wrong as I've liked the idea since it was first mentioned. But for them to start testing this at this point in time does lend to the conspiracy that Xbox 3 won't be "cheap".

Oh I don't think it will be cheap. 8GB of RAM? Ow. They could definitely spread that out with a payment plan Iike the $99 offering. A $500 or $600 console at $20 a monthe over 2-3 years.
Wow, I'm just now seeing these Vita numbers. WOW. And the only thing they have this summer is what...Gravity Rush? And remember, the fiscal year prediction was 10m

This is sad, man. They could have saved this money from this bomb and went towards making the PS4 not totally stupid in cost.
StartSomething said:
If CVG is right Durango would need to preform DVR functionality while playing games. Having 8GB of memory would probably make something like that easier.
So it's like that reserved 512 MB of Wii U memory, taken to an even greater extreme.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
And Durango most certainly is a media box. Our sources tell us it even has a standard aerial socket in the back - a kind of integrated version of PS3's PlayTV dongle - to give it complete ownership of your TV activities. The Blu-ray drive is a dead cert, we're told, and joins Freeview, Sky and a wealth of on-demand services in being controlled by Kinect.


I had to look up what an "arial socket" was. Turns out it is the Euro equivalent of a coaxial cable connector.


So Microsoft is going to turn the Xbox into a TV-Tuner/DVR. That is the exact same angle I fantasized Nintendo doing for the Wii U...


That would make my idea of making individual games as part of the channel lineup possible. In between the normal channels you'd assign sub-channels to installed games. For example in between HGTV(229) and the Food Network(230) would be the Pikmin channel on channel 229b.

Anyways, Microsoft is going to have the set top while Nintendo will have the Universal Remote(Gamepad). Both seem a little incomplete without the other.

I wonder if the cable companies might revolt at the idea of Xboxen taking over their lucrative HD/DVR settop business. By law they are supposed to supply cable cards to consumers (I think), but they might find a way to make it difficult.


And apparently generalizing Nintendo fans that only own Nintendo systems as "children" is fine too.
Just remember - don't respond to any of the insults or trolling. Ignore it all. Resist the urge to hit the reply button.. over and over and over and over again. We've been instructed repeatedly to send a PM to the mods. Hmm.

I think Nirolak used the phrase "take the high road" when giving this explicit instruction on our last thread.

Ahh.. yes.. here it is:

Seems like it was just yesterday when it was posted.


I had to look up what an "arial socket" was. Turns out it is the Euro equivalent of a coaxial cable connector.


So Microsoft is going to turn the Xbox into a TV-Tuner/DVR. That is the exact same angle I fantasized Nintendo doing for the Wii U...


That would make my idea of making individual games as part of the channel lineup possible. In between the normal channels you'd assign sub-channels to installed games. For example in between HGTV(229) and the Food Network(230) would be the Pikmin channel on channel 229b.

Anyways, Microsoft is going to have the set top while Nintendo will have the Universal Remote(Gamepad). Both seem a little incomplete without the other.

I wonder if the cable companies might revolt at the idea of Xboxen taking over their lucrative HD/DVR settop business. By law they are supposed to supply cable cards to consumers (I think), but they might find a way to make it difficult.
It'd be...an interesting way of going about it. CableCard requires some pain in the ass certification (albeit MS has experience already), but the bigger thing is that I think it's a US only thing (plus either the cert or licensing or something is expensive iirc). Something like an integrated coax would be pretty useless in the US without CableCard, while CC would be useless everywhere else, and when CC gets ditched it'll then be useless everywhere. Might be like the 360's drive module, like just an add on piece that integrates into the design, it'd let them keep the costs down and future proof themselves. Hopefully it'd just be able to use existing external CC tuners (haha yeah right).

As someone already using Windows Media Center + CC tuner + 360s as extenders, I wouldn't mind if the next box can function as a standalone Media Center box. It'd save me the trouble of building/buying another PC and paying for Windows just to use MC...also might explain why they're not doing shit with it for Windows 8.

All that said I'd probably also wait a few years for it to get cheaper if it comes out really expensive. I didn't get a PS2 or Xbox, and didn't get the 360 until late 2009 when it was $200 (for Trials HD), I can wait a few years again if the Wii U is vaguely decent.
I'm not saying you're biased or anything, I'm just wondering when the line will be drawn. At the moment it's reaching "Cool Story Bro" levels of retarded thread replies.

Took a while for all the idiotic IOS hate to be regulated, but sooner or later it gets done from my experience.

The amount of Sony hate and MS bashing is about equal on Gaming side. I'd say that Nintendo, IOS and Facebook games get the most shit though from the United HD fanboy front. UHDFF

But I thought we were the Popular HD Fanboy Front...

Just ignore it, or report it to mods. I agree that trolls are really shitting up the gaming side, and the cynicism there is almost unbearable. I just stay away from there, because honestly it's not a place I enjoy to engage in right now. A pitty really, but the gaming forum right now is a hatefull cynical mess. It might get better the farther we get from E3, but honestly, I doubt it.

You have interesting interviews with Warren Spector about violence for violence's sake, and what follows is a shitstorm of people calling him an old fart who wants to ruin their gleefull enjoyment of simulated mutilation instead of reading the interview and reflecting on it.

I'll just stick to this thread and Off Topic... that's enough for me.
It's also easier to answer - the persecution complex. Always comes before an insular community of any sort.

EDIT: Besides, let's not pretend GAF isn't an insular community - this is just an insular community within an insular community.
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