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Will you still buy a PS5 if Sony doesn't retract and keeps their anti-consumer practices from the PS4?


The nicest person on this forum
Xbox make games that sell?

What I mean is, the reason you keeps seeing Gears, Halo and Forza from MS because those are the games that will sell the most and I don’t want Sony be like that. I LOVED the fact Sony give a chance to games like Gravity Rush, Puppeteer, Folklore, Tokyo Jungle, Soul Sacrifice, Siren Blood Curse and Freedom Wars even tho they knew it won’t do big numbers. But now they mostly focus their western games because those are the games that will sell the most.

Currently I’m seeing this with Nintendo giving a chance to games like Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina even tho Nintendo knows very well it won’t sell as much as games like Pokémon and Mario.
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The only issue I have with that list is censorship. Its annoying but not a deal breaker. When will the world get out of this SJW phase though? Its been long enough.


I dont care a shit about those. Sony keeps giving good games with good system&best controller = I'm in.

Crossplay is kind of weird point anyway, there are enough gamers on every system.

And at least in my circles everyone have the same console(Playstation) as main system and few have switch.

14) maybe these loyal customers should learn to play? I have 4 controllers from launch with +5000h on them at least, zero wear on sticks other than bit more slippery surface. Same with my friends. Only one that breaks his sticks is anger management issues guy whom screams while gaming and punishes the controller because he is just too stupid to stay calm

People break their sticks by using finger nails, throwing em around or using way too much of force like nhl players with their crazy aggressive style.

Anything breaks with stupid users
To be fair one of my controllers started drifting. If you're good at diy you can replace the sensors. I'm not so my toddler got a new toy. :messenger_beaming: and I'm not one to throw around my controller...
i'll buy a PS5 as long as it has games i want to play and i can't play anywhere else.

In the end this is what it really comes down to. The only reason I'd get the new Xbox system, whatever it's fucking called, is if it significantly outstrips the performance of my PC and buying it is cheaper than a PC upgrade, but even then I might not do it because at launch I may only be able to afford one console and playing XBOX exclusives at medium-low settings on my computer sounds like an okay trade to get PS5 exclusives. Even then I think the power of these systems might be getting overestimated, so far I can play all games released to date at high settings, so my worries are probably unfounded. That said if the systems really do outdo my PC getting multiplats on a PS5 would be the way to go, all in all I feel like PS5 is the logical choice for any PC owner unless you're in this exact scenario: You absolutely LOVE Gears of War and Halo and your PC can't keep up with their newer entries on XBOX. I usually try to get all systems in a gen, but next gen I might not so long as everything xbox goes PC.



Edit: Nobody ever complains that Voostiebaby driveby-threads... Jizzed his stupid asphyxiation-delirium thoughts into OP and fucks right off to the "Create a new thread"-button. TAKE. HIS. CREATOR. RIGHTS. AWAY!
It's a two edged sword. Some people find his gibberish entertaining and would deeply miss their seasonal dose of GAF-comedy.


Another hit and run by voost.
Saying SONY has anti consumer practices while you boast about Stadia tells me all I need to know about you.
Oh man, this is a strange list, it's not worth the bytes it's stored into.

The controllers should not break them unless you throw them or something.

All console platform holders control release schedule to some extent.

Platform content censorship is not something I agree with, but in the grand scheme of things it's not a deal breaker.

PSNow is not only a streaming service (it allows games to be downloaded if they exist on the ps4). It has been available for years now, and I suspect it will be upgraded at some point, however I could not care less... And contrarily to Stadia it works (even when streaming).

Closing multiple studios was a bit sad, but "not losing money" is not how you manage a company, most of them have been doing more or less the same games for a long while at that point, and we don't know what they had presented as their next project (i didn't). It's not as if they were did not give us some of the best games ever made in the last few years.

I'll stop it there, it has been too long already.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
As long as Sony's first party exclusives keep giving me excellent 9+ rated exclusive games, game of the year winners/contenders and game of the generation winners, I could care less about all that other shit.


