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Will Halo 2 outsell GTA:SA in the UK? (charttrack to be released later today)

Despite the significant lead the PS2 has over the Xbox in installed base (over 6-1 in Europe), I think with 2 weeks behind GTA and guessing that Halo 2 will attract a lot of new buyers, I'll say that H2 take the crown for the week.

( NOTE: I didn't get to take part in the GAF NPD thread, so I'm a little desperate here. :D
BTW, that thread totally sucked. :lol)


Halo 2 will definitely come out numero uno. Still waiting for that >500K thread. That should add a little spice to the forums. ;)


I just don't see Halo 2 having as much "casual gamer" appeal as the GTA series does, it could be a close call though.


They said it couldn't happen in the States either but, it did. Never underestimate the power of national media....


GTASA is sold out in many parts of the UK. That many sales in such a short time wasnt expected. Even VC sold out in comparsion.

Halo 2 no.1 this week. Down next week or so depending on GTASA stock levels.
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