The only point that bothers me it that you cannot buy a game CODE from alternate retailers anymore. So if I want a digital copy of a game at launch I always have to pay more.

still buying ps5
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PS5 is a definite no-buy until Sony gives up their censorship agenda. I won't support a manufacturer that aggressively pushes puritan values and tries to put a taboo on any sexual content, content that is fine in movies, books, etc.. And full-on porn is forbidden on consoles anyway.

Fuck Sony. Virtual Reality especially makes no sense wihout sexy content.

And now I'll wait for the 'lol, go watch porn then'- and 'it's just anike tiddies, dude'-apologists. 🤦‍♀️
Censorship on an increasing number of games
Why would I care, I do not play any such games

You're also not a jew, so why care about rising antisemitism in Germany, right?

Censorship is a value that ought to be Important to everyone. You don't get to wait until it hits something you *do* care about getting censored. The issue is not what the specific content is - the issue is that *any* censorship is an attack on creative freedom and people's right to enjoy whatever they choose to, as long as it's legal. Sony is acting like they're above the law - this must be criticized.


I will buy 2, one for myself and one to keep the shelf to piss off OP.

some of the points are laughable...
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Gold Member
Most of those points are small in the grand scheme of things except #15 customer service.

Out of all the major game platforms, and that includes Steam. Sony consistently gets the weirdest and worst CS stories where you get anything from refund denials and account bans for getting a refund.

It's like going to a store and refunding something. Then the next time you come to the store, they don't let you in, and neither into any other stores blocks away. A big metal gate gets shut in your face for asking for a $50 refund.
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My ethics are not strong enough to fully boycott PS5.

1. I want it for backwards compatibility.
2. Their exclusives are too good not to play.

Besides that, all other games I already choose to play on other platforms, censored or not. I'm sure they don't even notice my little boycott.
Censorship on an increasing number of games
Why would I care, I do not play any such games and what is being "censored" does not affect gameplay, which is all I care for.
You're also not a jew, so why care about rising antisemitism in Germany, right?
2 and 6 are a plus!

I don't wanna play with Nintentrolls, i hide most of their topics (greatest option on the internet), never go to reeeenintentrollsland... playing with Xbox fans is cool by the way.

Having a bad streaming service in Europe is the same as having a good one, no one cares exept US youtube 40's dudes you know.

I don't care about plus price or what is Sony doing with indies. PS2 emulation was ok. You should also try to import games and learn some japanese.

But as a Sony enthusiast, i admit all your points are mostly valide. Still, it's not enough, there are minus, to drop Playstation, that's give an idea on how bad are others. Nintendo is out of the home market and more than 50% of their 1st party games are ports from the WiiU and are sold as major new games at full price (at least Chronicles x aka their best game since the super famicom is coming to the Switch... with cartoons/childish new textures). For MS, it'll take more than a gen to fix all the crap of the One. At least there have been an audit and a road map has been decided in order to make a better brand.


I recall Catherine was heavily expected to be censored but came out unscathed. I think most censorship was around nude minors.

Last I checked DMC5 was still censored. Why not give the option to the user, like an 18 switch one can flip?

Again its nor a deal breaker but its certainly annoying having an in game character's butt hidden by JJ Abrams style flare when one can go and find free porn so easily.


When exactly was the use of this phrase "anti-consumer" popularized?

It just seems like the go to phrase for anything that people don't agree with.

For example:
"PSnow prices"

Surely the prices can only be deemed anti-consumer if there is some kind of collusion between PS and other companies to "fix" prices?
Or maybe if there is some kind of hidden aspect to the charges.


It's Voost, he makes up reasons to not buy consoles while the rest of us decide if there are enough good games to make it worth the money. He's like the climate activist screaming in our faces about the carbon footprint of the beef industry while we're trying to decide between a double-cheeseburger or roast beef and swiss on rye.


Hell I'll probably end up buying 2 before all is said and done. You know what I call an anti-consumer practice? Making a console that doesn't have any good games on it. Microsoft can pound sand until they recognize this flaw in their business model.
NGL, the censorship stuff has been a real pain for me and arguably the biggest reason I'm hesitant about PS5. Moving their gaming headquarters to California was a massive mistake imho.

I don't want my favorite Japanese games of next gen to have that sexy TnA censored (but surprise surprise, the male characters can be near buck-naked like Urien and no outcries, what a double standard) just because of some American clown circus of a socio-political "culture war". I'd rather that stuff die off on both sides but it doesn't feel like that's gonna be the case.

Sony moving the PS headquarters to California just means they've cemented a seat head-first into that schlock, and that's gonna lead to more censorship of anything that doesn't conform to "certain" political extremes. At least there's still Nintendo I guess, but tech-wise Switch is going to look outright antiquated once next-gen arrives. Long as they keep doing good tho I guess most Japanese devs will support them with exclusives and ports, even if it means some extra work.

MS is kinda in the middle for me; they haven't done as much censoring as Sony but then again, they aren't in a position to do so, either. It's not just Sony either, though; now companies like Square-Enix are popping up these bogus "ethics committees" whose only goal is to pressure censorship on mostly non-Western game devs.

None of this would probably be an issue if the original Japanese versions weren't censored, too, but that's already happening with some games and it'll get worst going forward. Meanwhile companies like Blizzard also want to use Chinese releases as basis for global versions of their games, and they know China is very backwards when it comes to this kind of stuff.

So yeah, I'm very weary with PS5 because of this, regardless of how good the hardware is or the exclusives look. This shit is bigger than that imho.


I'm on the fence. Right now I'm not interested. The censorship is the biggest drawback for me, and for those asking iirc Labyrinth Life was the most recent example I know of. The near complete lack of Vita support also sucked, hell it was the anime/weeb/indie stuff that kept the damn thing afloat as long as it did and it was glorious. I personally can't and thus wont use VR, neither can most people I know irl, and I see their push into that field on PS4 similar to what MS did with Kinect on 360 and early One. Since I'm not about that life, I'd rather get more "traditional" games. I expect only a few exclusives I'd play.

That coupled with many of their games overlapping in design and aesthetics, I'm in no rush to get a PS5 day 1. I hope they return to form though, and offer a diverse portfolio, I'd love to see PS1 and 2 era games available. I'm not into the stinky hook-nosed blunt passing lesbian fantasies of Druckmann.


Many of the listed things aren't even valid anymore.

How long have you held this list in your ass for OP? You really must learn to discern between the shit you have written and the shit stains on the page.


Why can't there be unique American games?
Uniqueness and AAA big budget games don't blend. Japanese devs/publishers not only appreciate uniqueness more than Western ones in general but they also know how to keep budgets relatively low in order to give them room for creativity and experimentation.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I'm just buying the PS5 for the hardware.....they lost me on the games tip like a generation ago and my PS3 is getting old


Not Banned from OT
I'll get one when ND games come out but only get exclusives. After they fucked me over on my PS1 games bought on ps3 they won't get an extra dime from me. I bought a ps4 launch day to slapped in the face out of greed. Every other Sony device can play those games but ps4 to get me to subscribe to psnow hell no.


#1 is the only point I care about, if they don't ruin stuff Star Wars :Attack of the SJWsm stile, I'll be fine.

Free PSN is missing in the list, but thanks, everyone who has voted with their wallets to make console network play paid experience.:(


It all comes down to exclusives for me. I usually buy consoles a few years after their release but it's all dependent on if they've got good games or not.


You're also not a jew, so why care about rising antisemitism in Germany, right?

Censorship is a value that ought to be Important to everyone. You don't get to wait until it hits something you *do* care about getting censored. The issue is not what the specific content is - the issue is that *any* censorship is an attack on creative freedom and people's right to enjoy whatever they choose to, as long as it's legal. Sony is acting like they're above the law - this must be criticized.
fuck off with this shit. underage anime crap is the same as the rising antisemitism. the shit u read online.
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